Wouldn't You Like to Know Me?

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My wife has an online pen pal.
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This is a quick fun one. No sex, no cucks, no technical cheating and no burned bitches.


My wife has been a bit distant lately. We're getting older, kids are out on their own, work is the same old boring thing it's always been, but like most, I figured our empty nest would bring us together.

It hasn't.

We have 9-5 jobs. No late nights and no weekends, so that's not the excuse, I blame smart phones.

We come home from work and have dinner, chat a bit but then it's to the couch and that's when the phones come out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm partly to blame. I read, play games and visit social media like everyone else and she is the same.

She will do her Candy Crush, Words With Friends, Facebook, and lately something new.

I can't figure out what it is. She types a lot but tilts the phone so I can't see the screen.

I asked her once what she's doing but she vaguely answered "Texting."

I didn't press it too hard. It was just curiosity.

One night she set the phone down and went upstairs to get a drink. I saw she left the phone unlocked, so I picked it up.

She was on a message board chat room for one of her games. I took note of her screen name and put the phone down. Then the thought struck me to see if she had any private messages, so I took a look. Yep. A lot of them from the same person.

I opened some of them and saw that they are sexting each other. No photos. No requests to meet up. Just texts.

Her most recent one seemed like she ended it. She sent him "This has been fun but has to stop now. Like I said when we started, I do this for a short to get some excitement but we will never meet and I will never send pictures or accept them. I am ending it before we get attached and cross a line. Thank you for playing my game with me. Good bye."

I heard her coming and backed out of the message screen before I put the phone down.

She saw that she left it open and looked at me and said "Did you mess with my phone?"

"No hun, Candy Crush and your Facebook don't interest me."

An odd look came across her face but she didn't reply.

I sat there thinking about what I was going to do. I felt like this was a gateway to future cheating, but I believed she wasn't cheating on me yet. We're always together even though not close anymore. When could she do it? But was what she doing cheating? I'd have to think on that.

I decided I would join the board and see if I could get us together, I would at least mess around with her for a while.


I was able to befriend her on the chat board. It was easy to do, since I know everything about her and can use her likes and dislikes to get in good with her.

I told my one of my buddies what I was doing and he laughed at me and said "Man, you're playing with fire. If she catches you catfishing her, she's gonna be pissed."

Of course he was right, but I don't care. I'm gonna have fun with it.


We've been chatting online for a couple of weeks and I think she's close to taking it up a notch.

We talked about our spouses a bit, and I described my wife using her real description. I figured that's easier than trying to remember lies.

She hasn't put me down too bad yet, but she did call me boring. I admit that I am probably boring but I'm a middle aged man. I'm not gonna pull into the drive on a Harley or shave my head and grow a beard just for kicks.

Now she's on the couch three feet from me chatting with my online persona. We're talking about our spouses. She finally kicked it up a peg and mentioned that she likes to use her chats to "Spice up our sex life." That's odd because I don't get any of the spice, so it must just be her.

She gave me the rundown of her rules.

"This will only last a short time."

"No pictures ever. Sent or requested. It's an immediate cut off and block."

"No request for personal info. No giving up locations or names."

"No meeting up ever. Don't even ask."

I agreed to her rules and watched her face light up when she saw it on her screen.


It's going to be coming to the end soon I think. She's repeating the same stuff and I can feel the sex talk getting stale, but lately she's been having more get to know you types of talks. Very much like we are newly dating each other. Obviously, knowing her like I do, it's easy to make her like me. It's an advantage I have over her other sext buddies.

I decided to take it to another level and see how far I can push her.

When we started this, it started out simple. The usual "Tell me what you're wearing, describe your cock, are you touching yourself, if you were here what would you do to me" and the like.

The funny thing was, she was always next to me when we were doing this. She glanced at me once in a while, but nothing overt to let me believe she thought it was me, nothing to even indicate she was turned on.

She never did it in bed or in the bathroom so she wasn't masturbating when doing this. I was surprised by that since this was supposed to be spicing her up.

She had been getting pretty nasty with her texts after a bit. Talking about being spanked and other rough sex play, and that's when it started to get stale.

Maybe everything built up to her ultimate fantasy of rough sex, but she couldn't take it farther. I considered mentioning this type of sex to her in the real world to see if we really could spice up our life, but decided she should be the one to initiate it.

She was sitting next to me, as usual, when I texted her as my online persona "I can't help but feel like we have a strong connection with each other. It's like I've known you for years." I know, super cliche but she fell for it.

I was looking at her out of the corner of my when she saw the message. She smiled. She actually smiled at it.

She responded "Yes, you're so easy to do this with. I am finding it hard to stick to my rules. I should've ended this already, but can't."

I read her message and looked up at her. She was looking very uneasy, but not at me.

I responded back "I would like for you to consider meeting me. Not for sex, but to meet and have a real conversation."

I'm going to end the game I'm playing one way or another. She will either agree to it or not. I don't think she'll cut off the chats, but who knows? I broke her cardinal rule.

She was typing away on her phone and she was smiling, almost smirking. So I said to her out loud "See something funny on the Facebook?"

She looked at me sort of stunned and said "What?"

"I asked if you saw something funny. You're smiling and looking at your phone."

"Oh, really? No, I just thought of something. It's nothing" she said.

"Ok hun" I said as she went back to typing.

A moment later I got the message. I read it in shock. "I would like that, but can't promise it will just be talk" which was followed by a kissing emoji and a winking one.

"Where do you live?" came a moment later.

Now I had a decision to make. Do I bust her on it or do I keep playing? Then, a horrifying thought came to my mind. Would she have done this for a real online chat buddy?

I let that go with a no. She bought in to my fake persona because I was using my knowledge of her to create a perfect match.

I responded to her with the name of our city. She read my message and said out loud "Oh wow!"

I said "What dear? Something happen?"

She calmly said "Nope. Just hit a new level, is all."

I chuckled and said "Ok, love."

She left the room at that point with her phone. A moment later I got a message.

"That's crazy. I live there too. Do you know the coffee shop on Main street by the tracks?

I started to get mad. I was mad because she left the room to set up our meeting. Why? Is it because she doesn't want me to see her smiling while typing? That sealed it for me. I was going to show up and I was going for maximum embarrassment.

"Yes, I know it. Let's do it soon before we get cold feet. How about Saturday at noon. My wife will be gone shopping."

She quickly agreed and said "I will be wearing a yellow sundress and i will have a blue hair tie."

"Bitch!" I thought. That's my favorite dress on her. She is beautiful in it. Yeah, maximum embarrassment now.


On the Friday before the meeting, I had lunch with my friend Al. Al is a 6'4" 300 pound brick wall of a black man. We grew up together. He moved to Chicago when we were teens and recently moved back. He couldn't make my wedding and my wife has never met him.

I told Al my plan and he was in 100%. "I wanted to meet your wife and this sure is gonna be a fun way" he laughed.

So we were set. My wife was gonna regret this for sure.


That Saturday came. We hadn't chatted in a few days and my wife wasn't acting any different, so I couldn't tell if she was excited or nervous or anything.

She was wearing the dress so I know she didn't chicken out and when I made a comment about her being dressed nicely, she said "I just felt like getting prettied up today."

As if any other Saturday, she asked me "Need anything from the store?"

"No hun."

"Ok, I'll be back soon. If you think of something text me."

"Ok babe."

"See you later, love you."

Yeah, love you she says as she's leaving to meet her sexting buddy. Bitch.

I texted Al and let him know she's on her way. I watched her drive away and got ready to head over there.


The coffee shop is pretty big. It's set up like a bar. Coffee is sold at a square bar in the middle of the room and there are a lot of tables spread around the room. There are 2 entrances. One at the front and one at the side on the other end.

Al texted me that he had a table in the front, so I should come in the back. Parking is on the front side street so she would likely come in that way. It is always crowded so I was hoping I could hide by the bar without being noticed.

Al was going to wait until I was in position before approaching her which could get my cover blown if she scanned the room, but as luck would have it I got there first. I could see her walking up from across the street and I pointed her out to Al.

He got up to meet her as she walked in and I waited to start the show.

When she walked in Al said "Gamegoddess314?"

She gasped. She was shocked. She said "Oh fuck! I have to go."

He said "Wait! Why? It's me Skywalker777" Yeah, I made my user name a Star Wars reference. I'm a proud geek.

She regrouped and said "I'm really sorry. I thought you were someone else. This is bad. I really have to go. I should never had done this. It's not your fault."

She had her back to me as i walked up and Al looked at me over her head. She turned around, saw me and gasped. She said "Honey, what are you doing here?"

"Getting coffee. How about you? Who is your friend?"

"Who him? He's not a friend, I don't know him" she said nervously.

"I was just leaving" she continued.

"Really" I said. "Without your coffee?"

She was really flustered now and I said "Have a seat, I'll get you one."

She sat down and Al walked away without saying anything. I could see him laughing as he walked by the windows. She had her back to the window so she couldn't see him wave goodbye to me and give me the call me hand signal.

I came back with the coffees and sat down.

I said calmly "Are you going to tell me who that was and why you were obviously meeting him here all dressed up in my favorite dress?"

A tear slid down her cheek and she said "It was a huge mistake. I thought you were messing with me and I was meeting you. I swear to god. If I had known it wasn't you I never would have come."

I smiled and said "When did you figure me out?"

"You asshole. It was you! I knew it."

"Yeah" I said. "Well when?"

"Almost right away. You had obviously been messing with my phone that night because the screen was still open. I had been gone long enough where it would have timed out."

"Then when I started getting your messages, I noticed you typing something before they came. You don't usually type that much when on you're phone. You're a reader." I nodded.

"I figured that you saw my chats and I had expected you to get mad at me, but you didn't. When Skywalker777 started to tell me things that he was interested in and they were exactly things I was into, it wasn't hard to put 2 and 2 together."

"When you asked to meet me that night I had to leave the room because i was going to bust out laughing at how funny it was going to be when I busted you out on it."

"So who was the guy? That was brilliant. I almost ran away."

"That was Al." I said.

"Shit, I should've known. He matched your description exactly. I always wanted to meet him."

"You will, I invited him for dinner tonight."

"Ok cool" she said.

She looked at me nervously and said "Dear, about that sex stuff..."

I held up my hand to stop her. "Yes, it does bother me that you are sexting men. I do however believe that you aren't physically cheating on me."

"Thank god" she said. "I hope you know that I never would."

I said "Honestly, I've been questioning that over the last few days. But I am now convinced that you only met here because you thought it was me." She nodded.

"How about we go home and try some of those things you sexted about." I said standing up.

She smiled and said "Oh yeah, now you're talking. I was afraid to bring those things up to you."

As we walked out the door hand in hand she looked up at me and said "By the way, who said they were all men?"

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IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyErotica3 months ago

From the song "Escape" (the pina colada song)

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Emotional cheating IS CHEATING!!!! Sometimes I think the readers on this site get that more than the writers.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Kind of cute, funny... but in a dark way. I hope they pursue the problems in their marriage, because what she was doing is merely a symptom of something much larger lurking in the background. She seems like a good wife, I hope she gets a handle on what's bothering her and they find a solution. Thanks for posting. 5 stars.

MarkT63MarkT639 months ago

she's cheating... next time will be physically.

Pjam1968Pjam1968over 1 year ago

Very dangerous ground for her to have affairs online

chytownchytownover 1 year ago

Very interesting read. Makes you go Mmmm!!! Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Creative and interesting story. But the husband is waaay too forgiving of thr setting with other men. Not cool. While it might be true that she had her rules and wasn't dissing her husband and hence probably would not cheat in the real world, sexting and heavy cyber flirting are forms of an emotional affair especially since she has been doing this for some time and the MC is not benefiting in the bedroom. Yeah this is more serious and at minimum needs an intervention and time with a marriage counselor.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Exactly, what happens next time. She's already on her way to cheating, and you could consider it emotional cheating already.

Jerry941Jerry941about 2 years ago

What a great stort

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

doesn't make any sense. She is sexting and he is correct that she is well on her way towards escalating into a full adulterous affair. He intercepts...and the rest of the spurious nonsense derives from her figuring out that he was behind the whole thing,.. She exposes him and all is forgiven.... BUT...the author again ignores the basic problem here... She was sexting and edging towards a more blatant affair PRIOR to his intervention. Her actions show selfish sociopathic tendencies...and a fundamental CONTEMPT for both her marriage and her husband. Her actions do NOT show the type of love that creates a safe place required for a long term married relationship. No she is merely playing sexual musical chairs using on line sources which will lead to full physical adultery.

Nope, while the husband has played her....he has NOT addressed her primary core sociopathic issue. He chose to fall on his sword and forgive the sociopathic wife,. That pyrrhic victory is irrelevant, Once the heat dies down,,,she will again act on her sociopathic impulses of the moment...betray him in secret and have that little taste of strange. It is that sociopathic impulse for a little strange that started the whole thing...and absolutely NOTHING in this tale indicates that that she will EVER be anything but a betraying slut,

4 stars....because the ending is specious

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

BS, it almost looked like a plot just to end up all in smoke. Plot, I mean.

Why bother to write stories with nothing in them?

ctdansctdansabout 3 years ago

Why was there no mention of having her give it up. No more sexting men and women? May not be cheating to me but it is not something a married woman (or man) should do unless they are both into it and accept it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
This was bad

It was bad because it was not a LW so it was not meant to be a fantasy about cucking or cheaing or any of that and that's why it's bad. She is sexting men and women online in the same room her husband is in and i stead of talking sex with him and exploring and having fun together, she does that with other people and spends her time sexting other men and women instead of her husband.

The fact that this is treated like it was nothing here is CRAZY, I would have ended the relationship there and then.

EgregiousEgregiousabout 3 years ago

Great story. Nice twist at the end.

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

She was guilty of emotional cheating!!! Should have been punished more!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Online chats can get emotionally engaging. Witt that said, as long they know it is in a fantasy world and doesn't cross the line and don't take anything from their spouse, then it maybe okay. It was hilarious that both were playing the same game on each other.

JonDoe315JonDoe315over 3 years ago

not for nothing but they laugh it off like it was no big deal. well i guess a spouse sexting with other ppl is not a big deal to the author. deliberate emotional cheating is still cheating

OBSunSeekerOBSunSeekerover 3 years ago
"No technical cheating" . . . It was Real Cheating.

"No technical cheating" . . . It was Real Cheating.

She just gave away all the secrets of husband and wife, her desires and had mental/emotional sex while cheating on her husband in the same room. She is a serial cheater. Once a cheater always a cheater – next step is hooking up with someone else for real. His mistake was to not to man up and challenge her as soon as he knew. Bad news never gets better with age.

Yes I know this is fiction and the authors story,

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