Where Angels Fear to Tread Ch. 03

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The continuing saga of David Stewart.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/21/2022
Created 02/10/2008
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David stepped into the shadows of the alley his eyes straining to see the deity that he could hear calling his name. He finally found her, once more a little girl with the Shirley Temple curls and rosy cheeks. "Now why in the hell did you have me taken in by the cops?" he snarled, not in the best of tempers. It had been a very long, very bad day and he was tired and wanted nothing more than to go home.

God barely deigned to glance at him. He pulled a jump rope from behind his back and began jumping, singing one of those cutesy ditties that kids sing when they jump. He only stopped when David reached out and wrenched the rope from his hands. "What?" he growled.

"I was taken in a police car, in handcuffs and then frisked by a very big cop who'd eaten garlic very recently. I was held against my will and questioned. What the fuck are you thinking?"

God crossed his arms and tried looking down his nose at David, a feat made pretty much impossible since he was a good two feet taller than He was. "There are reasons for what I do, David, reasons that I do not have to explain to you. But in this instance, I will. It was imperative that you meet Detective Hunter. And she had to be able to authenticate your background. You'll be helping her with some of her cases so she had to become familiar with you. Detective Hunter is one of those people that a certain Carlie that you keep thinking about has on radar. You must be with her to keep her from harm."

David felt his teeth grinding even more. "For how long?" he snarled, wishing he could wrap the jump rope around the little girl's neck and pull hard.

"Until I feel that the danger is over," God said with a shrug of his thin shoulders. Then he reached out, taking the jump rope back and turning David around at the same time. "Hurry, you'll miss your ride!"

David found himself standing in the middle of a busy street, cars careening around him from both sides. His eyes grew wide and he threw himself to one side to miss being squashed by a bus. "Damnit, God! What the fuck?"

"Language, language," an old man on the side of the road said as he finally made it across. "What would your mother say if she could hear you say things like that?"

"My mother's been dead for centuries." He shrugged his shoulders and dug his hands into the pocket of his coat. A stray piece of paper was thrust deep inside his coat and he pulled it out slowly, seeing an address printed on it in neat block letters.

"1302 E. Banger Street," he said aloud, jumping when the old man spoke again.

"That's one street over," he said. "That way."

David stared at the direction that the man had pointed and then waved a thank you, heading at a quick trot toward the address. It was a neat brownstone, flower boxes sitting on the front steps that were filled with gay-looking bright, red flowers. "Okay, I'm here, now what?"

As if in answer, a scream came from inside the building and David started up the steps, breaking the long panel of glass beside the door handle to reach in and open the door. He stood in the small foyer, seeing a mailbox that had six names along six slots. As he was standing there, he heard the scream again. He tipped his head up, seeing the stairs and began taking them two at a time. By the time he got to the third floor, he was a bit winded. The door in front of him was ajar and he pushed it the rest of the way open, stepping into a well cared for living room. Moans and groans were coming from down the hallway and he took off toward the sound.

A huge bathroom was ahead of him and he stopped, hearing the sound coming from behind the semi-closed door. "Hello?"

"Ahh, God, help me, please!" the voice screamed and David pushed open the door. A very pregnant woman was laying on the bright white, hard linoleum floor. Her dress was pushed up and her thighs were spread. He could see a full head of hair that was pushing out from between those thighs and he took a step back, staring up at the ceiling.

"You've got to be kidding me?" he growled softly. "I don't know nothing bout birthin no babies, boss."

But the woman didn't care. Her face was screwed in a grimace of pain and strain as she pushed against the contractions that were coming quicker and stronger with every minute that passed. "Help me," she growled, holding her hand out toward him.

David took his coat off and threw it across the closed toilet, kneeling down beside her. "My name is David," he said calmly, well, as calmly as he could. "What's yours?"

"Christie, Christie Leads. Help me!"

"I'm going to, Christie. Have you called for help?"

"Yes, but they aren't going to get here in time. It's coming now!" She grabbed his hand, pushing it at her naked groin and the pulsing thing that was pushing from between her seeping pussy lips.

David felt the baby's head and kneed his way around Christie's leg so that he was almost in the puddle of blood and goo that was seeped there. "Okay, Christie, I guess we're in this together." He could see the beginning of another contraction in the way her belly pulled tight and her thighs began to shake. "Push, Christie, push hard!"

Christie grunted, her hands reaching forward to grab hold of her knees, straining and grunting as she pushed as hard as she could. David stared in awe as the baby's head slid out. He watched as the little one took its first breath and then a new little voice could be heard as he squeaked. He supported the baby, watching as Christie grunted again and the little shoulders burst into view. She screamed only once and then the baby was in his hands.

He stared at the little baby he held, seeing the bright blue eyes staring up at him as if asking who he was. A pulsating thick blue cord connected the baby to her momma. David stood, reaching above Christie and grabbing two of the thick towels she must have gotten out before she'd lain on the floor.

"Is it okay?" Christie asked, her voice sounding exhausted.

"She's beautiful, Christie." He swaddled her tightly as he heard the first siren race up outside and then handed her to her mother. "She's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen," he said softly, his voice awed.

Christie pushed the towel away from the baby's face, smiling in relief and happiness as she took in the perfection of her daughter. "Thank you, David. Thank you so much."

David heard boots coming up the hallway and he stood, holding his gunked up hands to the side as the EMTs ran in. He tried to stay out of their way as they loaded Christie onto a gurney, carefully strapping her in. They did a quick check of the baby and then handed her back to her mother and began to pull the gurney out of the bathroom. Christie stopped them, holding out her hand to David.

"My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for years. I've miscarried four times before this pregnancy. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here, David. You are an angel, an absolute angel."

David wiped his gunky hand on the back of his jeans and then stroked his hand over Christie's cheek and then over the baby's. "I'm just glad I could help," he said honestly. Then he stepped back and let the EMT's carry her out as another man came skidding into the apartment, screaming Christie's name.

David managed to straddle the puddle that was still on the floor and he used the sink to wash his hands then reached out for his jacket. "Okay, God, that was pretty cool, scary as hell, but pretty cool. What else are you going to throw at me?" He started to walk out of the apartment only to stop as a soft, curvaceous little bundle of female ran into him.

"Whoa, are you...o...k?" he came to a stuttered halt, staring into Carlie's sweet blue eyes.

"Hello, David," she said with a small smirk. "Fancy running into you here. You and I need to have a talk about the things that you're doing." She held out a small hand, indicating that he should make himself comfortable.

"Now why would I want to talk to you about what I'm doing?" David asked, not bothering to sit.

"You and I are similar, David. We're both fallen angels. I've just learned to enjoy my sinning ways instead of trying to get back in His good graces. You should give it a try." She reached behind her, quickly slipping the ties of the halter she wore. Letting it drop into her hands, she traced her finger over the heavy curve of her luscious breasts, twisting it around her nipple. "You remember what these feel like, don't you?"

David felt his cock hardening even as he tried to ignore the sight of those beautiful mammeries. "It doesn't matter if I do or not. We have nothing to discuss." He rose to leave only to have Carlie stop him, her hand on his chest, the other reaching down for his hand. She filled his hand with one of her tits, squeezing his fingers around it and moaning lustfully. She stared up at him from under thick lashes, wetting her lips with two swipes of her soft pink tongue.

"You want me, David. I can feel it."

David felt as if he was going to explode in his pants. "God, help me," he growled. He reached up, trying to grab her hand to throw her away from him but his hand slid around her waist instead and he felt his gaze locked on her pretty, red mouth.

"That's it, David. Think how good it will feel to push your big cock into this." She shimmied out of her jeans, not even bothering to undo her boots and then pushed his fingers between her thighs and into wet heat.

David groaned, feeling his willpower slipping away as his finger slipped over the hardness of her clit. Her hips began undulating against his hand, her moans becoming breathy little cries that were even sexier. He cupped her pussy, unable to pull away even as she pushed aside his coat, running her hands over his chest and down his stomach. "Nice," she moaned, pulling at his tee-shirt to let her soft hand pet across his chest. "Fuck me, David?"

The question broke his fascination with the way she felt and he pulled his hand away. "No!"

Carlie slipped her hand down to take over what he'd stopped, pulling her pussy lips apart so that he could watch her finger disappear inside of her. "Are you sure?" she moaned, licking her lips once more. "Are you sure you don't want to fuck me?"

David moaned, feeling his will to ignore the urges of his body disappear. He wanted her with every ounce of his newly human body. His cock throbbed inside his jeans and he longed to have her unbutton them, and feel her hot, wet mouth slide over the shaft, suckling him in. The need was almost impossible to ignore and he tried to move backwards but she stalked him, taking a step every step he took. She was graceful, even with her ankles hampered by her tight jeans and her fingers busily playing in her soft pussy.

"Touch me, David. Free will, you know He believes in that." She groaned as his hand reached out, brushing her fingers aside and sliding into her heat. She clamped her pussy down around his fingers, rhythmically squeezing his fingers, letting him feel how his cock would fit inside of her. "Make love with me, David," she whispered, her voice a breathless rasp.

Her hand grabbed at his shirt, tugging at it, trying to strip it off of him. She pushed aside his coat, letting it fall to his feet. "Touch me," she ordered again, rubbing her bared breasts against his chest. "I want you, David. Can't you feel how much I want you?"

David could. It scared him how much he could feel her want. It scared him that he felt as if he had no control over his emotions, that he was little more than a pawn at her hands. He shivered as she rubbed her palms over his chest, his nipples hardening against her fingers. He groaned, his head falling back as she kept caressing him. He had no free will, she'd stripped it from him with the touch of her fingers.

Her hands reached for his waistband, sliding over it, teasing him with sly touches. She unbuttoned his jeans, loosing his hard cock. It stood hard, throbbing under her hand as she stroked it gently. "Yes, you want me," she said silkily. "This will be so good, David. You won't regret going against Him and joining with me."

It took a moment but her words finally hit him and he frowned, jerking his hands and his body away from him. "No, I won't do this." He stuffed his hard cock back in his pants, wincing at the pain it caused. Glaring at Carlie, he tugged his shirt down. "I do have free will and my free will says for you to go back to hell. Fuck with your imps and leave me the hell alone!"

Carlie shrieked and before his eyes, she changed. Her body shifted and twisted, growing knobby and black. Her mouth became a gaping maw full of sharp, glittering white teeth. Her fingers were curved into claws and she hissed, slashing through the air at David with deadly intent.

He jumped back and then stood his ground, laughing as the demon in front of him started to smoke. "Demon, get thee behind me," he sang.

A flame started on the demon's twisted back and then he heard Carlie's voice shriek and then cry out his name as the flames grew bigger. A harsh wind blew through the apartment and the smell of rotten eggs filled the air The demon blew apart, ashes scattering around him before disappearing all together. All that was left was the horrid stench and even that was dissipating.

David stared at the place Carlie had been and jumped when a hand tugged at the edge of his shirt. "That was close," the little blonde girl said, looking up at him.

"Why didn't you help me with that?" he asked, his voice hard.

"Free will, my son. Free will must be observed. If it isn't then I become dictator and not the gentle God that I am."

David scoffed. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're full of shit?"

"Your girlfriend did once." She nodded her blonde curls. "You see what it got him."

David rolled his eyes. "Okay, was that some kind of test?"

The little girl pulled a kazoo from behind her back and began playing it, the noise jarring and annoying. She grinned around the kazoo, her eyes full of mischief.

The sound was jarring, especially since he was still trying to forget the way Carlie's hands had felt on his body. "Fine!" he shouted. "What's next?"

She took one hand off the kazoo and waved a ticket in front of his face. He reached for the ticket and growled when she pulled it away, teasing him for a moment with the small slip of cardboard. "Don't be late," she said when he finally grabbed it, nodding her head.

David felt a whirl of nausea as the room disappeared and he was suddenly standing on the street again, but this time he was far from Christie's apartment. He shrugged his shoulders in the heavy duster. "Here we go again."

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ausvirgoausvirgoover 7 years ago
Keep going!

It's just getting good.

I like how each adventure is pretty much complete in itself, but I still want more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Plz continue

i like the setting so much

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Plz continue

so fun so far, dont stop

dairetodairetoalmost 11 years ago
And again

This is getting so frustrating

Why dont you finish your stories?????

myassisdraginmyassisdraginabout 11 years ago
Another one

Danielle you could be ne of the best witers hre if you would only finish you stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Please write more of this story... I need to know!!!!!

Gorilla_LibrarianGorilla_Librarianalmost 13 years ago
Pretty please?

I'm so intrigued by David, and love all the forms that God takes. May we have another installment? Pretty please?

ladybug71ladybug71about 13 years ago
Please finish!!!

You have peaked my curiosity with this story of David Stewart and Rayne Hunter.....please finish this story. I seem to keep reading a lot if your stories that need to be finished and I am on the edge waiting for them!!! Thank you for reading my comment.

kitten2102kitten2102over 13 years ago
more please

This is different from your other stuff but I love it - its quirky and has me hooked. Please continue it...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Very nice, very captivationg, moar please :P

canndcanndalmost 14 years ago

I liked the satirical take on religion. I think you should have taken out the part with Rayne Hunter b/c it seemed strange that she would arrest him for being a good samaritan even if she did want to confirm his identity. And moreso, b/c you put the opening for a story that would continue...having God say that David and her had to know each other b/c he'd help her....but that storyline isn't developed. If you had chosen to go ahead with it I'm sure it would have been awesome. The rest of it I loved. Great story.

perseygoddessperseygoddessabout 14 years ago
love it.

More please. Its fun, quirky and just a touch of morality

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Please continue with this story! It's so unique and different from everything else. But I would've loved it if it included romance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
please continue... please.

I'm loving this storyline. It's very promising and sooo unique... you've got to continue this... is this going to be one of the hunter series stories? great... but, please, do continue...

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Thanks for continuing on this one!

EdwarusEdwarusover 14 years ago

Its a really good story line and plot wouldnt mind if you started it back up

JazCullenJazCullenover 14 years ago
Where do you find the time?

To write so many different stories at once. I struggle to keep on track with just one story. Not that I'm complaining, more for me to read.

Really liking how this one is shaping up. Looking forward to reading more.

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