WildSpace - Voyage of the Naginata Ch. 03

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You know what's going... more trouble.
9.6k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/15/2024
Created 03/11/2024
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The next morning, the crew and Saphina waited in the antechamber of the throne room. Serra and Katarina entered and the group turned to see them in their finery. Katarina wore a black iron breastplate, boots and gauntlets with black and purple robes. Serra, feeling very shy and uneasy wearing a fine gown of purple and black. Soft leather boots and bracers as well as a circlet of silver.

"Holy cow captain!" Cali exclaimed, "I don't know that I have ever seen you so..."

"Fancy!" Lexi said. She stood with Saphina, the two of them were rarely apart lately.

"Thank you." She blushed. "It is a bit... more than my breeches and jacket, eh?"

"Indeed." Hawk replied. Saphina broke away from her lover and approached Katarina. She kneeled and bowed her head. "MY Empress, your grandeur and radiance are-"

"Saphina, please." She held out her hand to her. Saphina took it and stood. "I am not your Empress, at least I won't be for long."

"You'll always be royalty to me," Saphina explained.

"I'm grateful for your loyalty, you are the closest friend I have ever had. I could not have gotten where I have without you."


"No, my friend. I owe you a great debt." She turned to the rest of them and smiled. "I owe you all a debt of gratitude. I know I have put you all at risk coming here and, in turn, risking your lives."

"That part worries me the most." Hawk commented.

"Everything will be fine," Blackstone assured him but looked at Saphina who smiled and nodded to her.

"Uh huh." He retorted.

A little while later, the crew headed off to the Naginata with their gear. Katarina and Serra waited to be presented. "Are you ready?" Kat asked Serra.

"I mean... I guess." She replied with a hesitant smile.

"Crimson Empire citizens, you Empress, Katarina Fei'rela Graglubute!" A voice cried from the throne room.

"Wait for me to summon you," Kat whispered. Serra nodded to her. She watched as Katarina stepped out and in front of the audience. Serra was surprised at how quiet they were. A robed man stepped in front of her and placed a black iron and silver crown on her head. The crowd erupted into howls, roars and cheers. After several minutes Katarina raised her hand. The crowd fell silent instantly. The man stepped forward again and announced. "Crimson Empire citizens... the Empress-Consort, Serra Allison Harkner!"

Katarina held out a hand toward her and gave her a nod. Serra swallowed hard and stepped out onto the dias. She reached Katarina and took her hand. The crowd cheered, but there was a smattering dissension.

"Ignore them," Katarina said to her. Then she sat and Serra followed suit nervous and anxious to run. After several hours of greeting dignitaries and other "important" people within the Empire, Katarina and Serra retired to the royal estate. Serra collapsed onto a couch and shook her head.

"What?" Kat asked.

"I can't wait to get back to the ship, this pomp and circumstance is a bit... exhausting." Serra said.

"You don't think you could be Empress-Consort?" Katarina asked as she sat next to her.

"I didn't mean..."

"It's okay Serra." Kat put her hand on Serra's thigh. "Don't worry, I'll end this charade very soon."

Just then, several Kurn entered the room. The triad, another male Kurn in robes and a female in partial armor and robes approached them. The woman's armor was very different from any Serra had seen before. Her breastplate, boots and gauntlets were a dull polished silver with black iron trim and details. The robes were heavy and pitch black with purple trim. She was the first to speak.

"My Empress, I am grateful for inclusion in this emergency counsel session, but i am not-"

Katarina raised her hand. "Tal'ari I specifically requested your presence, all will be revealed shortly." Katarina turned to the man in the robes and motioned him closer.

"Chronicler Dar'ral, I need you to take down everything I say." She turned to all present and cleared her throat. "I have a decree to make, I will not be questioned, I will not be debated. This is final." Her last word echoes in the chamber. All present nodded their understanding.

"Good. As Empress, I have no heirs and my chosen mate has no heirs. Together, we will produce no heirs, therefore I will be naming my heir."

Grumbling and dissenting grunts were exchanged, but faded quickly.

"I name Tal'ari Hreldarg as my heir." Katarina stated. Arguments erupted but the robed man silenced the talks with twelve words. "By the Crimson Empire and the gods Mellain and Arkhan, it will be so."

The room fell silent.

"My Empress, I..." Tal'ari stumbled over her words.

"My friend, you know of my vision and my wishes, in my absence, that you continue to steer the Empire in this new direction," Katarina said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Should the need arise, I will do my best." Tal'ari stated.

"I know my friend, I know." Katarina replied.

She turned and glanced at Serra who nodded and smiled at her. Katarina returned her smile and nod. Serra took a deep breath and waited for the second shoe to drop. Katarina looked at each person in turn, then back to the chronicler.

"My Empress?"

"I have...one more decree to make." She paused. "As of this moment, I Katarina Graglubute step down and abdicate the throne to the next in line."

The room erupted in shouts and anger. Tal'ari dropped into a seat in shock. Katarina turned to the chronicler, "Tal'ari is now Empress, correct?"

"Yes." He replied. "She will be crowned as soon as possible."

She approached and kneeled next to Tal'ari. "MY Empress, I will follow your rule to the letter and to the best of my ability, but may I ask to take your leave?"

"Oh.. I... yes, of course." She replied, still coming to grips with everything.

"Thank you." She stood and held out her hand to Serra who jumped up and rushed to her side. "Let's get out of here."

"Absolutely!" Serra agreed. The two hurried into the hallway.

"That went well." Serra said sarcastically. Shouts and arguing could be heard still raging from the antechamber.

"Sorry about all that." Kat replied.

"Let's get to my ship!" Serra said as they rushed down the hall.

"Right!" Kat smiled at her.

Meanwhile, the crew of the Naginata walked toward the dock that held their ship. Nervous and wanting off this planet, Cali broke the silence. "I am so glad we are getting out of here, this place...creeps me out!"

"The faster we're on the ship, the better!" Hawk added.

"How Much further?" Cali asked.

"Almost there," Hawk said. The hallway before them grew dark and gloomy. The group came to an abrupt stop. "Now what?!" Hawk growled. The gloom began to coalesce into a figure. "What the hell?!" Blackstone said.

"Calm yourselves my friends." The form spoke in a hollow, whispering voice.

"That voice?"

"Greetings Cali." The voice said.

"It... knows you?!" Hawk turned to Cali.

"I... wait." She turned to the form. "Il'taira?"

"Yes, my friend." She said as her form came into focus. "I am here to help you, as I said I would."

Hawk looked at Cali then back to Il'Taira. "Cali, what's going on? Why would we need her?"

"I know this seems strange, but we can trust her." Cali said. Hawk and Blackstone looked at each other confused and in disbelief. Just then a shout came from behind them. "There they are! Stop outlanders!"

"Now what?!" Hawks spun to see six Kurn soldiers, fully armed hurrying toward them.

"Shit, run!" Hawk said. The group ran past the now dispersing form of Il'taira. After they passed she gathered her form quickly back again. She held out her hands toward the pursuers. Two of the soldiers opened fire! The shells stopped short and were held fast by a shadowy shield of force. They continued to fire as they advanced on Il'taira. Cali looked back to see Il'taira defending them.

"Come on Il'taira!" Cali shouted. The shadowy women turned and followed them.

"Where did you find her again?" Lexi asked as they ran.

"I didn't." Cali said, glancing over her shoulder. "She found me."

"That sounds..." Hawk began. The group rounded a corner into the dock to find several more guards standing at the bottom of the loading ramp.

"Shit!" Lexi said, sliding to a stop. The guards at the ship turned and opened fire. The group ducked back, trying to find cover. "Now what?"

"I-I don't know!" Cali yelled. Suddenly a dark form filled the middle of the hall and coalesced. Il'taira held out a hand behind her, shielding the group. She glared at the group by the Naginata, inky shadow 'bleeding' from her eyes. She shouted to them. "Move!" Her voice was unearthly, loud... too loud and it echoed around them. The soldiers by the ship scattered several meters away in all directions and were knocked off their feet! Lexi looked at the soldiers on the ground and back to Il'taira.

"Let's go!" They ran for the ship. Il'taira continued to hold off the pursuers with her shield, but they were beginning to push through. She wavered... she was weakening and Cali could see it. She broke ranks and ran back toward her. "Il'taira!"

Hawk turned to see Cali running back toward danger. "Cali! Get your ass back here!" Hawk popped a hidden panel under the ship and a pulse carbine dropped out. He cocked it and began to fire at the oncoming soldiers. Cali reached Il'taira and put her hand on her arm. "Please."

The two women rushed toward the ship. Hawk continued to cover their retreat. "Lexi, get those engines warmed up!" She nodded and rushed up the boarding ramp. Hawk ducked behind a landing strut and continued to fire his carbine, laying down cover fire for Il'taira and Cali. Cali led her up the ramp and into the lounge. "Strap in, it's going to be a rough ride!" She said and rushed toward the engine room. Il'taira buckled her harness weakly and closed her eyes. She had expended entirely too much of her energy protecting these strangers, and tried to remain conscious.

"Hawk! Let's go!" Lexi shouted from the bridge. She began to pull the throttle. As the ship begin to rise, Hawk rushed to the ramp and jumped up. One shot from their pursuers took his leg out from under him and he fell hard onto the ramp.

"Arrg!" He grimaced as he rolled to his back and brought his carnine to bear. "Eat this you fuckers!" He yelled as he unloaded on them. One, then a second Kurn soldier dropped to his recklessly aimed shots. He tried to pull himself up but another shot hit him squarely in the chest! He dropped his gun and stumbled forward. He watched the ground spin away. "You... huff huff... Fuckers!" Hawk grunted at them. Just then, Il'taira appeared at the top of the ramp.

"Let me help you!" She yelled over the road of the engines. Hawk looked over his shoulder at the pale woman and nodded. He reached out to her, their fingertips grazed each other, but then a final shot hit Hawk in his shoulder, spinning him around. He caught Il'taira's eyes with his as he fell back and off the ramp! He plummeted toward the ground as the ramp folded up and closed. Il'taira fell to her knees, guilt washed over her as she could not save him. As she had done moments previously.

Cali rushed to her side. "Il'taira? What happened?" She asked, helping the woman to her feet.

"Your crewman... Hawk... is dead." She replied.

"What?! How?!"

"He was shot numerous times trying to cover our escape." She explained. Tears began to roll from her eyes. Il'taira wiped away the young woman's tears with her thumbs. "I-I am sorry." Il'taira said quietly.

"What? Why?" Cali asked, her cheeks wet with tears.

"I couldn't save him." She replied. Il'taira leaned against the bulkhead, obviously exhausted. Cali put her arm around the woman and helped her back to the lounge. "It's not your fault, you saved me, and Lexi."

Il'taira looked up at her and gave her a weak smile. "Yes, you are right... I saved you."

"Stay here, I'll be back." Cali said and hurried off toward the bridge. Il'taira collapsed into her chair, taking a deep, exhausted breath. Cali arrived on the bridge to find Lexi in the pilot's chair steering away from the city.

"We need to find Serra and Kat..." Cali stated.

"And Saphina!" Lexi added. "Lexi looked over her shoulder as Cali dropped into her seat behind her. "Where's Hawk, we need him!"

"He didn't make it." Cali replied somberly.

"What?!" Lexi said as she tried to focus on flying. Suddenly, the ship was rocked by a salvo of hits from the ground defense cannons. "Cali, I need you at the Ops station! Bring up the shields first!"

"On it!" Cali replied and moved to Lexi's station. She punched some buttons and flipped a lever. "Shields up!"

"Good girl, now open a comms channel." Lexi said.

"Done." Cali replied.

"Serra! This is Lexi aboard the Naginate, come in!"

"Lexi, it's Saphina."

"Saph?! Where are you?!" She steered the ship away from the city. "Are you safe?"

"I am okay."

"Where are you? Send me the coordinates and we'll pick you up!" Lexi said.

"Sending." Saphina replied.

"I got it, sending it to your navigation computer." Cali said.

"Great! Saphina, we're on the way!" Lexi checked her monitor and set a course. As they approached Saphina's location an alarm blared from the Ops station.


"Incoming hostile ships!" Cali shouted.

"Shit! I need to be at that station!" Lexi growled. Il'taira appeared in the door and held herself up with the seat Cali sat on. "What's happening?"

"We're going to pick up Saphina." Cali replied.

"What of Katarina and your captain?"

"They haven't responded to my calls, speaking of which, Cali, keep trying to get them." Lexi said.

"Right!" Cali replied.

Ahead Lexi could see a small cluster of buildings alone on a dark plain.

"She must be there, but how the hell did she get all the way out here?" Lexi said steering the ship into an approach route.

"There are underground transit systems all over the planet." Il'taira replied. Then she saw a beacon on a platform. "There!"

Lexi steered the ship down and set down roughly on the platform. Cali leapt from her seat to rush to the loading ramp. Lexi watched the door for long moments until Saphina emerged, running toward the ship. Lexi smiled in relief. Saphina rushed up the ramp and past Cali. Cali immediately closed the ramp and followed her to the bridge. Saphina hurried to Lexi's side and grabbed her arm. Lexi leaned toward her and kissed her. "I'm so glad to see you!"

"Me too." Lexi replied with a smile. "We've got two more to pick up!" She stated as Cali arrived.

"I'll try to call them again!" Cali said, turning to the console.

"Wait..." Saphina began. "Where is your pilot?"

The bridge fell silent for a moment.

"He didn't make it." Lexi said soberly.

"I'm so sorry." Saphina replied, putting a gentle hand on her arm.

"Thank you." Lexi said.


"Serra? Katarina? Come in!" Cali called.

"Let's just hope they are safe." Il'taira said.

The ship was rocked by blasts from a pair of Kurn gunboats pursuing them across the wasteland.

"Shit!" Lexi said attempted evasive flying, but broke into a sweat because she knew she was not a good pilot. "Do we have a fix on them yet?"

"Nothing yet!" Cali replied.

Saphina stood quietly at the rear of the bridge until a quiet chime from her wrist alerted her. She scanned it for a moment. She stepped next to Lexi and punched in some numbers.

"What are you doing?" Lexi asked, looking up to her.

"Trust me." She replied. Lexi nodded and followed the coordinates Saphina entered. The Naginata raced along the hills, simultaneously evading their pursuers and trying to find Serra and Katarina.

"How did Hawk do this?!" Lexi shouted, struggling to keep the ship from crashing into the rocky landscape.

"Don't you fly?" Saphina asked.

"Rarely, and usually I sit there and monitor stuff while it's my shift during long hauls. Flying in atmo is a lot different!" Lexi explained. A few moments later, the Naginata skimmed over a low hill and suddenly a lone tower came into view.

"There!" Saphina shouted.

"There's no landing area!" Lexi declared, scanning the rough, wild terrain.

"You're going to have to get as close to that balcony and they will have to jump!" Saphina explained.

"What?! I can't do that!" Lexi said as they approached the tower. Saphina put her hand on Lexi's shoulder and squeezed it gently. "I know you can do it." Saphina said reassuringly.

"I will guide you from the boarding ramp!" Cali said as she jumped up and rushed off the bridge. Il'taira followed her out. As the ship got closer Cali opened the door and lowered the ramp. She strapped a harness on and connected it to the hull. She cautiously stepped onto the ramp. "Pull up slowly and hold her steady!" Cali shouted over the cacophony.

"You can do it Cali!" Il'taira reassured her. Strangely, Cali heard it as a thought and not with her ears. She cocked her head in confusion for a moment, then refocused.

"A little closer!" Cali called. Just then, Serra and Katarina appeared in the doorway. The ship bobbed and pitched back and forth slightly. "Closer!" Cali yelled again. About ten feet from the balcony, Katarina broke into a short run and launched herself in the air! She landed about half way up the ramp with ease. Immediately she spun and motioned for Serra to follow her. She stepped up to the railing and looked down, she looked up at Katarina with fear in her eyes, she shook her head.

"Get your ass over here!" Katarina reached out to her. Serra stepped back, and ran toward the edge. At that moment, two small pursuit ships found them and opened fire! Lexi jerked the ship unexpectedly! "Shit!" She growled. Causing Cali and Katarina to tumble into the ship. Serra, already in midair, fell short and screamed as she plummeted toward the ground!

"NO!" Katarina screamed in horror and lunged for the edge of the ramp, crashing into the hard metal.

"Captain!" Cali screamed. Just then, a black, shadowy cloud raced past her and down toward Serra. She tumbled over and over, catching a glance of the Naginata before she blacked out. Katarina and Cali watched as the black mist surrounded Serra and slowed her fall! Her eyes popped open and all she could see was black.

"What?!" Serra exclaimed.

"I've got you." A voice said in her mind. A moment later the cloud rose to the ramp and Serra tumbled out of it, Katarina scooped her into her powerful arms and carried her into the ship. Cali looked back at the cloud that began to coalesce back into Il'taira!

"What?!" Cali stared at her, confused. Il'taira smiled at her, her eyes weary. "Come!" She said and hurried into the ship. Cali followed her. She slapped the large button and flipped the comms. "Lexi, get us out of here!"

"Right!" Lexi responded and jerked the controls skyward. As the ship climbed skyward, "I'm going to need some help up here!"

Serra looked at Katarina, then Cali and Il'taira. "Why is Lexi flying?!" Cali and Il'taira looked at each other wordlessly.

"Uh, help!?" Lexi called again. The ship was taking multiple blasts from the pursuers gunboats. The group rushed to the bridge. Serra dropped into her seat and looked around.

"Where's Hawk?" She asked.

"He didn't make it." Cali replied.

"What?!" Serra and Katarina exclaimed.

"He died defending us during our escape." Il'taira said. "If not for him, we wouldn't have made it." She added.

"Dammit..." Serra shook her head. "I thought you said they would hassle us!" Serra said to Kat. The ship was rocked by another salvo of shots. "We'll mourn later, if we survive!" Serra took control of the ship and Lexi returned to her Ops position. "And maybe get some answers." She mumbled to herself.

"Cali, get back to the engine room and make sure the jump drive is ready to go." Serra commanded. Cali jumped up, but stopped in front of Il'taira. "Thank you!"