A Bangin' New Year


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Later they lay side by side with one of Bri's legs thrown half-haphazardly over Erin. They had spent the last hour going back and forth sharing secrets, acknowledging fears, and discussing dreams for the future.

"Name something you would be afraid to admit to anyone," Bri stated.

Erin gave her a look.

"We can just state it. No judgment. No need for feedback or to give an opinion. Just listen."

Erin thought for a moment. "I'm so damn lonely. I learned at an early age to shut people out to protect myself, but it keeps me so isolated. It is like I am in need of friendship the most, but I have this thing about me that repels people. Keeps them away. What about you?"

A few seconds passed.

"I drink so much," Bri stated. Like this is the longest I have ever been sober without having to work the next day. It's like I don't even know how to have fun without it. It started in eighth grade. Sneaking drinks with my guy cousins here and there at holidays and in the summers. Then it just got worst. I probably spent most of my time in undergrad drunk as much as I was sober. I wonder who I really am without it."

Erin put an arm around her. "You know I am such a list person and always have my perfunctory new year's resolutions list-work out more, get promoted, add this much to my investment portfolio. But I never go deeper. Or have been afraid to. I really need to start letting people in, let them get to know me. I have just been so afraid of being hurt or rejected like so many times before. Like if they did know me, they would see how damaged I am. Better to keep them away with my hard exterior."

Bri kissed Erin's arm. "I really need to grow up," Bri said. "That would be on my resolutions list. I am so afraid of responsibility and commitment. I just don't want my freedom to be taken away. But I am spending so much of this so called freedom in a drunken haze of stupid embarrassing shit I can't even remember the next day. It's like a waste of my life."

Erin said nothing. She just lightly touched the bruise on Bri's back and then felt her forehead. "Glad you're not getting sick. All that sneezing earlier and you were coughing a little in your sleep."

"I am much better now," Bri said as she snuggled against her.

Later that night found Bri and Erin in the bathtub together. They had used the raspberry shampoo to make a nice warm bubble bath that smelled amazing. Bri straddled Erin's lap facing her as she rubbed a rag gently, but intently, over Erin's shoulders. Erin giggled at Bri's fierce determination to make sure every single part of her body was squeaky clean.

"Close your eyes," Bri said as she used both her hands to scoop up the warm sudsy water and pour it gently over Erin's head. As Erin opened her eyes and blinked the droplets away, Bri marveled at her beauty. The water glistening on her face made those sea green eyes even greener and bigger. Her wet blond hair laid slicked back and brought out her skin. "Damn you're gorgeous," Bri said. Erin gave a nervous giggle and turned her head and looked down. "Whatever."

"What are you talking about?" Bri said confused. She took her hand and turned Erin's face back to her. "You must know you're a knock out."

Bri could see tears brimming in Erin's eyes and it suddenly dawned on her. "Wow, you really have no idea do you?"

"Well when you grow up constantly being told how ugly you are, you start to believe it. Always too tall, too skinny, eyes too big." I grew up with a bunch of guys who only knew how to insult a woman or fuck her. Since I was somewhat related to them, that left the insults."

"Well they are idiots and I am telling you you're beautiful and I am not the only one who thinks that."

Erin lowered her head again. Bri lifted Erin's chin back up and kissed her lips right as the tears began to spill from Erin's eyes.

After an hour in the tub, Erin laid against Bri in the bed as Bri applied lotion to her body. Erin dialed her phone to listen to a voice mail she missed while they were in the bathroom. "The airport called," she said putting the phone aside. "The weather's clearing up and the plane has been cleared to leave tomorrow at 10:15am."

Bri hid her disappointment and concentrated harder on getting the lotion on Erin's body.

Later that night, Bri straddled Erin's lap facing her. They made slow, sensual, intense love. This time there was no competitiveness, no rush to get the other off first. It was just a deep, beautiful connection that they tried to make last as long as possible. Bri fiercely rode Erin, her pussy grinding against Erin's as the chair squeaked noisily. As Bri felt Erin get close to orgasm, she held Erin's head firmly in her hands. Bri was determined to see, one last time, that look of pure ecstasy, the widening of those green eyes, and the O her mouth formed as that pretty face contorted and Erin let out a scream.

The following morning, they awoke in each other's arms. Neither said much as they moved about the room getting things ready to leave. Erin had gotten another call that morning saying that the lost luggage would be waiting for them back in Miami.

Before leaving, Bri was sure to adjust her previous attitude and show kindness and appreciation to John, Lori and the others who had been helpful to them.

However, things between she and Erin seemed to revert back to the way it was before. In the back of John's van, Bri looked out the window while Erin typed on her tablet. Just like their first night there. They were even wearing the same clothes. On the plane, they said nothing to one another as they flew back to Miami.

At the airport, they claimed the lost luggage. Bri charged her phone and saw several missed calls and texts from friends and family regarding New Year's. She quickly did damage control to let everyone know she was still alive. There was a text from Jose saying they all wanted to take a later flight back so they could spend the afternoon in Miami.

After making her calls, Bri helped Erin separate all their belongings out. Both their faces turned bright shades of red as Erin placed the shoe boxes in her suitcase. Finally, it was time to depart. Erin to a flight back home and Bri towards a taxi cab to meet the gang for lunch.

"Well take care," Bri said to Erin. "I, um, we...Just take care." She wanted to say so much more, but couldn't form the words.

"You too," Erin answered as she retreated back to her cold, distant persona. With that, they both parted in the opposite direction. No hug, no future plans to meet, no acknowledgement of what they both shared the last three days.

Hours later, Bri walked through downtown Miami as she surveyed the beaches, shops, and listened to endless tales of the gang's New Year's Eve and trip to Key West. It sounded like Bri missed out on a wild couple of days and Alejandro had left numerous text messages of how much he missed not seeing her. But Bri felt her mind was elsewhere. Beth finally asked "Poor you. Stuck in a hotel room with Erin McKinnon for three days. What the hell did you do and how did you keep from killing her?"

"Oh she did her thing, and I did mine," was all Bri said. Always uphold the oath. On the flight back, Bri could feel herself pulling more away from the group. As they recounted all of the sorted details of their trip for the umpteenth time, she was consumed with her own thoughts. It was a brand new year and she wanted, no, needed to do things differently. She thought hard about Erin and what the last few days meant. She had never been on that type of emotional or sexual level with anyone. She was not gay, but had no name for how she felt about Erin. She leaned her head against the window of the plane as she watched the infinite night sky and wondered what the future had in store for her.

Epilogue: About 5 months later.

Bri looked carefully over the budget reports splayed around her desk in her new office. She had already gone over them twice, but wanted one more glance to make sure everything was balanced correctly. As a new team lead, she wanted to make sure her teams' work was good before turning it over to Louis, one of the new managers, and Chuck. Things had dramatically changed for her in the New Year. A team lead job opened in late February. Bri she applied for it and was hired. It was a lot different now. She had to be more mature. She didn't give training presentations, but attended those of her team to evaluate their performance.

She had to attend 10 trainings a year. Her first one was back in March in Seattle. It was so different being on the other end. No more staying out late and partying. She was meeting with her team at dinner to go over their performance, and then meeting medical executives for lunch the next day. She had to ensure all budgets, reports, and receipts were documented and turned in on time.

Her new job did have a good raise attached to it and she had already met with a financial planner to discuss wise investments and saving for a house. At her age and with no family, he said she was in great financial shape to get a nice house at a good cost.

She was also preparing her graduate school application. There was a June deadline for admittance for the fall into an MBA program. There was so much she was doing now that there was no time to party. Bri was fine with that. It was making her grow up. She had not had more than a glass of wine here and there with dinner since the year started and it was feeling great. She felt healthier, more focused, and her mind was clear.

As for Erin, Bri had only seen glimpses of her since they returned from Florida until Erin left the office for good. The executive position needed to be filled earlier than anticipated and Erin was hired in late January. During that entire time in the hotel together, neither got the other's cell number. Bri knew she could look in the company directory for her home phone and address, but did not. While those three days certainly changed her life, she didn't know the best way to approach it. She wasn't sure how Erin felt and she had never committed to a long-term anything.

Bri decided to take a break from the financial reports and grabbed her coffee as she leaned back in her chair. She glanced at the calendar hanging on her wall. A training workshop had been requested in Honolulu over the Memorial Day weekend. That would be in a week. It also happened to coincide with Bri's birthday. Here she was again with an epic opportunity. It would be a holiday weekend in a great city and during her 27th birthday. As a team lead, she had an even bigger stipend and didn't have the budget restrictions of the others. Jose, who was now with Allen, was going along with Beth and Crystal. Basically, she could have the ultimate birthday bash and party like never before. For some reason, she could not get excited about it.

Taking an early lunch, Bri found herself on the freeway on-ramp without even realizing it. Before she knew it, she was driving down Chestnut Street in downtown and then turning into the parking lot of their massive corporate office.

After getting information from the assistant in the front lobby, Bri found herself in the elevator on the way to the 3rd floor. She had no idea what she was doing or what she would say. As she stepped off the elevator, her stomach was in knots and her palms were sweaty. She rounded a corner and came to the doorway of a large office with a great view.

As she saw her for the first time in months, Bri's heart skipped a beat. Erin was talking on the phone, but gave a huge smile once seeing Bri and waved her inside. Bri relaxed, as she shut the door and sat down. Erin finished her call and to Bri's surprise, got up from her desk and went to give her a hug and kissed her on the cheek.

"How have you been?" Erin asked excitedly. Bri noticed a distinct difference. Erin was warmer, less guarded. Bri could see tears in her eyes. Her own eyes were beginning to water. It felt so right to be near her again. "I'm good. How is the job? This office is great," Bri said as she took it in with a smile.

"I love it," Erin said looking around and directed Bri to a large couch were they both sat down. Bri noticed the change in Erin's clothes. A sheik blouse that was office appropriate, but still sexy. Silky brown slacks and cute heels completed the outfit. She still had a scarf around her neck, which really set off the outfit. Bri's mouth went dry. Damn she looks hot, she thought.

"Congratulations on your promotion," Erin said.

"I appreciate your recommendation," Bri answered.

"Glad to see you sticking to your resolutions."

"What about you?"

"It's been great. I have been getting out more. A lot more. Meeting people. Just getting more comfortable with who I am. Owning it." Erin gave her a shy grin.

"I can see that, Bri said. "You look amazing."

"So do you. As always."

Bri frowned. "So you have been meeting people. Anyone special?" Bri held her breath. She didn't fully realize until this very second what Erin meant to her.

"Yes, a lot of very attractive, smart, career-driven women who are actually gay. Didn't know it was possible."

Bri frowned again.

Erin leaned in towards her and winked. "But no one as special as you," she offered.

"Perfect answer."

Erin laughed. Such a beautiful smile, Bri thought. "Well as you know, there is an upcoming training in Hawaii," she said.

"Yes, I heard. Great location."

"I thought I would make this my second for the year and I know executives have to attend a few."

"That's true. I have not been on one this year yet."

"They have chartered helicopters that can fly to the other islands," Bri said as she scooted closer to Erin on the couch. "Comfortable, tucked away cabins away from everything and with beautiful views of the water and lush greenery. Great place to work on some things."

Bri scooted right onto Erin's lap, grabbed her face, and boldly kissed her right on the lips.

"Sounds like a banging time," Erin grinned as she kissed Bri back.

"Oh, trust me, it will be," Bri answered. "I will bring the shoe box this time."

They both started laughing and in that moment, Bri felt truly free. Yes, it was turning out be a wonderful, banging new year after all.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

One of the best stories on here. I've rarely seen ice in Florida and never south Florida and seafoam is a choice for eye color but honestly this has got to be one of the top five stories I've ever read on this entire site.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

this hits all the right spots. wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Thank you, thank you for this wonderful story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really cute story! You made one mistake. It doesn’t ice up in Florida. Lived here for 23 years around Tampa and further south. I’ve never seen it snow or ice develop. The coldest nights here happen after a storm when the heat escapes not during a storm. Probably only people who live here noticed. So don’t feel bad

stockingguy78stockingguy78about 1 year ago

Great story! I love how you take old tropes and make them interesting with compelling characters. Thank you.

okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

So hard to rate this a 5; and yet, so hard not to.

Do the ends justify the means? They clearly do in this story, I guess.

But the character definition of Erin is hard to understand. Her violent choice could have gone so so wrong, and she could easily have ended up fired … or even in prison. Or maybe even dead. They were both on the edge of serious violence at various points.

So, I had so much trouble understanding why she chose that approach. Was it a natural choice for her? We heard quite a bit about how her family abused her. Was that the source of it?

But, for this story, I'd have appreciated a more thoughtful epilogue, not just another cliff hanger. If you're going to do closure, do it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love your story, perfect balance of sex and story

AquariusgirlAquariusgirlover 1 year ago

This is literally one of the best stories I've ever read on here, as is your other one. Please will you consider writing more. A continuation of this and your other one, would be incredible!

I'm rating 10 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Happy New Year

Nicole2023Nicole2023over 1 year ago

Aww a nice feel for story

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