Alicia's Humiliation


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- Cum for me darling. Cum on my thrusting cock. Your cock.

- ahhhHHHHH jesusfuck ... darling ...

Miriam exploded under him, her body pulsing and writhing, only eyewhites visible as her face contorted grotesquely. Christ he loved her always, but her orgasms were the most beautiful thing in the world. He licked and kissed her face as she gradually returned to earth, the beatific post-orgasmic smile emerging to illuminate her slowly. He slid his cock into her sweet arse, fucked her with yearning passion, watched and felt in joy as she orgasmed again.

Then she looked up and caught the expression on the other woman's face. Both of them had forgotten about her during their love-making. Miriam laughed and Michael followed her eyes. The woman was hanging from her restraints panting.

He fell beside his lover and hugged her to him:

- Ignore her for now sweet. She's a worthless whore. We'll deal with her later.

He stroked her hair as her head nestled on his shoulder and within minutes she was asleep, exhausted by the trauma of the woman's treatment of her, and the intensity of the lovemaking with her partner.

He carefully disentangled himself from Miriam. Rose without looking at the other woman, was nearly at the door, when she spoke:

- I thought I was going to have you. Err, that you were going to have me?

He turned to her:

- Oh, I am.

And left the room.


He poured himself a small whisky and lit a cigarette. Returned to the bedroom and sat in the chair.

- So tell me vixen, what do you expect me to do to you?

The woman looked in his eyes, impassive.

He stood and lifted the bottle of piri-piri, moved towards her:

- I asked you a question. It's polite to answer.

Cool glare. He stood before her and dabbed the burning sauce on his fingertips. Stretched his hand to spread it on her clit.

- Michael, I need you to use me. But not that again. Please.

He looked in her eyes and saw submission. There was still a veil of cool arrogance too, but she had ceded to him.

- Very well. Since you asked nicely.

He held the sauced finger to her and she sucked it off, coughing violently at the searing heat in her mouth. He realised that he couldn't have her suck his cock now. Held the whisky to her mouth to sip. Then turned and gently shook his lover awake.

- Come darling, you have work to do, and then a show to watch.

He smiled as she climbed from her brief sleep, eyes fluttering open.

- I love you Michael.

He lay and kissed her gently, then nodded at the woman.

- She's been complaining about lack of attention darling. Maybe we should give her some?

Miriam's eyes widened and she smiled:

- Yes, perhaps. What did you have in mind?

He left the bed and fetched one of the wicked shoes. She took it from him and stood before the woman, stretched wide on her restraints. Fingered her cunt. Focused on the shoe as she slid the heel in and, eyes in the woman's, started moving it in and out, mashing the sole hard on her clit on the in-thrusts. The woman's breathing deepened and Miriam made the movements faster.

Both women blinked in the flash and Michael rose from kneeling beside them, camera in hand:

- Let's see if you can make her cum like that?

He stood by the woman as his lover worked the wicked heel in and out of her, hitting her clit with the sole as it drove into her. He watched carefully as the woman responded to the abuse, her breathing uneven, soft mewls escaping her mouth:

- I'm going to fuck the life out of you Alicia, you're going to give me more than you've ever given before.

The woman spasmed and crumpled, hanging off her restraints till she gradually recovered and straightened.

- Now darling - he drew a trembling Miriam to him, kissing her - I want us to do something to her together.

Miriam's eyes searched his and he smiled, nodded to the woman's proud breasts:

- One each?

She returned his smile as they crouched together before the hapless woman, their mouths moving to her nipples. His hand sought hers and he pulled her forefinger to the woman's cunt, pressed it in. Miriam began finger-fucking the woman and his forefinger joined hers in the woman's wet recess. They worked together, sucking and fucking her in unison, and the woman's body began to pick up their rhythm, pulsing to their time. He glanced up as his teeth sank on her nipple and saw a drawn face biting her lower lip, the woman's head stretching back as she hissed and then wailed. As the two forefingers fucked faster, the woman rose momentarily on her toes and arched back against the wall when the orgasm hit her. She uttered a long high moan and her being spasmed.

Their mouths and fingers withdrew from the woman and Miriam drew him down into her kiss. She shivered as their mouths melded, then moved her head back a little, whispered in his ear:

- I enjoyed giving her pleasure.

- Let's go and have some tea darling?

He pulled the gown round her and they left the room.


When he entered the living room from the kitchen, two mugs of fresh tea in his hands, Miriam was at the wall, studying the pastel which had caught his attention earlier. She turned at the sound of him:

- She is really quite a nice person sometimes you know. You didn't have to be so cruel to her - she shivered - I mean, the piri-piri...

He placed the mugs on the table and sat:

- I have no idea how a 'nice' person could take pleasure in doing what she did to you. I thought she deserved it richly.

His eyes hardened as Miriam sat opposite him, chin on her palms, elbows on her thighs:

- She really does still have a bit of you, doesn't she darling?

He slid to the ground on his knees before her and kissed her nose.

- Umm... yes, I've been frightened to discover how much. I ... I really don't want you to hurt her physically any more darling. She's a human being.

- But... I thought you said it would give you pleasure to see me humiliate her? In ahh... in retribution for what she's done to you in the past? For what she did to you today?

- Fuck, it is complicated isn't it? Life, and how we relate to people? Yes love, I did want to see you humiliate her. Now, I think you've done enough. Now, I want... I'm not sure what I want.

She pulled his head to hers and kissed his brow:

- I know I'm not making much sense sweet.

- Do you still want to watch me fuck her?

- Oh... why did you have to ask that? - she smiled at him, but with a frown lingering between her eyebrows - part of me does. Part of me loathes the idea of you being inside another woman. She laughed:

- A bit like you watching me and Aaron, I suppose. I'm unsettled about it. But yes, I want you to have her. For your sexual pleasure.

He sat back on the chair opposite her, watching her face as he sipped his tea:

- I have to tell you that now that we are here, there is no way you can stop me fucking her. You agreed. We made a deal with each other, as well as with her. I'm going to have her and I'm going to enjoy it. And I'm going to enjoy the fact that you are watching us. And no doubt - he grinned at her - you will be wanking hard as you watch us. I'm going to spunk her.

She shivered, remembering how Michael watched as she orgasmed with Aaron. And then fucked her arse as she rode his friend's cock frenetically. The discussions they had had before and after the event, the intense excitement of the ambivalence they both felt about it, the wanting and not wanting it to happen. The strange and intensely thrilling wonder of the encounter.

She had agreed to the event with Aaron because they were both curious about the possibility of a threesome, but when it happened she had been even more excited than he was. She had been scared in fact at how much, especially, she had enjoyed having two men in her at once. Nearly too scared to admit it to Michael...

So she had volunteered Alicia to him. She had known that her old lover and tormentor would be interested, known that Alicia would find Michael as irresistible as she did herself. Just as Michael had known that she would want Aaron. It was part of their love and understanding of each other, their trust. Oh fuck, wasn't the world complicated?

She lifted the mug to her lips and sipped her tea. His eyes had never left hers. She knew that he understood the course of her thoughts.

- I really want to watch you fuck Alicia darling.

- Good. So come and see.


Miriam looked from the chair as he uncuffed the woman from the wall, gently helped her sit on the bed, and handed her the mug of tea.

- Now Alicia, how are you?

He smiled warmly at her.

- I don't exactly know Michael. Um, thanks for the tea. Can I just make clear the boundaries? I'm sure Miriam told you? But I need to tell you myself. No piss or scat. No piercing or cutting. Nothing that leaves marks in any public place; I have a job. And - she looked him in the eyes - no anal. I just don't do it with men.

- I understand. Now, put your tea down woman.

She laid the mug on the bedside cabinet, and his arms went round her:

- I want you Alicia. And your bitch wants to see us fuck, you know that? This isn't quite as I thought it would be. I just wanted to use you, but I find I am growing to respect you a bit. You are a powerful woman. I think we're well-matched. And - his fingers went to her groin, buried into her wetness gently - I need your cunt.

He stroked her hair and she kissed him. He felt her need as her hand closed round his erection:

- For now this is mine, she whispered.

- On your back Alicia.

She lay on the bed.

- Lift your hips.

When she obeyed he slid a couple of cushions under her arse. Then clipped the cuffs dangling off her wrists to the bedhead, stroked her cunt fondly, and left her. Moved to his lover.

- Take it off me sweetheart.

Miriam looked in his eyes as her fingers slipped the ring from his throbbing cock.

- Give him a good-luck kiss before he goes into her.

Miriam's head bent but her lips barely brushed his cockhead. He decided to press her no further.

- Remember, I want photos of this darling, as I took pics of Aaron going inside you, so you could remember?

She barely nodded. He returned to the woman on the bed, his erection bouncing as he walked. Leaned and kissed her mouth. Then took her ankles and pulled her down the bed till her arms were stretched straight out above her to where her wrists were secured to the bedposts. She writhed in discomfort and he kissed her mouth again. Adjusted the pillows under her.

- Miriam tells me you're a mountaineer too Alicia?

She nodded:

- Yes, when I get the chance.

- And quite a good one?

- I've put up a couple of routes.

He fingered her thighs, knowing the power there.

- Just as well you're supple Alicia.

He lifted her knees and bent them back over her trunk, pressed them as near the bedhead as they would go, above her shoulders. Then nodded to his lover:

- Ropes please darling?

Melanie delved in his bag and fetched the two lengths of climbing rope.

- Now tie her knees to the bedhead.

His lover bent to her task, and the woman was secured. Bound to the bedhead, knees above shoulders, cunt and anus gaping obscenely, vulnerable and exposed.

- Thank you love. You know what to do now.

- Oh yes!

Miriam's face illuminated as she manoeuvred herself onto the woman's face. Wriggled and settled so her cunt was comfortably on the other's mouth. Michael brought a flogger from the dressing table and returned to the bed:

- Alicia? Can you breathe ok?

He took the muffled noises as assent:

- You know what to do vixen: eat my lover. Make her orgasm.

He stood back as his lover's eyes hooded and he knew the captive was doing her job. His cock was pulsing and dripping at the vision of exposed cunt and arse before him, the delicious scents. After the frustration of loving Miriam while wearing the cockring, he was more than ready to fuck. His lover's face was so beautiful as the woman ate her cunt.

But there was still work to do before he could take his pleasure. His eyes assessed distance and angle and his arm rose. There was a crack and splat as the cruel thongs flashed on the woman's exposed groin. Miriam's head jerked back in a grimace of pleasure as the prisoner's mouth responded in reflex to the assault on her cunt.

Michael smiled and handed the camera to his lover:

- Think you can retain enough composure to get it this time?

Miriam fiddled to set the camera to multiple rapid exposure, smiled at him.

- All ready love.

The camera whirred as the flogger flashed again and again between the woman's parted thighs, and his partner's face spasmed as Alicia writhed under her. At some point the camera fell from her hands onto the bed. He picked it up and recorded the intense orgasm the woman gave his lover.

Then he had waited long enough, handed the camera back to Miriam. His cock slid towards Alicia's obscenely-spread cunt, and his lover leaned forward to record the entry. He was deeply in love with Miriam. But profound as their mutual pleasure was always, he was desperately excited when his cock sank into the cunt of this powerful new woman. The first other cunt he had entered since he and Miriam met. As he began a long slow fuck of Alicia, he rose on straight arms and leaned forward to kiss his love. The motion made his pubic bone bear hard on Alicia's clit and his cock sank deeper into her. They both felt Alicia orgasm under them as they kissed, and he knew from his lover's profound excitement that in her orgasm, the other woman's mouth had brought Miriam to a new high.

- Oh darling, it's always so delicious with you, and I love watching and feeling you when she makes you cum. But now I think you should get up. You have photos to take, and I want to see Alicia's face as I fuck her.

His cock was throbbing hard in the woman's cunt. He was getting near now. Miriam disentangled herself from the woman and stood trembling. He smiled at her, then focused on the face of the woman under him, wet from Miriam's cunt. Bent to kiss her. Alicia looked in his eyes:

- Spunk me you bastard.

His hand moved to land a stinging blow on her exposed arse:

- I've told you, don't call me a bastard.

Alicia spat in his face:

- You are a fucking bastard.

His arm became a blur as his hand cracked repeatedly on her arse. He was lost in fury at this arrogant provocative bitch. Now it was no longer play. He wanted to hurt her. Really wanted to hurt her, as she had hurt his lover. But eventually he stopped. He knew she was goading him; that she wanted him to react like this. His cock was still in her but he had stopped thrusting. His face moved down onto hers and she kissed him:

- Give me your sperm Michael. I want you. Cum in my cunt. I know you want to. And - she glanced at Miriam, twisting to take photos of the two of them - I know she doesn't mind you fucking me, but she doesn't want you to cum in me. So do it. This is just between you and me. Fuck me till you cum. You know it'll make me explode.

He started moving, thrusting into the helpless woman, feeling the welcome grip of her cuntmuscles on him, watching her face contort. He was tempted, very tempted, to let go completely and allow himself to spunk in her. But he knew what he had to do.

- No Alicia, I'm not going to do that. I need to do something much better. Something Miriam will love me even more for.

His cock slid from her cunt and she gasped at the emptiness. Then realisation spread across the woman's face.

- You can't Michael, I told you the rules and you agreed ...

- I agreed to nothing darling.

His cock nudged her helpless anus and she flinched, every muscle in her body tightening:

- You told me your rules, I listened. I agreed to nothing.

Miriam leaned close in with the camera as his member sank slow and deep into the woman's unwilling arse. He felt a profound pleasure as he began to fuck into her, hard and deliberate. Alicia's face, grimacing in horror initially at this violation, settled into a cold smile as she watched him lean down to bite her nipples:

- You know I won't permit you the satisfaction of watching me get pleasure from this?

He noticed Miriam in the corner of his eye. She had drawn the chair beside the bed and was smiling and masturbating as she watched her lover's cock fuck her tormentor's anus. Then Miriam rose and knelt by the bed, kissed Alicia's mouth:

- I know exactly how to give you pleasure whilst my man fucks your arse. The arse you have forced me to pleasure, degraded me with. You will show him pleasure Alicia. Now darling - to Michael - just move back a little so my fingers can torment her?

He withdrew a bit, cockhead still just inside the sphincter, and watched Alicia's face dissolve in pleasure as Miriam's fingers sank into her cunt, curling up and stroking. Then he could withhold no longer. He pounded into Alicia in a frenzy, watching her face contort as his cock drove into her arse while his lover's fingers worked her gspot.

Then two fingers of Miriam's other hand pressed into his own arse and he was lost. He fucked frenziedly into the woman's anus as his lover's fingers massaged his prostate. On his every withdrawal her fingers pressed his arse hard so he was forced back into the woman. All three of them were panting and moaning now and his fingers moved to massage his lover's clit as his cock drove into the other woman. So fucking delicious to be taking her where she had said no. He was on the edge now, felt his explosion building...

Miriam bent her mouth to his ear and whispered:

- I love this, my fingers controlling how you fuck her. Rub my clit harder darling, I need to cum too, when you spurt in her. Do it, I want you to spunk her where she's forbidden you.

He groaned long and deep as his gonads emptied and his cock jetted release into the woman. He collapsed on Alicia, barely able to breathe, face turned to look into Miriam's eyes. She was spasming as her own orgasm hit her. His lover slid her hand from the woman's cunt and stroked his cheek with sexscented fingers:

- I love you Michael. I can't believe how exciting that was, seeing you in her, my fingers forcing you to cum in her arse. She told me when we last met than no man has ever been there. It was so perfect. Now darling, please eat me out? I know your cock won't be much good for a while.

He smiled in her eyes, love glowing between them. Rose from the bed and drew her up to him. They embraced tightly.

- Maybe we should leave her for now darling? There's a spare bedroom.

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KaeyMeeKaeyMeeabout 12 years ago

So beautifully written I felt I was actually there...

CinnerCinnerabout 12 years ago

I loved the complexity of your characterisation and the sophistication of your narrative! Extraordinary work!

Ashesh9Ashesh9about 12 years ago
Clit -prostate - fingers - female- male conundrum !

Fingers exciting clit , prostate , male exciting female , female exciting male simultaneously ----there's a democratic , sexual symmetry in the tail of this tale !!

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 12 years agoAuthor
So glad

some of my older stories are getting an airing. This is an especially wicked and well-contrived one...

Sub_OneSub_Oneover 12 years ago

Wonderful as usual!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Hot and dirty

This story has everything, well-drawn characters and the hottest dirty sex. My hand had to reach my zipper, and few stories on this site do that to me. A must-read for anyone who is interested in BDSM.

kaiyandomkaiyandomover 13 years ago
Great write as always!

Humanity Intruding.... this will stay with me for a while

As always love it.

Rawmaster50Rawmaster50over 13 years ago
Sharp and swwet

A truly a brilliant mix of romance and cruelty. The first part showing the surrender of Miriam to Alicia made the wicked conclusion so good. I cannot add much more that has not been covered by the other commentators but I could not leave with just the 5 star vote. You are very good at this and we can only enjoy. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Beautiful, wicked, arousing.

CglaserCglaserover 13 years ago

You are truly a Master of words. Truly. No one else could put beauty, love and tenderness together with humiliation, and blood-lust together in such a way. I'm at a loss for words.

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