Winding Creek Pt. 08 - Enactment

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Tying up loose ends n lookin Forward.
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It were late afternoon as Quick Bennett rode toward the west ranch. The night before rain were still makin' the air smell fresh n clean. He figuret there must a been more out this way. The ground were soft under Cherry makin' em take a bit more time, but he sure didn't mind that. It were a pretty day n most of the fall's bright colored flowers were makin' what could be their last push gatherin' the sun 'fore their winters sleep. Things were still movin' to fast. He never had any real time to sort things 'bout all the happenin's in the last two days.

You just never knowd...

One day yur not much more than a do whatever n then yur tolt yur gonna be representin' Mr. Lucas Blake n then practice shootin' with Smoke Garcia n then sittin' on the porch writin' n cypherin' because Miss Linda askt... The forever wait last evenin' n the long mornin' carriage ride with both him n Miss Luna wonderin' why in their quiet ride together: gettin' to town to see Mr. Blake n him tellin' 'em what he wanted 'em both to do.

Then the beat all of all beat all's...

Mrs. Nelson, her words strained some, tryin' hard to smile as she helpt Luna and then his own self... Him signin' for their goods n bein' called Mr. Bennet for Christ's sake!

The young man drew a long breath lettin' it slip slow from inside. This ride to west ranch n then to the Trombly place would give 'em time to reason on things some, maybe even how to write to Shawn... Askin' him to come to join 'im.


Luis Tee were sittin' the porch with Miss Debra as he past the mostly harvested fields n come up on the west ranch home. He took note of Judge Pickett's horse in the corral 'fore takin' off his hat.

"Miss Debra, Mr. Tee."

Debra Ann soft smilet as Luis Tee stood.

"Afternoon Quick. What brings you out here."

"I have a message for you Mr. Tee. From Mr. Blake."

"That a fact..."

Luis saw the troubled look pass over his near wife's face.

"...You best step on down then."

"Yes sir."

Throwin' a leg over Cherry's saddle n steppin' down, he thought better of tyin' off his horse.

"Mr. Blake wants you ask Judge Pickett to go to town as soon as you see 'im Sir."

Luis Tee knew the young man knowed the Judge's horse.

"You like to tell the man your own self?"

The young man's eyes never left Luis Tee's.

"I-I was tolt to tell you sir."

Luis lookt at Debra Ann, then back at the young man.


Stephen 'Quick' Bennett shifted a bit then inhaled deeply.

"Yes sir. Sum."

Debra Ann rose from her chair. Luis Tee's eyes hardened.

"I think you shoult come up here on the porch son n just say what the hell is goin' on."

Judge Horace Pickett was roundin' the end of the porch, sleeves rollt up on his sweat-stained linen shirt from helpin' set the small house straight for he and the widow Billings. He stopt short when he saw the young man. Pickett could smell trouble. He sure as hell didn't want any more than he already had. Debra Ann lookt at the Judge n then at the nervous young man.

"Quick. Would you mind if Judge Pickett joined us?"

Stephen Bennett drew himself up.

"Mr. Blake, Smoke n Lucas's friend from the east, Mr. Jacob Russell, rode into town last night. There were some shootin'..."

Debra Ann's hand went to Luis Tee's shoulder.

"...Every one is fine Miss Debra... Cept those that Mr. Blake n the others went to see. I think that may be why the Judge is bein' sent for."

Judge Pickett steppt closer.

"Sent for."

"M-Mr. Blake didn't say why sir. Jist that I were to come here first then to the Trombley' place to ask that you come to town whenever you got here."

Miss Debra, her eyes still worried.

"Lucas is ok."

"Yes Ma'am. I spoke to him jist this mornin'."

Luis Tee kissed Debra Ann on her cheek then lookt back at Quick.

"You covered a lot of ground today boy. You tend yur horse n then have a bite to eat. Miss Debra, you kin ask 'im the whatevers then. Horace, I think we best get you headet to Winding Creek."

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"Good Mornin' to you at last sleepy head."

Linda Jean were teasin' Tiffany Ann with her sheepish smile.

"You want some breakfast, Tiff?"

"Mmmmmmm... I don't think so. Where's Luna?"

"After Smoke rode in an hour or so ago, she spent time with 'im n then was rushed off to town with Stephen."


"Quick, Tiffany Ann... Stephen Bennett... Works here on the ranch... Where you been?"

Tiffany's smile widened. Mrs. Blake slow smiled in return.

"You been floatin' round here like your son does when he's had a second spoon full of molasses."

The color rushed to Tiffany's cheeks.

"You know why Linda Jean. My time with Lucas was even more special than you told me."

There were a slight flinch n then a wide smile from Linda Jean.

"That pleases me Sister."

The older sister eased close to her sittin' younger one, bent n laid her forehead against Linda Jean's.

"Thank you."...

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Debra Ann waited until both men disappeart into the barn before askin' Quick into the house. The young man were still nervous as a boy waitin' for his Daddy to get home after doing somethin' he shouldn't.

"You come inside n tell me everything you know for sure n then what you think. I'll slice some fresh bread n set you out some boiled eggs n blueberry jam."

Stephen Bennett lookt toward the barn.

"Come on Quick. Don't make me ask twice."

The matriarch of the now Blake family had several things gnawin' at her insides. The happenin's the boy needed to tell were top of the list for now. She'd deal with the others after the young man was sent on home.

She thought of Home...

As much as she loved Luis Tee, she sorely missed her two daughter's n Lucas too as she gathered Quick's lunch. The young man lightly tapped on the frame of the open door. Debra Ann shook her head n pointed to a chair set between hers n Luis Tee's at the side of the table.

"I swear Quick, you got to be the politest young man I've ever known... That includes Lucas."

"Thank you, Ma'am."

She set the bread n jam first, then fetchet the hard-boiled eggs before placin' two cups of hot coffee, one across from the other n then sit lookin' at the boy.

"For sures first."

Stephen quick chewet his bread with jam n swallowt.

"Mr. Blake's friend from the city showed-up early afternoon yesterday, a Mr. Jacob Russell. Then when Luca... Err Mr. Blake got home from his ride with Miss Tiffany, the two men set laughin' n carrin' on for a bit. It were friendly n I went to finish some chores when Smoke gave me a whistle n said to get Rojo ready to ride while he spoke to the other hands. Things were quiet when I brought Rojo to the porch. I saw Miss Linda starin' up at Lucas. He kissed her on the cheek n then the three men rode off."

Debra Ann nodded toward the food spread out in front of him. Quick bit off half an egg, chewet n then swallowet some coffee.

"It were after the rain n dark when Mr. Nelson showt up. He told Mrs. Blake everything was fine with Mr. Blake n the rest n they'd be stayin' in town fer the night."


"It were early this mornin' when Smoke rode in. He told me I should get the carriage ready to take Miss Luna to town. That was when we both saw Mr. Blake. He lookt tired Miss Debra, but he told me n Miss Luna to go to the mercantile. Miss Luna were to get whatever they needed at the ranch n enough material so she could make at least two new dresses for her own self. Then I were to get three shirts n two pair of britches. Two shirts n one set of pants for goin' to church, the other for workin' around the ranch."

The anxious woman wanted to know about the happenin's that went on to make Lucas send for the Judge... She said so with her eyes n hard look. Quick Bennett never slowed his words.

"When we went back to see Mr. Blake, he sent us both home n me here."

Debra Ann slow nodded.

"Now what do you think."

"There's more I am sure of Ma'am."

Debra Ann clenched her jaw tite.

"There was gunplay at the Rusty Nail last night Miss Debra. Best I could see, there were some men dead in a buckboard n covered outside the livery. Mr. Russell was set in front of the Barber n Bath. Folks were stoppin' n speaking to Lucas at a table set in front of the Nail's shuttered doors."

Debra Ann slow nodded.

"There's more than the shootin' n such. Mr. Blake talked to most of the shop keepers I heard. Some kind of meetin' at five."

Debra inhaled deeply.

"You know more then think Quick. That's a good thing. You eat now n if I have any more questions or you think something else is important..."

She got out of her chair n lookt toward the barn.

" tell me 'fore you go."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Now eat."....


Luis Tee watched as the Judge kissed his much younger paramour at the door of the small house. He learnt from the Judge that the small house were the place that the pair mostly stayed in when he were due in town. Luis tried not to look to hard at the younger gal with her hair pulled back n her hard nippled breasts lightly coveret n invitin'. He struggled with the same feelin's he had the night before as she hugged n then kisst the Judge again. He turnt away when the Judge patted 'er on the ass 'fore comin' to his carriage that Luis held waitin'.

"You'll keep an eye on her for me Luis."

"Consider it done Judge."

The now cleant-up n lookin' like the man Luis Tee n others expected, Judge Pickett climbt into his carriage. Extendin' his hand he thanked Luis Tee.

"I'll be back as soon as I can Luis."

"You take care of Lucas first Judge. That gal will be here n waitin'."

The judge smilet, snapped his reins n the sorrel horse started the carriage with a jerk. Luis Tee watcht as the carriage slow disappearet n lookt back at Gretchen Billings. She were still standin' in front of the house, a soft smile on her face n 'er eyes set on him. Luis smilet back n headet inside the house.

"Judge is on his way Darlin'."

"Took him long enough. I askt Quick to stay in case you had any questions."

Luis looket at the young man.

"If Lucas is in town, who's keepin' an eye on our girls?"

"Smoke sir. He n the other three hands."

"Then you'll let the family know Miss Debra n me are here if they need anythin'... Anythin' at all."

The young man rose knowin' he was bein' sent on his way.

"I thank you Miss Debra for the fine lunch. I'll be leavin' if there's nothin' more."

"Thank you Quick."

Luis nodded as the young man passed. The closin' door offered the first alone time the couple had to talk since their late risin' and incomin' news of the night before. Debra Ann said what she knew as Luis listenet close.

"I think it's mostly under control Luis. If it weren't we'd been sent for. Has Gretchen finished settin' the other house right?"

Luis shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't know, didn't ask."

Debra Ann moved close.

"Why not? I saw how that little gal got you goin' last night."

Debra's words n the way she said 'em made 'im a little uneasy.

"The only thing that got me goin' last night was you paradin' around near naked and that dirty old man enjoyin' what you were showin' Mrs. Tee."

He half smiled as she presset against him, his arms slippin' around her waist. Her body tingled at him callin' her Mrs. Tee.

"As I recall, I heard no complaints from you Sir."

His hands tightenet a bit. He rollt his hips against her.

"The only thing I did last night was fall asleep n dream about what we started 'fore they got here."

Debra Ann kisst his cheek, then paused.

"I was surprised you didn't get jealous of him lookin' at me like he did."

"Hmmph. I know who you belong to woman. Sides, what belongs to him were showin' a hell of a lot more then you were Debra Ann."

Gretchen had been a little tease, offerin' up a quick peek here in there. More then Debra Ann had ever planned. N then she remembered her own self. How the Judges eyes widened a bit every time she passt the fireplace.

"I-I'm not sure what got into me Luis... One minute we were all laughin' n carryin' on and the next..."

She looked deep into her mans eyes.

"You were all sleepy-eyed n I was..."

She remembered Gretchen taking her hand n leadin' her in front of the fireplace.

"... n I was..."

She pulled away.

"Give me a minute Luis."

She retreated into their bedroom. Closing the door n leanin' against it, she slowly lowered her hands. Lifting the pale-yellow cotton, she searched under her chamois.

Her womanhood was a bit swollen, near tender. Closing her eyes tight, she hoped Luis n her had had relations last night. She knew they hadn't. Luis had fallen asleep, just like he said. She struggled with her mind. Someone... Some one had... She covered her mouth as the dress fell over her tremblin' legs. She remembered Gretchen, the fireplace, being kissed, Picketts hands...

She fought the quick comin' tears.

------------------------------------------------------- 0 -----------------------------------------------------------

Luna Sifuentes were the most excited she'd ever ben in her life. She n Tiffany n Linda were close together workin' at the table on the first of two new dresses. She'd never had two new dresses at the same time. Never. Linda Jean were measurin' n Tiffany Ann cuttin' the finest blue cotton material she'd ever seen.

She'd forgotten the fears she had when they were sent to the Mercantile after speakin' with the Padrone in town. The cruel woman there was kind to her as she showed her every bolt of cloth, smilin' at her as she ran her fingers over each n every one. She even left her alone with the many wooden spools of thread as she helpt 'Mr. Bennett' with his shirts n britches.

She n Smoke had set corners of their soon to be built home several hours ago, Smoke even movin' 'em some to make it a little bigger. It were close to the Blake house, no more then a hundred er so meters away. Two bedrooms n a kitchen n eatin' room n fireplace. She'd never dreamt of sumthin' so grand bein' hers before she was asked to the ranch as a midwife to look after Linda Jean Blake.

Life seemed even better now than when Smoke tolt her was goin' to fetch her son Rudy as soon as the Judge got here.

She remembert how he held her in his arms after he tolt her... His werds spoke so soft about her son. 'Anyting that es part of youu is part of mee'. His heavy lips kisset away her tears. The man everyone fearet was as gentle with her as a mother cat with her newborn kittens.

He didn't refuse her as he had so many times before when she looket into his near black eyes n askt him to make her his own. They'd walket hand in hand to the creek n then along it's edge. Smoke stoppet n gathered her into his arm when they neart a small stand of aspen n oak across the slow runnin' water. Cradlin' her like a small child, he carried her across the cold water and past the shaded ground to a place that he'd obviously cleared his self. The warm sun crawlin' across the sky were slow makin' the long green grass brighter.

Finally lettin' her stand, he moved back to an old, twisted oak. Movin' many large branches stacket there, he brought her an oil cloth wrapped bundle n gifted it to her. As he watched her open the gift, she froze up tite when she saw the fine hand-woven blanket. She buried her face inta the near white with fringed edges before lookin' back at Smoke.

"Opeen it."

She slow parted the deep folds n saw a simple gold ring in it's center. She stared at that ring n then staret at him.

"We waaitet loong eenough. Wheen I geet back weth 'our' suun, we get marrieed."

Clutchin' the fine hand-woven blanket tite to her chest n with the ring hidden deep in her hand, she rushed inta Smoke Garcia arms...

-------------------------------------------------------- 0 ----------------------------------------------------------

Debra Ann stepped off the porch n walked the many steps to the smaller house.


The young woman answered the half open door smiling broadly.

"Miss Debra... Please come in. I'll start us some tea."

The older woman returned the smile, maybe for the same reason the little whore did... Or maybe not.

"That would be nice Gretchen. I haven't had tea with another woman since the last time with my daughters... Seems like long ago."

The much younger woman moved quickly, filling the old coffee pot with freshwater 'fore hangin' it then swingin' it inta the low burnin' fireplace.

"I see the place is warmin' up a bit."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Ma'am. I think with all the goin's on last night you mite call me Debra Ann... If that suits you."

The mousy brown-haired girl in the light blue n white dress smiled, her eyes filled confidence.

"I thank you for that... Debra Ann."

She covered her mouth n near blushed.

"I-I'm not sure if I can do that."

The older woman moved slow around the small room, stoppin' at the curtained off bedroom.

"This where you n Horace do whatever it is that you do."

She made note of the slow risin' color in Gretchen's cheeks.

"Yes Ma'am... Sometimes out 'ere if the notion strikes 'im."

"There's that Ma'am again. I'd think you'd no longer have a problem callin' me Debra Ann..."

She stepped close n ran her fingers over the young widow's cheek.

"...especially when you had this pretty little face of yours places it were just last night."

The young widow Billings face started to fall. Debra Ann hard smilet.

"I been remeberin this n that Gretchen. Things you did. Things that bastard you're so in love with did."

She lifted Gretchen's face with a finger under her chin n stared hard into the now frightened girl's face.

"Luis Tee will drag your ass out to the south ranch n gift you to the half dozen men workin' there if he ever knew. Lucas maybe worse."

Gretchen felt the fear rise in her chest, fast replacin' the satisfied hate she felt inside just moments earlier. She stared back at the older woman.

"But I have a better idea. I remember you pleasuring Horace with your mouth after he violated me... Some of the things you said."

The older woman brushet away a slow falling tear from Gretchen's cheek.

"I will never understand why you would do the things you did, let alone put a man's pecker in your mouth. Seems nastee to me. The only thing I can figure is the hate you have for my son is stronger than any other feeling you ever had girl. I can try to understand that. Right or wrong, that's why I'm not sayin' a word to Luis or Lucas for that matter."

Her face tightened a bit, pale blue eye blazin'.

"However, that's why you're going to do those same things for my husband to be. He's never had that pleasure Gretchen."

Debra Ann near smiled before lightly kissin' the tear-streaked face so close to hers then whisperin' low.

"I suspect that I don't know near the things you do about pleasuring men, but you're gonna be the perfect little whore for Luis. And when that bastard Horace Pickett gets back here, you're gonna accept his askin' you to go to Independence. You'll forget all about my son n the hate you have for 'im and not set foot in Winding Creek ever again. You got your revenge against him last night Gretchen for killing yours... By hurtin' me. Now you'll let it go or I'll let Luis know n he'll make damn sure you're alone again. Do we understand each other."

The very young widow nodded her head. Debra Ann turnt n headed the short distance to the door. Near openin' it she looked over her shoulder.

"You get prettied up now. Sponge bath n what not. I''ll be settin' supper 'bout four."

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