When You Wish Upon an Eldritch Star


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"You're mine," was her eloquent response.

I rolled my eyes. "But you don't, like, own me. So what do you mean?"

Her laugh rolled through her body and into mine, her tail curling around my thigh to place it's tip at my entrance. "You're. Mine."

"Stop playing around, and answer me honestly. It's obviously important and I want to know what, you, mean?"

She opened her mouth to talk.

"And I swear to whatever unholy abomination made us that I will bite your tail clean off if you say, 'you're mine' again!"

Astonished by my outburst, she snuggled up into me, her arms and tail pulling us together. I thrashed a little before settling against her, our bodies slotting together like puzzle-pieces.

"You're not going to get out of answering me just because you feel so good against me," is what I said. But my body had other ideas, relaxing against her in a languid sprawl.

Her nose pressed into my neck and she giggled. "That's good to know, but I wasn't trying to distract you. I was just thinking about it."

I meekly deflated. My tail curled up between our bodies, instinctively seeking the comfort of her touch. She kissed the sensitive tip and I shivered with the low-level charge of arousal.

"To me it means caring for you." The touch of her fingers that followed her words enthralled me like a snake-charmer's recorder. "Protecting you from the world." Her fingers tightened against my chest, one hand on a boob the other in the space between my bouncy assets. "Making sure no one else can have you. Providing for you." She drew a meandering line down towards my sex. I both loved and hated the way my body yielded to her. "Forcing you to produce those delightful noises."

"If I'm yours, does that mean you're mine?" I inquired in an effort to keep myself from melting.

Everything about her stilled but for her hair that bounced over my head like a veil, skimming across my chin and cheeks.

"Of course. But that means a different thing for you than it does to me."

"It does, does it?" I asked skeptically. "And what would be my obligations?" As soon as the words left my lips I knew I had fucked up.

I shouldn't challenge her like that. Now she has no choice but-

As if on cue, she slid me up into her lap while her wings flapped and closed the world off from around us. She supported my back with her forearm while she ground her palm into my- evidently -always ready pussy. My clit obediently perked up to say hello. "First of your duties is to cum at my command." She leaned in close to lick a trail along my cheek on the way to whisper in my ear. "And you'll know when I command it." Sinking her ring and middle fingers two knuckles deep, she continued speaking, her blue eyes luminous in the darkness. "Me being yours means you keeping me company. Stave off the loneliness."

I grunted, my hips rocking to meet the digging curls of her fingers. Biting my lip to the edge of bleeding, I tried and failed to keep my dignity, to not make those mewling little gasps.

As such, I almost missed her next admission. "Keeping me sane."

The words pierced through the haze of arousal, clearing it just enough so I could manage words, although they were still heavily influenced by my breathless submission. "What do you mean?"

I could tell she didn't want to tell me, that she was scared how I might react. Caressing her chin, I eased it down toward me so I could reassure her with a kiss. Her wings fluttered, the swirls teasing my blue-black hair. Two of her eyes became laden with unshed tears while the vertically oriented one kept it's gaze locked on the sodden lips of my pussy.

"There's a madness inside me, Mitch. It wants things and when I'm not with you... When I'm alone... I don't know if I"m strong enough to resist."

"You're stronger than you know." I understood where she was coming from. With every stroke of her fingers and tug of her tail, I could feel us falling deeper into one another. My heart thudded with need. To feel her next to me. To see her smile. To drive away her woes. "Besides, there's nothing to worry about, because I'm not going anywhere. You are mine."

"Yes I am. All yours." She continued pumping her fingers inside me and legs began to shake, a tightness coiling in my core.

It scared me, how quickly my body obeyed her insistent strokes. "Too much," I gasped. "Slow down."

"Everything's under control," she cooed, keeping that same maddening pace.

"No. No, no, no." My voice grew smaller and smaller as my body began to lash and writhe.

"Don't fight it. It's new and scary, but if you relax I guarantee it will feel so good."

I couldn't relax. My body was out of control and it was only growing worse. The tightness continued to rise, threatening to snap and shatter my body. It was like treading water but I could feel the bottom dropping further and further beneath me.

As long as I hang on I'll be fine. But once I let go...

I had no idea other than a vague sense of dread. I'd never been able to go again so quickly when I was male.

And now I'm something else entirely.

"Lana..." I plaintively mewled.

"Shhhhh. It's fine." She continued to ply my sex with those fingers. Those magical fingers.

My breath hissed as it was forced through my lips, my spine curling back impossibly far for a human, desperately seeking some manner to gain control of my runaway body. But, as she'd made brutally clear, it was no longer mine to control.

It was hers.

My baby fangs gnashed as I threw my head, my hair whipping across Lana's face like a shotgun blast of sand. She laughed. She had the gall to laugh at me.

She's doing this to me and she laughs?

My anger gave me the lever I needed to corral my reactions, my limbs stilling as I regained control over breath. Taking a deep one, I closed my eyes.

Lana, like the consummate predator she was, wasn't about to let her prey escape. Leaning in close, her fangs teased my neck as her voice rumbled with the killing blow. "Cum for me." She didn't vary her strokes or her grinding palm.

Just the words.

And it was more than enough.

I squeaked.

My eyes flew wide. The tightness in my core snapped, all that potential bursting in a flood of bliss that spilled out into my limbs like I'd been struck by a giant tuning fork. My brain dissolved in a shower of sparks that bounced down my thighs to leak out my nethers.

When I came to, I was still gently cradled by her body.

"Just because you can command me to cum like a queen, doesn't mean I'm going to forget you lied to me."

"I did lie and I shouldn't do that. But it was the quickest way to get what we both wanted."

"That just isn't true-"

She silenced me with a tail to the lips, one of the suckers there giving me a little kiss. "Humor me and play a logic game."

I narrowed my eyes. Eventually I nodded and she removed the tail.

"Let's start at where we are and work backward. We both can agree that the sex is astoundingly, life-changily, mind-meltingly, sell-your-soul level good. Right?"

Even the thought of them had me twisting my hips, and as much as contrariness made me want to disagree. I just couldn't. Pursing my lips and pulling them to the side, I let her continue.

"And, if you had known how the sex would feel before hand, I could've gotten you to willingly agree to let me change you. Correct?"

I didn't answer for a long moment before she prompted a response by jiggling my breasts with gentle flaps of her wings. The warm of her flesh mingled with the moving air creating a nice mingling of hot and cold. I covered up my sensitive assets. "Fine. Probably. Yes."


"That doesn't mean-"

She speared me with her three eyes and I immediately shut my mouth. That gaze brooked no argument and demanded things of me. Things I wasn't sure I was willing to give.

Things I almost want her to take.

"Excellent," she said again, this time slowly and evenly. "So after getting you to sample this body once, all I would need to do is to get you to agree to stay in it. So," she laid her hands around my shoulders, her knee nudging between my legs.

An uneasy feeling grew inside me.

She doesn't get it.

"What could I ever do to convince you that this is the best for you?" Her smile told her exactly what she was thinking.

The sour note in my core intensified. "Not that," I whispered sadly.

She only wants me for this body. I could've been anyone. Does she even care?

"What?" Lana reeled back as if I'd punched her. The first hint of uncertainty cracking her confidence. "You- You don't mean that." She leaned forward again, eager to drive such thoughts with carnal feelings.

I ducked my head. My first attempt at talking came out as nothing more than a broken croak.

That, more than anything else, gave her pause. The hesitation gave me enough time to compose myself enough to get the words out.

Here goes nothing.

"You made me love you, Lana. But everything you say is about my body. Do you even care about me at all? Or am I just a vessel for you to pour your lusts into?"

She relaxed. A gentle laugh issuing from her chest.

Her response broke my heart.

A hand came up to embrace my cheek but I blocked it, jerking my head away as I averted my gaze, hiding the burgeoning tear behind a veil of hair. She tried again. And again I blocked her with my arm. She didn't get angry or physical, over and over she reached for me and I continued to deny her. Gently she tried, time after time, until I caved and she got what she wanted. Made pliable by sadness, I allowed her to tilt my chin towards her.

"I'm sorry, Mitch. It seems I've been unclear. I love you. Even before this whole thing happened, I admired your courage and grace. You stand up for those around you and you never fail to do the right thing. You're inclusive to a fault and you care entirely too much about making sure everyone feels welcome. I made a wish for confidence, partially because I thought that, with it, I could maybe be a little more like you. Obviously that didn't work out the way I'd envisioned, but, doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying."

I barely dared to hope when she embraced me with a hug, my tail twitched behind us. Her wings covered up the dim lights of the room, leaving me alone with her glowing eyes as they came in for a kiss.

"I love you, Mitch. And I guess that's the true meaning behind you being mine. The truth is, I don't know what I'd do without you."

In the safety of the darkness I let my tears freely fall. My lips sizzled with the sensation of her as I wrapped my arms around her comfortably chilly body.

"I care for you more than I have words to justify. More than all the magic in all the universes."

"All the magic?"

"Every last drop. And I'll show you. Just give me time and I'll show you what we can do together. Trust me, by the time we're done the world won't know what hit it. You called me a queen earlier, but I promise to make you feel like royalty every day we're together."

A queen huh?

"You said you wished for something, how exactly did you word it?"

She blushed a little. "It's feels so stupid now. But I guess that's only because it worked. I wished to feel like a king."

I pinched my lips as my eyes bulged in my head.

Too... Much...

Peals of laughter ripped out from around my hand that poorly hid my grin. "Dealing with... Otherworldly forces... And you ask to be a king?" I asked around my giggles.

She took my mirth in good humor, squeezing me gently against her side. "I panicked. It was the first thing that sprang to mind." Rubbing her hand across my head, she gifted me a loving smile. "Besides, although it wasn't what I expected, I will be eternally grateful to-" She made a noise that seemed to come from deep in her throat that sounded like a damp dog with laryngitis sneezing "- for granting my wish."

My chuckles died out and my eyes blinked sleepily. "What do we do now?"

Lana blinked, her mind racing with my innocent question. "What do we do now?" she whispered, mostly to herself as I was already asleep, feeling completely safe cuddled up next to her, my tail hugged to my chest like a teddy bear.

~ Epilogue ~

The bell rang as the pet store door swung open and closed, admitting two people inside. The shopkeeper arched a brow as she looked up from her magazine. A hint of a smirk could be seen as she tilted her head toward the 'employee's only' sign. Leaving the magazine behind, the woman led the way into the backroom. The bat-woman let the illusion dissolve once they were safe from potentially prying eyes.

"Good to see you two are adjusting. What can I do for you today?"

"I'm looking for a way to create a bastion," the larger of the two women spoke as she huddled protectively over the smaller, not taking her eyes off the shopkeeper.

"Ohhh. That's a pretty big undertaking. By the way you can let those illusions fade. We're protected here.

The smaller of the women squirmed under the possessive grip of the larger, her brown hair fading into a wave of unusual colors as well as other transformations took place across her body. "That's uncomfortable, like sucking in your gut for a long period of time. Also, do you have to hold me so tight?"

"Yes." The impressively muscular woman's tone was unapologetic.

"Uggh," the smaller woman groused, but her lips quirked upward into a loving smile.

When the larger woman's illusion dissipated, her wings were held up high in an instinctive attempt to make herself seem larger and more threatening.

The smaller woman swatted the larger one's thigh. "Stop that. You're embarrassing us." She turned to the amused shopkeeper. "Sorry about her."

The winged woman lowered her swooping appendages, but did not release her hold on her companion, and all three of her eyes remained on the shopkeeper.

The bat-woman didn't respond to the continued posturing. "What are you going to do with a bastion?"

"We're making a company!" the smaller one exclaimed excitedly.

"Limited liability corporation," the larger of the two corrected.

"Doing what?" the shopkeeper inquired, wandering from shelf to shelf.

"Health care! Turns out my brea..." The smaller fell silent, her voice trailing off as she blushed a deep scarlet. "Turns out some of my changes have healing properties."

"Aren't you just adorable?" the shopkeeper cooed, waggling her finger at the bashful woman.

"Grrrr," the larger woman growled wings snapping back open.

"Well, I'm glad to see you two doing well," the shopkeeper said conversationally, ignoring the instinctively possessive display of the larger woman. She finished packing up the materials and handed it to the smaller woman. The rumbling growl grew larger as she approached. It was swiftly halted when the more dainty woman elbowed the ribs of her girlfriend-shaped backpack.

'Thank you,' the smaller one mouthed, before turning to leave. The larger woman cocked her head to keep her eyes on the shopkeeper.

"Thanks for your patronage. Please come again soon," the shopkeeper called out after them.

She sighed happily as she began flipping through a magazine. "It's always nice to see a happy ending. I wonder who's going to show up next?"

~ The End ~

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A true rapists fantasy right here

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very well written. I don’t send feedback. Ever. Lol. This was an electric story but the descriptions brought it home. Well done. Going to read your other stories and enjoy. Thank you for your efforts and dedication. PS I would have gladly paid money to read this Thanks again

jalford764jalford764over 2 years ago

This is still my favourite story. I wish there were sequels

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I don't see many stories on here about love as well as sex and nonhuman creatures. Good job. It was well-written.

mloggermloggerover 2 years ago

Ok this is VERY weird but also VERY fun!

greg50greg50over 2 years ago

Whenever I read these kind of stories I find myself wondering which one is which at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ok this weird but fun

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That was a fun one. Your stories always seem to put me in a good mood and I want to thank you for that and for the story itself. You have a great imagination and/or a hell of a talented muse.

torcoolguytorcoolguyover 2 years ago

How big is Lana's dick?

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