Worth the Wait


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He came through the line to get his tacos, "Mia, Mia, Mama Mia! Pete said you made the world's best tacos and I had to come and try them."

Pam looked at Mia "So you two know each other?" she asked.

"Coach used to be Mum's music teacher at school!" Pete told everyone.

Pam gave a very knowing look to Mia who simply blushed. Pete went to eat with the other boys and Mr C stayed to eat with the mothers. Mr C commented that he had not seen Mia since her father's funeral, well awake at least as he saw her sleeping during the opening service. Mia again went beet red.

"Well," said Pam, "the two of you have a lot of catching up to do it would seem, Coach, you need to arrange a coffee date, come on!"

Mr C said that that indeed sounded nice and asked Mia what she was doing the following morning. Mia was not working that weekend and they agreed to meet at a coffee shop the following morning. "Mia, I'd love to have coffee with you, however I must ask you call me Peter and not Mr C!" Mia agreed and went home with a huge grin on her face.

She told herself this was not a date; it was a coffee catch up between old friends. It took her ages to work out what to wear. In the end she settled for a skirt and blouse combo that did nothing to showcase her figure but made her feel comfortable. Mia told her mum she was catching up with a friend for coffee and her Mum assured her that she would be fine with Pete! They were going to visit the museum exhibition with the latest dinosaurs.

Mia was early for coffee, but Peter was earlier still. He stood awkwardly, knocking the table and sending sugar packets flying. He tried to pull a chair out for Mia, but they were converted milk crates and he simply knocked it over. Mia arranged the crate and sat down opposite Peter and they both laughed. Peter apologised for being so clumsy and admitted he did not really do dates and was so nervous. "This isn't a date, Peter, this is coffee- two old friends catching up," Mia smiled.

Peter's heart sank. Friends. "So, um, Mia, is, um Pete with his father this weekend?" Peter enquired. Mia looked into her lap and told Peter briefly about Brad and that he had been killed in an accident when Pete was 18 months old. She left out the parts about the violence and the refuge. "Wow, Mia, I'm sorry, you must miss him," Peter stated.

Mia dissolved into tears at this stage and the entire story came out. She apologised for her outburst, but Peter simply held her hand in his and let her finish. He even gave her his handkerchief to wipe her eyes.

Mia felt safe for the first time in the company of a man. "But Mia, with your absolute beauty and those eyes, there must have been many a man queuing up for your attentions?"

Mia laughed. She did not see herself as beautiful. Sure, she had a pretty figure and many people commented on her eyes, but she could never see herself as beautiful. "Thank-you Peter for saying that, but I don't feel beautiful and heck, what about you, you must have been brushing girls away, I mean look at you, you're handsome and charming and those long fingers, I've always really liked your hands and I suppose that sounds creepy," Mia giggled.

It was Peter's turn to explain his last years. "Mia, do you remember when we would play those piano duets in assembly? No, wait," Peter paused, "Do you remember the year before I started at your school you were at a choral symposium in the city?" Mia did remember that. Peter went on to explain that he was there in his final year of university sitting in the sound booth helping. He saw Mia help another student who tripped on the stalls and he was attracted to her. He told her he assumed she was a senior and would be gone, but when the job was advertised at her school and he applied, despite having no experience, he did so hoping Mia would still be there.

This was news to Mia. "But Miss Vaughan, the headmistress, she was a devil and she would never have allowed anything between a student and a teacher," Mia mused.

Peter went on to explain that he knew he would not be able to make a move on a student but figured being in the same vicinity of his crush would be enough and who knew what might happen once she left school. Indeed Miss Vaughan had put the fear of death into him. It was Miss Vaughan who discovered Peter had been at Mia's father's funeral and chastised him for fraternising with former students. "Good God, Mia, I tried to explain you were married and pregnant, however she made my life a living hell. I was trying to come to terms with the fact that you were married and pregnant and that I still held the deepest feelings for you."

Peter went on to explain the rumours that he was starting to hear- he had been having an affair with a student. It was then he went to his mentor, Dr Wallace, head of the Grammar School who told Peter that there was a position coming up at Grammar and it was all his should he want it. Peter explained that he took the job, but declined the accommodation offer of the music master's cottage, because he wanted to protect himself and the students from any allegations of impropriety. Dr Wallace suggested the old room near the chapel as it had security cameras right to the door and he knew Peter would not invite anyone inside to his one room apartment.

"But what about other women?" Mia enquired. Peter explained that at a boys school there were few women and although a couple of single female teachers had tried to come on to him at various times, he soon discovered that it was the Pam's of this world, the mothers with successful husbands and time on their hands who tried to set him up with 'friends' which was why he avoided cricket dinners.

Mia asked Peter why he had not perused her when she left school. He explained that he went to a choral concert put on by the university choir and Mia was not there having left the university by this stage. When she told Peter of the lecturer, he knew exactly who she was talking about and told her he wished he had warned her of that dragon who had told Peter something similar about his abilities five years earlier.

Their cups drained, Mia wondered how this catch up was going to end. She liked Peter a lot and he had told her that he had liked her for over 20 years, but there was a lot to consider.

"Mia, I have been trying to work out how to ask you this all morning, but I don't know if you want to be seen in public with anyone like me, but you see, um, well, for Christmas I gave my mother season tickets to every opening opera and sometimes she and my father attend and sometimes she and I attend and this morning she rang me to say that she has a cold and does not think she will make it tonight so I have a spare ticket and no one to ask, but it's Black Tie and I understand that you probably have plans and..." Peter was stammering now, looking into his lap.

"Um, Peter, I haven't been to the opera in years and I do have a dress, but, um, well, if you're sure..."

Peter smiled. He explained that they usually had dinner at an Italian restaurant near the Opera House at 6, but he would understand if Mia declined dinner. Mia smiled, it all sounded wonderful. "Mia, I would offer to pick you up, but I don't drive," Peter explained. Mia laughed and arranged to collect Peter from the room near the chapel.

On her way home she texted her mother "Mum, I know you and Pete are having fun at the museum, I've scored a ticket to the opera tonight so is it ok if you two have more fun for the evening?"

Margaret smiled as she read it. She had spent the morning at the museum being told by Pete all about Peter Cranwell and how he had tacos the evening before and how he thought that was who his mother was having coffee with. She liked Peter Cranwell, ever since her first parent-teacher meeting with him she sensed a vulnerability and calmness from him. She remembered it was Mia's senior year and she asked him how he was coping as a young man surrounded by hormonal girls. He told her that the seniors were the same age as his sister and if he could be a brother to them too as they navigated these years then he was happy to. She texted her daughter "Darling, sounds wonderful, please feel free to go through my jewellery and see if there's anything appropriate, oh and have fun!"

Margaret and Pete arrived home and were amazed at the transformation in Mia. She had been through her mother's jewellery and found some old hair clips, clipping her dark hair out of her face. She had applied make up in a careful way to accentuate her delicate facial features and she wore the emerald dress she had worn to the medical ball. It was a flowing number in satin with spaghetti straps and a dipped back. It was impossible for Mia to wear a bra with it, but she did not need one. It flowed past her shapely hips and the asymmetrical hem accentuated her shapely lower legs. She wore silver heels and had accentuated her ensemble with a silver bracelet and some earrings Margaret and Pete had given her for Christmas the previous year. "So, do you think I'll pass?" Mia asked

"Oh Emm Geeeeeee Mum!" Pete exclaimed, "You look like a princess!"

Margaret also shed a tear looking at her daughter. "Mia, you look more beautiful than your senior formal and more radiant than your wedding day!"

Mia arrived at Peter's door at the time they had arranged. She knocked and turned away, captivated by the beautiful garden bed opposite his door. Peter opened his door and his jaw dropped. Mia was leaning forward smelling a gardenia and he was greeted by the sight of her shapely bottom. He yearned to come behind her and take her by the hips, but she turned around. Mia was speechless. The sight of Peter Cranwell in a tuxedo sent shivers down her spine. "Wow!" they both said at the same time before they laughed. Mia led Peter towards her car. "Wow, Mia, I really am speechless, you are so beautiful and, wow, I'm like, wow!"

Mia blushed, "Well I feel like I'm going out with James Bond for the night, so I think I've hit the jackpot!"

Peter received a knowing smile from the manager at the restaurant. He had never seen Peter with anyone his own age and they made the most handsome couple. Mia and Peter managed small talk throughout dinner and discovered similar interests in many social issues. Peter talked of his retired parents, Don and Kathleen and his sister, Ruth. Ruth was married to David and they had three small children who Peter doted over.

Towards the end of dinner, Peter started looking uneasy. Mia picked up on this straight away and asked him what was on his mind. Looking into his lap he told Mia he had not been entirely truthful about the opera and the tickets were a group of four and Dr Wallace and his wife would also be sitting with them. Mia was shocked, "But Peter, I'm the mother of one of your students, isn't that like, worse than dating a student?" Peter reassured her and told her he had been pondering it all afternoon. He spoke of a maths teacher who had married a parent several years before and it was not a big deal, but Mia was not convinced. She suggested she not attend the opera, but Peter insisted, "I lost my job at your school because of you, if I lose my job here because of you then yes, it will be your fault, but I don't think we are in danger of that!" They walked the brief walk to the Opera House in silence.

On the steps Peter waved at someone and Mia recognised Dr Wallace from school. "Matthew, Josie, lovely to see you, may I present Mia Steadman, Mia is Pete Steadman's mother and I taught her at my last school"

Josie grabbed Mia by the shoulders and kissed her cheek, "How delightful Mia, I'm so glad you could join us, but Peter, how is your mother?" Peter explained about the cold and Josie remarked that Mia was stunning company and he made the right choice in bringing her.

The smile from Matthew Wallace immediately put Mia at ease as well. Josie took Mia's arm in hers as they climbed the steps to the Opera House, "My dear, tell me everything, how long have you two been seeing each other, you really make a stunning couple!"

Mia stammered "Oh, um, no, well, I haven't seen Peter for some years and we caught up for coffee this morning and he just mentioned the ticket and, well there's nothing go on or anything..."

"Come my dear, I'm so glad he thought to bring you, I don't think I've seen him smile so much ever before." Mia looked across and caught Peter's eye. He was indeed smiling, and Mia noticed, so was she.

The first act of the opera was beautiful. Mia appreciated the soprano's interpretation of her tender arias and at one stage noticed Peter's hand slide across to her knee. She took his fingers in hers and they sat there holding hands.

At interval Mia excused herself to the bathroom. As she was coming out looking for Peter and their party she heard a "Well, well, well, I've seen this dress before..." she turned around and almost vomited when she saw Dr Nick and a woman Mia did not know if she was his wife or mistress.

Mia did not know what to say when she felt a warm hand reach around her shoulders, "Darling, I grabbed you a champagne, Hi, I'm Peter and you are?" Nick introduced himself and his wife and Mia turned to go.

As they walked away she thanked Peter for saving her. She told him Nick was an absolute creep from work and he was lucky he was not wearing the champagne. Peter kept his arm around Mia's waist and Mia appreciated the gesture. The further acts of the opera were just as enthralling as the first and Mia was sad to see it over.

Josie leaned towards Mia as the crowd started dispersing, "My dear, I simply insist you and Peter join us for dinner next weekend, what day suits?" Mia consulter her roster and said that although she was working early shifts she could do Saturday evening as long as that suited Peter. It was agreed upon and Josie gave Mia a hug and whispered in her ear, "Mia, Peter is very special to us both, please let him into your heart." Mia was almost puzzled at this statement and wondered what Josie meant. Matthew was having a word to Peter and she could see Peter blushing.

It was a cool evening and Mia wished she had thought to bring a wrap to place around her shoulders. Peter invited Mia for a drink at a bar near the Opera House. Mia did not want her evening to end so readily accepted. He reached for her hand and was shocked at how cold it was so taking off his jacket he draped it over her shoulders. Mia placed her arms around his arm and said the she could only keep one arm warm at a time and they both smiled. Mia had had wine with dinner and champagne at the opera and as she was driving she settled for a tea. "I'll never sleep if I drink coffee this late," she confided in Peter to which Peter replied he doubted he would sleep much that night at all.

"I hope you don't mind I said yes to dinner with Josie and Matthew next weekend," Mia told Peter trying to start a conversation.

Peter smiled, "No, I'm glad there is already an arrangement for me to spend some time with you again!"

Mia remembered that she had parent-teacher interviews that week and reminded Peter she would be spending 15 minutes with him on Wednesday evening. They both laughed and he said it was the interview he was looking forward to the most.

Mia asked Peter what Matthew had said to him at the end of the opera to make him blush and he went beet red again. Peter explained that Matthew had offered to erase the security footage from outside his unit that evening so he could take Mia inside and no one would need to know when she left.

This left Mia bright red. She had really enjoyed spending time with Peter, but she had not thought of a sexual relationship. "Peter, can we, um, walk to my car, there's, um, some things I need to tell you," Mia almost whispered. Peter paid for their drinks and they made their way to Mia's car in silence, Mia again wearing Peter's jacket and her arms wrapped around his.

In the confines of her car, Mia started to open up to Peter. She spoke of the abuse she had received at the hands of Brad and how he had pressured her into sex and the incident with Nick. "Peter, I don't think I'm made for sex, I've never enjoyed it and I'm no good at it and it scares me," Mia confided, looking at her hands.

Peter reached for Mia's hands with his and held them, "Mia, Mama Mia, Darling Mia, I called you darling at the Opera because you are dear to me. I have had feelings for you for almost 20 years and I will not lie but there are many a night I have laid alone in my bed wondering what experiencing your body would be like. However, I have enjoyed spending time with you this morning and this evening and I am almost a 40-year-old virgin! I have waited this long, and I am willing to wait another 40 years if I must." Mia had tears flowing down her face. Peter used his fingers to wipe them away and then planted a tender, gentle kiss on her lips.

"Mia, I will wait until you are ready and I am ready and as long as we get to sit and talk and be with each other sometimes, that is enough." Mia drove Peter to his room and told him she would stay in the car. She gave Peter his jacket and again they kissed. Mia could not believe the tenderness of the kisses as it was something she had never experienced in her life.

Mia unlocked her door and found her mother awake on her lounge reading. "How was it, dear?" she asked. Mia accounted most of the parts of the evening, the meeting with the Headmaster and his wife, how Peter had placed his coat over her shoulders and even the tender kiss. "Mia, I will admit I am surprised to see you home so early- I will admit I did not expect you back until breakfast!"

Mia was shocked at her mother's suggestion and burst into tears. She told her mother what she had told Peter about not doing sex and not being able to do sex and how she felt broken. Margaret was smiling, "My dear, sex is the thing I miss most about your father going. We had an amazing sex life and it brought both of us closer together." Mia was shocked to hear her mother speak so frankly. "It was not always like this though, early on in our marriage I had to teach your father to please me." Mia had heard enough. She thanked her mother for her honesty and went to bed.

Even though she had not had coffee, she could not sleep. She decided to do some internet searching and typed in 'pleasing a woman' She was inundated with porn sites and immediately closed her computer. She had never watched porn and did not think this was the time to start. Slowly, she opened her computer again and typed in 'how to please yourself, woman.' She found an article that explained the concept of female stimulation, the role of the clitoris and how many women could bring themselves to self-pleasure. She knew the basics from anatomy classes at nursing school, however had never taken the time to apply this knowledge to herself. The article talked of the sensations women described when they were aroused and she acknowledged she had experienced these sensations herself, however she had never acted on them.

She thought of Peter and the tender kisses they had exchanged that night. She thought of his long slender fingers and wondered if they were in indication of his penis. She thought of Peter kissing her tenderly all over, on her ears, on her eyes, on her neck, on her breasts, on her stomach and between her legs. She felt between her legs and was surprised to find it slippery. She brought some of the discharge to her mouth and tried it. It wasn't nasty or bad and it certainly didn't smell. She turned her fingers back to herself and found her clitoris. The sensation was instant. Mia circled and played with it and felt sensations she had never consciously felt before. After a few minutes of exploring herself, Mia felt a build-up and a sudden release as though the world stopped around her. She felt her insides quivering and spasming and almost lost her breath. "Wow," Mia thought to herself, "I think I just came!"