Young Virgins at Nudist Camp Ch. 05


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Anna's heart fluttered fast, she was about to feel the big hot cock burst through her thin skin of innocence and then deep into her treasured virgin vagina.


The door to the lock up banged open, extra light flooding in.

"Sarge, the Inspector has turned up, she is angry and is coming back here to find you!" The young copper exclaimed.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!, quick throw the girls and their short dicked cameraman in the exercise yard so she doesn't see them." The Desk Sarge bellowed, thinking fast.

"Chuck Tristan, his clothes, the blankets and the 3 crims back in the cells and help me get my wet uniform on. Shoot anyone who is too slow."

"You don't have time to get dressed Sarge!" The young copper warned.

A rush of bodies and a banging of gates and doors restored some sense of order.

The inspector then marched in to the lockup, stopped in her tracks, seeing the naked back and buttocks of the puffing Desk Sarge, hosing his uniform on the floor, as the wet prisoners cowered back. Tristan amongst their midst, hiding until he could wrangle his wet clothes back on. The other police, seemingly guarding the cell gate and the other door, also with their back to her. But they were really positioned like that as they hid their hard on's back in their pants and zipped up.

"Why are you naked back here with 3 of our finest when the front desk is absolute chaos as the community seeks our help?" She said curtly.

The Desk Sarge turned to face her, his erection now mostly hanging down, but his big cock was still sporting a bit of a chubby, and his cockhead glistening with Pixies juices, making it look very imposing.

Using the moments grace, as she was stunned by the sight of his fat cock, he thought hard and said,

"The prisoners were fighting, I was called to help quell it down along with my fellow officers, this storm is sending everyone mad."

"But?" The Inspector asked, looking at his sodden uniform on the floor.

"There was blood split in the process, I copped a bad spray of it and took immediate action with the fire hose to wash myself down to reduce any chance of infection, You don't know what disease these lowlife have. I was just rinsing out my uniform when you came in, without knocking. I wasn't expecting company of the weaker sex."

"Well it doesn't take 3 officers to do your laundry, you three back to the front of the station and help out." The Inspector ordered.

The Inspector turned to follow the very quiet and seemingly sheepish officers out when high pitched screams came from the door leading to the exercise yard.


She spun around, told the young constable to follow her and went to open the door where the scream came from.

The now open door revealed a knocked out Matty laying there, his camera on it's side, on the ground still filming.

"What the?" The Inspector muttered, amazed to see another naked body, a much more younger and attractive body that that of the Desk Sarge, except this one had a small erection.

Then more screams in the darkness caught her attention.

She picked up camera with its video light and lit up where the screams came from.

Two ruffians, very similar looking, both nude and sporting day old scratch wounds all over on their skin, were grappling and groping two naked young women as their throbbing cocks stood up proud. They were trying to force the girls down on their pride and joys as they held them off the ground and it was clear the girls were not will participants, but their glistening grooves suggested otherwise.

"Fuck!" Said the Inspector, shocked by the totally unexpected and confusing vision, before calling out,


Minutes before, Colin and Craig were absolutely delighted when the door opened and slammed shut. They had been put in the exercise yard as Tristan was going to rip them apart after he was told they tried to steal Anna virginity that he himself was still desperate to claim. All the yelling from the cell had excited the brothers and they were keen to see what was happening, so they stripped off just in case they could join in.

"Well, well, well, the cops have gifted us naked Anna and Pixie, all for our pleasure, along with shrimp dick with his camera." Craig beamed.

Matty had started to give them some lip, whining,

"Don't touch them, it's all on camera, don't make it worse for yourselves!"

So the brothers decked him and grabbed the girls, amazed they had a second chance to finish what they started back at the Nudist Resort.

"Geez, this slut is wet, you still a virgin hunny, with that pretty little cunt I shaved for you" Craig said in delight, feeling up Anna as she struggled in his arms.

"So is this one, she's so ready to fuck!" Colin said, "you can keep that biting bitch all to yourself, my cock is still red raw but I've got to fuck her anyway!"

The girls, exhausted both physically and emotionally from the previous abuse were no match for their tormentors, who were so keen and pumped up to finish their sexual assault on them that was interrupted yesterday.

It was only when their new captors had their erections jamming into their slick grooves, their hot cock heads seeking their cunny holes, that they both screamed, knowing it was their only hope of avoiding the unwanted angry cocks thrusting into their tight pussies if some good hearted person could hear them and quickly come to their rescue.

The Inspector passed the camera and light to the young constable and drew her service pistol, she still wore her gun belt despite her high rank.


Craig bear hugged Anna from behind. One arm high the other low, trapping her. He really tried to fuck her while he could, desperate to claim her cherry, but using her as a human shield as well.

The Inspector fired two shots in the air, Colin dropped Pixie, calling out to his brother,

"No slut is worth a bullet, let the bitch go bro."

Anna, almost about to succumb to Craig's rampant invasion, found new resolve on hearing the shots and Pixie being released. The cockhead of Craig was being driven hard into her tight opening, stretching her and was about to gain true entrance. It's progress lit by the video light and the camera was capturing the shocking scene. Hi cockhead appeared to be lodged between her lips.

Anna reached behind her, found Craig's head and held onto it tightly.

"So you do love me, you want to kiss me as I give you your first root?" He said smugly as Anna's legs opened wide and her face nestled his.

Anna then used her core muscles and Craig's head as an anchor to slowly lift her lower body up at 90 degrees to his, avoiding the rape and exposing Craig's lower body to the Inspector's gun, now aimed at his cock.


Craig slowly lowered Anna to the ground and stood up with his hands in the air.

They were soon locked in the cell with the other crims and the Inspector checked on Matty and the girls. After watching the video of what the Desk Sargent and the three other Coppers had done, she left the young copper to stay with them while she went, absolutely fuming, to confront the devious man who had sexually assaulted, either by himself or by proxy, both girls and almost set the arrested Detective free and destroyed State's evidence held against him.

While she was berating the simmering Desk Sargent, the young Constable ran in from out the back, saying the prisoners were fighting and needed to be separated. Tristan had set his frustrated cell mates onto Craig and Colin thinking they had stolen 'his' Anna's cherry after hearing the screams from the exercise yard. He thought since he was the first to see her in town on the beach, in a modest once piece swimming costume, then all of her unclad glory at the Nudist Resort and had her suck him of a couple of times, he deserved to claim her virginity, no one else.

The Inspector ordered the 3 burly Cops to assist the young cop to pull the brothers from the cells and take them back to the exercise yard, then bring in Matty and the naked girls to the Detectives office.

The girls gasped as, once again, they were surprised by the sudden appearance of the naked brothers as they were tussled in.

The young Cop went to lead the girls and Matty back into the Station, but Pixie turned her head and called out to the leering abusers,

"Have a good look at our arses, but remember what ever thoughts you are having about what you want to do to our bums, there will be bigger, nastier men waiting for you in the jail having the same thoughts about your own arses!"

Craig went to call out, Fuck you!, but one of the burly Cops punched him in his diaphragm and all that came out was,

"FUOPFHH!" As he buckled from the blow.

"Look Colin, your brother is getting into his prison position already, bent over and presenting his arse for whoever wants it!" Matty called out laughing at the brothers, who had hurt him twice in a couple of days.

As the door was swinging shut, as the girls and Matty left Craig and Colin were seething and so angry, swearing out loud that they will get sweet revenge one day.

But now the naked trio had to walk past the frustrated crims, many who had been masturbating with the visions and for a few the feel of the naked girls earlier. On seeing them reappear, still with their tits and shaved cunts on display, they all stroked off faster, keen to unload on real time vision. When they hit their climax's they shoved their cocks out between the bars and pinched their cock heads to spray their cum as far as they could, to reach and drench the teasing sluts. Even Matty and the young Cop were hit by the rainstorm of jism.

Gary, the smug Senior Constable, said,

"Look at all of you, you have been multiply Migged."

When the cum stained foursome looked blankly at Gary, he added,

"You know, that scene in "Silence of the Lambs" in the prison where the girl gets cum thrown on her by an inmate, his name was Miggs."

They shrugged their shoulders, unaware of what he was going on about, making Gary look foolish, especially when the young Cop said,

"These good people have been traumatised severely and you are just standing here leering and cracking jokes?"

Gary went to have words with the young Cop, but Ol Sarge and Bronwyn walked back in just at the right time, after attending to the break in at the grog shop.

"Why are you three starkers and covered in semen?" Ol Sarge exclaimed, not expecting to see the young flesh displayed again.

Pixie said,

"Long story, but the Desk Sarge is as bad at Tristan but the Inspector is reading him the riot act, we need to clean this filth off us and get dressed before anything else happens."

"Just hold your horses, we'll need photographic evidence and DNA samples of the offenders, so stay as you are. Bron, get the kits and we can get to work."

Ol Sarge and Bron worked as an efficient team, quickly taking pics of the naked trio and sampling the jism on their skin. The young Cop had a quiet word in Ol Sarge's ear, making his eyes go wide and he looked at Anna.

"Did you have consensual oral intercourse with this young man Anna?"

"Yes I did, and what a fine upstanding young man he is!" Anna said proudly.

"OK, we will note any DNA found that matches yours will be not listed as part of the assailants, but I will have to let the Inspector know you had sex here in the station with an person in custody."

"Ol Sarge, can't you just list him down as a close friend of mine, after all, I am sure the Inspector would love to hear what happened on the crime scene bed, Sally told me." Anna winked at him.

"And list me to as a, er, old friend, just in case." Gary said, sweating, watching the DNA sampling.

"Oh Fuck, not him as well Anna?" Ol Sarge sighed.

"That was not consensual, we have the tape to prove it?" Matty said, pointing to the slightly open window where they filmed it from.

"You little dicked bastard." Gary yelled and moved to get the camera with the incriminating evidence.

Ol Sarge sprung quickly in the way to block Gary, joined by Bron.

Finally the lights came back on, illuminating the naked bodies fully.

Anna was casually sitting on the corner of the desk with one knee up near her chest and the other leg dangling over the other side of the corner, unknowingly showing off her widespread honeypot. As Anna swung her free leg her pussy yawned open, still moist but now winking and looking very inviting.

All the men felt a lump in their trousers on seeing what was hidden before in shadow, except for Matty, whose little boner was unrestricted and now not hidden.

This is when the Inspector walked back in, followed by the clothed Bill and Justin.

"ANNA?" Justin cried out, seeing his fianće lewdly displayed for all and Justin with a hard on. He then noticed all the jism drying on her skin.


"Hi Justin, you look so funny wearing those big clothes, they must be Bills, It must feel weird wearing clothes again?" Anna answered, not changing her posture, just swinging her leg even more, winking away.

"Justin has some fab news for you Anna." Bill interrupted.

"He certainly does." Smiled the Inspector.

"Don't keep me on edge Justin!" Anna pleaded.

"Well you are on the edge, the edge of showing what you had for breakfast, sit like a lady and I'll tell you." Justin scoffed.

"Oops, after all what has happened I forgot I was flashing so much." Anna blushed.

"The great news is the State needs 30 days notice before people get married, clearly Pixie hasn't done that so the Inspector is throwing out all the Bigamy charges laid against you. My old friend from the Bird Watching Club has given me the best legal advice and the best news ever."

"That's right Anna, you are free to go. However, I need to talk to Pixie." The Inspector said, adding

"Where did you get your Marriage Celebrant licence from? You should have known that."

"I bought it online from the first site that appeared on the internet search. It cost me $185 3 years ago." Pixie shyly answered.

"Did the website provide any education or exams for you to sit prior to issuing the certificate?"

"No, come to think of it, at the time I thought it was quite strange, then I thought, as we have all seen enough wedding movies, we probably don't need any further education these days."

"Well young lady you seem to have been scammed and your naivety almost had your young friend locked away with a whole bunch of undesirables. You need to be accountable for your actions. Get in touch with all the people you have married and advise them you had a sham certificate. Normally I would throw the book at you but right now I have 2 of this Stations top officers arrested and an inquiry to be held on the rest of the staff's behaviour tonight. All over a pink membrane hidden in your friends vagina. Men are so stupid. Now you lot can get the hell out of my station and back to your nudie camp. I will be up there tomorrow to collect the video evidence and victim statements. At the moment we have lights but no power or communications here."

We drove back, Bill and Justin supporting Anna, ensuring she felt safe and loved.

On arrival, the whole camp had stayed awake, waiting on the outcome of Bill and Justin's rescue mission. When Anna stepped from the 4WD she threw off the police blanket she had been wrapped in and exposed herself to her fellow nudists. A huge cheer went up,

"Hooray for Anna, Hooray for Justin."

Drinks were past around and Anna and Justin felt so loved by the campers, they were all so relieved to see Anna released. Pixie pulled Anna aside and apologised deeply for her error but Anna laughed it off,

"Don't worry Pixie, it has been one crazy day and I am glad we survived unscathed and in my case intact. Can I tell you a secret, no one else can find out OK?

I must admit, while being used so sluttingly, if that's a word, in the police cell, while all the prisoners masturbated and watched actually gave me a huge buzz. I would have felt used and abused if Tristan actually raped me, but having a mouthful of cock along with two handfuls of hard cock with one almost bursting my hymen was a massive turn on for me. It was just so intense and as I had no control it was almost like I was watching someone else deal with all the horny men, yet I felt every throb of, and loved, every stiff prick I touched."

"Wow Anna, I wasn't going to tell anyone, not even Matty, but I felt the same. I was so dominated by the big cocks and their insatiable lust. To tell you the truth, I wanted Matty to blow first, in the blowjob race, so I would be subjected to all the degradation being suggested. But Oh My God, that Desk Sarge had such a fat old fella, no way was it going to fit in me, but the feel of it trying to sent my mind and libido into cartwheels. My mouth feels so stretched now from sucking his massive knob, look I am even spilling my drink from the corner of my mouth! But watching Matty, being made to film the circus of sex we were being stars of, with his little stiffy standing up, unloved as I sucked and wanked all the the big thick man meat made me want to be more of a slut for him to film, it was so naughty."

"Pixie, I am glad you feel the same, I was wondering if I was a sicko for getting any enjoyment from the ordeal, I bet Justin's little guy would have been rock hard too watching me touch, suck and almost fuck all those cocks. Mind you I got no good buzz from horrible Colin in the exercise yard, that was just horrendous, I never want to see them again."

"Me too, Anna, Colin and Craig are just violent scum, although Colin did shave you very well. Let me feel your regrowth, OH, we gotta fix that in the morning, we can't have our hero Justin getting beard rash off your pussy can we!"

"Speaking of which, I am going to find Justin and sneak off with him, as tonight has left me wound up like a clock and I am going to unwind on his face."

"Enjoy it babe, I might find Matty and do the same, unless you want to do it all together and we video it?"

"I think my naked body has been on video enough to today, you never know I might even give Justin that first blowjob he is so eager for?"

Anna dragged Justin away from the crowd celebrating his cleverness in getting the 4WD started back at the nude beach and saving Anna. She took him to the shower room overlooking the resort and soaped him up, his little dick was bursting to blow with the attention but Anna kept him simmering, just below his boiling point. She wanted his full attention and affection to give her a good growling out. She then asked him to wash her cum stained body which he did with great eagerness.

After the frustration of fucking up their "wedding day" and watching Anna being used by many of the guests and hearing tales of what happened at the Cop Shop Justin was determined to win his girl back with loving caresses. When Justin knelt at Anna's feet and washed her legs and thighs, Anna spread her legs open, exposing her shaven cunt right in Justin's face.

"Can you see where Tristan tried to force his huge cock up me Justin? Do I look any different down there?" Anna reached down and felt her pussy lips, then opened them up, giving Justin his first good look of Anna totally showing him her butterflied spread pussy.

Justin couldn't help himself, he thrust his face into the wet vulgar display and wildly licked and sucked her offered genitalia.

Anna ran her fingers thru Justin's hair, holding his face against her gently rocking cunt, mewing,

"Oh Justin!"

In pleasure as he gave her the best growling he had done so far.

Anna lifted one foot, spreading her pussy even wider, but when she felt in bump into Justin's little stiffy she caught it between her big toe and second toe and gave it a tug.