White Lies Ch. 02


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"Slap my ass. Slap my ass! Both sides!" I felt a sharp sting and heard the sound of a slap as one was delivered to first one cheek and then the other. The slaps made my vagina contract around his cock followed by a tingling warm glow that traveled from my ass to my center up my body to my face.

The room was blurred as I surveyed it through half closed out of focus eyes he pulled my hair back and pounded me harder from behind. Each time he hit bottom, pangs of pleasure emanated from my center and moved me closer to the top of the orgasmic ladder I was climbing. My eyes rolled up in my head and the room disappeared. My breath was coming in gasps as I rocked my hips up and down while Brad's long thrusts sent electric sensations radiating from my core throughout my body. With my Kegals I gripped his manhood in pulsating waves and pushed back against his thrusts.

"Slap my ass! Hard!" I felt the sharp stings to each cheek and grimaced in painful pleasure. Again my vagina contacted around his cock followed by that tingling warm glow that traveled through my body. He yanked on my hair pulling my head further back and my ass against him. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I gasped for breath. Incoherent low pitched guttural sounds came from my throat each time he plunged in me. I was coming continuously in a rolling orgasm that would subside slightly only to build to a higher level with each thrust.

I opened my eyes slightly to the faint smell of smoke and seeing our hazy shadows moving on the wall. My mate Fra sat around the fire with other hairy humanoid members of our cave clan watching Rad and me fuck. Rad was the clan leader and had lost his mate when a bear had ravaged through the group a few moons ago. As the group had not yet connected sex with pregnancy, sex was used to gain status, settle disagreements, build coalitions and for recreation. Bonds were strengthened between the males when their mate was selected by another. Females would initiate sex with random males to get extra food in the winter when resources were scarce.

Rad pulled my hair back with one hand and held my hips steady with the other as he pumped his man stick in and out of me. I pushed my hips back chasing his stroke to maintain the fullness within me. Screams, growls and snarls filled the cave while we moved around like a four legged animal. To an anthropologist it may have looked like I was in pain and trying to escape. Closer observation would reveal that I was pushing back trying to keep him buried in me. It was impossible to know how long this dance of life continued. I was in a mental place where time stood still and only pleasurable sensations controlled my body.

Suddenly my body was wracked with the strongest orgasm I had ever experienced. The muscles of my vagina clenched tightly holding his penis in a death grip. My hips bucked up and down pressing back on his cock. A loud primal growl originated from deep within my body escaped my throat. My face contorted and my eyes rolled up and squeezed shut as my vagina began to spasmed in waves pulling his penis deep inside, caressing it until I again felt his hot sap erupt again and again hitting the wall of my vagina.

Panting heavily and trembling from the after shocks of the orgasm I slowly came back to the present. I blinked a couple of times and heard a voice. I turned my head looking through half open lids. The on-lookers and the cave had disappeared. The fire was gone except for one lone ember. The hair on my body was gone. I rubbed my arm to verify it was no longer there. I heard the voice again and twisted my head to see Brad against the wall holding my hips, his dick buried to the hilt, sweat pouring from his face and body.

"That was something else! At first, I thought you were having a seizure, but then I realized you were role playing... growling and pretending to be some sort of a wild woman... so I played along and growled back." We both were breathing heavily trying to catch our breath. "I didn't realize you were so strong... I had a tough time holding on and staying connected with all your twisting and bucking around... Then you started pushing back till I was against the wall and couldn't go any further,... then you pushed back,... took all of my dick in and pumped your ass up and down like a woman possessed... and when you came..., it was like my dick was caught in a vice... and being sucked off with a bilge pump... Damn!... That's a fuck that I won't forget!"

Not Elizabethan poetry, but descriptive. "Me neither!"

He released his grip on my hair and hips and we disengaged with a "pop" as I collapsed on the bed. The clock read 10:50 PM. "It's getting late I don't want to turn into a pumpkin."

"Can you spend the night?"

I got up slowly, dabbed off the excess come oozing out of my kitty and started putting on my clothes. "No, I have to get back to the hotel."

"OK, wish you could stay.... I have to piss!" With that he went to the bathroom and I could hear water splashing in the commode. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught another glimpse of that remaining campfire ember. I looked closer and discovered it was the power light from a video camera! That bastard! He was recording us! I removed the memory card, slipped it in my bra and replaced the camera in its original position. I turned around adjusting my straps just as Brad came out of the bathroom.

"Well, I really enjoyed the dinner you made and the entertainment afterward was superb, but I do have to run."

"Well, maybe we could meet again, something sooner than three years."

If we were closer, it could be next week. "Oh, I don't know about that, we'll have to see. Do you ever get over to the bridges...?"

"No, but if I do, I'll let you know."

"Do that, who knows what the future will bring." We agreed the contest was a draw. We hugged, kissed goodnight and he saw me to my car.

The night desk clerk gave me the eye as I walked through the hotel lobby. Not many people coming in at this time of night. When I got to my room and looked in the mirror, I saw that my hair and makeup looked like I'd been rode hard and put away wet. Oh well, I'll never see that clerk again and he has probably seen worse.

I hid the memory card in my makeup bag, brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. I was tired but was still buzzing from the last orgasm. My hand found its way between my thighs and in a few minutes my body jerked. I took a couple of breaths and fell into a deep relaxed sleep.

The next morning I took a quick shower and had the hotel breakfast of coffee, cereal and orange juice. Checkout was at 11:00 so I didn't need to rush and drive with the sun in my eyes. I could take my time and be home by mid afternoon. Also this would give Brad's little wigglers time to swim up and do their job. I'd been gone three days and knew that after thinking about my being with Brad, Frank would be horney as hell and would want to fuck the minute I got home. We aren't alone anymore so he'd have to wait till we put Julie down for the night. Children are great but they do cut into one's sex life.

The drive back to Pittsburg was uneventful and I found myself becoming wet as I replayed the previous night in my mind. I was getting wet and my stomach would occasionally spasm from the previous night's workout.

I love my life with Frank and know he is the only one I love. I don't know if it is Brad's size or the excitement of being with someone different that makes sex with him so thrilling. Whichever it is, thanks to an open minded husband (and his wanting to save the artificial insemination expenses), I've experienced twice what most women never get to experience once, poor things.

I have found that sex and love are two different things. However, one could lead to the other. I can have sex with Brad, enjoy it and it does not diminish my love for Frank. I'm lucky that Frank is pretty big and satisfies me... I wonder about women who marry someone with a smaller weenie. How would they react to a couple of hours of raw deep pounding sex with a well hung man? Would they be able to treat it as a one time thing, like a once in a lifetime trip to Paris, and return to the love of their husband and the comfort of marriage or would it awaken a need in them that must be satisfied time and again? Trips to Paris could prove expensive both emotionally and financially.. Maybe the couple could come to an arrangement for future encounters. It could be that an occasional night out for both parties would not affect a good marriage, if they agreed on and followed preset ground rules, but if the marriage was shaky it would probably speed up its dissolution. The French have a saying 'Sometimes it takes three to make a marriage work'. Maybe if the New England area had been settled by the French instead of a bunch of up tight Puritans our country's sexual attitudes would be different.

Well, not my problem. While sex with Brad is physically great, I've never come so much in my life, however his secretly recording us showed a character flaw I hadn't seen in Mexico. I could never love him because of that. I wondered if he has a collection of Adele and Lisa sessions that he uses for amusement or if he was in some club that exchange videos of the members having sex. I hoped he wouldn't be dumb enough to put them on the internet. That could really ruin a woman's life.... if she ever wanted to run for office.

I pulled into the garage in mid-afternoon. Frank and Julie met me at the door. I gave Frank a passionate kiss to show how much I had missed him and to give Julie an example of how to treat a husband when she grows up. I then picked her up and hugged her and listened to her exploits of the past couple of days. Frank was nuzzling around me like a dog in heat. We hugged and kissed while Julie watched and learned how married people behave when they miss one another, and then we sat on the sofa and held her between us to show her how much we loved her too.

"So, how was the visit? Did you get everything you went for?"

"Yes. I picked up a couple of outfits and saw some old friends. Had lunch with Shirley... Oh! And I bumped into Brad; you remember... we met him in Mexico... We had lunch... he invited me over to his house for a dinner of shrimp in a honey nut sauce, rice and broccoli and uh... we played some games." This meta talk was going over Julie's head, but I knew it was turning Frank on while telling him a little about my trip.

"What kind of games, Mommy?"

Oops! Maybe she is smarter than we think... "These are games grown-ups play, Honey. Some day, I'll tell you about them".

"OK, Mommy."

Frank had prepared a simple dinner salad with a side of cold cuts, cheese and a baguette. As we ate, we chatted more about the trip and what had happened in my absence while exchanging meaningful glances. It was becoming more difficult to keep Julie in the conversation as the sexual tension between us grew. After dinner, I took Julie up for her bath. She protested as it was a earlier than normal but I told her I would read her two stories. After a Dr. Seuss story, The Cat in the Hat and Goodnight Moon by somebody else, I kissed her, tucked her in and turned out the light. "Night, night Honey. I love you!" "I love you too mommy!"

Frank was anxious to jump straight to bed. "Whoa, Honey. I had a long drive and need to rinse off. Why don't you jump in the shower with me?" We got in the shower together and teasingly washed one another.

"Was he a good fuck?"

It was mind blowing but I have to play the faithful wife. "Frank, why can't you just be satisfied knowing that I had sex with the man only to get pregnant? It was just sex, whether he was good or not is immaterial."

"Well, I just like to know what I'm competing against. Did you enjoy it?"

Enjoy cannot begin to describe what I felt but if I told you, you would pout for weeks. "This is not a competition; you are my husband and will always be the only man I love."

"You didn't answer the question. Did you enjoy it? Did you come?"

God! If you only knew! I get horney thinking abut it. "You know what they say, 'When sex is good it is great and when it's bad, it's still pretty good'. So Yes, I had an orgasm. Anyway, you told me to enjoy myself!... So I did."

His dick was stiff as a starched rolling pin. I took it in my hands and started stroking. "Come here, I'll show you how much I missed you". I knelt down while stroking his dick and gently started sucking it while water ran down my face.. He became very quiet. I kept up my ministrations until his breath started to come quickly and his dick started to twitch.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to come!"

"Go ahead darling, we have a long night and I'm sure I can get you hard again." With that, his stomach contracted and streams of hot liquid shot out his twitching dick. I caught them all in my mouth and swallowed. I continued moving my head back and forth feeling the smooth texture of his cock until the caresses on his super sensitive tip became too intense and he gently pushed me away.

We finished our shower, dried off and I told him to get in bed, I'd be there soon. I put on the negligee I had bought and waltzed into the room doing a spin as I seductively looked him in the eyes. He was under the covers from the waist down but I could tell from the tent in the blanket that he was erect again. He looked me up and down and let out a low wolf whistle. "Did you wear that for Brad?"

"No, Sweetheart, I bought this especially for you. How do you like it?"

"You look stunning. But I'm more interested in the present than the gift wrapping."

"Why you horney old man. Let's cuddle a little before you get me out of this."

"Come here!" I crawled in the bed and wrapped myself around him. He held me in his arms and started massaging one of my breasts as we kissed. "Do you like it?" "I sure do!. Maybe you should take it off so it won't get wrinkled." "Not yet."

So far the outfit was having the desired effect on him. He was more interested in fucking me than asking about my time with Brad. He slid one of the shoulder straps off exposing my breast and began kissing and sucking on it. I slid the other strap off to give him access to the other one. He took the hint and alternated between them. His hand was running up and down my leg as he urged the bottom of the negligee toward my waist. I opened my legs slightly to accommodate his hand as it zeroed in on the heat emanating between my legs. He rested his fingers over my mound and made little rotating movements, occasionally dipping a finger down to pick up some lubrication to spread over my clit. Oh God! If he keeps this up I'm going to come. My hips were beginning to rock in preparation for my orgasm and he stopped!! "Honey, don't stop! I was getting ready to come."

He was on his side leaning on his elbow looking at me. "Did Brad do that to you?"

Oh, Oh!, My plan isn't working like I thought it would. He's still wondering how we did it. "Honey, why does it matter as long as I get pregnant?"

"Well, this is the second time you have fucked him and I wonder how you do it. How much you enjoy it. What does he do to make you come? Tell me everything!"

"Honey, I've told you a hundred times. With him it was just sex. You are the only man I love or will ever love. Why can't you just accept that and look at my time away from you as something we had to do?"

"Why don't you tell me what happened? Did you do anything kinky or weird?"

"I don't know what you mean by weird or kinky. I went there to get pregnant, he put his penis in my vagina, we had intercourse and we both came. It was just sex. You did tell me to have fun, I did but I don't love him. Why don't you tell me what you think we did?" He looked at me and I could see the wheels turning as he thought. I reached down and lightly stroked his penis. It twitched, oozing pre-come.

When a man has a hard-on part of the blood he needs to think is being used elsewhere. "Well, he probably ate you out to get you wet and then got on top and fucked you. That would be the best way to get pregnant." "Frank, you should have been a psychic. Yes, he ate me out, I came and we fucked missionary. Now, can we make love?"

The initial mood had been broken with the diverting conversation, but he leaned over and kissed me and picked up where he had left off massaging my mound. I was soon wet again and he climbed on and slipped his cock in me. He started out slowly, but soon had a grim look on his face and was pounding me harder than usual. Another time, I may have gotten into this and enjoyed the rough fuck, but it seemed like he was beating me with his body and not making love.

I was running the events around in my head when he came and fell exhausted over me breathing heavily. "Honey, are you OK? You seem to be acting strangely."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you come?"

"No, but that's OK. Are you jealous because I came with Brad?" He was silent. "Look, you are the only man I love or ever will love. We agreed that I would visit Cleveland so we could have another baby. If I had an orgasm as a natural response to sex, it was no reflection on you. It just happens. I don't love him, I love you!"

"Oh, I don't know. I guess I'm just envious that he can get you pregnant and I can't."

"Darling, come here." I pulled him over closer to me, held his face in my hands while I looked him in the eye. "Look! We aren't even sure I'm pregnant. If I am, you will be the only father this baby will ever know. You will hold it, feed it and watch it grow. My short out of town visit just started the process."

"Yeah, you're right. In a few days I'll have forgotten that you went and life will be back to normal."

"Hold me." I lay in his arms with my leg across his body. My mind racing between thoughts... Frank... Julie... Brad... Am I pregnant?... Will it be a boy or a girl?... Where did I store Julie's baby clothes?... Is Frank pulling away?... Will two reminders of Brad upset our marriage?

As I lay there, I became aware of a twitching against my leg. Frank was getting hard again. I moved my leg to get access to his manhood. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I just had to hear you say that you loved me." I pushed down the covers, repositioned myself so I was face to face with his cock. I gave it a couple of long slow strokes before I put it in my wet mouth and started a slow suction while I twirled my tongue over the head. Before long, it responded and became hard again.

I straddled his body and slowly worked his penis in me. I looked in his eyes as I began a slow rocking motion that I knew he liked. "Frank, I love you more than you will ever know."

"I love you too." I leaned over and gave him a long passionate kiss while continuing my rocking motion. "If we do have a baby, you will be its father. You know that don't you?"

"Uh huh."

I could tell he was beginning to be distracted by the pressure building in his groin. He began pumping up and down to match my rhythm. I was no where near an orgasm, which was OK. This was sex to reseal a relationship and heal my husband's hurt. Suddenly he grabbed my hips and pulled me down to him. I felt his hot fluid hit my walls and a flutter go through my body. I bent over and gave him another passionate kiss which he returned. "Are we good, honey?"

"Yeah. We're good."

The next few days we were back to normal. Frank worked, while I took care of the house and Julie. Our sex life was returning to normal. I missed my period and got an EPT kit to confirm what I already felt. I stared at the "plus" sign on my EPT stick. Well, there is no going back now.

My growing stomach was a constant reminder of the night with Brad. In the first few months I was in a state of horneyness that kept Frank drained with a silly grin on his face. My pregnancy and delivery were much the same as with Julie. Kathy was a healthy baby girl who soon fell into our sleep routine and Julie liked the big sister role of playmate and caretaker. Frank was delighted that our girls were healthy and well behaved, but I sensed he would rather have had a boy.