Women: Conniving, Scheming...


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Del wasn't crying anymore. He asked, "I'd like it if you took another day off."

"What are we doing tomorrow?"

"I've got to clear up my finances. I've got to find a lawyer. It's over, now I have to move on."

I held both his hands as tightly as I could. I was suddenly very afraid, "When you move on. Take me with you."

He didn't answer, "Time for bed squirt," was all he said.

I had a funny feeling about this. I didn't want to lose him, but maybe my involvement with the imminent death of his marriage to my sister would be too close for him. I knew I could handle it, but could he?

All right I knew what I had to do. In the event Del moved away I'd need to have a way to find him. He had an aunt and uncle who'd raised him, and he had two cousins who were like sisters. Over the next couple days I had to get all the information I could about his people. Heck, his people were my people. I loved him, and if he decided to move away after he split with Vonda I'd find him. My dad used to hunt. He used to hunt deer. Yes, oh yes, if Del split, I'd find him. I'd hunt his tender sweet sharing caring loving soul down. I'd bag him, and I'd bring him home like dad used to bring home his deer, strapped to the hood of my car if I had to.

He got away from me once; I wouldn't let it happen again.


The next day and the day after were like a blur. We did his banking. He did stuff with his credit cards. I didn't know he had a will; he changed that. He changed all his insurance policies. I don't know why, but after Del found a lawyer he made me go with him. I was really uncomfortable. It was kind of scary. I remember most of it.

We went in and sat down. The lawyer's name was Hershel Wagner and his specialty was domestic cases.

Del started things off with what I guess was a pretty straightforward supposition. "Mr. Wagner my wife has been cheating on me. I have some proof. I want to sue for divorce on the grounds of infidelity, and I want to go after her boss, the man she's been sleeping with for alienation of affection."

Mr. Wagner responded, "You understand we live in a 'no fault' state."

"What does that mean," asked Del?

"It means her infidelity probably won't mean much if the thing goes to court."

"You mean my wife can break our wedding vows and not get punished?"

"Other than the public disclosure, that's about it."

"What should I do then?"

"Most of the time people go for irreconcilable differences. I see here you have no children, and your salaries are comparable."

"I can still get the bastard my wife's been having her affair with?"

"I'm sure we could. We could nail this guy's hide to the side of the barn, but your wife's employer probably has a no fraternization policy. If they see it, and they certainly will, she'll lose her job. If she has no income that might affect the outcome of the case when a judge decides if she's to get alimony, and I'm sure she will."

"OK, but he's married I can get him by ratting him out to his wife."

"You sure could, but what has she done? What if she's suffering from some debilitating condition? You want to put her through something like that. You won't gain anything except a little revenge. What if it breaks her spirit and she does something drastic. Do you want that on your conscience?"

I watched Del as he listened to Mr. Wagner. Del told me he'd met Metzger's wife once. The nurse we'd talked to told us she had Parkinson's. This kind of discovery could kill her.

I stopped the meeting for second, "Mr. Wagner could I talk to Mr. McDermitt for a second?"

Mr. Wagner replied, "Sure, I'll step away for a moment," he walked down toward the bathroom.

I turned and faced the person I loved more than any other in the world. I knew what I was about to say would make him really mad, mad at me especially, "Del don't hurt some sick woman. You're better than that."

He replied and the big debate began, "Sherry that man Metzger ruined my marriage."

"No Del, Vonda ruined this marriage."

"You want me to let the bastard off the hook?"

"I want you to be better than these people. Del you're a kind and gracious man. You just married the wrong sister. I don't know what Vonda was thinking when she married you. Maybe in her way she thought she loved you. Del Mrs. Metzger never did anything to hurt you. Don't ruin her life. You heard Mrs. Metcalf; she's a sick woman. What if he loses his job and can't afford to keep the insurance. I'm sure you know more about this than I do. I heard about that COBRA stuff; they might not be able to handle the costs. They have kids. That nurse said so. Del you can't destroy a whole family just to get back at one man; a man who, knowing my sister, is probably almost as big a victim as you are."

"But the tapes?"

"Del I don't care what the tapes say. He was drawn in by my sister. We know he's no innocent lamb. We know he's a player, but if you go after him and ruin him and his family you'll regret it later. Del I know you; that's not your way."

"I still want to get even with Vonda."

"You can do that. There are ways you can get even. If you threaten her with exposure where she works I'm sure she'll resign. You can do that. You can divorce her, you can force her to change hospitals and start over, and you'll still walk away with your self-esteem and your pride intact."

"I thought you said you loved me, but you just want me to go easier on her because she's your sister."

"Del I do love you. I love you so much it hurts. That's why I'm saying this. You can hurt her without destroying her. There's my mom and dad too. You love them I know you do. Gosh Del the divorce is going to break their hearts. If you ruin my dad's oldest girl it'll break his spirit. Del he's not the man he used to be. Del please don't hurt my dad. I love you more, but I love him too."

"Yeah I get it; it's about you and your family."

"Del darling they're your family too. I want to marry you when this is over. I know you've been thinking about me. I think you might even love me. If you ravaged my family with this divorce it'll ruin so much more than just Vonda. Del you're a man, a real man. I know you won't do this."



"Sherry get out of my sight."

"No Del hold off on this. Think about what I've said Del. You know how I feel about you. You're a good man. The idea of vengeance is beneath you. If you hurt all these people you'll only end up hating yourself. Don't do it Del."

"I said get out!"

I pleaded, "Del please!"

Finally he stood up and pointed toward the door, "I don't want to see your lying deceitful shit eating face ever again!"

"Del no please?"

He really yelled then, "Get the fuck out of here!"

I had no choice. It broke my heart. I knew I was right. Del was a good man; too good to be vengeful. Oh god I wished I was dead. I started to walk away. I couldn't do it. I couldn't just walk away. I ran back and tried to hug him, but he pushed me away. He just stood there, tears in his eyes and anger in his heart.

I stepped back, "Del you're better than they are. You can never get even on this. No one wins in a divorce. If you try to get some kind of revenge, you'll regret it. Not now, not today, but later, after you've calmed down you'll feel sorry. You'll wish you hadn't. I know you Del. You're a good man. Del I want you to stand tall. Stand up straight, square back your shoulders. Show Vonda what she's thrown away by being the man everyone knows you are."

I didn't know if he was listening or not. I gave it one more shot, "Del I don't want you to be just a good man. I want you to be the better man. And Del, please, for God's sake; take me with you when you go. I love you!"

I started to cry. I couldn't face his anger or his grief another second. I turned and ran out of the room.


That was the last I saw of Del. He filed for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. He changed the locks on their house. Vonda was served in front of their house one day as she got home from work. She needed a policeman on hand before she could get her clothes and personals. She moved back in with me and mom and dad. That began a new tribulation for me.

Vonda was convinced I was the cause of the end of her marriage. One night at the dinner table we had a terrible fight. It drove mom and dad to distraction. Mom had fixed her home made spaghetti just for Vonda and me that night. Dad had even gone out and bought garlic bread. It had been pretty quiet through most of the meal; we were just finishing when Vonda finally started.

"Satisfied sis?"

I looked up, "What?"

"Well I'm back home now. Three years of marriage and nothing to show for it but a lot of broken memories."

As soon as we started arguing mom and dad retreated into the kitchen. I was glad they did, "Vonda I didn't break up your marriage." We both heard the kitchen door slam. Mom and dad had left for the backyard. I was even more glad. They didn't need to hear this.

"Oh yes you did; it was you who started it, and you started it right here at mom and dad's dinner table."

"You mean the day I showed you up about your job?"

"It wasn't about my job. It was never that; it's about me and Del. You've been jealous from day one."

"Yeah I might have been jealous, but it wasn't me who decided to sleep around and break all my vows."

"You never had any proof I did anything wrong."

"Are you kidding? I saw you at that basketball game. You had your hand wrapped around that old man's penis."

"That was a mistake."

"What? You lying to Del and going to a game when you told him you had to work, or when he videotaped you groping Metzger?"

"We never had sex."

"What, oh yeah, 'I did not have sex with that woman'. Del had proof. He had voice recordings. He had video."

"What video?"

"Darn it Vonda I saw it. You and Metzger were crawling all over your office desk. Del had set up a camera. You were moaning and groaning, 'Oh put it in me. Oh you're so big, oh my, oh God. I wish Del had what you have.' I heard it and I watched it." Vonda turned white as a sheet. I heard mom and dad were back in the kitchen; they never knew about the office video. Honestly Del and I hadn't seen anything either. We'd heard her talk about it on her cell phone, but we'd never gone back and gotten any tapes. I just made it up.

Vonda angrily retaliated, "None of that's true. You're just making it up to show me up in front of mom and dad."

I told her, "I heard your phone conversation the night after the office thing too. 'Oh you're my big boy. Del is such a wimp. I'm glad I found a real man.' You can't deny it Vonda. You screwed up your marriage when you decided to let that old man in your pants, and we both know he wasn't the first."

"You're so smart. Then why didn't Del bring all this up at the divorce hearing the other day?"

I really didn't know why. I hoped what I said to him had been the reason. That's what I told Vonda anyway, "I pleaded with him not to go for adultery. I said it would only hurt our mom and dad. I begged him not to file alienation of affection charges against Mr. Metzger because he has a sick wife. I told him if he accused you of infidelity you would probably lose your job, and then he might end up getting stuck with alimony, and besides I told him he was too good a person to go after revenge. I think that's why he didn't go for your throat."

Vonda broke down, "I lost my husband. You broke up my home. I told him I was sorry. I begged him to take me back. Sherry I swear I didn't mean to hurt him."

"Then why'd you do it Vonda?"

"I don't know why Sherr," she used to call me Sherr when we were little; "It was fun. It was like playing hooky from school. I was breaking a rule."

"You didn't think you'd get caught?"

"No honest, I thought we had it figured. It was the basketball game wasn't it."

"He was at the game. He did the video. You're just lucky the station cut the part where he zoomed in on your hand on the man's pants."

She was crying, "Oh Sherry Del's such a nice boy. He's so much fun. He's smart, and kind, and generous. I really messed up didn't I?"

I felt sorry for her. She was my sister after all. She'd been there for me when I was younger and I needed someone. It had always been us four girls; she was the oldest, it had always been her job to look out for the rest of us. I mean I didn't like the hand me downs. Gee sometimes with like Sunday dresses I was the fourth wearer. I never cared though. Mom would hem and stitch and I'd get a 'new' dress. A lot of times it was a point of pride. I know I was mad at her for what she'd done to Del. I mean I hated that she stole him away from me, but she was still my sister. I guess I still loved her too. Del was right; a person can't turn love on and off like it was a spigot.

I took her hand and led her in the living room. We sat together on the sofa, "Yeah Vonda you really blew it. You really hurt him."

"I didn't mean to honest. It was more like a game. Geez, the sex wasn't even that good."

"That's not what you told lover boy."

"I lied. I only wanted him to feel good. Damn, Del's the real deal. Now I've lost him. He'll never take me back now. You should have seen the look on his face when we were with our lawyers. Christ Sherr, he hates me now."

I held her in my arms while she cried. She was still my sister after all, "He doesn't hate you. He loves you. He told me so. He said love isn't something you just turn on and off."

"You think there's still a chance?"

I put my arm around her shoulders, "No honey, he's gone. He might love you, but there's the trust. He can never trust you again."

"Oh God Sherr; I'd be so good. If I got him back I'd prove it to him. I'd never do it again. Oh Sherr why was I so stupid?"

"Vonda let me ask you a couple questions."

"Sure anything."

"Are you unhappy because you hurt Del and ruined your marriage, or are you unhappy because you got caught?"

"I wasn't supposed to get caught. That was your fault. You made him start to have doubts. You put him up to it."

"Vonda you're the one who cheated. You broke your promises. He already had his suspicions long before I said anything, and you still haven't answered me. Are you sorry you hurt Del and broke your vows, or are you just sorry you got caught."

"I don't know Sherr. I guess a little of both."

I already knew that. At least now Vonda had begun to think about it, "I have another question."

She sniffed and nodded her head.

"Vonda did you ever really love him?"

"Oh I loved him. I still love him. He's so much fun. He's so kind and considerate. He loves me too. I mean if I said something witty or did something he especially liked he'd use it as an excuse to buy me a present or flowers or something. Oh why didn't I think of those things? He's good in bed too," she lowered her voice and added, "but you already know that don't you. Sure I guess I love him."

"Vonda did you know he and I never did anything?"

The way she looked at me proved she didn't believe that, "Oh yes you did. What about the STDs?"

"There were no STDs. You know that. You got tested. Remember?"

"You lied about that?"

"You know Del lied. He told you he lied. He thought it was funny how you ran right back to the hospital to get tested. We listened to the tape when you told Metzger you and he couldn't do anything. Boy was he mad! Del half hoped people in the hospital might get wind of your testing. They didn't, and I'm glad they didn't. No Vonda Del and I never had any sex. Answer me, do you love him, I mean really love him."

"I married him didn't I?"

"I didn't ask you that. Did you marry him out of love or for some other reason?"

"I love him I honestly and sincerely do."

"Why wouldn't you agree to make his babies then?"

"Well I have my career."

"Your career means more than your husband?"

I saw her hesitate, "Would you?"

"Vonda if I had Del, and he wanted my babies, I'd quit my job in a New York minute."

"No you wouldn't."

"God Vonda you know I love him. I'd give anything for the chance to be with him. I'd have his babies, fix his breakfast, clean his skid marks off the toilet, iron his clothes, make love, suck his penis. I'd do anything!"

"Well your career isn't all that great anyway."

"Vonda I don't have a career. I wanted my career to be his wife!"

In an instant my sister disappeared and the bitch came back. Her voice dropped two octaves; it sounded surly and mean, she laughed, "That won't happen now will it. He made it clear at the hearing once we were finished he was out of here."

Vonda broke my heart. In one sentence I felt like my whole life had ended, "He said that?"

"Oh he said it. He said he was quitting the station, going home, and starting over someplace else."

I felt sick, "I need to leave."

Vonda smirked, "Makes you sick huh. Well good for you."

Yeah Vonda, she won. I cried all night after that. My world was about to come to an end.


I guess that might have been the end. Del never called; he never emailed, or texted or anything. Vonda was right; he wanted to put as much distance as he could between himself and the Van Dyke girls. What was worse for me was the school year was about to end. I'd have ten weeks with nothing to do.

I missed Del like crazy. He was breaking my heart. I decided to take some kind of action. Del had told me his aunt and uncle lived just outside San Francisco in a local community called Redwood City; someplace called Emerald Hills or something. His uncle's name was Byron, Byron Meadows. From what Del told me his younger sisters, cousins actually, were probably about my age. His aunt's name was Audra. I checked the area out on the Internet. It looked OK; not exactly the Hamptons, but it had a median income around $170,000.00. I didn't know if that was good or not. It was San Francisco after all.

I checked with Del's television station. He had resigned, but they couldn't or wouldn't tell me where he went. I drove by his house and saw the for sale sign. My only connection would probably be with whoever I met when I went west. And for sure, I was going west!

I booked a flight to Denver, and from there I went to San Francisco. I got in, rented a car, checked in at a motel, and drove south toward Redwood. I had a street address, and the rental car had a G.P.S. I logged the information in, and pretty soon I found myself outside the house where Del might have spent his adolescence. It was funny; I drove past a high school, Sequoia something or other. I wondered if that had been where Del had gone to school.

I found what I thought might be the right street. I guess I was feeling pretty melancholy, here I was outside a house, and it might have been Del's house. He said he had a dog, a collie; it was supposedly buried in the backyard. I liked the neighborhood, but I couldn't really tell; American communities are tricky, a neihborhood can look nice and be a hell hole. Things looked pretty nice around here though.

I parked the car, got out, and walked up the sidewalk. The sidewalk was cracked in places, and someone had taken some paint and written something on one of the segments. I read it. The message said 'Stephanie loves Del'. I knew it then; I was home. Stephanie was Del's younger cousin. I bet one of them wrote it when they were still in school. It looked old and pretty much worn away, but it gave me this comforting, I mean warm, feeling.

I'd only met his cousins and aunt and uncle once. I wished I had paid more attention at Vonda's and Del's wedding; I barely remembered them. I got to the door and knocked. There were cars in the driveway, the garage was open, and there was a pick-up truck parked inside. I'm sure someone must be home.
