Why Don't Wives Think They're Sexy?

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Wife doesn't think she's sexy. She is wrong.
3.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/18/2020
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Why is it that wives can't see just how sexy they are? It seems that once they get married they think they are no longer desirable to other men. They are so wrong. Do they think that once they are Mrs. So-and-so they lose whatever it was that attracted their husband to them?

After 24 years of marriage, my wife had fallen into that rut. It's crazy because frankly, she is hot. Yes, her body had changed from when we first met. Yes, having two kids had an effect. What she didn't realize is it made her more desirable, more attractive. At 47 she was more beautiful than she was at 22, and she was pretty damn hot then. There is just something about a mature female that radiates sex appeal. Maybe it is that they don't see themselves as sexy that does it. Her 5'6" 140 body was perfect. The way her hips had become fuller and the way her 34dd breasts had filled, sagging slightly after childbirth and all these years was extraordinary. Her slightly longer than shoulder length brown hair, with its flecks of grey is alluring. Her multicolored eyes are fascinating. The fact of the matter is she is smoking hot. I've told her how attractive she is and how guys would love to be with her, but she has no idea.

It took a single incident to get her to realize, maybe I still have it, or at least a little of it. One day, while going to her favorite sandwich/coffee shop for lunch as she stood in line a man began conversation with her and that started the ball rolling.

I can still recall the little sparkle in her eyes as she told me the story when she got home from work that day. How this guy started talking with her, general conversation at first, but then he continued. Now this shop usually has a line, it has great food and coffee, and they aren't the fastest in making sandwiches so he undoubtedly had some time to talk with her. She said at first it was general things. As she waited for her food she said he continued to talk asking her more specific things, like how long she had lived here, and what was her favorite thing on the menu. He eventually asked her for her number, saying he would love to talk to her again and get to know her better.

As she told me this her face got a bit red. I think she was looking for a reaction from me. Little did she know my reaction was some arousal. I asked her what she told him, if she gave her number and she looked at me shocked. "Of course I didn't!" she exclaimed. "I'm married to you."

"He just said he'd like to talk again and get to know you. Did he seem nice?" I asked.

"I guess," she replied.

"Did you find him attractive?" I asked.

"I told you, I'm married to you, and I'm old, and a mom," she countered.

"That wasn't what I asked."

"I guess he was ok," she said, a bit flustered. "He just wanted to talk and get to know me."

"Yes, but I think he may have had more in mind," I countered. As she was obviously getting embarrassed, I left things at that and walked from the room, giving her something to think about.

That night, as we curled up in bed, she brought up the subject again.

"What do you think he had in mind if it wasn't to get to know me better?"

"I think he was thinking how lovely you'd look in the nighty you're wearing right now." I replied.

"Oh my goodness, no he wasn't." she exclaimed.

"He was thinking how nice your breasts would look with those hard nipples. How sexy your ass would feel in his hands. How your mouth would feel on his mouth, on his cock." I usually don't use the word cock, but I knew it would have an effect on her.

"You're crazy!" she retorted.

"He was thinking how good your pussy would smell and taste. How it would feel squeezing his cock as he thrust into it. What was his name?"

"Mmm." She inadvertently moaned and said "Bill, I think." I could see her nipples hardening and a flush redness on her chest. I was sure she was a bit moist down there as well. With that I gave her a hard kiss, rolled over, and pretended to go to sleep. I knew I had left her a bit frustrated and I could hear her heavy breathing. I wanted her to think about Bill in her dreams.

The next day she was up earlier than me. This was unusual. I could hear the shower running. The kids were still in bed. I slowly opened the door to the master bath. I could see her reflection in the mirror. Her lathered body looked beautiful. She was bending over, shaving her legs and touching up around her bush. As she bent over, her ass facing me, her legs spread slightly and I could tell she had also trimmed herself, something she didn't typically do in the winter months.

I waited for her to finish shaving, took off my boxers, and joined her in the shower. As I stepped up behind her, I reached around and cupped her breasts, rolling the hard nipples in my fingertips. "Call me Bill." I said. I rubbed my hardening cock against her ass.

"Oh, Bill!" she moaned.

I lowered my hand to her clit and I could feel her lubrication already soaking her vagina. I think she was already thinking of him. "Bill loves seeing your naked body." I told her.

"But I'm old. I'm a mom. I'm saggy."

"Bill thinks you're so sexy." I bent her over and slid my cock into her from behind. Thrusting into the wettest pussy I could remember, until I filled it with my cum. "Bill is filling you with his cum." Her body shuddered in orgasm at that same moment I said that.

"I don't think it is a good idea to talk about this again. I love you. No one would want to do that with me except you," she said. We then kissed, dried off, got dressed and then went on with the day.

Nothing more was mentioned for many months about that incident or Bill, but I couldn't get it out of my mind. I was sure she couldn't either. I decided I need to wait until just the right time to bring it up again. That time presented itself when I was asked to go to conference and decided to take my wife. The kids were old enough to stay on their own so this was the first chance we had to go away together since before they were born.

The conference was half-way across the county and required a flight. We would be gone for several days, staying at a luxury resort hotel. During the morning I would have my conference to attend and she could shop, lay by the pool, or go to the spa. In the afternoon we could sightsee. At night we could have fancy diners and do whatever we wanted. What I wanted was to bring up the idea of "Bill".

On the flight, I casually mentioned how nice it was going to be to get away, just the two of us. She agreed. I brought up how exciting it was going to be to go to sightseeing as we had never been to this area before. She agreed. I brought up how much fun she could have shopping and going to the spa. She agreed. I brought up how we wouldn't know anyone there and wondered if we would see "Bill". Her eyes got big and she was quiet.

"Honey, this would be the perfect opportunity. I've told you for years how beautiful you are and how guys find you attractive, but you don't believe me. I now can prove it." I said.

"How?" she asked.

"I will explain everything once we get there. You just relax and enjoy the flight." I left things at that because I knew she would be thinking about it the entire 3 hours, working herself up, getting hotter.

When we finally arrived, took a taxi to the hotel, checked in, and had bags delivered to the room it was around 2:00 in the afternoon. Once in the room, she immediately asked, "What are you thinking about? How are you going to prove that guys find me attractive?"

"Let's go get some lunch. Then we can talk," I said. I took her hand and in minutes we were in one of the resort hotels restaurants. "What sandwich and drink did you order when you talked to Bill?" I asked.

She looked at me, shook her head, and then told me. That is what I ordered for her. While eating, I said that tonight at 9:00 we are going to go to one of the bars. I'm going to pick out what you're going to wear."

"I'm not going to dress like a hooker so you can prove your point!" she exclaimed.

"I won't have you looking like that. You're my wife. Besides, you don't need to look like a whore to attract guys. I have something nice, demure, and attractive for you to wear. If you don't like it you don't have to wear it. You will then go down to the bar area and sit at the counter, by yourself. I will wait ten minutes, and believe me those ten minutes will be excruciating, and then I'll come down. I won't intervene or intrude on any conversations you're having. I will only watch. If there is no one talking to you, I will sit at a booth for another ten minutes, and if still no one comes to you, I will join you. Agreeable?"

"Ok," she said hoarsely.

At 7:00 I told her she should go and shower while I lay out her clothing.

"I don't think anyone will even talk to me," she said.

I told her that she was wrong, but she needed to shower to get ready. I asked her to use her shower lotion that leave her smelling so good. I also told her that she could not touch herself there, other than to wash.

"What do you think is going to happen tonight?" she asked.

"One never knows," I replied and told her to leave the door open so I can make sure she doesn't do anything.

As she showered I lay out the clothing I had picked out. It consisted of a thong, matching bra, a skirt that isn't mini but is mid-thigh and has a bit of flare to it, and a sheer blouse that was sleeveless. To complete the outfit, some heels she loves to wear because they show off her calves and a new necklace and earrings I had just purchased as a surprise.

When she came out of the shower, wrapped in towel, she looked a bit flushed. She insisted it was just the hot water and that she hadn't touched herself. She took a look at the outfit and agreed that it wasn't whorish or slutty and that she would wear. Then she saw the thong, she hasn't worn a thong in years. She looked at me, shook her head giving me "the look" and said, "Ok."

"Drop the towel and get dressed." I said. By now it was a little after 8:00 and I knew it would take a bit for her to complete makeup and hair. She dropped the towel and I was greeted by the body I love. I could tell she had given some extra attention to certain areas. Her pubic area was trimmed by further than normal, not to the point of her lips showing, but no hair would be visible along the edges of her panties. She also smelled wonderful.

As she put on the thong, I asked her to turn around. She did. "Mmmmm, beautiful!" I said. She continued to get dressed and the look had the effect I desired. She looked like a goddess. The skirt displayed just the right amount of her legs, which while not long are so shapely. The blouse and bra, while not see through, you could almost see what was under, requiring just the right amount of imagination. When her hair and makeup were complete, she was perfect.

At 9:00 she turned to me, looked down at herself, back at me, and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Go," I said, "have fun. You don't think you could still attract a guy's attention. This is your chance to find out. Go down, order a drink, if no one comes, I'll be down in a bit, we can come back up and I'm going to make love to you like you've never experienced before. If however, someone does come and talk, have fun. Do what feels comfortable. You don't have to do anything with anyone. Just do what is comfortable."

With that I kissed her lightly and she left the room.

I have to admit, those ten minutes were tough. I was left wondering what was happening and I had some really naughty scenarios running through my mind. What if I got down there and she was already gone with someone? I held tight to my ten minute commitment.

When I finally made it down to the bar, things had gone better than I anticipated. Not only was one guy talking to her but two were. I knew from my searching online that the bar's stools were higher than most, so she would have to hop up on them and as I hoped the flare on her skirt was enough that the back of it had fallen down over the back of the stool. Her bare cheeks were sitting on the padded cover of the stool. It also was high enough that if her skirt rode up someone might be able to see some upper thigh.

As was the two guys were on each side of her so her back was to me. She kept turning from one to the other, talking. It looked as if she had drinks purchased for her. It was hard for me to tell the exact ages of the guys, but one looked to be maybe in late 50s and the other in his early 40s. So one older and one younger. I wondered which she liked best. Both looked rather handsome.

As they talked one and then the other would find reasons to touch her. First her shoulder or arm. Then rubbing her back. Finally, one slid his hand down to her bottom. I was sure he would be able to feel her cheeks and thong through the thin material of the skirt. When his hand lingered there a bit too long, she rotated so as to remove his hand. I knew there could be no doubt in her mind that others found her attractive. I was sure she was aroused but she was still reluctant to do anything.

As they talked a bit more, and a bit more alcohol was consumed, hands touched and fondled a bit more. One guy, the younger had his hand on my wife's back, rubbing. The other, older guy, brought his hand down to her bottom, slowly sliding lower. When he reached the bottom of the stool, he began to slowly bunch up the fabric of the skirt until he could get his hand under. I don't even think my wife had any idea what was happening until his hand was under and his hand would have an unobstructed path to her bare cheeks.

I saw her flinch a bit, but she didn't move to rotate as she had before. Being unsure of what she was wanting, I thought I would give her a way out if she wanted. I sent her a quick text to go and use the restroom in five minutes and I would meet her there. Over the next five minutes, I saw the older guy's hand wiggling under the back of her skirt. I could only imagine what was happening. The younger guy's hand was no longer on her back but was now on her thigh.

When I saw her begin to move, I got up and went to the restroom area. Since the women's restroom was around the corner there was no danger of the guys having to go as well and following her. I waited and she quickly rounded the corner. I could see that she was aroused. Her nipples were hard and sticking out proudly as she approached.

"Did you see that? I guess you were right." She said.

I told her that I was watching and yes I did see.

"The one guy was wiggling his finger along the back part of my thong, between my cheeks. He was working deeper and deeper. I'm sure he probably felt some wetness. I know if he would have moved my thong to the side he could have fingered my bottom, maybe my front."

I was shocked at her being so explicit but excited too.

"I'm glad you text me. If nothing else I need to go and dry off. What should we do next?"

I wasn't sure if she was talking about her doing with me or the two guys. I asked her if she wanted to go back and talk more with the two guys.

"It is exciting!" she said. "I guess a bit more won't hurt as long as you don't mind."

"I told you to have fun and do whatever you want. Would you turn a bit more in your seat so you're facing me and I can see a bit more of your legs?" With that I reached for her purse and inserted two condoms into it.

"What is that for?" she asked.

"In case things get out of hand." I replied and left her to dry off and I returned to my seat.

A couple minutes later she rejoined the two guys. She had done as I asked and sat so I could see more of her, her legs and front. Of course this gave the older guy a hidden view of what he was doing behind her. It only took a couple of minutes for her to jump a bit as his hand must have been back between her cheeks.

As they all talked the older guys whispered something to her. I saw her look over at me, raise up in her seat a bit and then slowly settle down. Her eyes closed and I knew he now had a finger in her. I was guessing it was in her backside, which I know she loves. The younger guy then lowered his hand to her knee and pulled a bit so her knees parted. He slowly slid his hand up and in. Anyone that was there would be able to see the onslaught of my wife.

As he was approaching her panties, or at least it looked as if he was that far, he moved in front of her. I was sure she now had fingers from both of them in her. This seemed to sober her up and she immediately stopped both. She said something to them, they both nodded, and got up. The older one paid for the drinks and the three of them passed by me as they left.

My wife looked at me, giving me the look to ask, "is this ok?" and I smiled. Giving her a few minutes I text her, asking her to text me which room they were going to so I knew they were safe. She responded I will text when they leave. We are in our room.

With that I settled in at my booth, ordered another drink, along with some food, and waited for my text. I hoped it wasn't going to be too long as I was already so turned on the thoughts of what they might be doing was going to kill me.

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StrixalucoStrixalucoabout 2 years ago

Some people seem very eager to condemn.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I have to ask, so what was the answer to the title? Sure, the wife is going to get some strange, but it didn't answer the real question.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
ANONY 5/19 "GOOD STORY"..........................................

When are you going to bypass using your tramp wife as bait and just start picking up guys to fuck you? You're obviously a faggot that hasn't come out yet. You, the author and his literary creation I. This story are all, quite likely dick sucking, cum swallowing, take it up the ass faggots. Face up to, put on some lipstick and leave a lip ring around the base of some well hung guys cock.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Hope his wife catches something of the two studs and passes it on to him.That will teach the stupid sod.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
So to build her self-confidence you let her

get picked up by two guys at a bar after they molest her in plain site (not happening in any hotel bar I've been too without getting the boot) I think she is just playing her clueless sissy husband as a fool. She is bored with his pathetic performance in bed and this was a why to get him to go along with her having real men while her loser husband waits someplace else. It's laughable at what a fool hubby is. I can't even get made at the wife for playing him because he is such a loser.

robinhodrobinhodabout 4 years ago

One question. One observation.


Is it really OK in the US to poke fingers into a lady's parts whilst she's seated at the bar?

Where I live they'd be invited to leave at a much earlier stage than that. Or is that we're just boring, no fun, prudes, in England.

Observation: Wife flirting at the bar has been done many times on this site. Most are better than this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good story

My wife said that she had the same feelings about not being sexy all the time. Then we had to have our dishwasher repaired, and a few weeks later she confessed to me that she sort of flirted with the repairman and she could tell that he found her sexy. The repair required a second visit because of ordered parts, and she couldn't help but flirt again. She then tearfully told me that one thing lead to another and he fucked her before he left. I told he that it was ok because I knew that she loved me and that it was only a fun fling. That was about two years ago and our sex life has been way better since. Yes it is true that once they stray that they will desire it again, last summer she flirted with and had sex with a guy we meet while vacationing in Canada at a fishing lodge. This time I joined in and it was great, and afterward we decided that in the future she would only stray if I was involved. I can't wait to go fishing again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
It's called "self confidence"

Or lack thereof. You either need an editor or you need to do a better job of proof-reading. I don't play the Grammar Police card until things get really bad. THIS was really bad.

1 star

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Good? Not an overused, stale plot? Some folks are desperate for a decent story. This is not it.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerabout 4 years ago


You have a good start, but you stopped far too short. Another two pages could have turned a 3 into a 4 or 5.

luedonluedonabout 4 years ago
The title poses a question

Which the story doesn't answer. Once again a story about a 'loving wife' is more about the husband's reaction than about the wife's 'extra-marital fun'.


northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoabout 4 years ago
Why oh why?

Story showed promise to start with but gradually went downhill. The end of yet another marriage no doubt. She won't be satisfied with one night, he will have lost all the respect she had for him, just another wimpy cuckold.

jaythemanjaythemanabout 4 years ago
Characters Not Believable

I had hope when I read the title, but the husband and wife do not behave consistently. I got tired of this about halfway.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Just another brain dead idiot

Why is he happy to whore out his wife? The whole story gradually went downhill.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
It's a fantasy.

Too bad anonymous idiots have to jump in with their moral judgement.

Its a great story and I'd love to hear more.

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