Wild Flower Ch. 17


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"Well," Miguel chuckled happily, coiling his arm with Christian's. "This is my brother, Brian and we are really close. He is the only family that I have and I love him so much." Miguel felt terrible that he was keeping something important from Christian. But he vowed to tell him everything sooner when everything was stronger. "He is really important to me." He smiled brightly at Brian who was smiling back. "You and he are the most important people in my life."

Christian took Miguel's hand and planted a soft kiss on it. "Thank you for considering me one of the most important people in your life, Miguel. I promise to love you forever."

Christian faced Miguel and kissed him right there in front of Brian. The kiss was short and really passionate. It got Miguel emotional and he felt like the luckiest man on this entire earth. He just loved Christian a lot and he didn't want to let him go.

"I love you too." Miguel said softly, feeling emotional.

They just stood there, looking in each other's eyes. They were lost in each other's eyes and they could do it for all eternity. Suddenly, Christian's phone started ringing and it brought them both to reality. He sighed, quickly taking the phone from his pocket.

When Christian glanced at his phone, he found that it was Darren calling him. He smiled at Miguel and quickly excused himself and went at a distance because the call was pretty important.

"Hello!" Christian answered.

"Where are you Christian? I need to see you for something important."

"Err..." He glanced behind and found Miguel smiling back at him. "...do you want to see me right now?" He couldn't afford to go away from Miguel.

"No!" Darren said in a really serious tone. "I wanted to meet you immediately but right now if you are busy we can meet tomorrow. I can come to your house and we can discuss our issues."

Christian knew exactly what Darren wanted to talk to him about. "Yeah, I will be free tomorrow so you can come. I will be expecting you."

"Yeah," Darren said in a serious tone. "You should totally do that because the information that I have for you is really important. I think we might be going somewhere with Antonio's case."

"Okay." He rubbed in his hair, feeling a little nervous. "I will see you tomorrow then."

Christian cut the call and quickly fixed himself up. He wore his regular smile and went back to Miguel.

"What was the call about?" Miguel was a little curious.

"Ha ha..." Christian chuckled softly, holding Miguel's hand sweetly. "It just had to do something with the foundation that I am working with." He lied and he did it with a good reason. He didn't want Miguel to misunderstand him.

"Okay," Miguel was learning to trust Christian and he wasn't gonna ask any further. "Why don't we go and have our meal?"


Christian gripped Miguel's waist and the both of them headed for the dining. In the dining room, the two lovebirds sat closer to each other, holding each other's hands as they ate their delicious food. Miguel had no idea whether the food was too delicious or it was because of Christian. Everything seemed really amazing and Miguel was just so happy.

The food was marvelous... the mood was absolutely cozy and they were having the best wine. Miguel felt like he had a complete family. He wished for it to be like that after his revenge. He loved Christian and nothing was gonna change that.

"You know, I think love is the best thing ever." Brian smiled, taking a deep breath. "I mean, just look at the two of you. You are just perfect and I have never seen a couple look so beautiful. Though, I must confess that at first even though I was sure you two loved each other, I didn't like the idea of you dating my brother with everything that was happening." He chuckled nervously, grinning at Miguel. "But now seeing how happy you have made Miguel..." He paused and looked at Christian. "...I just have to welcome you into the family."

Christian felt as if he had just been given a golden ticket. His heart started racing and he was filled with a myriad of emotions with the least being happiness. He loved Miguel and he was happy that his brother accepted him.

"Thank you so much, Brian." He smiled. "That really means a lot to me."

"You are welcome." He moved his eyes to Miguel. "It's all for Miguel because I love him so much."

Miguel felt like crying but he wasn't gonna do it. He felt like a teenager at the introduction of his boyfriend to his parents. He missed his parents so much and he wished that they had been there for him. They would have been really happy.

Brian on the other hand had never seen Miguel looking the way he did at that particular time.

"By the way, Miguel..." He cleared his throat, resting his head on his fist. "I have never seen your eyes glowing like the way they do today?"

"What?" Miguel gasped, looking at Brian. "Are you teasing me now?"

"I am serious."

"You may be right." Miguel squeezed Christian's hand, looking deep in his eyes. "It's because I am with the man that makes me happy."

Miguel chuckled and raised his glass in the air. "I want to toast to one of the things that are very difficult to find, true love."

Christian smiled brightly and raised the glass. They all toasted and took a sip of the wine. Christian was somehow feeling a little nervous and he had no idea why. But he was really happy with Miguel.

"It's excellent." Christian said as he took a sip of the wine.

"It is one of the best wines in the world." Miguel said with the brightest smile ever. "But it might have as well been cheap. I would still love it anyway." Then something hit him and he started laughing. "When I was young, I used to be really naughty. I used to steal some of the drinks from my father's bar back in Sumitria."

"Really?" Christian laughed. "I think you used to be very naughty."

They all laughed together, just enjoying their little time.

"What about you?" Brian asked Christian, looking straight at him. "Did you enjoy any type of drink like your naughty boyfriend here?"

"Hmm," Christian chuckled nervously, remembering the wonderful times. "I enjoyed it a lot in Sumitria, especially during the carnival. Those times were really funny and I wish I could go back to them."

As soon as Miguel heard about the Carnival, he lost the smile on his face. He felt so much pain and then went back to the past. The carnival brought a lot of memories to him, too many bad memories. He remembered his parents and all the fun that they had together while living in Sumitria. What had once been happy memories turned into really sad memories.

Miguel's heart started racing and he felt really terrible. He stopped whatever he was doing and concentrated on what he was thinking. Miguel didn't even know that tears were building in his eyes.

Christian on the other hand got really worried when he saw Miguel looking lost and really quiet. He looked at him and saw the tears in his eyes. It made him a little hurt. He held Miguel's hand tightly and moved closer to him.


Miguel got back to reality and quickly looked at Christian. He smiled brightly.

"Are you okay?" Christian asked softly. "Why do you look worried?"

"Well," Brian cleared his voice. "The carnival brings back so many memories from the past."

"Oh!" Christian gasped, feeling terrible for what he had done. "I am truly sorry, baby. I didn't mean..."

"No!" Miguel shook his head, taking Christian's hands in his. "You shouldn't apologize for that, my love." He smiled. "I am more than ready to go back to Sumitria and enjoy the carnival as long as we are together."

Christian took Miguel's hands and planted a kiss on them. "I love you so much and I am willing to do anything for you."

"I love you too."

Christian leaned forward, taking Miguel's lips in front of Brian. He kissed him softly, sucking on his wonderful lips. They tasted sweet and Christian didn't want to let go of them. But he didn't want Brian to feel like they didn't regard him so he finally let go of them even though he didn't want to.

They looked at each other and continued with their wonderful meal. They probably had the best meal together, especially with Brian around. It was a meal to remember and Miguel felt lucky to be surrounded by the people who were most important to him.

After the meal, Christian appreciated Miguel and told him that he had to go work as he still had something to do. He had to pass by the foundation. Miguel completely understood him. They kissed before he left.

"Oh my God," Brian gasped, quickly rushing to where Miguel was standing, watching the door where Christian had disappeared. "I can't believe I am actually seeing that wonderful smile on your face. It's like a dream and I am so happy." He rubbed on his shoulders.

Miguel breathed in deeply, still smiling brightly. "I feel fulfilled and..." He looked at Brian and blushed. "...Christian has managed to make me completely happy." He felt tears building in his eyes.

"I am glad to hear that." Brian said sincerely, putting his arm around Miguel. "It makes me really happy to finally see you like this. You just have no idea how happy I am to hear that you are completely happy. Christian is the right guy for you and I know very well that he is gonna make you happy forever."

"I know that and..."

Before Miguel could even finish his sentence, he heard his phone ringing. He excused himself and slipped the phone from his pocket. He looked at it and saw that it was one of the people that worked for him, one of the most important people.

"Hello!" He answered.

"Sir," The man on the other end said in a deep manly voice. "It's me."

"I know it's you, Peter." He gave a deep sigh. "Have you done everything that I had asked you?"

"Yes!" he answered softly.

"Okay, good." He cleared his voice, getting serious. "Why don't you meet me at the construction site tomorrow? I will give you your money."

"Thanks, sir." He said with a chuckle. "I will wait."

Miguel cut the call and put the phone on the table. He turned and saw the way Brian was looking at him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I know what you are going to ask but no..." he hit his shoulder playfully. "...I am not doing anything wrong. It was just a simple job and I am gonna pay him."

"Why would I think like that?" Brian chuckled even though he had actually thought about it. "I just want you to continue talking about Christian. I wanna hear more."

"What?" Miguel chuckled, walking towards the stairs. "You better stop it because I won't be telling you anything about my man."

"What?" Brian was following behind. "You are gonna spit it out."


"Of course, you will."

Brian followed Miguel to his room and he wanted to hear more of those beautiful stories.


"Are you really serious?" One of the women in the neighborhood gasped.

"Yes!" Carter nodded softly, trying his best to smile. "It was what I was thinking about. I don't think this city is for me. I have tried to adapt but..."

"But we are so used to having you and your mother." One of the women said softly. "You have become an important part of this neighborhood and we love you, Carter. Why would you choose to leave us right now, uh?"

Carter sighed and looked at his two friends, Lawrence and Iris. They both knew exactly why Carter wanted to leave the city although he hadn't told his mother yet. He was sure she was gonna completely understand him.

The truth was that Carter was in so much pain that he was only moments away from breaking down. The previous day he had gone to Miguel's office to quit but didn't find him. He couldn't handle it anymore. He just couldn't do it because the pain was just too much.

The real reason carter had quit the job and why he was considering leaving the city was because he couldn't stand seeing Miguel and Christian together being happy. He felt really terrible when he saw the two of them together and that's the reason why he and his mother needed to leave the city as soon as possible because he just couldn't endure it anymore. All he needed was Christian. His man was with someone else and he couldn't stand it at all.

"But you have been able to get a good job in this city and..." The woman gasped, feeling really sad. "...you have made so many friends. We all don't think it's necessary for you to leave."

Carter couldn't stay closer to Christian because it was killing him. He couldn't stand seeing how pure and authentic Christian's love for Miguel was even to the extent that he wasn't afraid to say it in front of the neighbors that Miguel was his lover. It had been so painful. He wasn't even afraid to face his father who was suing him.

"I know that and I am gonna miss all of you..." He looked at all of them with a sad face. "...but I just can't stay here. This is not the life for me and hence I have to leave this..."

"What?" Carter froze when he heard Christian's voice right behind him. "You are leaving?"

Carter felt a lot of pain when he heard Christian's voice. He quickly turned and saw the man he loved, looking really handsome and sexy. He was wearing a beautiful brown t-shirt which he had tucked in a deep blue jean with brown shoes. He was really handsome and it was just too painful.

Christian had been coming from his house when he found Carter talking about leaving. He was really surprised that he couldn't even believe it.

"Christian!" Carter gasped. The neighbors excused themselves and went away, leaving Carter and Christian alone. "I..."

"You are leaving, Carter?" he asked with a frown. "Why are you leaving? I thought you liked it here."

"I do." Carter gasped, getting closer to Christian. "But there is just something that is driving me away from this place. This is not the life for me, Christian. I have to go."

Christian actually didn't like what he had actually heard from Carter. "Is this the decision that you have made with your entire heart."

Carter shook his head, smiling brightly. "Yes!" he chuckled nervously. "Why? Don't you want me to leave?"

Christian moved closer to Carter and held his shoulders sweetly, rubbing on them. He smiled brightly at him. Carter somehow felt better with that smile and he was ready to hear the answer that Christian was gonna give him.

"You have already chosen to leave and I respect that." carter was once again hurt by Christian. If only he knew how much he wanted him, even if it was to make love to him. "I believe everyone follows a path that they think is right. You are a great friend Carter and I will miss you so much."


"Yes!" Christian smiled at him, hitting his shoulder playfully. "I will miss you so much because you were a great friend. I know you have made this probably after careful thinking." He took a deep breath. "Just don't forget to see me when you are ready to leave so that I can give you something."

With those few words, Christian let go of Carter and went back to his house to wait for Darren. Carter felt hurt. He had totally expected Christian to beg him to stay, hug him or even kiss him. His heart felt as if it had just busted. It was painful and he almost cried. But he wasn't gonna do that at all.

"I love you so much, Christian." He said, looking at Christian who was at a distance. "But I can't stand seeing you with him. It hurts a lot."

He rubbed his tears and turned to go and say goodbye to other people in the neighborhood.


It was a great morning at Miguel's house and he was all dressed up beautifully. He was wearing a deep yellow designer's shirt with his chest exposed and a pitch black designer's trouser which was tight on him and made him look really sexy. He had black designer's shoes on his feet and was wearing the most expensive cologne. He had his red hair on and was holding a black blazer on his hands which he was about to put on before Brandon arrived with his sexy self.

Brandon was wearing a light grey shirt and black trouser with black shoes. He had a grey jacket on him and boy, he couldn't take his eyes off Miguel. He couldn't wait to have Miguel in his arms, make love to him every day and kiss him. In fact, he couldn't wait to sleep with him in his arms and wake up in those precious arms. He knew everything was gonna come quickly. It was near and he couldn't wait.

"Do you have any good news for me?" Miguel asked, slowly walking towards the living room.

"Err..." Brandon paused and remembered his meeting with Marcus. "Yes! I think I might have something about Pablo and..."

"What?" Miguel furiously turned, giving Brandon a surprised look. "Pablo! I hope you are not planning on doing something to him, Brandon? I will not spare you if you do anything to..."

"Miguel!" Brandon wasn't actually surprised that Miguel had said that to him. He knew he had changed a lot since things got better between him and Christian. "Why would you think I would..."

"Because I know you Brandon and just what you are capable of."

"Yeah, I might be aggressive at times but I would never hurt that old man." He smiled brightly, giving him an assuring smile.

"Okay." Miguel folded his arms on his chest, looking at Brandon. "What do you have to say about Pablo?"

"Well!" Brandon cleared his voice. He knew his moment had come to make matters worse. "I talked to Marcus and he told me that Pablo is not letting up until you publicly apologize to him for all the harm you caused him and everyone in the neighborhood."

Miguel gave Brandon a really suspicious look. "You met with Marcus?"

"It's not what you think." Brandon reassured, raising his hands in the air as if he was surrendering. "I only saw him at the mall and I confronted him and got that out of him."

"Hmm," Miguel gave a sigh of relief. "This is really getting out of hand."

"Yeah," Brandon said with an evil grin. "What are you planning on doing?"

"I think I might give in to what he wants for peace. I might see him later but right now I have to go and meet with Peter at the construction site so that I can pay him." He said.


"Yes!" Miguel said softly. "You can meet me later at the office."

Brandon nodded and the both of them left together. As they were leaving, an evil grin appeared on Brandon's face. He knew what he was doing was pretty bad and in his heart, he begged for Miguel's forgiveness. He was doing it because he loved him and he wanted him in his precious arms. Soon when they were married and deeply in love, he was gonna tell him everything and hopefully, he was gonna forgive him. He loved him too much.


"I had come to see you yesterday for something important but Ruth told me you were busy." Marcus said to Pablo.

They were both standing outside Pablo's house and Marcus was busy trying to implement his plan of making the matter worse than it was. He knew it was gonna work because Pablo hated Miguel and things weren't gonna be resolved between them.

"You came to talk to me?" Pablo frowned, shaking his head. "What is so important that you had come to tell me?"

"Hmm," He breathed as a grin appeared on his face. "I spoke to La don's lawyer and he told me that Miguel is still very much interested in this neighborhood. In fact, he won't stop until this land is entirely his."

"What the fuck?" Pablo was really pissed. He clenched his fists and furiously started walking in his compound. He was mad. His breaths were harsh and his heart pounded deep in his chest. "You mean that boy is..."

"Don't tell me you believed everything that Christian told you the other day." Marcus chuckled bitterly, folding his arms on his chest. "He is like that because he is under that boy's influence. I had found out a lot of things regarding that boy."


"Yes!" Marcus knew he was getting to Pablo. "In fact, everything terrible that has been happening in this neighborhood has been because of that boy. He has been responsible for the attacks, accidents and all the goons in this neighborhood. He has probably killed some of the people just to keep them quiet and he won't ever stop. Right now he is trying to win your trust and then stab you in the back. He is even using your son and may possibly put him in danger."
