Stories by Aestu

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A girl duo finds just what they need to be more than friends.

by Aestu
Sci-Fi & Fantasy 02/20/2013
3.92 12.9k 2 2 7

A night elf warrior gets help from her draenei friend.

4.07 25.1k 11 1 15

Alien officer on leave seeks relief in her private retreat.

by Aestu
Sci-Fi & Fantasy 12/11/2012
4.19 16.3k 5 1 12

A Draenei girl falls for a dancing Tauren.

4 23.4k 5 12

Dehydrated nerd has a hallucination with a blood elf.

4.36 18.5k 8 10

A draenei and human paladin get into a heated argument....

3.93 22.3k 6 1 9