Where Werewolves Roam


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Lee groaned as he relaxed and felt his body being penetrated once again. He shivered as tiny vibrations began deep within him, increasing as he felt Gyr's cock spearing him deeper and deeper. They both felt the delightful, little pop inside the boy as he penetrated fully. Slowly he withdrew, then he grunted pressed his rock-hard prong deep inside the boy's hot ass again, widening his channel as he pushed.

The going was easier now as Lee's muscular ring began to relax. The boy's shimmying hips in front of him just drove his want and lust higher and higher. The lad was lovely and responsive as the lycanthrope worked his massive phallus into the lad's rectum.

Lee moaned as he felt Gyr starting to switch gears and shift his grip on his hips. The old werewolf began thrusting powerfully, his delight enhanced by Lee's moans and groans of pleasure. Gripping tightly, he began to accelerate his motions.

The shock waves fanned out through Lee's body and his senses dissolved into sensation. Endorphins danced in his head stealing his thoughts and his body felt alive with feeling and heat as Gyr pumped in and out, growling in his effort.

After what seemed like hours, Gyr's body began to stiffen as he approached the inevitable. Lee's cock was now draining precum and cum from the massage he was receiving. The old lycanthrope plunged in for the last time and held as great gouts of frothy, white cum began to spurt forth and flood Lee with even more heat. Gyr had not been able to cum for quite some time, so he had a nice amount saved up.

He released the lad and withdrew. Lee fell forward, unsteady after facing the onslaught but feeling very satisfied through it. He pulled up his pants and sat back to contemplate the experience while Gyr sat back to recuperate.

"Gyr?" asked Lee after a time. "May I ask you a question?"

"Sure," responded Gyr as he returned to the charming man who had drunk tea with him.

"Who are 'they'?"

"They who?" responded Gyr quizzically as he looked down on the boy.

"You kept saying we needed to run from them. I was wondering who 'they' were," stated Lee.

"I honestly don't remember, Lee. Really, I don't. I have a vague impression of excitement but others have to tell me about my exploits during one of my crazy fits, and that's more than a little disconcerting. Makes guessing my motives even harder, even for me. Listen, I'm really sorry for getting you all mixed up with this. You must have been terrified when I grabbed you and began to haul you all over. At least, that's what I assume I did."

"You might say that," chuckled Lee, knowing that he had forged an unbreakable bond with this being. "Will you come back to your cabin with me?"

"Ooo," intoned Gyr. "Is this return to my place or my place invitation?" he leered comically.

Lee laughed. "Something like that. C'mon, lets get you home."

The rest of the residents of Wolf's Glen witnessed, in various states of awe, as little Lee led huge Gyr by the hand and quite peaceable down the street to his abode. "Well, that's a first," said Lief in a tone of disbelief as he watched the tiny procession walk by. "We usually have to have him wrapped up tight to bring him back!

Ch. 9 The Road to Aegenwulf

On a pleasant evening a few days after Lee's adventure with Gyr, Rex looked at him and said, "Get your coat, we're going to a town council meeting tonight. We have to decide what we're going to do with Gyr."

"Oh, marvellous!" bubbled Lee as he hurried to get his coat and shoes. "This will be my second council meeting!" he smiled. "I just wish it was under more pleasant circumstances. I actually like Gyr," Lee admitted. "How did he get sick?" he asked, recalling the sickness that had taken his parents.

"No one knows," answered Rex. "It just happens to a very select few. Gyr is the first werewolf in a long time to contract it. The last case was over fifty years ago. Now, just keep quiet and learn while we're at the meeting, just like last time, okay? Speak when you're spoken to and answer with what you know is true," winked Rex as they were on their way out the door and into the cool early evening air. "You'll do fine," he smiled.

As they arrived at the meeting place as familiar visages of the four other councillors as they strolled beneath the shelter. Lee recognized Lief, Tess, and Slade, but not the big sergeant-at-arms, Braugh. They hadn't been introduced yet. After greeting their friends in the traditional manor, Rex turned to Lee.

"You haven't met our sergeant-at-arms yet, Lee," as he stopped beside a heavily muscled, serious faced, blond-haired, blue-eyed man stood to tower over the pair and extending a massive hand toward Lee.

"Good to make your acquaintance, Braugh," Lee greeted as he stretched out his arm in friendly greeting.

"Pleased to meet you, Lee," he returned in a booming bass voice and grasped the lad's hand warmly to shake gently but firmly in greeting. Lee watched as his whole hand disappeared into the big man's palm and marvelled.

When Lee was finished greeting Braugh, Rex turned him to. "This is Lund," introduced Rex. He turned to see a giant of a werewolf with a very serious face looking down at him. "Hello, Lee," he said in a deep, bass voice and extended his hand to shake.

"Pleased to meet you, Lund," Lee responded with a little trepidation.

The group sat down as Rex stood up and turned to face them. "Okay, I bring this meeting to order," said Rex in an imperious tone. "Thank you for taking time out to come to this unscheduled meeting on short notice, but the topic is becoming dire. First and only item on the agenda at this specially called meeting is what do we do about Gyr?" asked Rex in a semi-defeated tone. An uncomfortable shuffling erupted among the council members. All of them knew that this distasteful decision was coming, but none of them really wanted to deal with it. The time had come where now they had to, and could procrastinate no more.

"Well, we can't leave things the way they are with him being locked up in his house and a community member watching him forever," came the voice of Lief. "He seems to escape so easily. It's only a matter of time before he gets loose and hurts someone, kills someone, or hurts himself." A murmur of agreement ran through the council, but no suggestions were forthcoming.

Tess cleared his throat and spoke up. "I think we should take this matter to the high council in Aegenwulf," he declared. "They have better facilities and equipment to handle this sort of thing there. I think you will have to go to talk to them about it," he stated motioning to Rex. "And take Lee along as your scribe," he added as an afterthought.

"Okay, we have a vote before the council. Should Lee and I travel to Aegenwulf to take this matter up with the high council?" Rex asked, creating the subject of the vote. "All those in favour say 'Aye' and raise your right hand." The only dissenting vote was Slade. "Yes, Slade? You have a complaint?" asked Rex politely. Slade would always have a complaint, but he did make the council look twice at any plans being made. He was the pessimist and the Doubting Thomas of the group.

"I think we're getting along just fine," he declared. "We don't need to involve outsiders in our business!" he declared. "It's bad enough he's here and sick as he is," he stated, taking a shot at Lee that was completely ignored. "We don't need any more attention, do we?"

"He's getting worse. Slade. Take that for granted?" soothed Rex. It was evident that he knew how to deal with Slade.

"Yes, even with my one eye I can see that," Slade snapped, sensing he was being boxed in.

"He's becoming more violent as his illness progresses, right?" asked Rex, following his line of questioning.

"Yes," snarled Slade, seeing where this was going. "All right! All right!" he growled. But what's it all going to cost?" he asked.

"Six days of food for two," replied Rex evenly. "Enough for there and back."

"Fair enough. But what if the humans were to see you out there? What if you were get hurt, or worse, killed?" he sputtered, showing his true feelings. He really did care for his wolf mates, but his attitude and demeanour seldom allowed him to show it. This little undertaking represented an extreme danger to him. He'd had contact with humans before and had come off the worse for wear because of it. That was how he lost his eye and not even the advanced healing powers of the werewolf could have helped him with that.

"That's a chance we'll just have to take," stated Rex. "It's decided then. I will go to speak on behalf of Wolf's Hollow and Lee will come along as my scribe. We absolutely must get our brother the help he needs," decided Rex to the nodding of the assembled council members. "We leave in the morning," he said finally to the murmured assent of the others.

The meeting cleared the gazebo with most of the beings heading toward their homes. Braugh caught up with Lee and Rex. "Would you have time to have tea with an old friend before you get underway?" he asked.

"Of course, Braugh!" smiled Rex, knowing exactly what he was after. "C'mon over and we'll put the kettle on."

The trio entered the house and Rex went to put the kettle on the stove for tea. "Where are you from, Lee?" asked Braugh pleasantly.

"I'm from Manscellen," Lee replied pleasantly. "I've lived there with my nasty tempered uncle ever since my parents died of plague years ago," he explained.

"Oh!" Braugh said letting his beautiful smile loose. "A local boy!" he grinned. "That's always a good thing!" Then his face clouded. "I am sorry to hear of your parents, though. I lost my parents years ago, too, in a fire."

What about you?" Lee asked, growing more comfortable with this big man by the minute.

"I'm from Karlsburgh," he admitted. Just then, Rex reappeared with three steaming mugs of tea and placed one in front of the two who were seated and then sat down with his own.

"So, off to the big city!" Braugh said. "Exciting trip!"

"Yes, we're going to take the three-day journey there and then three days back," said Rex. "I just wish it was for a more joyous occasion," lamented Rex.

Braugh didn't take his eyes off Lee, who began to feel a tingling feeling in his stomach. He realized exactly what Braugh wanted, and he was thrilled.

Braugh cleared his throat. "You know Rex, I've been hearing a lot about Lee here through the local grapevine," he started.

"And now you want to see if the rumour mongers are correct?" Rex asked.

Braugh grinned widely and nodded his head as he slid back in his chair. "Yes," he simply replied.

Rex turned toward Lee but didn't have to enquire. The look on the lad's face said it all. Lee then crawled under the table and left Braugh looking at Rex with a slightly confused look on his face. His frown turned to a smile when he felt Lee tugging at the closure of his trousers and realized what the lad was doing and was thrilled. He relaxed back in the chair and assisted Lee in pulling his pants down, revealing an exquisite specimen of manhood swinging between his legs. Looking under the table, he saw Lee's smiling face as he jerked his cock.

"Mmm," Lee intoned as he took Braugh's magnificent phallus in his hand and began to stroke the smooth, fleshy wand. Sliding the mushroom head into his mouth, he scented Braugh's masculine smell, placed his lips over the head and began to bob up and down.

"Oh, Rex! For once the gossip is true!" he twittered as he felt Lee's hot, wet mouth engulfing his cock. His hands fell to Lee's head and began to guide his efforts for maximum effect. "That a boy," he cooed to a kneeling Lee. "You're good at this! Very good!" he smiled as Lee bobbed up and down on his prong and feeling Braugh react to his attentions.

Braugh reached down and put his huge hands under Lee's arms and began to pull him out from under the table. Lee reluctantly let go of Braugh's prong and looked up with some confusion in his eyes as the big man slid him out and stood him up in front of the table. Placing his hand on Lee's back, he encouraged him to bend over.

Lee knew what was coming next and was thrilled. He willingly turned, then felt Braugh's hand bending him over. Braugh excitedly pulled the ties that held Lee's trousers up and then fell to the floor revealing his high and tight ass.

Braugh gave a low whistle of appreciation at what he'd found. "Now that is really sweet," he said as he watched Lee's ass quiver and knew he was ready for the event to come. He pressed his rock-hard cock to Lee's quickly widening little hole and slowly worked the head of his cock in. Once he had felt the soft pop inside the lad he began to slowly speed up, delighting in Lee's whimpering and squirming display.

Finally, the lad was ready for the pounding that Braugh wanted to give the junior werewolf. He shifted into high gear, flashing in and out of Lee's ass while admiring the shockwaves moving under Lee's smooth skin like ripples on a pond.

"God, Rex!" exclaimed Braugh as he rode Lee heartily. "You can't hide him anymore! We all need this from him!" Suddenly he stiffened and Lee realized he was about to flood his channel with hot, sticky cum.

"Yes, yes!" Lee whimpered. "Cum for me! Cum hard!" Braugh gave out a strained growl as lee felt the huge cock in his tight hole expand just before a warm sensation flooded his cavity and warmed him from the inside out.

Braugh lifted Lee's face from the table and kissed his soft, supple lips. Never before hade he had a partner who turned him on as much as Lee did and now, he just wanted more from him. He realized that Rex and Lee would be going out of town for a week or so, and now he only wanted them to return.

Pulling out of Lee he pulled his trousers together and redid the ties that held the clothing on his body. He was jittering in the excitement that had passed but not subsided.

The pair then looked over at Rex, who sat slack jawed at the display he had just witnessed. "That was amazing!" he bubbled. "The two of you together are incredible.

Braugh bent down to kiss Lee one more time as the lad pulled up his trousers. "That was incredible! Thank you so much and please try to hurry back. I'm going to want more of that!"

"Thank you, Braugh," answered Lee sweetly. "As soon as we get back, I want more from you!" and brushed his lips across Braugh's. Then Braugh stepped back out into the autumn air.

Rex loaned Lee a knapsack for the scant belongings he would be carrying and began to collect the food for the trail from the cupboard that served as a pantry and packed them and trail clothes for the morning then slept the sleep of the dead.

They started out at dawn the following day closing the door to their cabin. They turned around to see the figure of Slade standing there on his crutch in the early morning light and a wrapped package in his hand. "Morning, Slade," bade Rex as the came to halt in front of his old friend. Lee remained silent in front of the crippled, old werewolf.

Slade pushed the package toward Rex. "Thought you could use some mountain bread to go with," he said gruffly, glancing back and forth at the two of them through his one good eye.

"Thank you, Brother," said Rex graciously nodding his head and placing a hand on Slade's shoulder. He took the package and tucked it into Lee's knapsack for safekeeping.

Slade now put a hand on Rex's shoulder. "Be careful," he nodded before he turned around and hobbled off in his own way. "He really does give a damn," said Rex. "He just has trouble showing it."

They headed north out of town and were presently walking along the old werewolf trail that ran on the high ground that overlooked the mighty Geldt River and the Wallachian built East-West Highway. This was the road to Aegenwulf. Most humans had no idea of the existence of these hidden trails and the secret was only given to those who could be trusted.

Occasionally, the werewolf trail would have to merge with the Highway. There were places on the journey where there was only room in the landscape for the road, like river crossings, narrows in the landscape or in the mountains where limited space that held enough room for only one pathway through. They would just have to be careful about what they did when they were forced to walk them. With any luck, they wouldn't encounter anyone and they could just pass on by.

They strolled along and occasionally looking down from their secret pathway to observing the humans as they travelled their road below, blissfully unaware that they were being watched.

They walked single file in the dappled sunlight allowed by the sparse clouds and in silence, carefully stepping into each other's each other's footsteps with Rex leading and Lee bringing up the rear, a position he didn't really mind. The landforms rose into the Chetland Hills, the foothills of the Millennium Peaks.

They stopped for a short break every two hours and then at midday they had lunch but made no fire to give themselves away. Instead, they ate the hard tack and mountain bread as it was and sipped water slowly from their canteens. Refreshed after this small but filling meal, they wasted no time in cleaning up and getting underway again.

They walked until almost sundown, making many miles in their first day, before making camp. "We're making good time," remarked Rex as they ate, glanced around and scented the evening breeze.

Lee relaxed into Rex's embrace when the pair bedded down and felt his passion begin to rise as dozens of realizations sank in for the first time. He brought his hands up and massaged the skin on Rex's forearms, marveling at the solid flesh beneath as Rex's tongue began to explore his mouth.

When they surfaced for air, Rex looked dreamily into Lee's eyes and said, "You are more delicious as I ever could have imagined."

Lee dropped a hand Rex's crotch to do a little exploring of his own. He caressed his way over the larger mans chest and over his solid abs making his way down while absorbing Rex's lips and tongue. His hand finally found the massive and raging hard on living between Rex's legs. With the firelight dancing around the room, he gripped the magnificent member and marveled. He slowly undid the tie that held Rex' trousers up and closed, then began to spread the fabric to reveal the treasure within. He moved slowly, as though he was unwrapping a monumental gift.

At last, the final fabric folded away, exposing the object of his search. His eyes widened and his mouth watered slightly as he beheld the magnificence of Rex. He felt a reassuring hand on the crown of his head and another on his shoulder, urging him on. His will crumbled as his back bent and his head sank. His desire to taste this hardened monster welled up inside him like a fountain. He moistened his parted lips in preparation as he slowly drew closer, his longing driving him on. He felt Rex's state of tension immediately through his rock-hard cock, ready and waiting for him. At last Lee's lips slid around Rex' throbbing and purple head and accepted his prong through his widening jaws, ever eager to taste his new friend's precum.

Rex moaned involuntarily as his other hand found the back of Lee's head and urge him on. "You are so good at that!" he exclaimed in delight as his dick brushed the back of Lee's throat and slowly entered, cutting Lee's breathing off temporarily.

Lee thrilled to his friend and now lover as his cock slid into his hot and waiting throat. He pressed gently on Rex' ass to let him know he wanted more. The taste he was looking for appeared in his mouth and he sighed in delight.

Rex shifted and pressed his iron stiff shaft into Lees soft and wanting throat then retreated to allow him to breathe and moan before pressing back to repeat the cycle once again. He closed his eyes to fully appreciate what his new friend was doing to him.
