Wild Flower Ch. 17


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Miguel couldn't believe what he was seeing. The rod was burning Hector's skin but he was quiet. His flesh was burning and Miguel knew that it was painful from that ugly expression on his face. But even as he was burning him, he refused to squeal or even scream through the pain that Miguel was inflicting on him.

Miguel applied pressure to the rod and it burned Hector even more but no word came out of him. He was really pissed and he knew what Hector was trying to do to him. He furiously moved the rod and threw it on the floor, groaning angrily. The burn on Hector's arm was really terribly and it left a wound. The good thing was that Miguel felt really happy when he saw that terrible wound plus the tattoo was gone. It was only a wound remaining.

"Ha ha..." Hector laughed, trying to hide his pain. "...you cannot do anything to me because I am still in control. Don't you remember?" He laughed manically, making Miguel madder. "I was also in control four years ago."

Miguel did a quick visit to the past and he remembered how brutal that bastard had been with him. He remembered the pain they had inflicted on him and that pain came back to him. He shook his head and came back to reality.

"Kill me right now because you aren't getting anything out of me." He said confidently.

"Hmm," Brandon chirped, chuckling like an evil man. "I am sure you just want things to end quickly."

"Wow!" Hector chuckled in mock, looking at Brandon. "I am surprised that you can actually talk. I thought Miguel had you under a leash." He moved his eyes to Miguel and smirked. "That's why you need a real man like me to be with you."

Miguel rolled his eyes in frustration. He wasn't intimidated by Hector at all. The man was annoying as anything he could ever think of. He was also bigger than him.

"Hmm," Miguel chirped, folding his arms on his chest. "The whole country including your children will think of you as a drug lord who ran away from trial." He gave a mocking laugh.

"My children can never think of me like that." He snarled.

"You think so?" Miguel rubbed on his temple as an evil grin appeared on his face. Then his face got even more serious. "You think you are gonna keep quiet?" He chuckled sarcastically. "I am gonna do to you what I did to Antonio. I will drug you even so much that you will not even remember your name."

Miguel gave an evil grin and then moved his eyes to Brandon. Brandon got the idea and gave an evil grin. He went away to the table and came back with a syringe which contained just little of the drugs Miguel intended to give to Hector. They were really dangerous drugs and Miguel knew what they were gonna do to Hector once he gave them to him.

Miguel went closer to the Colonel and gave him an evil grin. "Are you ready to talk or should I..."

"Never!" Hector yelled, clenching his teeth. "You can do whatever you want. I am not scared of you and I will never squeal."

"Very well," Miguel folded his arms on his chest, grinning at him. "It is your choice after all."

He quickly turned to Brandon and winked at him, telling him to go ahead. Brandon had never been so happy the way he was at that time. He was finally gonna kill the man that he had been dying to kill ever since he had met him. It was hilarious.

Brandon took out a needle and joined it to the syringe. There was just a few doze of that drug but it was gonna do wonders. He moved closer to Hector with an evil grin and then injected him with the drugs.

It stung a lot but Hector just smiled because he knew that nothing was gonna happen to him, not after the training he had been through in the military. He could feel something moving in his body, travelling to the rest of his body. It was fast and it felt as if cold water was making its way to his brain. He just got confident and smiled brightly at Miguel.

Miguel and Brandon just stood there, staring at Hector. He was really irritating and Miguel was just dying to have him killed as soon as possible but he couldn't just do that. He still had to find out about the last man that had raped him. That was the only way he was gonna stop with everything.

As he stood there watching the idiot, Miguel was in so much pain. He could remember everything Hector had done to him that particular night. He could remember himself screaming and calling for help and no one had helped him when the bastard was raping him. He was definitely gonna pay for what he had done. Miguel wasn't gonna stop.

Meanwhile, Hector started feeling funny all of a sudden. His body got cold and he started trembling. His energy completely left him and he felt weak. His eyes shot in his head and he started gasping. He felt out of air and his heart started pounding deeper in his chest, almost bursting out. His breaths became really harsh.

Then suddenly, things got worse and intense for him. He started seeing everything that had happened that night. Everything was so clear. It was like he was reliving those moments over and over again. He could hear his friends talking to him and seeing the scared looking boy.

"Yes!" Hector quavered, moving his head from side to side. "We are gonna... gonna have fun tonight. I... I..."

He kept on saying all sorts of things as he relived those moments. He was speaking hysterically and spilling the beans about what he felt that night. But he wasn't mentioning any of the names. Miguel moved his ear closer to get what the idiot was saying but he couldn't hear anything clearly.

"Speak!" Miguel hit Hector furiously. "I want you to speak more."

He moved his head furiously to Brandon and groaned. "This bastard thinks I am joking with him." He chuckled bitterly.

Miguel moved angrily and took a syringe which had a larger dose of that drug. He furiously injected Hector with it and hit him harder.

"What are you doing?" Brandon asked loudly. "The dose could kill him."

Miguel looked angrily at Hector and saw the way he was looking like. His eyes were red and he was trembling. It was almost as if he was convulsing right there but Miguel didn't care about that. He could die for all he cared. He didn't even pity him at all.

"He won't be able to say anything for now." He groaned angrily. "We will deal with him later. Let's go."

With one angry look at the bastard, Miguel turned quickly and left Hector drugged and tied up. He knew exactly what that drug was gonna do to him. The next time he was gonna come back, he was gonna get his answers.


"That boy is not the right one for you." Pablo yelled, breathing harshly.

"Father, please..." Christian took a sigh of relief.

Things weren't going too well for Christian. He had come back home only to be lectured by his uncle about how he should leave Miguel but of course, he wasn't gonna do that. He loved Miguel too much and he was gonna stay with him. He was not in the mood to argue. He had come home with happiness and now his uncle was ruining it for him.

"What are you gonna do, uh?" Pablo shouted at him, getting closer. "Have you forgotten about all the principles my brother had taught you? What about everything that I have taught you, uh? Ever since you were a child..." He breathed. "...my brother and I taught you about all the principles you should have. But now..." He shook his head angrily. "...you want to forget about everything for the love of a boy like La don?"

Christian gripped his hair, trying to control himself. "I assure you, father that Miguel isn't a bad boy." He reassured. "You should trust on me on this one."

"I thought I could but listen to me..." He warned, pointing at Christian. "...you should always remember that La don and I have a pending trial. You should decide which side you will be on." He was just too mad. "Are you gonna be on my side or that boy's side?"

Christian couldn't believe. It made him laugh. "You are really going to make me choose?"

"Yes!" Pablo snapped. He was just too mad at his son. "You have to make up your mind."

Christian gave a gloomy sigh, looking in his father's eyes. "Okay, I am sorry if this going to hurt you..." He put his hands together. "...you might be my father but he is the man that I love."

Pablo was really hurt by the answer Christian had just given him. He was deeply hurt but he still loved Christian a lot. He took a deep sigh and moved closer to his son.

"That man isn't good for you." He spoke softly, trying to at least get him to understand. "I am not going to tell you who to fall in love with but I would wish for you to fall for a good man." He smiled brightly at him. "I want you to have the type of love that your mother and I share."

Christian smiled at his father and held his hands. "I know what you are trying to say to me and I completely agree with you." He chuckled. "But the love Miguel and I share is stronger than anything else in this world. I love him and that will never change."

Christian let go of his father's hands and left the house. Pablo was really pissed with Christian. He had never been hurt by his son like that before and because of someone like La don. It was the most painful thing ever.

"I knew he was gonna say that." Marcus who had been hiding came out to the small living room together with Ruth. "That boy is a warlock and I am sure that he has bewitched him."

Pablo looked at Marcus and breathed in harshly. "My son has never spoken like this to me before."

"I told you that boy is evil." He chuckled bitterly. "He always wants everything to go his way. I mean how do you explain such a young boy to be so powerful and influential? I am sure he is just using Christian so that he can take this entire land away."

"Never!" He yelled. "That boy will never take anything."

"He is really evil." Marcus was adding more fuel to the fire. "I have even inherited his lack of charm. I am sure he has blacklisted me and that's the reason why I can't get a job."

Pablo breathed in furiously. "I will take that boy to court unless he apologizes publicly."

"What?" Marcus gasped.

"It's nothing,"

Pablo quickly left the living and went outside the house. Ruth who was standing with Marcus, trying to make him calm had heard everything. She was beginning to believe that Miguel was a snake just like her husband said. She knew she had to protect her nephew because she loved him so much.


"So what's the way forward with Pablo?" Brandon asked with seriousness in his voice. "What are you gonna do about him."

Miguel gave a sigh, rubbing in his hair. He and Brandon had just come from the Hacienda and they just wanted to pass by the office and see how everything was going. Miguel was seated comfortably on his chair, trying to think exactly what to do.

"I don't know what to do about him." He gave a gloomy sigh. "I don't wanna hurt him at all. But he wants me to apologize to him publicly."

"What?" Brandon chuckled bitterly, clenching his fists. "Are you gonna do what that old..."

"No!" Miguel slightly raised his voice. "I am not gonna do what he wants me to do. I am La don and won't publicly apologize to him. He caused everything that had happened."

"Then what are you gonna do?"

Miguel leaned on his office chair, slightly moving from side to side. "I am gonna have to hand him something that will make him believe I have no interest in that land. I will also do anything else he wants without causing him any harm."

Brandon had never heard anything so surprising from Miguel before. He couldn't believe he was actually talking to Miguel. For a moment he thought he was talking to someone else.

"This is a surprise..." He sighed, rubbing on his face. "...you are cold when you are dealing with those rapists but you change into a completely different character when dealing with Christian Palmer."

Miguel looked at Brandon and just smiled brightly as he remembered all the wonderful things that have been happening to him because of Christian. He loved him so much.


Brandon was at a restaurant, taking a sip of some very sweet wine. He had a grin on his face as he thought about how beautiful Miguel had looked when they were together. Fuck! How he wished he had at least kissed his sweet lips. He was dying to do that. He was really horny for Miguel and he couldn't wait to have him anymore. He wanted to have him at all costs and he was ready to kill Christian just to separate the two of them.

"I am here." Brandon heard a sweet voice.

Hearing that voice, Brandon quickly raised his face and saw him, the person that he had been waiting. The moment he saw him, his heart started racing and his breaths ran out of control. He felt extremely happy as if he had just won the grand prize. He grinned happily, chuckling wonderfully.

"I knew you weren't gonna miss out on this."

"You called me and you said you had something that might interest me." Marcus said, taking a seat.

Yes! Brandon was meeting with Marcus and he had a beautiful proposal for him, a proposal that was gonna work out in both their favors. He was sure they were gonna agree.

"Did anyone see you coming here?" Brandon had to be cautious.

Marcus rolled his eyes in frustration. He had no idea why Brandon had called him but he sounded pretty important.

"No!" He shook his head. "I know you because..."

"I am Miguel's lawyer." He grinned like the evil man that he was. "And it's good that no one knows where you are."

"Yes!" Marcus said softly. "I am not accustomed to doing things this way, having to hide away and all."

"Don't worry." Brandon cleared his voice, looking all around. "This deal will benefit us both. I don't need to explain why I called you here. It's obvious I want us to separate Miguel and Christian just like you, Marcus."

"Yes!" He frowned. "But I don't understand what your interest in this deal is. Why are you helping me?" Then something hit him and he moved closer to the table. "Are you interested in Miguel as a man?"

Yes! Brandon was very much interested in Miguel and he needed him in his arms forever. He was ready to divorce Ximena and spend his entire life with Miguel because he loved him so much. Brandon had never had sex with a man before but Miguel drove him insane.

"No!" He lied. "I am doing everything for the company." He cleared his throat. He moved his chair and moved closer to Marcus.

"What is your proposal? I need to get out of here soon."

"Of course," Brandon poured some wine for Marcus in a glass. "I want you to lie to Pablo. I know that this will benefit us because we clearly don't want things to get better between Pablo and Miguel. If it doesn't then things will work in our favor."

"Okay, but..."

"I know Miguel very well." Brandon was a lawyer and he knew how to convince people. "He is capable of leaving everything behind for Christian." He slowly breathed, seeing that he was getting to the idiot whom he hated so much. "I want you to lie to Pablo and tell him that Miguel doesn't want to settle anything with him. Tell him that he wants the entire land to himself and he is still gonna be sending his goons secretly to pursue it. They should never resolve their issues because both of us are gonna lose, especially you."

Marcus was pretty much interested in what Brandon had just said to him. His heart started racing as soon as he heard that. An evil grin appeared on his face and he also knew that if Pablo and Miguel never solved their differences, there was a huge possibility of Christian coming back to him. He couldn't miss that opportunity.

"I know exactly what you are telling me..." Marcus smiled brightly. "...but if Miguel and Pablo ever got to talk then they would both realize that I lied. Miguel will find out everything and..." He paused and sighed gloomily, shaking his head. "...I am not sure about this honestly."

Brandon was getting irritated by Marcus. "Then I suggest you do your best to hinder communication between them." He mocked. "I am sure you are intelligent enough to think of something."

"I am still not sure." He shook his head, looking like a scared little dog.

"Oh really?" Brandon chuckled in mock. "In case you didn't know, Christian these days is spending the night at Miguel's place." He folded his arms on his chest as an evil grin appeared on his face. "Are you ready to see them move in together or worse..." He gasped in mock astonishment. "...what if they get married?"

"No!" Marcus snapped, feeling a sharp pound in his chest. He clenched his fists, breathing like a predator. He couldn't allow that no matter what happened. "I will never..."

"Then what are you waiting for?" He said in a serious tone. "...for them to move in together or for them to get married?"

"I can never allow that." Marcus quivered, shaking his head. "Christian is only mine and even if he isn't, I will never allow him to spend his life with that boy."

"Good!" Brandon had finally won and he was happy. "Ruining their relationship is the only way."

Marcus looked at Brandon and he knew that was the only way. He grinned at Brandon and Brandon grinned back. Their evil plan was gonna go perfectly.


Miguel heard the door bell ring and he quickly rushed there. He opened the door and then a bright smile appeared on his face. Christian was there and it felt as if he had just brought happiness to Miguel's heart. He felt really warm and cozy.

"You are here?"

"Didn't I tell you I would return, baby?" Christian got inside and closed the door.

"Yes!" Miguel chuckled softly, moving closer to his man. "You did say that and..."

Before he could even finish his sentence, Christian gripped him and planted a long kiss on his sweet lips. He then looked at him and smiled brightly. Miguel sweetly took Christian's hand and started leading him inside.

Christian caressed Miguel's hands as they both entered the house. Then when they were almost reaching the living room, Christian wrapped his arms tightly around Miguel and kissed all over his neck and back.

"Chris..." Miguel moaned, smiling brightly.

"Hey!" Christian kissed his back, drawing wonderful moans from him.

"Baby..." Miguel pulled away from him and smiled at him. "...thank you for coming back. You are just in time for a wonderful meal together."

"Really?" He frowned, smiling brightly. "But where is your brother?"

Miguel cleared his throat. "He is around. Let me go and call..."

"I heard someone wants me." Brian said happily as he rushed down the stairs, looking at the happy couple.

Brian rushed to where Miguel and Christian stood and looked at them, admiring the two of them. They looked really cute together and Brian couldn't help but admire them. Miguel was finally truly happy and Brian wished nothing but happiness for them.

"Hey, Christian." He greeted happily. "I am pleased to see you."

"Yeah, thank you."

"Okay." Miguel looked at the two people that he loved the most. He held their hands closely, caressing them softly. "You two are the most important people in my life right now." He said with a sigh of relief. "I know that you've met once or twice but I would like to introduce the two of you officially."

Miguel breathed in deeply and went closer to Christian. He looked at Brian and felt happy when he saw that smile on his face. "Brian!" he looked brightly at him. "This is Christian Palmer and as you know... he is the man that I love the most in this world. He is my love and..."

"I know that." Brian extended his hand and greeted Christian. "I hope you won't break my brother's heart, okay?"

"What?" Christian chuckled, shaking his head. "I would never ever do that to him." He looked at Miguel and saw nothing but love in his eyes. "I love him too much."

Miguel chuckled, feeling really happy and fulfilled. He felt as if he had finally had complete happiness. He felt as if he had a family of his own, people that he loved so much and didn't want to let go of. He loved them like crazy.
