Witch's Wedding

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A witch lovingly dominates you.
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You walk along the forest path together, with Saira at your side. You are one of the few to know that name. Most call her the witch of Alderwood, the twilight terror, or the shadow guardian, if you ask the druids.

"I never thought I'd have someone to share these woods with me," she said. "I'm lucky they sent you to kill me, and not someone else."

"Not as unlucky as they would have been," you reply. "They would be dead, and you would still be alone."

"So what will you tell them?" she asked.

You shrug. "It hardly matters now. I may tell the druids about our little alliance. The council won't care to hear about it. As far as they're concerned I'm just your latest victim, a man under your spell."

"No more than I am under your spell," replies Saira, snuggling under your arm. "You've gained my trust, and my love, something I thought would never happen. I hoped to gain an apprentice, but having a daughter would be even better."

"And if he's a son?" you ask.

"We can keep trying. Son's are great, and they'll have the magic of my blood in them, but they won't have the same power. We'll teach them all what we can, of course. You never can predict with children. How would you like to have them?"

"What do you mean by how?"

"Well, I've never been with a man before, but the shadows have whispered many things to me. But I am eager to show you pleasure in ways that only a woman can. Here, we're at one of my cabins, the cozy one, not the one I use for disgusting experiments."

She invites you in and closes the door behind you. For a moment there is total darkness. You know very well that the "shadow guardian" is quite comfortable in total darkness, and you hear her moving about.

"Hang on a moment, I've got a surprise for you, let me prepare it." You feel her take your hand and guide you to one part of the room. You can hear her moving about and handling things in the shadows.

Suddenly lights appear all around the room, producing a strange solid green glow. The green shifts to a warm orange that is easier on the eyes, but you are no longer looking at the lights. You are looking at Saira's completely nude body, posing before you in front of a circular bed.

"Are you ready to fully join yourself with me?" She gives her hips a slow shake. "You can think of this as our little marriage ceremony. But sex is always about power. I trust you. If you want to claim power over me, I am yours to claim." Saira sits on the bed and opens her legs wide, offering herself to you. "I offer you the depths of pleasure from the depths of my feminine power."

You strip and step closer to her. "You know, I always believed that if I ever married, my wife would control me. After all, that's the way it works in every other relationship I've ever seen. Especially when the guy thinks he's in charge. That's why finding someone I can trust was always so important."

"Love without trust is dangerous," agrees Saira, pushing up her breasts, offering them to you. "So much of my power is innately feminine, clothed in shadows. Would you like me to control you then? My feminine power is unfurled before you, it is yours to claim and harness or to submit to as you offer yourself to me. As you enter me, will you enter me as a man claiming his wife, or as a man offering himself to his wife? Our union is the same either way... our love is the same."

You hesitate. "I'm not sure I like either of those. I think I would rather struggle, test our power against each other. I trust you, but I don't want to simply offer myself to you. I want to resist you and feel you conquer me."

Saira chuckles. "That works. You want to test my feminine power before you submit to me. I think most men want to submit to women deep inside, but most women don't understand their own power, or fear it, or they let their fear control them. So you prefer to slowly descend into my control?" You nod, after a moment's hesitation. "Then come inside, descend into me..."

Her legs are wide, inviting you in, but now the invitation has a much more dominant air to it. Her legs now seem to float poised, ready to capture you, her previously submissive air was now decidedly dominant, despite still being on her back.

You are already getting hard, and you line up with her entrance and prepare to slide in. Her legs wrap around you and pull you down on top of her. You move back and forth until you slide inside. She clamps onto you playfully which hardens you up even more.

"Just relax. Let me make you mine. You like the idea of having your wife control you?"

"Only because I trust you to be my wife in the first place," you reply. Saira tightens her legs and lips on you as she pulls you down, bringing your face just over hers.

"Soon you will obey me completely, because that is what you want. I can read it in your shadows. You want a woman who will claim authority over you, lovingly exert her sexual superiority, bend you to her will, and make you submit. Look into my eyes. You know it to be true, I can feel it in your gaze, in your skin. Deny it, if you can."

"There is nothing to deny. You read the shadows correctly, but you know what I really want. I want to fight your feminine authority and lose. You just want to make me yours."

Saira grins and pulls you deeper inside her. As her lips pulse on you and you look deep into her eyes in the candlelight you feel a shiver as her power surrounds you. Your pulse increases as you feel increasingly helpless and controlled. Her smaller body feels powerful, authoritative. She smiles, knowing what you feel.

"This was your choice. You want me to dominate and conquer you. You are right about me. I'm happy to make you mine, whether you have the illusion of control or not. Now take a deep breath, relax, and watch how I reveal my power to you. Look deep into my eyes, and repeat what I tell you."

You look into Saira's eyes, feel yourself sink into them, just as you are sinking into her flesh. The two of you stare in silence for a moment, letting your deep connection grow.

"Repeat whatever I tell you to, no matter what it is. You will say what I tell you to. Say it."

"I will say what you tell me to."

"You will believe what I tell you to. Say it."

"I will believe what you tell me to," you repeat, suspecting where this may be going.

"Do you want me to dominate and conquer you? Answer it."

"I want you to dominate and conquer me," you repeat.

"You will defy and then submit to my feminine power. Is this your desire?"

"It is. I will defy and then be defeated by your feminine power."

"Women are superior. Confess it." You see a slight smile on her face.

You hesitate. "No. I must defy you first," you reply.

"Women are superior," she insists. "Say it!"

"No. We both know that's not true," you counter.

"You said that you will repeat whatever I say. No matter what. Women. Are. Superior."

"I will, but you said I will defy you first. I am."

She glares up at you with authoritative focus, then she smiles. "Good, I was hoping you would catch that. Of course, that means I can punish your disobedience now..."

You feel a sudden shock run down your shaft all the way to the base and then continues inside you, running up you spine till it explodes in the back of you head, making you gasp and throw your head back. You hear Saira chuckle.

"You learn to love that too. It feels great to belong to me, and it's what you want deep inside. You feel weak. You feel surrounded by my power. You belong to me. Even if you didn't want this, can you defy my power?" You feel the authority in her lips pulsing on you, and find it suddenly difficult to speak. Saira smirks up at you speechless reaction.

"I will dominate you. I will conquer you. This was your choice. Female supremacy may not have been true before, it but will be now, between you and me, and you will confess to it before you submit to me."

There is a sudden shift inside Saira, and you feel her labia pulse on you with a new force of authority. You shudder, feeling a need to submit, and yield to her. You try to fight it, but she pulses harder on you. Asserting control. Asserting dominance. Asserting authority. Asserting feminine superiority...

"Doesn't it feel good to be dominated, to be conquered by your wife? How much longer will you last? Feel me making you my mate, just like you wanted. My pussy is rewarding you by making you submit. Soon you will accept female supremacy in our relationship. You want your wife to rule you. This is your reward. Are you ready to confess female superiority?"

You struggle to catch your words and the sensations she is giving you make your head spin. "I... don't know..." you manage to reply. "You only want me to say that..."

"I do. I want you to say it to prove to you that I am in control. Also, I know you like the sound of it. It doesn't matter what is true. What matters is what I want. Doesn't it feel good to descend into my power? To be completely mine? Would you like to be my slave?" As she says the word slave you feel her squeezing you tight below, and it feels as though your soul itself is under pressure.

"This is what you chose after all," she coos up at you. "You want this. You want me to make you feel inferior, you want me to make you see me as superior. Is it just a game we are playing? Perhaps, but in this moment, I want you to feel like it is the most real thing in the world. I want you to look down into my eyes, and know that women are superior, that your wife is conquering you the most intimate way possible, and that you are falling helplessly inside me."

"So how do you feel about becoming my slave? I can see it in your eyes, but I want to hear you say it."

"Your slave... it sounds terrifying, but exciting. I trust you, Saira."

"You want to fear me, as you join with me. You wife is the most feared witch in the land, doesn't it feel good to fear me a little as well? Your fear, safely bunded up in trust, as I wrap you up in my power... You want me to take complete control over you, to control you mind and body, though your cock?"

Saira squeezes you, bringing you in closer. "You should thank me for doing this to you. Thank me for the privilege of being forced to submit to my feminine power." She gives you an affectionate but authoritative squeeze. "Thank me for making you mine."

"Of course, and you are mine," you reply.

"But you want to focus on being mine, on submitting to my feminine authority. You want to feel as though you are an inferior male, being subjugated by his wife. I want to hear you plead with me as I take all power from you. I want to hear what you think and feel as I slowly pull your freedom out of your cock..."

She starts to pulse aggressively on you. Each squeeze sends a shiver up your spine. She smiles gently up at you, knowing that she is making it difficult to think as a strange dark pleasure washes through you. "Speak," she commands softly.

"I am... losing control... you are taking it... this feels amazing... this feels divine... it's like your speaking to me... no... don't make me say it..."

"Yes, say it..." Saira whispers back at you.

"I am... an... inferior male... I am being controlled... my cock is designed to let you control me... my wife controls me... you are making me your slave... I feel so helpless... this is amazing... no... yes... I'll say it... women are superior..." Saira smirks as you make your confession.

"See? You love being in my power. It feels right, it's what you were made for. Your cock wants to be controlled by a powerful woman, and now you've finally found a woman worthy of controlling and owning you. Now just relax, and give in to my power. Remember, this was your choice..."

Saira's lips hold you tight as she rolls over on top of you, pinning you to the bed. You stare up into her eyes and feel her control and dominance grow stronger. The idea of female supremacy wraps around your mind and body, coiling tighter around you. She pushes forward her breasts, bringing them to hang just over your face.

"Stare at my symbols of feminine power and authority. Kiss them. Suck them. Submit to them. Submit to your wife." You find yourself obeying automatically, soon you are effectively speechless, her breast filling your mouth.

"Good, now listen to my pussy, she had some words for you." With each phrase of her mouth Saira squeezes hard on you, asserting her will. "My pussy owns you. She controls you. She is educating you. She is training you. You are her slave. You love being her slave. Your wife owns you. Your wife is conquering you. Your wife is showing you who is in charge."

With her breast in your mouth you feel yourself submitting utterly to her feminine power. Your cock feels helpless inside her as her pulses continue to educate you on your place beneath her. You feel closer and closer to her, a part of her, Saira's loving mate, helpless beneath her feminine authority.

"You love how this feels, how it feels for you wife to dominate you, to cover you in female supremacy and authority. You love how helpless I make you feel, and how your own desires put you in this position. Now beg for it, my love, beg me to make you my slave. It is what you most deeply desire. Look into my eyes and tell me what you feel..."

You release her breast, eyes fixed on hers in the candlelit depths of her cabin. "I feel so helpless under you Saira... you have taken all of my power and are taking more and more... I trust you. Complete your domination... show me your female supremacy... make me... your slave..."

Saira lifts up, pushes down on you, clenches tight, and grins victoriously. "It feels good to lose everything, for me to take everything. Look up at me and behold your wife claiming and conquering you." You feel a sudden shock inside Saira, just like before, traveling down your cock and up your spine until sweeps through your entire body.

"This is your choice, and is in fact a reward. You wanted to be dominated, to feel my power over you. Feel that power gathering in your cock and know that when you cum you will be utterly defeated, utterly enslaved, just like you want to be. And then I will toy with you. When I am satisfied, then I will return you to yourself. After all, being my slave is your fantasy, not mine."

The feeling behind her pulses changes. You feel you are being consumed, your will being pulled helplessly inside her. You are helpless as her power surrounds every part of you, affectionate but absolutely unyielding as she claims and enslaves you. Every inch of you knows that your wife is in charge, and being forced to submit to her is your reward, her fulfilling your deepest desires. She can see right through you, see your thoughts, see your soul...

"Yes, give yourself to you wife, accept my sexual supremacy over you, accept your reward and become my slave, surrender to my feminine authority... behold as I conquer your cock!"

You feel another glorious shock then feel yourself build up helplessly until you burst inside her. Her lips tight, drinking in more than just your orgasm. You feel control over your body briefly leave you, part of your mind and soul briefly leave you, your wife smiling and imperious over you.

"There you go... bask in it... accept my power over you... or you still want to try and fight? Can you even move on your own? Let me try something..."

You feel yourself rise and disconnect from her, her will filing and moving you. You stand in front of her, she poses for you, both of you wet from each other's arousal. Then you drop to your knees and find yourself kissing her feet, a passenger in your own body. Slowly your body stands, still bowing before Saira. She runs her hand through your hair and places a hand under your chin. You feel a sudden chill and control returns to your body.

"Satisfied, my love? You'll never be able to forget it now, forget how helpless you have been under my power. But that's what you wanted, right? And we can do this again and again, and I can dominate you a hundred different ways. Just like you've always wanted. What should we do now? Let's lie down and cuddle a bit, then you can give me a massage. It'll give you some time to think about how you want to thank me."

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Satyam4005Satyam40059 months ago

Man , I loved the romantic magical hypnosis here . The male here is literally me , wanted to be lovingly dominated by my wife, I know it's impossible to trust someone even more than yourself to be completely dominated but I still felt it and fantasized about making it a reality. Let's see how ll it go

nestorb30nestorb30about 1 year ago

Not a bad story, pretty good actually, would be better in the correct category. I would think fetish or perhaps sci-fi

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Guess that’s why they burnt witches back in the day, manipulative, evil, entitled - god, we are surrounded by witches and we never realised.

Best get those fires lit, we’ve some burning to do.

On a lighter note, not sure why it’s in LW although there’s many a manipulative entitled bitch there but many other catalogues for your fantasy take.

Superior female power? Never met a woman yet whose shot didn’t stink

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Shouldn't this be in fantasy? Not digging it... at all.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

No that was real strange.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Parts are true and parts are total BS.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonabout 1 year ago

Probably be better in Mind Control.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Lost me with the first word. Second person stories suck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just say no to second person perspective.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"My thanks bitch is learning you are insane soon enough to get the marriage annulled. I wasn't under your spell, I just decided to play along and see what kind of demented whore you really were. Damn, some women are just beyond stupid! Bye!"

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It might have worked, written in 1st or 3rd person. Doesn’t work for me in 2nd.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Who married them? Some warlock? Is this "The Lord of the Rings" episode? Should be in another category! 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What kind of feminist nonsense is this, covered with a magical husk? You won't wait for it, bitches! Only in your unrealizable fantasies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


What kind of dumbass thinks up this shit?

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