Wren Likes to Dance...

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Honesty is the best policy.
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"Okay... to be honest, ummm, yeah Joel is actually really hot." My girlfriend had had too much to drink. Friday night had become Saturday and we were now back home and in bed after an interesting night out.

Earlier, Wren had wanted to dance so we went to a crowded club with loud music. Not my kind of place but it worked for dancing (and drinking too). More accurately, she had been dancing and drinking. I, per usual when we go out to such places, ended up mostly watching her. She's easy to watch. Brunette, toned body, nice breasts that are slightly bigger than most but still so firm that she doesn't need a bra. As I watched her, I could hardly believe that this amazing and incredibly hot woman had said yes when I asked her to marry me over the holidays and that within six months she'd be my wife.

Wren picked a tiny blue dress that barely covered her ass to wear to the club. No bra. She had had a tough week at work and school and said she really needed to have some fun bad. She did for sure but in the process went about 4 or 5 drinks further than she should've.

As we laid in bed talking about our date, she continued her confession, looking at me with those beautiful eyes, she said, "Ummm... and his friends were hot too"

She kept stroking my dick while telling me this, just casually discussing the group of 4 guys who repeatedly danced with her that evening. She explained that she just really clicked with them. To anyone there I'm sure it must have seemed that she had come there with them, not me. She loved the attention. I watched them from a spot at the bar for most of the night Their "leader" was Joel. He and Wren spent the final hour dancing. Their dancing got increasingly more sexual. By then I was jealous, really worried and miserably turned on.

"So you enjoyed watching me dance with those guys right?" Her fingers gently teased the tip of my very hard penis as she asked. Through labored breathing I managed to say yes. Her teasing fingers then moved back down to my shaft, gripped it and began satisfyingly stroking me fully again.

"Wow, you are so excited honey... thinking about how I danced with all those guys tonight has got you really wound up and twisted. Doesn't it?" Her voice was so hot as she stroked me... measured but incredibly sexy

"Yeah Wren... god yes" I started to shake.

"I hope you... umm, I hope you don't get upset" she said softly, "but Joel slipped me his number while you were in the bathroom... right before you came back."

... more agonizing strokes...

She then put her hot wet lips very close to my ear and whispered, "I guess that doesn't surprise you but I want to be completely honest okay... later, right before we left... I ummm... I texted him my number."

For some reason hearing her admit this REALLY got to me.

"and baby" she continued, "it's okay to be open about all this with each other right?"


"Don't you wish, that I was playing with his cock right now instead of yours... because honestly, I really wish I was stroking him right now..."

"Oh fuccckk... Wren, oh yes!" I moaned. When I heard her ask and then softly whisper that confession directly into my ear, I lost all control. I came so hard it actually hurt. However, she just kept pumping me perfectly as I shot my pent up load all over her fingers and hand. It was a convulsing, body quivering HARD orgasm that completely drained me.

After that, I think we were both a bit surprised by what had happened and somewhat ashamed. I didn't know what to say. She still looked half drunk (and crazy hot). Despite that she also seemed kind of unsure of what to say next. Her mouth and my dick had admitted more than expected and much more than we'd ever shared before. Being this candid with each other was crazy hot but we deep down both already knew the truth.

I cut the tension by working my way down our bed til my head was well positioned between her thighs. I teased her hot, creamy tart tasting pussy with my wet tongue. I couldn't see her face as I was beneath our covers but I could just hear her. She was moaning Joel's name softly, pleading for his thick dick. Lots of "fuck me, please fuck me Joel." As things progressed she began begging Matt and Todd who were two other guys in the group she danced with that night to fuck her too. At that point, she just gave completely into the fantasy of being fucked by the entire group... neither of us cared about being embarrassed about all this anymore. And shockingly to me, I felt my "completely drained" dick harden again while working her pussy over with my tongue and listening to her say their names as she approached her orgasms. In all honesty, we both desperately wished he was there - that THEY were there, fucking my fiancée in every conceivable way, over and over while I watched and she repeatedly came. It was so wrong but so hot. As I lapped up her creamy wetness, which seemed to be gushing out in spurts, she started coming. So hard. She grabbed her pussy as she did, filling her aching hole with her fingers, curling her whole body into a near fetal position while shaking as she came.

When it was finally over, we both just passed out from exhaustion. That happened at around 5 or 6 in the morning. To say what happened that night was the most intense sexual experience up to that point in my life would be 100% true. We woke up at around noon, and the awkwardness quickly set back in. To Wren's credit she addressed it while we were still laying in bed.

"Ah, honey, about last night... I. Well, I really hope you are okay about me admitting that stuff."

"Yeah Wren... same here... it's okay right? I hope you are okay with me too... you know... getting off on it I guess."

"Ed, since we're being honest, I kind knew you were going to like, you know... what I shared last night. I mean you actually like it when I dance with other guys... you even like watching me do it. That's kind of a sign. And you bought me that dress. It's so hot. Every piece of clothing you've ever bought me is, well... hot. That's another sign."

She was right. Ever since our first date I'd imagined her fucking other guys. It was my favorite fantasy and just didn't get old.

"Yeah Wren, that's right." I wasn't sure if she was okay with all this now in the harsh light of day.

"Ed, last year I... I didn't mean to but I saw some stuff online. More precisely, I guess you just forgot to clear your browser history. I saw all the sites... all the hotwife and cuckold stuff. Stories, audio, video, captions. It was shocking at first but, again I kind of thought you had those tendencies. The websites though... I kept going back to them... and I started getting really turned on by what I saw."

I was stunned. And incredibly turned on. So was Wren. We went at it again. Hard and fast for another hour or so.

Since that day, Wren's incorrigibly slutty side has become more and more evident to everyone. We've discovered hundreds of creative ways to draw it out. I am inexorably drawn to that sluttiness. We knew this wasn't exactly typical of most couples who were about to be married and when it finally really surfaced that night it freaked us. However, we've gotten much more comfortable with it over the last few months.

If Wren agrees, maybe we'll share more with you soon. I think she'll be good with that.

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Starrman14Starrman14over 1 year ago

Hot story, not long to read and hit all the right points. Don't listen to the 5 graders that cannot write and are jealous as they stroke.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Well Mr. Make Me, your little cuck and whorewife story is definitely fodder for jerkoffs. Glad you don't care about ratings either. Why wouldn't someone who hates cuck stories read this? How else can we honestly tell you how much it sucks?

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanabout 4 years ago
Good story

Don't listen to the Haters. It was a good start to the story. Write more soon.

tbonehuntertbonehunterover 4 years ago
Decent story

I thought it was well written and gave decent insight into the characters for as short as it is. And don’t sweat the vitriol - I’ve noticed there’s a very vocal portion of the “loving wives” base who think anything other than BTB is a crime against nature. I think it’s based in the oddly prevalent idea that wives are their husbands’ property.

In this story, both partners are going into the marriage on the same page about what they’re looking for. No harm done.

You’re good enough I’d read more if you write ‘em.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

With regard to the last sentence,don't bother.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
Hi make me, it's a very good cuck JO stroker. It's ok as a story. Most guys won't relate or like, ex ept as a fantasy only.

Dude there was no rage, or vitriol, a or anger in the criticims to date. They were just derisive and dismissive. They were laughing at you too.

FWIW, I think if a woman can find a cuckold doormat who supports her disrespect and derision of him in the sexual arena, she should treat him like he is made of gold. A guy who can hold up for the Long haul under a steady diet of hard core cucking is a rara Avis.

I totally don't understand, I admit to kind of dismissing Cucks out of hand, but if you can last and have a good life outside of the sex scenes, that's a hell of an accomplishment.

make me watchmake me watchover 5 years agoAuthor
So . . . interesting comments.

Hello everyone! I wrote this story. Roughly once or twice per decade I spurt out a little jerk off fodder on Lit. A bit of fun is all. I don't really care about ratings but hope that like minded pervs get some satisfaction from reading my story. When I last posted something here many years ago, there were a few associated caustic comments but overall the story came and went with a few folks even favoriting it. This go round I've been frankly impressed by the anger/rage/vitriol my short, silly story has elicited from a surprising number of bravely anonymous readers. At first I thought maybe it was that these intrepid souls were offended by a component of the story but as such stories go it's in fact pretty bland. Then I wondered if it was maybe just a bad story. Well, it's not good. I admit that. But it's not exactly meant to be. In fact it's short and to the point with the ultimate goal of causing someone's penis to vomit. I'm left to wonder, why in the hell would these cuck haters seek out my sad little cuck story, spend time reading it, then spend even more time typing an angry, insulting comment. People are so very funny. Well, I do hope while reading my tripe some of them shamefully found themselves stiffening up a bit even as their anger grew. To those truly disgusted by my cucky story, I say please don't obsessively read things that affect you in this way. It can't be good for your health. To others, maybe I'll post something else soon. To those that wrote encouraging comments, I'm very grateful. If you like cucky/hotwife content but you feel my story was lame, I will keep trying to improve. Thank you all!!

Digger66Digger66over 5 years ago
More, please!

Ignore the trolls.

Incredibly hot story. I love the teasing. Please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great First Chapter!

This was a very exciting story that both my wife and I liked. We especially enjoyed the way Wren cleverly jacked Ed off and got him to confess what his fantasy was. She later told him “I kind knew you were going to like...what I shared last night. …you actually like it when I dance with other guys... you even like watching me do it. That's kind of a sign. And you bought me that dress. It's so hot. Every piece of clothing you've ever bought me is, well... hot. That's another sign."

Unlike your story, my wife never discovered the browser history of my cuckold sites because I erased them. However, she did start putting two-and-two together when I started buying her very sexy dresses, took her out to dance clubs, got her drinking, and then encouraged her to dance sexily with other men. I would even discretely snap some pictures or short videos of her dancing and show them to her later. I told her they were to boost her self-esteem because they proved she was drop-dead sexy to any man!

My wife did not question me directly about my behavior. Instead, she started pushing the envelope further and further each time we went out. We would return home, after an evening out, and the sex would be incredible. She noticed that the naughtier she was with other men, the hornier I was.

Eventually, without even discussing cuckoldry, she started insisting that I drop her off at the front door of the clubs, and that I go park our car myself, instead of using the valet. By the time I would get inside she would be dancing with another man. Or, she would be the center of attention, sitting at a table full of eager men. I was content to sit at the bar and just watch her dance, make out, and get fondled.

Then, one night when she was dancing with another man, she excused herself and went to the bathroom. And I got this text from her “I’m going with Michael to his car, in the far corner of the parking lot. Come watch, if you can be discrete!” 😊 I was flabbergasted, but thrilled.

That night I stood in the dark, partially hid by a tree, and I saw her fucking passionately. In the heat of it, she got on top of him and gave me a wonderful view, as she came hard on his cock.

When we got home, she slipped out of her dress, pulled down her panties and showed me the copious amounts of cum in her panties. As I was stooping down to get a closer look, she abruptly grabbed my head and mashed it against her cum covered pussy and shouted, “If you get to watch, you have to clean me up!”

At first, I resisted, but then gave in to my cuckold tendencies and ate her to orgasm. That was 10 years ago, and we have been doing this ever since!

We hope to see additional chapters about Ed and Wren soon!

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2over 5 years ago
i foresee a lot of heart ache in your future

not even married yet and she wants others

you will be her meal ticket and that s it

she ll be spreading for every tom dick and harry while you get to take care of her when she is sick when she is poor when she gets in a pissy moodand when she gets std

boy what a nice life to look forward to

good luck wimp you ll need it

1* 10 limp dicks

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