When One Thing Leads to Another Ch. 05


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"Are you going to fuck me now?"

Patrick's cock finally stirred.

At the crack of dawn, Patrick was already awake and silently packing his things. He took in the sight of Corrie's perfect body one last time and quietly closed the door. After taking the stairwell to the parking lot, it only took a couple moments to find the car since the keys had a panic button. Even better, the car was a very standard blue model, and would blend in anywhere. Patrick then tossed the jacket and both sets of luggage into the backseat and drove away from the hotel.

Patrick knew there was irony in that the whole point of the trip was to ditch a stolen vehicle and now, due to similar circumstances, he was leaving with a new stolen vehicle. At least there was no heat on this one yet. Rather than head back towards the city, Patrick took the car even further north into the woods. He was taking no more chances, he was actually going to lay low this time.

After a few more hours of winding through the rural terrain, Patrick pulled the car over near a river bank. He took out the man's luggage and jacket from the backseat and walked for several minutes alongside the river. He finally came up to a swampy inlet buried in thick foliage. As he began filling the remaining space in the man's luggage with rocks, Patrick slipped on the jacket one last time. He couldn't lie to himself, he loved its look. Fuck it, it was a simple green jacket. What risk was there?

He checked the pockets and pulled out the man's room key from the hotel. He tossed this alongside the rocks and painfully dragged the luggage to the edge of the marshy water. With one more heave, the weighted bag landed with a splash and quickly sunk to the bottom.


A blue sedan finally emerged from the wilderness, heading towards the city skyline. A couple weeks had passed since that night at the hotel and a clear-headed Patrick was both excited and frustrated to see civilization. Excited since he'd been in complete isolation, but frustrated as he intended it to last longer. During his time away, Patrick had realized that in his original haste to leave the city, he had left a few suspicious items in his apartment. Now he was making the uneasy, but necessary trip back to take care of them.

Isolation had been a blur. After escaping the hotel and disposing the man's bags, Patrick had trekked even further north until he came across a small cabin for rent. The owner gladly took cash, the car was covered with a tarp, and his time in the woods had begun. Most of it was spent scouring news articles for any information that could be traced to him. The viral missing college students story still had legs, but since there was nothing so far on the man from the hotel, Patrick accepted the risk of driving the stolen car. Besides, it would only be for a night. Then he'd go back into isolation.

What he hadn't prepared for was the temptations that being in public would bring back. After packing up the problematic items he wanted out of his apartment into a black duffel bag and throwing them in his trunk, Patrick was split. His original intention was to sleep, but the music resonating from the dance clubs on the street had him mesmerized. Sleep didn't stand a chance, he'd been alone too long.

In moments, he was inside. He promised himself only one drink, though, especially after what happened last time. The club had quickly become uncomfortable to him, anyways. Evidently it was a Halloween party, and he stuck out only wearing jeans and the green jacket he had stolen. As he paid his bill, he surveyed the club and caught eyes with a group in the VIP section.

He did a double take.

Even from far away, Patrick recognized them. They had been guests at the hotel that night. There were two girls dressed in blue and pink bunny costumes next to a man in a smoking jacket. Patrick didn't recognize the short-haired pink bunny but the blue bunny was the woman he watched flirt with another man in front of her boyfriend at the hotel. He even recalled the man's name was Brad. And Brad was definitely the man in the smoking jacket. The poor boyfriend didn't seem to have gotten an invite.

As Patrick turned towards the exit, another familiar face crossed his path.


She stunned in her tight pink dress and matching headband. She was a real life barbie doll. And just like the night at the hotel, her intentions were clear. After just a few moments of small talk, her soft tongue was in his mouth and her hands groping his ass. She was soon asking him to take her home. It didn't take him much convincing to agree to drive them back to her place. Even after she asked if he could take her friends, too. It was still safer than having her in his apartment.

He soon discovered the friends he'd be driving back were Brad and the two bunnies. At least they'd be eye candy in the backseat now. It wasn't until they all reached the car that Patrick realized there was something familiar about the shy pink bunny even though she hadn't said a word yet. He didn't even get a name, while the other bunny, Mckenzie, had given hers. As he unlocked car doors and she scurried inside, Brad's demanding voice rang out.

"What do you say to him? Look him in the eyes."

His tone even caught Patrick my surprise. The pink bunny stopped in her tracks and sheepishly pulled herself out of the car to face him.

That's when it clicked for Patrick. The boyfriend was the pink bunny.

And the boyfriend's face was beginning to blush as Patrick's smirked back at him. The poor cuck could barely maintain eye contact before he look back at the ground. He quietly whimpered out a thank you but Brad deemed it to be insubstantial. Sounding completely defeated, he tried again.

"Thank you, sir."

Patrick choked back a laugh as Brad slapped the boyfriend's pink-clad butt to squeeze into the car.

He immediately realized that driving the stolen car to Corrie's was a mistake. Between the traffic and the mess being made by her friends in the back, Patrick's frustration was wearing thin. At one point, the boyfriend's purse emptied out on the floor and he was on fours picking items up. Patrick understood then that the car would need a thorough cleaning before he put it back in hiding tomorrow. The only easy part was finding parking at Corrie's apartment.

Patrick watched as the two bunnies scampered with Brad in tow to Mckenzie's room. As much as he wanted to fuck her then, Corrie had other plans and before Patrick could even sit down, shots were getting poured out. He knew he needed to be careful with the liquor after last time and he was grateful that Corrie quickly wanted to take it to the bedroom. Within moments of carrying her there, though, she was fast asleep.

As he stood there alone in the dark, Patrick thought he'd be more upset at the situation. The shots had brought out darker urges instead. He left Corrie asleep in her room and made his way to the recently opened liquor bottle. With no inhibitions left to fight, he poured himself a heavy glass in the dark. He listened to the peculiar sounds coming out of Mckenzie's room of someone getting spanked. Patrick then watched in confused silence as the disheveled boyfriend, still humiliatingly dressed as a pink bunny, hurried out of the apartment with his hands caressing his bottom.

It was when Patrick could see the bottom of the glass, though, that he knew he needed to leave. That murderous urge was getting stronger inside of him and he couldn't have a repeat of last time. His last hope was that maybe he could just fall asleep in his car before any 'opportunities' presented themselves. As he lowered the seat as far back as it could go and laid back, Patrick's eye noticed a handful of items scattered along the backseat floor.

They all belonged to the cuckold boyfriend. His phone. His keys. His IDs. Everything.

Patrick came to a startling realization. He now had the boyfriend's address, as well as a key to his apartment. And no one knew he did. Patrick's opened the trunk and grabbed the black duffel bag that he had packed earlier and looked at the contents.

His smile curled at the ropes and knife inside. It had been decided. The cuck would be his next victim.

An opportunity had presented itself.


Patrick took a deep breath as he parked outside the apartment building address on the boyfriend's ID.

It was now go time. He grabbed the black duffel bag and made his way to the elevators inside the building. After getting off on the correct floor, he silently crept down the hallway until he reached the target apartment. Patrick knew there'd be a chance the cuck wouldn't be there, especially since he left his keys in Patrick's car. If that was the case, he'd hide out in the apartment and ambush the cuck when he finally got in.

As Patrick began turning the key, the apartment door behind him suddenly opened. A startled Patrick jumped as the boyfriend, still dressed in his pink costume, exited into the hallway. It took a moment for Patrick to take him in. He looked so trashy and slutty on one hand, but so oddly captivating on the other. Patrick stood there quietly as the bunny thanked him, grabbed the keys from him, and then walked inside.

Patrick realized he needed to snap himself out of it. Without saying a word, he slipped inside the apartment himself and began removing his jacket for mobility. The boyfriend had noticed that Patrick had followed him in and was now turning back towards him.

Patrick needed to act quick. His shaky hands struggled with unzipping the duffel bag as the bunny came closer and closer. Finally, his hand dove into the bag and curled itself around the handle of the knife, just as the cuckold reached him and dropped to his knees.

Patrick was perplexed. Maybe the cuck was simply accepting his fate? Patrick's fingers gripped tighter around the knife as he prepared to use it.

And then, to Patrick's complete surprise, the cuck began unbuckling his belt. In moments, Patrick's pants were down and a warm mouth was now sucking on his soft cock. He was in utter disbelief. The bunny was desperately blowing him now, Patrick's soft penis bouncing around in his mouth.

And most shocking of all, his cock was responding.

Patrick's mind was blown. This was impossible. When he was in this state, nothing could take him out of it. But somehow this blowjob was cutting through. He could feel his hand, still in the duffel bag, begin to relax around the knife's handle. Patrick was completely erect now, his hips rocking along to slurping and sucking pleasuring his body.

The cuckold was a natural. Like his life depended on it, his tongue swirled over the head of Patrick's dick, making him squirm above. Patrick had given up fighting it and was now whole-heartedly embracing the blissful feeling. The need to cum was now building inside of him.

With a large groan, the dam broke and Patrick let the overwhelming orgasm take over his body. He ejaculated everywhere. All over the sissy cuckold's face, all over the bunny outfit, and even all over the floor.

A relaxing moment of silence was followed by immediate panic. Patrick's eyes widened as he frantically looked around. What the fuck did he just do? Reality was setting in now and he needed to get the hell out of there.

Patrick pulled up his pants, grabbed his black duffel bag, and speed-walked towards the door. By the time he reached the elevator, he was sprinting. How could he be so stupid? His DNA was now all over the apartment!

Moments later, his screeching tires peeled away in the parking lot. Patrick was in a daze. The last couple hours had been a whirlwind that had culminated in him getting a blowjob from a man in a bunny costume that he had intended to murder. He couldn't think about any of that now. Not how he let a witness take advantage of him. Not how incredibly hard he was just a few minutes ago. Not how he left his jacket in the apartment. All he could do was focus on the road.

Patrick maintained this focus all the way back to his cabin safehouse in the woods. The car was covered back up with the tarp and his second journey into isolation commenced. It was about halfway through this session that Patrick had settled on an inevitable conclusion.

The sissy was next.


As the sun rose, a blue car with new license plates tore off in the direction the city. Patrick smiled as the skyline slowly emerged, cutting into the orange sky. it was time to take care of loose ends.

Patrick's plan was fairly simple. Get the sissy alone, but preferably not at his apartment. Even though Patrick still recalled the sissy's address, it would just be safer and harder to trace if the deed was done elsewhere. The address still had value, though, and Patrick was now inconspicuously parked outside it awaiting the sissy to make an appearance. No luck so far, but he knew this would take time. The most interesting (and entertaining) development so far was watching the sissy's girlfriend, Mckenzie, leave the building with a younger man earlier in the morning. Patrick got a laugh at that.

As he watched a delivery truck make its daily drop-off, he got an idea. After helping the driver get through the door, he saw an opportunity to grab a package marked to the sissy's apartment. Maybe he'd get lucky. And indeed he did.

Nestled above a few peculiar items in the package was a handwritten note. Sure, the lingerie, anal training kit, and cock cage were amusing to Patrick, but the note was by far the most important. It simply gave a location, a date, and a time. Perfect. Not only would the sissy be there, Brad and Mckenzie would be, too. More loose ends.

Three weeks later, in front of a high-end hotel, Patrick stood from afar watching the sissy tepidly make his way inside. Patrick could barely hide his mounting rage when he saw his target wearing the stolen green jacket. The sissy was mocking him in his eyes. He patted the black duffel bag, still carrying ropes and a knife, dangling over his shoulder. It was time to act.

Patrick needed to keep his head, though. The trickier part was coming up. He knew which hotel they'd be at, but not the actual room. The floor each elevator was on was displayed in the elevator bank, so Patrick would need to track which floor the sissy's elevator went to. He'd then go up himself, listen in the hallway until he found the room, and wait for someone to leave. After watching the sissy's elevator go all the way to the top floor, Patrick annoyingly realized the guests on that floor could only select the floor. Aggravated, he chose the highest floor he was could select and resigned himself to taking the stairwell from there. After several painful flights of stairs, Patrick swung open the door to the hallway of the top floor. As he did, another door down the hall closed. For a split second, Patrick could've sworn he saw someone wearing lingerie enter it.

That room was his first suspect. Patrick positioned his ear to the door and soon got the confirmation he needed. All three were in the suite. He squeezed his black duffel bag. Even though he'd be outnumbered, he trusted his weapons inside, as well as his element of surprise.

Now he'd wait.

After a period of time, a rhythmic thumping could be heard coming from within. Patrick smirked to himself. With this group, he wasn't sure exactly who was getting fucked, but somebody was. The thumping was now getting louder, along with the accompanied moans. Although he had planned to stay by the door, Patrick made his way down the hall. The noises echoing out of the suite were getting loud enough to draw attention from other rooms. Fortunately, there was small room with an ice machine down the hall that he could camp out in.

After Patrick slipped in, he recognized a familiar item on a table. His green jacket, the one originally belonging to the man on the roof, laid there. A little confused, he put it on. Yes, that was definitely it. Patrick laughed at his fortune. He now had what he'd wear out of the hotel. Once they were done fucking in the suite.

After what felt like hours, the sissy's moaning began to die down. Patrick prepared himself. He unzipped his bag and put the knife between his back and belt, underneath his shirt. He couldn't wait any longer. Even if he knocked, he still had the element of surprise.

Storming into the hallway, Patrick abruptly froze. Security and police had exited the elevator. For the first time all evening, Patrick felt nerves. He hurriedly backtracked into the small room but he knew it was too late. A security guard he made eye contact with was now on his way over. Patrick set his bag down and tried to collect himself as the guard's footsteps drew nearer. These developments he was unprepared for.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you a guest here?"

Patrick still hadn't formulated a plan by the time the guard walked in and repeated the question. Even worse, an officer that followed him in there was now rummaging through the room, including around his black duffel bag. Staying calm became harder, especially when the ropes were discovered in the bag and placed on the table. Patrick knew they were suspicious, no doubt, but not damning. The knife nestled against his back was a different story.

"Can you please empty out your pockets, sir?" the officer inquired.

Patrick was prepared for this part at least. He always traveled light, even more so today. He calmly handed over a couple of innocent items, knowing that he had done nothing illegal so far in the hotel. To his surprise, the officer motioned to his jacket pockets next, which Patrick had nearly forgotten he was now wearing. Expecting them empty, his hand oddly grasped around a plastic card. Confused, he stole a glance at it before handing it over. It was an ID card of a familiar, but not yet recognizable, face. The officer took the items to the hallway and began speaking into his earpiece.

Suddenly, it hit him.

Patrick's stomach felt like it fell through the floor. It was the ID of the man he pushed off the roof. And he just handed it to the police! How the fuck did it get there? The fucking sissy must have set him up!

No longer able to hide his panic, Patrick looked out the window to the hallway at the officer on the earpiece. Patrick couldn't hear him but could unmistakably read his lips say 'Identification', 'Missing persons', and worst of all, 'Need backup'.

Desperation set in.

With the security guard's attention elsewhere, Patrick took off into the hallway and towards the far stairwell. All that stood in front of him was the lone officer on the earpiece. Patrick knew he only had one option. Instinctively, he reached back and grabbed the knife underneath his shirt.

As Patrick brought the blade back to strike, a blunt object connected with his arm. The knife was jarred loose, harmlessly falling to the ground out of reach. The security guard had caught up to him from behind. Patrick's flailing body hit the ground with a thud. More bodies landed on top of him as he attempted to frantically crawl away.

With his head now pressed against the ground, Patrick was forced to watch the sissy dressed in a robe have a conversation with another officer down the hall. He couldn't believe it. That sissy was either a mastermind or the luckiest person in the entire world.

And to add insult to injury, from as far away as he was, Patrick could still clearly see the biggest fucking smile on the sissy's face.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

הייתי רוצח את בראד ומקנזי בלי לחשוב פעמיים

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMi5 months ago

Absolutely Wonderful story. 😍

SlavetubsSlavetubs10 months ago

Oh my god this story was amazing, I was reading this story in bed when I couldn't sleep the other night, I was locked in my cage futilely humping the air trying to get some stimulation leaking like a faucet whilst reading this story.

Please, please, PLEASE write some more stories like this


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