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In his former life, Kelly knew that he would never have been friends with Jason; they were polar opposites not just physically but also intellectually. Jason was intelligent enough but not an intellectual like Kelly. His interests were physical, sports and the like, while Kelly's were contemplative, reading, art, and so forth. But despite all that, Kelly had to grudgingly admit that he liked Jason as a person. He did not like him as a lover for Kelly still perceived himself as a heterosexual male. This caused Kelly great mental anguish and humiliation. He could not reconcile his body's response with the revulsion he felt. In the end, he had given up, otherwise he would have gone insane. When he was having sex with Jason, he simply let his mind drift and his female half take over detaching himself from what was transpiring. Afterward he avoided thinking about what had happened, choosing to forget rather than hate himself. But in the end, it was still extremely humiliating and Kelly would blush when his mind drifted in that direction. Worse he found that the humiliation sexually excited him.

When Jason had left, Valeria said, "it's time we had a talk."

Kelly had not spent much time with Valeria in the last week, and none before that. She was essentially a stranger who he had lived with for a week, sharing meals and little else. Physically she was stocky but tall, about a biological decade older than his mother, and in an odd way, physically similar to her son. She also impressed Kelly as a firm disciplinarian like his mother, Helen.

"Yes Mistress," said Kelly reflexively.

"Although you are my son's wife, I am your guardian and as such you belong to me, not him," said Valeria. Her tone was matter-of-fact but also emphatic. "As such you will obey me at all times and in all situations. If not, well Isabella has told me you have experienced the effects of the control devices that are part of your body now."

Kelly thought about the excruciating pain and shuddered. "Yes Mistress," he replied.

"I have complete control over them," she added, leaving no doubt to the implications of her statement.

Kelly gulped and said "Yes Mistress, I will give you no trouble."

She ignored his response, as if he had just stated some obvious irrelevant fact. "These devices not only give pain but control pleasure as well."

Kelly blushed. He had not realized this, but now that Valeria had pointed it out, it seemed quite obvious. That was why he could not orgasm after Isabella had removed the chastity...

"I've allowed you to orgasm for the last week for Jason's enjoyment and entertainment, not for your own pleasure. I have removed that privilege. Any future orgasms will need to be earned, and that means pleasing me, not my son."

It was as if Valeria had slapped him. Kelly looked at her dumbfounded and hurt. Why were all the women in his life so strict and demanding? He wanted to cry, but he composed himself with some effort.

"You have no right to feel sorry for yourself," said Valeria sensing his emotions. "You should have considered the implications of your actions before you assaulted your mother, sisters, and poor Alana. I will not tolerate such behavior ever."

It seemed to Kelly that he would never stop being reminded of what he had never done. There was no point in protesting his innocence since it would most likely only irritate Valeria and he had no desire to give her an excuse to punish him. As such he remained silent.

"Since you will probably be spending as much time or even more with me than Jason, I intend to make your life as humiliating as possible. On your bed you will find a maid's uniform. That will be your daily attire. I expect you to keep it immaculate. You will wear it every day without exception."

"Yes Mistress," replied Kelly.

"I have made a list of duties for you and I expect you to accomplish them without fail. When guests are present you will serve them as instructed. You will be seen but not heard."

"Yes Mistress," said Kelly.

"And one more thing," said Valeria, pausing for emphasis. "When Jason is here you will let him fuck you freely whenever he wishes. I expect a granddaughter out of you."

Kelly gulped at this. Surely, she could not mean...

But Valeria left him no time to ponder the implications of her words. "Now go," she commanded, dismissing him.

The uniform was an old-fashioned French-maids outfit complete with apron and petticoat. The petticoat was similar to the one Kelly had worn under his wedding dress, only shorter. Much shorter in fact. The uniform was black with white lace trimming. The flared skirt was so short that if Kelly was not careful when he moved, his ass and pussy would become visible. As it was, the lower portion of his ass was visible even when standing still since the back of the skirt was slightly shorter than the front. The petticoat's many layers helped a bit to conceal his shame but that was more illusion than fact.

There was a garter belt and black fishnet stockings, but no panties. Mercifully the black pumps had only three-inch heels. The top was very low cut revealing the tops of Kelly's enormous breasts almost to the nipples. There were some thin straps that helped keep the top in place, but Kelly worried that if he bent over his breasts would fall out of the uniform. There was a lacy white hair band, a white ribbon throat collar with a small black bow, and a white apron with lace fringe to complete the uniform. Kelly felt self-conscious in the uniform but when he saw himself in the mirror, he became wet.

The list of duties was as mundane as it was long. Making beds, changing sheets, dusting and tiding-up, setting and clearing the table for meals, cooking and cleaning, and so on. Most of these could have been handled by the usual domestic automata which of course Valeria possessed, but insisted that Kelly nonetheless supervise as well as participate in these basic household chores. It was not hard work, but rather dull and tedious. But Kelly knew better than to protest or challenge Valeria. Asking her a question was risky, as she would look at him as if he was dull and witless and then reluctantly and arrogantly reply in a manner that implied, he was taxing her patience. Protesting was, of course, unthinkable.

During this time, Kelly had his second period, a nightmarish episode of pads and numerous trips to the bathroom. Although Valeria allowed him panties during this time, she seemed irritated and disappointed in him and her manner was especially abrupt and almost hostile.

A few weeks later, Valeria announced that she was having a small get-together with friends, presenting Kelly with a list of additional chores and the names of her guests, To Kelly's surprise and horror the guests included his mother, sisters, and Alana. Kelly blushed with humiliation knowing that he would have to serve them politely and endure them seeing him dressed in the skimpy maid uniform that Valeria insisted he wear at all times.

The preparations were also quite elaborate and Valeria proved demanding and detail-oriented. Glasses and flatware required polishing, tables and chairs had to be arranged just so, extra towels set-out in the bathrooms, wine and food ordered and prepared to exacting standards, and so forth. All this had to be accomplished without impacting Kelly's normal duties. As such he worked from early morning to late evening in order to satisfy Valeria.

Valeria had invited about twenty guests, including Alana and his mother and sisters, and Kelly was required to greet each at the door, take any outer garments, and politely usher them into the flat. Most of the women were mercifully strangers and around his mother's age or a little older. A few were younger and these gave him amused smiles, which made Kelly blush with embarrassment.

Alana arrived separately from his mother and sisters and brusquely moved past Kelly when he greeted her at the door, ignoring him, much to Kelly's relief despite the rudeness of her actions. His mother and sisters were not so obliging.

Helen inspected her former son with a critical eye and Kelly saw an amused smile flicker briefly across her mouth. "I see Valeria has found a useful occupation for you," she commented.

His sisters, of course were less kind. Both giggled when they saw him, forcing Kelly to blush, and Brynn said "I bet your husband would love to see you in that outfit!"

"And so eager and available too," added Nicole, "not even any panties on."

The two young women giggled again and Kelly blushed deep red in embarrassment. Even worse however, was the fact that he would be required to treat them both with formal respect, calling them 'Mistress' and catering to whatever they desired. In his former life, Kelly had to be respectful to his sisters but his mother had allowed him a certain latitude in their everyday interaction. That would no longer be the case since Valeria would not tolerate even the slightest hint of disrespect on his part. It was going to be a long, trying, and humiliating day. To make matters even worse, Kelly was wet, and he hoped that no one would notice his sexual excitement.

When the guest had all arrived and settled in, Kelly went around the room with a tray of drinks, silently offering them to the women who either stood or sat and chatted. At one point, Brynn came up behind him and reaching up under his petticoat, fondled his ass and then pinched it lightly. Kelly almost let out a yelp of surprise and the tray he was holding teetered precariously in his hands, sloshing some wine onto its polished surface. Valeria eyed him angrily and with a slight tilt of her head motioned him into the kitchen. Nichole and Bryn giggled mischievously but most of the women seemed to take only slight notice of the near-incident.

Valeria followed Kelly into the kitchen, furious. "What do you think you are doing? You almost spilled a tray of wine on my guests. You clumsy fool!"

Kelly was at a loss for words and he opened and closed his mouth in quick succession. His heart beat fast for he could see that Valeria was extremely displeased.

"I...I...am sorry Mistress," he finally managed to say, "Brynn..."

"Mistress Brynn," corrected Valeria, "and don't try and blame your clumsiness on her. You were clearly not paying attention to what you were doing, and for that you will be punished."

Kelly was dumbfounded. Valeria was going to blame him for something that was not his fault. Brynn had clearly and intentionally surprised him with her lewd behavior and now..."But...but...," stammered Kelly in a feeble attempt to defend himself.

"Don't 'but' me, young lady!" said Valeria, even angrier. Then pointing she said, "bend over and hold up your skirt."

"Please," said Kelly turning pale. In the adjacent room the conversation had quieted and Kelly heard some giggling. Everyone was obviously listening and Kelly blushed with shame and humiliation. But he could feel the wetness increasing in his pussy...

"NOW!" commanded Valeria.

Kelly knew he had little choice but to comply. With the control devices in his body, Valeria was in total command of him. Whatever she intended could not be worse than that pain. Kelly therefore complied, bending and pulling up the back of his skirt.

"The petticoat too," growled Valeria.

Kelly fumbled and gathered the layers of the petticoat, exposing his naked ass to whatever torment Valeria had in mind.

"I've been waiting for the opportunity to try this out," she said producing a long thin and flexible rod.

"Please," said Kelly.

But Valeria ignored him. Kelly heard the supersonic swish of the rod an instant before the stinging white-hot pain flared across his exposed ass. It also brought him to his knees and tears filled his eyes. Two more followed in quick succession.

"Please Mistress, I am sorry! It won't happen again. Please I am sorry. Please forgive me!"

Valeria smiled in satisfaction as she inspected Kelli's ass. Three deep red, almost purple stripes decorated his bottom and she could see the welts rising on Kelli's skin. She knew that the rod could inflict some serious damage and as such needed to be used sparingly and with some skill. She would have favored a few more strokes but decided against it. Besides she had guests waiting.

"Go out and apologize to Brynn and the women you almost dumped the tray on," she said.

Kelly stood up and rubbed his burning ass as Valeria eyed him sternly. "Yes Mistress," he said trying to compose himself. The pain had been horrible, not as bad as the control devices but still not something he hope to have repeated.

Having to apologize to his sister was beyond humiliating. Again, the incident had not been his fault. Bryn had purposely instigated it and Kelly was beginning to think that Alana and even his mother had been complicit in the events that led to his apprehension and conviction.

The buzz of conversation had resumed and when Kelly entered the room again, most of the women were too engaged talking with their peers to pay him much attention. There was the occasional glance and look of amusement, but Kelly easily avoided these.

After apologizing to a few women who had been nearby, he approached his sister and said, "Mistress, I am sorry for my clumsiness and the disruption I caused."

Brynn looked at him with formal haughtiness and said "You should be! Even as a girl you are disrespectful."

Kelly felt completely humiliated and embarrassed. It made him frustrated and angry that he had to apologize to Brynn and now she was further humiliating him. Several women looked at him and the conversation in the room subsided for a second. But Kelly was wet! His clitoris tingled with sexual arousal at being embarrassed in front of everyone.

"I am sorry," he responded "and beg your forgiveness."

"I will never forgive you," replied Brynn, turning away.

Kelly resumed his duties serving drinks and then food, and clearing used glasses and plates. He was careful to keep an eye out for Brynn and Nicole least there be a repeat (or worse) of the recent incident with the tray. Kelly's sexual arousal however continued despite his sore ass. The pain had dulled somewhat but the silky petticoat felt rough whenever it brushed against his tortured skin.

As the party wound on, the conversation turned to him, much to Kelly's surprise and horror. Everyone apparently knew who he was and the circumstances of his current situation but there was a general air of curiosity that Kelly had sensed by the glances he had received from the women as he served them. One of the women, who appeared to be about Valeria's age, crystalized this general curiosity by asking Valeria, "Tell us about Kelli. We are all dying to know."

Another woman seconded this request by saying "yes!" and there was a general hush in the conversation as the women gathered together around Valeria to hear what she would say. Kelly deeply embarrassed tried to unobtrusively gather some glasses using them as an excuse to leave the room, but Valeria motioned for him to stay.

"Well, she was a male, that is until she assaulted her mother and sisters and Alana here," began Valeria.

The women nodded, and a few glared at Kelly, who tried to blend in with the wall he was standing next to, hoping to fade into non-existence. But that was not to be.

"It was awful!" said Alana, who till this point had largely avoided Kelli.

"But thank goodness for all the new laws," continued Valeria.

Kelly could see his mother nodding in agreement. "Yes, thank goodness," she said.

"Most of you are fortunate not to have sons. Although my Jason is a good boy, he is still a male," said Valeria. The women all nodded knowingly in agreement.

Valeria sighed. "I dislike the brothels but they do unfortunately serve a necessary purpose. Without them, Jason would have been...difficult, let's say."

The women chuckled at this and Valeria added, "but still they are a less than ideal solution."

"I know that males who break the law are sentenced to gender reassignment at the Institute but I am much less familiar with this marriage sentence. I've heard about it, but never gave it much thought," said another woman.

"It was quite easy, " said Valeria. "The women at the Institute are wonderful. My Jason has never been so happy and...calm."

The women nodded approval and chuckled again at the word 'calm'. Kelly was in far less agreement with Valeria's statement. He did not consider Isabella and Ava as 'wonderful'.

"But is...he...she...really a girl?" asked yet another woman. There was a general buzz of agreement and excitement among the women and Kelly could tell that this was the question everyone was curious about. This was not going the way he had hoped....

"Yes, most definitely," said Valeria quite emphatically. "In every way."

The women began talking among themselves and Kelly thought they might break up into smaller groups, ending the discussion but one woman said, "It's difficult to believe."

Kelly wanted to say that he found it hard to believe too, but unfortunately it was all too real and true. But Valeria said, "come see for yourselves."

Kelly turned white in panic as everyone in the room turned to look at him. He pressed himself against the wall wishing he could magically blend into it, disappearing forever. Valeria looked at him, and pointing at the ground near her feet said, "Come here Kelli."

Kelly moved like someone going to the gallows. "Oh, how cute!" said someone. She's shy."

The women laughed and Valeria said, "hold up your skirt."

Kelly hesitated, blushing deep red in embarrassment. He was so wet! His clitoris vibrated with sexual pleasure and he wanted to die.

"Don't be shy sweetie," said the woman closest to him. "It's just girls here."

Kelly, knowing he had no choice pulled up the skirt wishing he could pull it over his head to hide his embarrassment and shame.

There were gasps of astonishment and amazement. "It' is true!" he heard several women say.

"Oh look!" said Brynn she's even wet!"

"I'm afraid she is quite the slut," said Valeria.

Would the humiliation never end, thought Kelly who was now bright red with embarrassment.

"And it all...works?" said one of the women.

"Yes," said Valeria. "Everything."

"Can we...touch," asked the woman closest to Kelly.

"Yes," said Valeria, "help yourself."

The woman tentatively reached out, not quite believing her eyes, and then carefully ran her index finger along Kelly's wet slit. Rubbing her index finger and thumb together, she said, "its...true."

There was another buzz of excitement and then other women started touching Kelly's pussy and breasts. Kelly closed his eyes as the humiliation continued. When their curiosity had been satisfied, and Kelly thought the worst was over, Brynn said, "but can she..."

"Yes," said Valeria sparing her further elaboration.

"I'd like to see that," said Nicole.

"Me too," said Alana.

"Yes," said a chorus of several women.

Valeria produced a dildo, like a magician and handing it to Kelli, said "fuck yourself, slut."

"Yes, fuck yourself," said Alana.

"Yes," said a woman.

Before Kelly knew it, there was a general chant among the women, "Fuck yourself, fuck yourself!"

Valeria glared at him and Kelly knew that he had no choice. "Sit and spread your legs," she commanded.

Sitting Kelly opened his legs exposing himself to the women who now stood in a semicircle around him, Alana, Brynn, and Nicole, closest to him. Slowly he inserted the dildo into his pussy which was dripping wet, his body again betraying his mind.

The rest was too embarrassing and humiliating for him to remember. He had fucked himself with the dildo as the women watched and taunted him. 'Fuck yourself, slut,' being the general cajoling comment. It seemed to go on for hours, but in reality, it lasted no more than ten minutes. Kelly remembered rubbing his clitoris much to the delight of the women and his embarrassment.