Finding Amy


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It was an intense internal debate. It was important to Ashley that she was able to rationalize what she saw and to justify the way it made her feel.

But at what point was it more about her, than it was about Amy? She hadn't expected to be wrestling with that question so soon.

"It's always been about Amy" she finally said out loud, and with that, she pushed on.

The next photo snapped Ashley out of her daze.

She was not ready for it. It was an assault on her senses.

Up until now she believed that this was going to be like the first set of photos.

That there would be a sort of progression of events that would prepare her for what was to come next.

That wasn't to be the case.

In the next shot Amy had discarded all of her clothes except for her shoes and knee socks.

She was now reclining back onto the couch with her legs spread wide and her knees drawn high.

The white panties she had been wearing were now stuffed into her mouth, effectively gagging her.

Amy's large and frantic eyes stared slightly off camera towards something or someone.

Ashley looked hard into those eyes and tried to decipher the emotion saw in them, but she had no word for it. To call it an emotion was inadequate.

It was something much more base.

A combination of lust and fear.

Her arms were drawn behind her back and clearly bound together in some way.

Her inner thighs also looked red and welted as if they had been slapped repeatedly.

All of her pubic hair had been removed and she was totally smooth.

As the photos progressed, the appearance of that perfectly shaved little vagina began to change. It got steadily redder in colour with each new shot until it just looked hot and angry.

It was clear that the person behind the camera was vigorously spanking her with something. He would pause to take photos of his handy-work and then resume.

Ashley knew it was a man because in the final dozen or so photos a masculine hand and wrist could clearly be seen in frame.

Ashley experienced a kind of fascination mixed with horror as the slide show progressed and

that sturdy male hand began to probe and violate her best friend.

To see those large, insistent fingers pummeling and fucking her. To understand that look on her face as she came so intensely. So violently.

Towards the end the brute had inserted all four of his fingers as he pistoned them in and out of her like a carpenter working a hand saw.

Only his out-stretched thumb halted further progress as it slammed up against Amy's clitoris with every stroke.

The muscles in his forearm visibly rippled and contracted, attesting to the force he was using as he drove his sodden fingers deep inside her.

Amy Price, her best friend of almost twenty years was responding to that force with a series of massive and shocking orgasms.


Ashley slammed the notebook shut.

She placed her head in her hands as she felt the tears come. She let herself surrender to them.

"Oh my god Amy", She said aloud to as she rocked slowly on the edge of her chair.

The search for her lost friend had taken her to so many strange places emotionally over the past six months, but now things had just been taken to a whole new level.

It wasn't just emotional any more, It was physical.

She wasn't disgusted by what she had seen, but she felt nauseous all the same.

Ashley must have experienced a dozen different emotions in the space of sixty seconds.

The intensity of feeling was unbearable. Each emotion triggered it's own subtle hormonal response turning her body into a virtual cocktail of confused thoughts and unchecked feelings.

What was she supposed to think? How was she supposed to feel?

There was no precedent for this. All of her previous life experience counted for almost nothing now.

Everything she had seen had affected her on the deepest possible level and now there was a new kind of fear inside her.

That fear took root like a dark seed at the back of Ashley's brain and then spread out in all directions tainting everything it touched.

It found new and unused pathways through her body as it invaded her and then claimed her.

It became an intense little ball of energy in the pit of her stomach that grew from a pin-point into something the size of a baseball, and it continued to grow.

Ashley's mind grew frantic as she felt that fear build and then transform into something far more powerful. Something far far worse than fear.

This new sensation disturbed her to her very core.

It's implications were horrifying.

Desperate. Unbearable.

An all-consuming feeling of sexual arousal that burned with an intensity she never knew she could feel.

She had just witnessed the sexual violation of her best friend Amy. An experience that should have been abhorrent.

She saw it all in her eyes. The way Amy had flirted with danger and then submitted to it's harsh consequences.

The way she had melted under the punishment of that cruel hand and climaxed over and over again with a violence that was astonishing.

Ashley's heart rate soared and her breathing became shallow and erratic.

That intense little ball of energy in the pit of her stomach began to move lower as it continued it's invasion and then transformed itself into a powerful throbbing sensation between her legs.

"This can't be happening" she breathed to herself in utter panic then.

Ashley's life had always been about control.

She believed that every situation, no matter how serious, could usually be controlled by the simplest of solutions. It was a belief instilled in her by her grandparents and it was the very essence of who she was.

What Ashley felt now was her worst nightmare. It wasn't the situation that was out of control any more. It was her.

Rational thought was being over-loaded by emotion and then compromised by it.

Her base instincts taking that control from her.

All the while, her mind searching frantically for a simple solution and failing.

But....To say she had failed to think of a solution at all was not strictly true.

She had thought of one almost immediately but the very idea of it almost terrified her.

Ashley kept pushing that thought out of her mind only to have it re-emerge moments later with an intensity much worse than before.

It was an idea of how to ease her sudden, physical distress. An idea that soon intensified and became a vivid image.

The image then began to solidify into a possibility.........a possibility of what the next hour of Ashley's life could look like if she would only just submit to that idea.

The fact that she had the power to make that image real within moments, only just seemed to multiply her own desperation to an unbearable level.

Suddenly it became much more than just a possibility. It became an imperative.

And........consumed by a beautiful fear, she felt her will break and her body submit.

She stood up from the table, visibly trembling.

The ability for rational thought was gone now.

Desire controlled her actions and desperation gave them urgency.

Her subconscious mind pleaded and protested as Ashley walked into her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Her hands and fingers shook wildly as she yanked down the zipper on her jeans and pushed them to the floor

A frantic, lone voice in the back of her mind screamed 'Ashley please.....don't do this!' as she stepped out of her jeans and then lay back on her bed.

Total arousal. Blind desire consuming all of her.

Ashley had chosen to wear a pair of small white cotton panties that day and they actually looked a lot like the plain school-girl pair that Amy had worn in those shocking photos.

It was a disturbingly pleasing coincidence.

She eased her T-shirt up past her bra and then cupped one breast as she dug her heels into the mattress. Even the simple act of spreading her legs wide gave her a wicked thrill.

"Please just let it happen", she pleaded with herself as she felt the cool air hit her exposed inner thighs.

The muscles and tendons in her groin began to stretch and elongate as she exposed more of her crotch.

In her mind she was not alone.

It was a simple trick that she had used many times before.

A dirty little idea that had often formed in the back of her subconscious.

A distraction during those lonely nights that she had lain in that empty bed and quietly masturbated.

She would picture an imaginary audience to watching her every move.

They would gather and watch her closely while her fingers teased and her body writhed in response to her own self-inflicted orgasms.

That imaginary audience was going to get a show to remember tonight.

Ashley tightened her abdomen and pushed her pelvis up off the mattress exposing herself to that audience and giving them the most spectacular view she could.

She saw them as a collection of beautiful strangers that surrounded her bed and watched her with undisguised lust, their eyes practically devouring every inch of her flesh.

Tonight however, her experience wasn't just being populated by that imaginary audience. This time she also felt the invasion of something forbidden.

Intense and random fantasies that she had tried so hard to suppress in the past began to push back at her from the dark corners of her mind.

Desires that she had held firmly in check for years were now set free like a wild animal breaking from it's leash.

She wasn't going even try to hold them back now.

Ash was going to give Amy some tough competition just like she had always done, even if she was by herself right now.

Ashley continued to cup and then tease each breast with her left hand.

Each nipple stiffened in rapid response as she used her long manicured fingernails to scratch at them through the thin lace mesh of her bra.

Her right hand began to trace along the contour of her body until it stopped painfully close to the crotch of her panties. It was so close that she could feel it's heat but she would not allow it to touch her there.

How could she? It wasn't her hand any more. It was the hand of that monster who had brutalized her friend, and this time he wanted Ashley, not Amy, to suffer.

He wanted to make her beg for that touch.

"Oh god don't hurt me" Ashley begged the dark masculine silhouette that sat on her bed beside her. An unyielding idea of a man intent on her violation.

It was a thought that sent shivers down her spine.

She pushed her pelvis higher seeking out that touch and then unconsciously drew her own hand back at the same time. She wanted to torture herself. She wanted to feel as desperate as Amy had looked.

Ashley closed her eyes tight and pictured that powerful masculine hand hovering just above her timid little pussy. The intense heat radiating from it. Ready to strike. Poised to brutalize her at any moment.

"Please touch me" Ashley finally begged softly. There was no response.

Again she pushed her pelvis high to meet his touch and again her own hand moved back as she prolonged her own torture.

She felt totally disembodied from her own hand now. It really did belong to that animal who had brutalized her friend.

But.....this time he wanted Ashley and he wanted to make her beg and plead before he violated her without mercy.

Ashley could smell herself strongly now. That tell-tale musky sweet odor wafted up to her nostrils

as her crotch flooded itself with moisture and her expectant pussy made itself slick and ready for that powerful hand to invade it.

"You're gonna treat me like a little whore aren't you." Ashley said with a little more volume than before. She didn't know where those words came from but they struck an instant nerve deep inside her and they gave her an idea.

"It's okay baby. Make me your little whore. I want you to" Ashley pleaded, hoping her words would please him and he would finally do whatever he wanted to her. To her it had become real. She meant every word and in her mind he was right there with her.

"Make me feel it. Make me hurt for you" Ashley now begged in a voice full of real desperation.

An instant flash of inspiration struck her as she quickly peeled off her own panties and then pushed them deep into her mouth, gagging herself just like Amy had been gagged.

The musky sweet odor of her own juices flooded her senses and kicked her into a frenzy as if some primitive biological trigger had been hit.

Ashley closed her eyes tight and screamed into her gag as the masculine hand finally slammed down hard on her crotch with a wet slapping sound. She yielded to it's firm pressure and then melted as it ground into her clitoris and made her come with a speed and a violence she had never known.

Ashley dug in her heels harder and pushed her pelvis high off the bed. The hand stayed with her and shot a finger deep inside her as it sought out her g-spot and raked at it without mercy.

She gave that imaginary audience at the foot of her bed the best view she could as his finger picked up pace and began to jack-hammer into her.

She felt another hand begin to pull back her bra and then clamp down hard on her left nipple with it's fingernails.

Sharp pain and pleasure impulses flooded Ashley's brain as her nipple burned and a second finger punched deep into her crotch with a force that made her body shudder.

These multiple sensations were just too much to handle as they triggered a second massive orgasm that actually took her breath away.

She stopped breathing and her face grew hot as the contractions wracked her body.

As they subsided she spat out her panties and then gasped frantically for air.

An indefinable sound erupted from her throat. A strangled, almost euphoric growl as her tension lifted and gave way with the adrenaline that was gradually fading from her bloodstream.

Ashley opened her eyes to see the reality of this new world she had created.

Her left hand was still pinching down hard on one of her nipples and the first two fingers of her right hand were still buried deep inside her constantly throbbing crotch.

Every muscle in her body seemed to relax at that very moment as a beautiful calm descended and washed over her.

Her mind blurred as she let go.

Echoes and images of what she had just experienced drifted in and out of her thoughts as she gradually lost consciousness and let sleep claim her.

She fell into the kind of blissful slumber she had not known since she was a child.


William Harper hated Wednesdays but they were a necessary evil that had to be endured.

Every officer in his unit had been assigned their own 'special' day and William had drawn Wednesdays.

To call that day 'special' was a massive euphemism.

It was just his day to 'ride a desk'.

He would be virtually chained to that desk for hours as he took care of basic section paperwork and fielded incoming calls for the other officers while they were out on duty.

If something went down and the department got a big call-out then he would be released from his desk, but somehow Will Harper doubted he was going to be that lucky today.

At least he wasn't alone in his misery. His partner Bryce Lucas had naturally been assigned the same day.

The previous Wednesday had turned out to be an exception, but it was for all the wrong reasons.

It was a week ago that he had received that call from Ashley Thomson and she had come down to the station to see him.

Will's behavior and actions during that interview with Ashley had not been his finest work and he knew it.

Officer Will Harper was not the kind of man to second guess himself and he was not about to start now. He had made the right call and he would stand by it, but he was also aware that he should have handled it better.

To be more specific, he should have handled Ashley Thomson better.

He was only telling her what she needed to hear, but his delivery of that message had been callous and unfeeling.

She had clearly been under a lot of stress and his approach should have been different.

Maybe Will had seen too much of the negative side of human nature.

Maybe his capacity to feel empathy for another human being had finally been eroded away by his job.

They were questions that he asked himself on a regular basis and his handling of the Ashley Thomson situation bothered him all the more for it.

He typed a name into his desk-top terminal and then promptly made a call to the corresponding mobile phone number next to it.

It was 8am. A time when most people were wide awake and getting ready for work.

The phone rang repeatedly until it was answered by a husky and uneven female voice.

"Miss Thomson?"

"Yes.....w-who is this please". Her drowsy tone made it obvious that he had just woken her up from a deep sleep.

"Oh I'm sorry Miss Thomson I seem to have called at a bad moment. It's Officer Harper".

"Oh that's okay" her voice seemed to brighten a little but she was still obviously not fully awake.

"Has something new happened?" she asked in a steady tone, sounding a little more animated.


"Oh" Ashley replied sounding disappointed before continuing. "Then what do you want Officer Harper?"

Her reply had a sharpness and a tone that told him his call had not been entirely welcome. Will Harper didn't blame her for feeling that way.

"Listen Ashley I think I might have been a little abrupt with you last week. I want you to know that you are welcome to contact me in future if something else comes up."

"Is that an apology Officer Harper?" Her tone was cold.

"No, It is not Miss Thomson, just a statement of fact."

Will realized he had just read the situation terribly wrong and now wished he had never dialed her number at all.

"You won't be hearing from me again Officer Harper. I've got new priorities now. I've figured out how to live my life a stronger way."

He was pleased to hear her say that. She needed to just move on.

There was something familiar about what she said but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"That's great Ashley. We will let you know if anything new develops but other than that I wish you all the best."

" that all?"

"Yes Miss Thomson".

She didn't reply. Will Harper heard a click and then a beeping tone as the call was terminated from Ashley Thomson's end.

"Holy Hell" Will Harper said to himself in amazement.

I guess a lot can happen in a week.

Ashley Thomson sounded and acted like a different woman now. The fragile and desperate sounding voice was gone, and in it's place was almost sheer indifference.

Will wasn't sure if the indifference was toward himself or the disappearance of her friend Amy Price. Either way there had been some kind of massive change in Ashley Thomson.

'Well, at least she has got her life back now' William Harper thought.


Ashley abruptly ended the call.

She let the mobile phone slip from her fingers and it landed soundlessly on the bed-sheets beside her.

She had had enough of Officer William Harper.

Where was he when she had really needed him?

She had gone to him a week earlier virtually pleading for help and he had pushed her away with efficient cruelty.

Since that time Ashley had taken matters into her own hands and made huge progress all on her own.

She didn't need him and his fake sincerity. It was a little too late to be playing mr nice guy now.


His five minutes were up.

That call had merely been a distraction. She had been torn away from the best night's sleep she had had in years and all she wanted to do was just lay still and let sleep claim her again.

Ashley had briefly opened her eyes to answer the phone but other than that she had managed to stay in that blissful state of darkness.

It was only then that her mind began to clear and a sudden and startling recollection of what she had done the night before began to fill her mind.
