Winter Maid Ch. 04


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"What's wrong, Mia... don't you want to pleasure me?"

"I... I really do... But... I can't..."

"Oh? Really?"

"What... what did you do to me?"

"I don't know... try again. Hehe."

I REALLY wanted to give him a blowjob, and that was turning me on so much, but I just couldn't get to it. I started to understand what he may have done to me, and it made me fearful.

"Sorry, Mia. I thought you were turned on and wanted to have sex with me. Ah, well, another time, maybe."

"Wait! ... Why can't I touch your cock. This is abnormal."

"Hehe. Maybe you are just not turned on enough. We can try again later."

"NO! I want it now... I'll try something else..."

As Brian was about to stand up, I pushed him back to his couch. Then I climbed back on him and pulled my panties aside. If my hands and mouth couldn't reach him, surely I would still be able to sit on him... To take him inside me.

Lowering my hips, I aligned my wet slit with his cock head... but just as they were about to meet, once more, an invisible force blocked me. Seeing my pleasure so close, yet unreachable, sent a big wave of sexual pleasure down my spine, making me moan involuntarily...

"Aaanh! Brian! What is happening?"

"I don't know... You seem very turned on. It's adorable."

"But... I can't fuck you... I need to fuck you now, or else I will lose my mind."

"It's not like I'm preventing you from doing so. You are super hot, and I'd love it if you gave me a good time."

"... Why can't I? How did you program the SusceptGear? Tell me! AAaaanh!"

Brian reached my crotch with his hand and slid a finger over my clit. I rushed to grab his wrists, but I didn't want him to stop.

"See, I can't touch you. It's easy. Can you touch yourself?"

"T... Touch myself!?"

"Yeah, try it. I like it when you play with yourself in front of me. It's sexy."

Brian removed his hand from my burning crotch, inviting me to give him a little show. His idea was not that bad. If I couldn't provide him with pleasure, at least I could satisfy myself. That said, I suspected he proposed that to me for a reason; it sounded like another trap.

I tried to reach my crotch, but outside being able to tug on my panties, I couldn't go any further. The thought of masturbating in front of Brian increased my arousal, but there was nothing I could do to get some relief.

"What? Mia? You don't even want to play with yourself for me. That is just ungrateful."

"Brian... Stop it! Tell me what you have done!"

"Haha! Okay, okay! I programmed your headgear so you couldn't pleasure yourself or pleasure me. Outside kissing me, there is not much else you can do. The more you will try, the more you will think about it, the more your arousal will increase."


"Don't make that face. There is a way out for you."

"... Is there?"

"Yes, this block should vanish after you get an orgasm. So you just have to cum hard one time, then you'll be back to normal and be able to do whatever you desire."

"... But... How am I supposed to do that if I can't even touch myself."

"You have to convince me to fuck you. Hehe. I can make you cum all I want. You are the conditioned one, not me."

"Fuck me now! For I am Mia, and this I command!"

"No. Not until you convince me that you really want me to."

"That's terrible! Hehe. You are a monster! Fuck me now! Stop teasing me."

Brian got off the couch and walked toward the kitchen while pulling his pants up. I had to admit that his twisted idea was pretty good; I was impressed by his creativity level. I think he remembered what turned me on last time, and he used that to create this little challenge for me. He knew that I had loved being unable to cum when I had painted myself in a corner during his business trip, and he decided to give me more of that.

As he walked away, I caught up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Wait! Wait! You... You were hard and excited... Sooo... You can make love to me now. Right? You were just joking, right?"

"Mmm... No... You didn't seem motivated enough. What do you want for lunch? We have some leftover tacos."

"Briaaan! Please... I'll let you take me the way you want, and I won't complain."

"Noted. Maybe after lunch, then."


What was that? His rejection turned me on even more. He did say that the more I would try, the more excited I would get. If I attempted to convince him too much, I would turn into a miserable ball of sexual energy. I remembered that feeling from last time.

"Aaah! Brian... I'll cook your dinner too if you fuck me now!"

"No, you don't even know how to cook!"

"I know... but... I can try!"

"You'll need to find something better, Mia. Threatening to poison me won't help your case."


This is going to be more complicated than I thought. I tried to reach the SusceptGear with my hands, but of course, he had not changed that setting. The device was a prison preventing me from escaping his evil mind so he could torture me. I would need to find a way out of this.



"Yes, Mia?"

"... What if I promise to wear my uniform all week? Would you make love to me right now?"

"Mmm... No."

"Aww... Why? Don't you like it when I wear it?"

"Oh, it's not that. I just think you can offer something better. I feel greedy. I have to make you work a bit more, or else it's not fun."

"But I'm so turned on right now... It doesn't go away."

"I know, and it's only going to get worse. You better come up with something fun soon, or by dinner time, you'll be in bad shape."

Groaning was pretty much my only option. Another attempt to get fucked, another rejection, and another spike of arousal. I wasn't too sure what he expected from me, but I would need to find it soon.

I retreated to the bedroom with my tablet to watch some cat videos. At least baby cats didn't turn me on. And maybe watching some of those fuzzy felines playing around would give me an idea for an offer he wouldn't be able to turn down. Sadly for me, Brian was not the demanding type and never tried to transform me into a more slutty sexual partner; he was just good at accepting most of the stuff I was throwing at him.

I could tell him that I would give him a blowjob every morning for a month or that I would swallow every drop every time, but that was not what he was after, and it wasn't that far from what I was already doing anyway.

So what could I offer him to convince him to fuck me?

I turned on my tablet and started watching some videos. My hand kept going down to my crotch, very close to the sensitive spot, but I couldn't pleasure myself. I was barely able to tug on my panties but only in a way that it wouldn't stimulate me. My brain was determined not to let me do anything sexual.

After a good thirty minutes, Brian met me in the bedroom. He sat next to me without a word and placed his hand on my inner thigh. That caught my attention. Was he unable to wait any longer? Maybe it was because I ignored him?

"B... Brian?"

"You aren't trying very hard? Watching cat videos won't help."

"Well, if I try too much, I'll get even more aroused."

"True, but I really want to have sex with you, in case you didn't notice. I don't want to wait a full week."

"I'm trying to think of something... it was your idea to do this. It's your fault for being so picky."

"Oh, I have no regret. But I'm just here to give you a good reason to think harder."

"... AAAH!"

Brian placed his left hand on my chest to keep me down in my pillow pile, and his other went right inside my latex panties. There was nothing I could do to stop him... anyway, I didn't want to do that. Hell yeah, I wanted more of this.

It was so odd; he rubbed my clit as much as he wanted, but I couldn't even push my hips up to participate. The only pleasure I was getting was the one he chose to give me.

"Aaaah! This feels so good... Go faster!"

"Faster? Alright... How does this feel?"

"AaAAH! Yes! Yes! That's it! That's it!"

The context of this whole activity completely escaped my mind, and I forgot that he was probably just teasing me. My arousal spiked like crazy, and I was getting closer and closer to the edge. Finally, Brian would release me from my curse, and I would be able to reward him with an amazing Mia lovemaking session.

Unfortunately, if I had been more focused, I would have seen that this was just another one of his tricks.

"Alright, I think you are warmed up enough. I have to go to the store, I will come back in about an hour to see if you came up with better arguments to make me believe you deserve that orgasm."

"... Aaanh! B... Brian... You... you can't... do that!? I am so close!"

"I sure can! See you in a bit, little maid. Think hard. I want something special when I'm back."

He waved at me, holding the remote in his hand, then just walked away from the bedroom. I couldn't believe it... All of that was just to tease me and increase my arousal level. It was so not fair!

"Brian! Come back now, you monster!"

No reply. When I heard the front door opening and closing, I rushed to the window and saw him driving away in the snow.

"B... Brian... No..."

My body was in agony from the device that prevented my arousal from going down. It was as pleasurable that it was distressing. Not being able to cum was one thing, but not being able to play with myself or to fuck anything was a whole new level of mental pain.

I returned to my bedroom and tried everything I could to no avail. Touching myself was impossible, using a vibrator didn't work either, and even humping a pillow was not a viable solution. If I consciously tried to pleasure myself, I just couldn't get myself to do it no matter what technique I employed.

It made me realize once more all the potential contained in this little headband called SusceptGear. It was so powerful. It could make me do anything and everything. As I tried to calm my breathing, I laid flat on my back and thought about that for a minute.

I wanted this whole situation to happen. I kept whining that I didn't want Brian to control me, that I wanted him to free me now, that I wanted him to make me cum. But no, that's not what I really wanted. And I knew deep inside of me that I just had to ask him in a serious tone that I wanted this to end, and he would turn it off right away. I trusted Brian with my life.

He knew me very well. When I was joking and saying harsh things that had the opposite meaning, he knew it and naturally played along. This sense of humor was part of why he loved me; I entertained him daily with my childish attitude and overreactions. I loved acting like this even though it often bit me in the ass... like today. I liked being bit in the ass.

I stared at the ceiling, and a smile appeared on my face. I remembered the last baby cat video I watched, the one where it got all tangled in yarn.

"Alright, Master Brian... Challenge accepted. Wait till you come back! I guarantee you that you are going to fuck your maid."


"Mia! I'm back! So, did you think of... What the hell?"

Ah! He finally got home. And as per his reaction, he saw what I did, and now he was climbing up the stairs. The first phase of my plan worked. Lure him to me in a shocking way.

My goal was to wait for him in our bedroom. At first, I thought I would leave a trail of rose petals from our house's front door to the bedroom, but it was minus fifteen Celsius outside, obviously not too flower friendly. So I grabbed my massive pile of sexy panties and bras and sprinkled them around to make a path leading upstairs.

His footsteps got closer; I couldn't wait to see his reaction.

"Mia? Why did you throw your panties everywhere and... HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!"

"M... Master... W... welcome home!"


His crotch zipper almost busted open because of his instant hard-on. What he was looking at was too much for his little reptilian brain to handle. I was wearing my latex maid uniform, I had no choice, but I decided to make him admire it from a different angle.

I was kneeling on the bed, face down, butt up in the air. My hands were tied together and attached to the headboard, and my ankles were secured to the corner of the bed, forcing my legs open. I looked at him with my head sideway; there was no doubt that my extreme arousal and flushed cheeks made me look super attractive. I also made sure my tongue was out just slightly, so my mouth would look extra appetizing.

My voice tone matched my look. I wanted to show him how submissive I could be, in a way that, even if he never really cared about that kind of behavior, he wouldn't be able to resist this time. I gave him something that even the most egalitarian male wouldn't be able to ignore.

But it was not enough. I also left a wooden paddle that we never really used; I think we got it from a stupid gift exchange. There was also a paper note for him to read.

His shaky hands grabbed it.

"Master Brian, I've been a very naughty maid. I broke the rules and got sexually aroused during your absence and tried to play with myself. Please punish me and use me as you see fit."

If this didn't work, I didn't know what would. But I think things were going my way now as Brian caressed my barely covered ass.

"Indeed, you've been a bad little maid, Mia. I think you deserve at least ten paddle hits... Mmm... No... Let's make it twenty-five because you left all those panties on the floor. What kind of maid does that?"

"I'm... I'm sorry Master. Please, spank me as hard as you'd like, I need to learn to be better."



I didn't see that one coming... How did I not notice that Brian had grabbed the paddle already? I knew he mentioned in the past that he would like to try this kind of game, but now I saw that he wouldn't take any chance to miss this golden opportunity; he got right into it.

"Is there a problem, Mia?"

"No... No Master... I love it, Master!"

I guess that was his way to check if it was too much for me.


"AAaah! It... It hurts... a lot... but... It makes you happy, right?"

"Very much so. I love spanking my pretty maid. More than I thought I would."

"Pleasing you always feels so good, Master."

It was cheesy acting, it hurt quite a bit, but I'd not want it any other way. I could tell Brian was enjoying himself a great deal. Spanking me was probably the last thing he had expected today. For sure, using the device to force me to do something different was his goal, but he certainly didn't think I'd push things this far.

The spanking continued for a while until I received my full twenty-five well-deserved smacks on the butt, which would undoubtedly leave some marks. I'd probably have told him to be more gentle in any other circumstances, but it was important to me to let him do it his way this time around.

Now that the punishment was out of the way, it was the moment of truth. I needed him to fuck me right here and right now until I get that liberating orgasm. It was time to crank up the heat a bit more.

"Master Brian... Thank you! You can punish me further if that is what you would like. I will try not to complain as much this time."

"No, I think we spanked you enough. We can do it again later if you keep misbehaving."

"Yes, Master... my only wish is to be useful and learn... I'm happy that you teach me how to do things better."

"Talking about useful..."

"Aaaah! M... Master!!"

YES! Brian just plunged his fingers inside of me, and since I was already pretty much on the edge, it felt extra good. My first reflex was to push back against his hand, but of course, the stupid SusceptGear prevented me from doing so. The only thing I could do was to beg for more.

"Aaanh! Please... Teach your maid how to be useful... very useful. Aaanh! Fuck!"

"How can I resist such a great educational opportunity?"

Yep, he won't back out now. I won! He moved behind me after taking off his pants and then grabbed my hips. When his cock entered me, it was evident that he liked what I had done for him; it felt as if he went just a bit deeper than usual.

When he started moving in and out, it felt so good. The hypnosis was no longer relevant; I enjoyed this so much after being denied all day; it reminded me of the last time I played with the device. I had not been able to cum for one full week until Brian returned from his business trip and fucked me while I was in sex doll mode.

"AAaah! I'm close... I'm so close... Master... Can... Can I cum."

'As much as you want, Mia... you deserve it!"

"Aaah! I'm... I'M CUMMING! AAAAH!"

Holy fuck! That was a powerful one! I tugged hard on my bonds while mentally exploding, and while Brian kept pounding me. Then something happened... I was now able to push against him...

"I... I can move..."

"Hehe... Yes, you can. I told you the truth. Cumming hard would free you. Here... let me take those cuffs out so you can have more fun."

"Y... yes, Master."

"Still Master, uh? You like that?"

"I love it... and RAWR!"

As soon as he opened my cuffs, I turned around and jumped on him. Faster than lightning, I was the one on top, kissing him deeply. I sat on his cock and started fucking him harder!

"Aaaah! It's so good! Please, cum inside of me, Master!"

"You are such a dirty maid... You'll have to work hard for it."

"Yes, Master!"

For the next few minutes, I alternated between fucking him and sucking him. I acted as if I wanted to make him cum quickly but managed the session so that he didn't cum TOO soon. He deserved to have a lot of fun because of the creative way he used the SusceptGear today.

I loved it when we did this sixty-nine for a while. It allowed me to deepthroat him all the way while he was licking me. I'm pretty sure I came again while we were doing that. But right after, I rode him again, this time aiming for the grand finale.

"Aaaah! AAah! Master Brian! Please, cum inside me... I want you to cum inside my womb! Please fill it up as much as you can!"

"Aaah! Mia! You are so hot!"

His facial expression couldn't hide anything... He was having an orgasm of a lifetime. I felt his warm semen pouring inside me, which I usually don't feel; that was pretty cool.

As his orgasm died down, I laid down on top of him, panting because of the strenuous workout, and just started giggling.

"Haha! That was so good! I love you so much!"

"Damn, Mia! I love you too... but... your womb? Fill up your womb? That was so dirty!"

"I think you did fill up my womb this time. You must have ejaculated a gallon."

"You are one twisted maid. You know that?"

"Yep, and you love me for it."

"Indeed... This was hot as hell. Let me take that thing off your head now."

"At least! Freedom! Freedom!"

"Yep, it only took a little spanking session to get free. Simple, uh?"

"I know... but I loved it. I didn't think I would enjoy getting spanked that much. It was a good experience."

Brian laughed and gave me a couple of small slaps on the butt.

"You probably wouldn't have without the device! Hehe."

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TigerstretchTigerstretchover 3 years agoAuthor
Yes, it will continue.

This story will continue for a while longer. I'm publishing Chapter 5 this week on my own page, and it will be published on Literotica about a month later. So expect Chapter 5 in early February. Thanks.

Jimmy6029Jimmy6029over 3 years ago

This is my favourite story of yours, real close to felformia. Was just wondering if I can expect it to continue? Happy holidays

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
>sees author comment

Well as long as she becomes the 'winter maid'.....

I do feel a little gyped though

ElectricBadgerElectricBadgerover 3 years ago

Excellent shift in mood. I really enjoyed the extreme, but the eager, willing submission is the hottest part. I think there's still room for further, temporary moments of insanity - she definitely seems like she'd miss never feeling that again. But the cute moments are great, too, and a healthy relationship in a MC story is fantastic. *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Although it wasn’t the mid-numbing girl like your last chapters (which I would still love to see in a loving and equal relationship), seeing Brian take control of Mia a little against her will was amazing. I’d love to see Brian take more control and maybe make her a little mindless, but more importantly have Brian make Mia guess her programming rather then tell her before hand. Maybe even have the trigger wear off if Mia figures it out. Great story though can’t wait to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You have made every chapter so incredibly hot but it wasn’t just the usual stuff that many stories have. You were imaginative and inventive while covering a really wide variety of kinks. I applaud your efforts, skill as a writer and attention to details.

Excellent five star story and chapter again. I look forward to more. Thanx.

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