Wife's Friend Spends the Weekend

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Big gifts can come in small boxes, our first experience.
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Out of the blue our phone rings, l don't recognize the voice but after multiple hints, I'm finally on board. It's an old friend l had not seen or heard from in years. l guess it was nobody's fault but if you had to place it on one of us it would be me. l married my husband shortly after the last time we met and well my new life with him was my first preference, especially over what young single people were doing.

We talked for hours which kind of surprised me as he and l were not great friends, more in the same click. l guess it was just nice catching up with one of the old gang and a new ear to talk about my new life, a life l was loving. l now had his new number as he had moved away and we also exchanges emails as that was what people do these days.

It was the very next day when l received an email that read "Testing 1, 2, 3" I assumed it was Sal but l started off questioning that when l first opened it up. It simply said "Great catching up" which made sense, but also a photo of a girl, and now l was lost. was this his girlfriend or wife, you would think he would have also been in it also and he failed to mention such a person.

l reached out to another friend named Cindy which whom l did keep in contact and asked her if she knew anything about Sal. She informed me she had not seen or spoken to him but in a whispered voice she spills that she heard he's a girl now. l thought I heard her wrong and asked her to repeat herself.

Cindy: "He's a girl now, you know a chick with a dick."

I wasn't upset just caught off guard and l told her thanks then hung up. More curious than anything else l returned his email. (Hi Sal, might you be going by a different name these days) l felt bad as soon as l pressed (send) but if there was a way to take it back l did not know how. I feared my message might be seen as an insult which was not the case, l should have waited until l fully digested the new news.

The next day l received another email from him which was also short and to the point. it read (Yes, l go by Sally these days), and like before it included a photo. This one was more risk-a, a topless pic. Honestly, if I did not know l would never think she was he. To be honest, l no longer knew how to address him.

This time l waited a few days to email back as the last thing I wanted was to insult Sally plus l felt l owed an apology. l started my return email with three simple words so at least those came across if she wishes to not read further. (I'm so sorry) I went on saying l find her very beautiful and kidded around how l wish l met Sally years ago. Then to put me out there a bit about how l was bisexual these days. I'm not sure if it was due to that but a long and friendly email came back and it seemed the rest was water under the bridge now.

Sally was never one to hold back even back in the day, that was the one thing I remember most of her. blunt honesty.

Her email got to the point also, telling me how much she loves her new life and l couldn't be happier for her which l was quick to tell her exactly that. l also included more about myself and my life since seeing the gloves were off, spilling about my sex life especially my husband's, and how l finally dip a toe in the bisexual pool after my swimming in it.

He sent back a couple of stories of his own and I must say my panties were soaked to the point l had to remove them to masturbate while I read her conquests again. Normally I'm very honest with my husband and he did know l was emailing an old friend but l would guess he thought it was Sal, which I guess he would have excepted Sally far easily.

Our back and forth kept going even after we learned about each of us using our emails as a masturbation tool. And with a few more under our belts l figured out she was far more interested in hearing more about my husband than me. l took no offense and to be honest he has always been a more interesting character. And fulfilling her need was far easier for me, not only because l now saw her as a girl but because it was just repeating things l have told other girlfriends which always piqued their interest.

The best thing about sharing with Sally was the chance to share about my husband being bisexual, those were the best stories, and things heated up between us even more. For my own sake that is when l mentioned emailing Sally and our sharing dirty stories which l was masturbating to when horny he was not around. This caught his attention and he asked if l had any photos of her. l told him just a couple then l looked back and showed him the two l had, the headshot and the topless pic. A few minutes later he told me "wow, she's hot" That news was a big hit with Sally and l guess what was responsible for what he asked next. Sally was coming to our town soon and asked if l would mind if she stopped by. l took a couple of days not wanting to react too quickly as I did before only to regret it later. During that time l went back and forth almost every time it came to mind. l didn't want to lie to my husband but then again you don't know what the possibilities that raced through my mind, my lord thinking about them made me so horny.

l thought back and sold me that l haven't lied to him, just have not told the full truth, and don't we do that all the time? You don't come across an old friend that gained a lot of weight and say "hey you got fat" you just skip that so as not to hurt their feeling right?

Right or wrong l told him that Sally was coming to town soon. His response was great, maybe you girls can do lunch or something, and went on saying how it's good to keep in touch with friends.

I told him yeah maybe but she wants to meet you too.

My husband: "Oh yeah, let me know when and l will try to make time. you know if you make it in the evening that would make it far easier for me."

l might not know much but l knew my husband and his wheels were already turning, as was mine. l sent Sally another note saying we were on and how my husband and l was excited to meet her. l wrapped up being blunt saying if she wants to sleep with my husband. l waited nervously but her response was quick.

Sally wrote: "I'm game if you if he is."

l laughingly told her only if I'm there too. So with that the game was on. We worked out the timing over the next few days and then it was just a waiting game that was less than a week away. l said very little to my husband as the days rolled by, just enough to keep his interest. l did warn him that Sally was a little shy which l hoped doing so might block any unusual sense he got from her.

my husband: "Don't worry Honey, I'll be gentle around her."

The big day came and as her flight arrived late l suggested that l pick her up and maybe she could spend the night with us. l would then take her to rent a car or whatever her plans were in the morning. As l figured my husband just shrugged his shoulders which meant whatever.

My excitement built as l raced to the airport. It might sound silly but I'm watching as the people began to come out of the airliner, trying to figure out which was her. It wasn't as easy as you might think and l guessed wrong. I turned back as my pick passed by as l was a total stranger, which l guess l was. Then I felt arms wrap around me and the scent of perfume.

Sally: "It's so good to see you again"

Me: "Sally?" l said almost unbelievably. Where she said, "it's me." Arm in arm we made our way to grab her luggage and our way home. The bitch had luggage and a lot of it.

We made some plans and went over the rules but those didn't take long. I mentioned our offer for her to spend the night etc, which she appreciated. Then after getting a better idea of what her agenda was to me it made more sense if she stayed with us her whole visit. Everything was local and we were all still young so wasting money on a hotel when we had a guest room sitting empty only made sense. But of course, l had to run it past my husband but it was a sure thing in my mind knowing him as l do.

My husband stayed up waiting even though he had to leave early for work the next day. So soon after approving her stay he excused himself for a shower and bed. l always tried to see him off to work but we girls went on until early morning so l was still sleeping when he left for his workday.

When l did wake Sally was already up, in her robe drinking coffee. l guess it made sense as where she came from it was already almost noon.

Sally: "good morning Lucky"

Me: "Lucky, why lucky?"

Sally: "because he a fucking stud!"

Me: "yeah, l am pretty fucking lucky come to think of it. So what's on the agenda for today?"

Sally: "Well we go take a bath together, l make my meeting and hurry back to fuck your husband. Just kidding."

Me: "You better be because you left me out, other than that it sounds great. But how about a slice of toast before we begin?"

If l wasn't already sure Sally was a woman she proves her bones when she sees my bathroom.

Sally: "Holy shit, spoiled much bitch?"

Me: "you got that right, like no other and l couldn't be happier."

While the large tub fills l open the glass double doors to our private courtyard. Sally steps forward for a better look, at the babbling fountain, and yard art sculptures of Yesteryear. l take a hold of her arm.

Me: "No, no. "Hubbies rules, no clothing allowed in the courtyard.

Sally: "my pleasure" as she drops her robe to the floor and walks it.

l stay back wanting for the tub to be just right and to find the right music to play while we bathe together. A few minutes later l becken Sally to return as the tub is ready. Her hard nipples confirm Fall's arrival and the brisk mornings it brings with it. she wastes no time stepping into the warm water.

Sally: "Oh, that's much better."

I shed my robe and move to join her.

Sally: "Wait, let me look at you. "what l would give to have your body."

Me: "Thanks and you can tell me all about it after l get in with you. I'm glad she closed the door as l was cold now too"

Stepping in the tub l noted that Sally's willy is hard, making a mental note for later. After stepping in to join Sally ran her hands over my body, a soft touch l have enjoyed with other women. More of a joking-around jester she rubbed my clitty with the flat of her thumb. We settle in and l give here play by play how things normally go between my husband and l, most times starting in this very room.

Sally's touch moved to her own body listening to my every word. Her hand passes over and over her small cock, I'm busy fingering myself and now lost for words l offer a finger from my other hand. l reach beneath her bouncing balls and slip my finger in her wanting hole. She presses back hard taking every bit of it possible and quickly finds her release. l find my own under Sally's watchful eyes.

We remove ourselves from the tub, dry off then each gets ready for the day. It was a rush for Sally or she would be tardy for her meeting. To save time she leaves in my car, my plans did not take me away from home. The fact was that to Sally my morning masturbation was already accomplished.

But my free time left me with thoughts about what might become of tonight with the three of us. So as if this morning's play never happened l return to my bedroom, l look into my nightstand to pick my poison. l kick my pants off and l use my toys to find release again. After a little of this and that l reach behind me finding the cord to my electric-powered wand, no toy matches its quickness in getting me off. Less than a minute of that and it's like a dog shaking the water off itself, my nectar shooting everywhere.

After some chores around the house and just finishing the last one of those, l could hear the garage door is opened l knew Sally had returned. We talked and talked more until it wasn't long before my husband was due to return home. We hopped in the shower and l left Sally in my bathroom to get herself ready as l started a quick and light dinner.

Just as l was finishing up l heard my husband come in, l rushed over to get him a welcome home kiss. He quickly asked about Sally and l told him she was getting ready for dinner in our bathroom, so why doesn't he wash up in the hall bath? He kisses me again and heads that way.

With that l go back to see what has been taking Sally so long. When l find her she's dressed to the nines.

Me: "Damn Sally, we're just having fricking Chili for heaven's sake."

Sally: "yeah I guess I'm a tad overdressed, but l want to make a good impression"

Me: "You think? Oh and by the way, you look beautiful"

She gave herself one more look and we went to the living room. We could hear my husband before we saw him.

my husband: "Yum, dinner smells great." (then he lays eyes on Sally) "Wow!, l mean what is for dinner?"

Me: "Chili"

my husband: "Sally looks a bit overdressed for chili Hun, why don't you put something on and we go out for dinner? The chili will hold over until tomorrow, right?"

Me: "It will lover, and it's even better then."

my husband: "Great, and put on your dancing shoes. I'll be right behind you."

l knew then what an impression Sally had on him, he wasn't much for dancing let alone being the one to bring up the subject. l happily rushed back to get ready. My husband did not join me right away but he knew l take much longer then he does. l could help but wonder what they were talking about.

But sure as the rising sun, he came in as I finishes putting my face on. He hopped in the shower as l rummaged in my closet for which dress to wear. In just my bra and panties l held a few for my husband's approval. We hit pay dirt on the third one, he surely wanted me to have my Slut on.

This dress called for stockings, l grabbed a garter and a pair out of my drawer. My pussy was already getting wet as my hands glided over my silk-covered leg and by the time came my husband was more than happy to attach the garter to the black stocking.

When we met up with Sally in the living room she just said "Wow"

Me: "yeah, l think we both look hot tonight. Honey, maybe you should stay home and just us girls go out? The chili is still warm."

my husband: "ah, that won't be happening. you better get in the car before you're left eating the damn chili, and Sally and l go out."

l knew he was playing with me, but that is half the fun. "yes Master"

We went to a place that was known more the dancing than its food, yet another surprise I didn't see coming. My husband was like a proud Peacock strutting in with a girl on each side. We had a quick light dinner and then we went to the other side where the bar and dancing took place.

Sally played her part perfectly, although many came by to ask her to dance each time she said she was sorry but her dance card was full. Selling the point by clinging on to my husband. As for me, I couldn't pass up the chance to tease him and hopefully Sally also. Not that l danced with all that asked but when l did he got a good look at the slut he dressed me to be.

As I'm on the dance floor, some guy is pressed hard against my backside and l can feel his hot and hard cock. l looked over spotting Sally rubbing her hand over my husband's cock under the table.

When the song ended l returned to the table and told my husband he better dance with me, or lose me forever. He stood straight up grabbing my hand, and l grabbed Sally's, Together we walked out to the dance floor, and let loose. l guess you could say nasty to those few songs we danced to. And although it was unsaid l think we all were ready to head back home.

Sally and l sat in the backseat, kissing most of the time and we should call ourselves lucky as my husband's eye spent far more time looking in the rearview than on what was up ahead. He dropped us off in the driveway before pulling the car inside and by the time he did that and found us we girls were already down to our undies.

We were just unsnapping each other's bras when he walked in on us. I asked him for a little help as l didn't want to rip my stockings. He was more than happy to and l could feel his warm breath upon my moist pussy. Sally undid my garter and together they tugged down my panties.

Now it was Sally's turn although hers was a much quicker process. So l kissed her neck and shoulders from behind as hubby took her panties off. I wasn't sure what his reaction would be but l wanted to see it, so l stopped kissing on Sally and looked over toward my husband.

He inched down her black panties and then ran his hand up her leg, past the knee, and over her soft thigh. He then reached in and pulled out her limp member, there were zero surprises on his face but much excitement. He scooped Sally up and brought her to the shower, l was only a step behind. our soapy hands kept busy passing over each other's bodies. And when we were finished there was no time to dry off, we rushed to the bed to get our fuck on.

Sally took hold of my husband's hard cock and quickly began to suck on it. l found hers and my husband buried his face in my smooth pussy. Some minutes into it my husband called out "switch" and l took his cock in my mouth all the while watching with excitement as he sucked on Sally's hard member.

l found myself sandwiched between them Sally in front of me and my husband behind, both taking very good care of my holes, each having their very own. l climaxed over and over until all needed a breath of fresh air. A few minutes later l replaced the rubber on my husband's still hard cock and whispered that it was Sally's turn.

With delight l watched him pound her ass, then as she began to drip pre-cum l slipped in under her and took her big clit in my mouth once again. She clenched down upon my husband's cock just before releasing herself in my wanting mouth. This caused my husband to unload himself into her tight ass.

Yet another fun thing to check off, but for at least myself l hoped we visited the topic again, and soon.

My wait wasn't a long one when l woke to them sucking on each other's cock. A fun start to a great day.

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1Martiniman1Martinimanabout 2 months ago

Good story that could have been great. Slow down, longer story, more emotion (especially from the husband) and a longer ending would be improvements. Still a good and fun story.

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