Following the Feeling Ch. 03


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Kiera smiled slightly, "I bet. I think Jasmine has been to that club. Moonlight, right?"

"That's it," he affirmed.

"Is that some sort of joke?" Kiera asked.

"No more than A Typical Oasis, I suspect."

Kiera rolled her eyes. "I know, it's terrible, but it was the only name we could all agree on. Mason wanted to call it A Pair of Norms Paradise."

"Definitely obscure. Does that mean you're not the only one with unique abilities?" Gray ignored the twinge he felt when she mentioned another man so casually.

"Yeah we're a bunch of oddities around here," she carelessly replied.

Kiera felt more at ease talking with Grayson even though the whole experience was so bizarre. Making small talk with a werewolf in her storeroom was not a situation she never expected to find herself. Since it seemed Grayson was making every effort to be nice she reciprocated in kind. And, she realized, when she wasn't angry at him she found him to be quite handsome. She knew Jasmine sent him down here expecting a romantic connection and wondered what she was going to tell the gang.

With that thought in mind Kiera said politely, "Well, thanks again, but I really need to get back to work. I'll walk you up."

Gray recognized her abrupt change in demeanor. He had been enjoying their conversation and wasn't ready to let it end. He wanted to get to know her better and figure out what it was that enticed him so. He thought about it while she led him upstairs and down the hallway.

"I'd like to see you again," he said as they approached the door. "Maybe we could have dinner some time?"

Kiera paused with her hand on the door handle. She looked back at Grayson who waited for her response. If she was interested in dating he was the sort of person she'd want. Smart, handsome and professional, he seemed to be the iconic prime catch. That was if she could overlook the fact that he was a werewolf. But in her estimation strangeness was a bonus rather than a blemish.

"I can't," she replied.

Grayson scowled. He hadn't asked anyone out on a date in a long time and didn't consider being rejected.

"Why not," he pressed. "We can meet on neutral territory, wherever you want to go. I'd really like to see you again."

But Kiera was shaking her head. "Thank you for asking, but I don't date."

She walked back into the bar leaving him behind to ponder her response. Kiera noticed Jasmine watching her with a sly smile. She started to smile back then felt tension ripple through her mind. Immediately she started seeking the source, but the bar was too crowded for a clear path. The tension spiked as Kiera walked through the bar. She spotted a heated argument between two men near the dance floor. It appeared they were arguing over a spilled beverage, their voices drawing the attention of other customers. Kiera tried to find Adam, the bouncer, but he was nowhere in sight. In an attempt to diffuse the situation she walked up to the men.

"Gentlemen," she said in a calm voice, "I see there's been an accident. Why don't you both go up to the bar for a free drink?"

"I had a drink and then this asshole bumped into me," one shouted.

"I said I was sorry, man, what the hell else do you want?" the other shouted back.

Kiera could tell they were both inebriated, but again tried reason, "I'm sorry, sir, but we'll be happy to replace it for you."

Swinging his bleary gaze to her the first one sneered, "You goin' to replace the shirt too, girlie? How about my fucking pride?"

Kiera knew neither man was going to back down. "If you can't calm down, I'm going to have to ask you both to leave."

"Back the fuck off," the first guy said and pushed her roughly.

A moment later the man was sprawled on the ground. Grayson grabbed the second man by the shirt and growled in his face, "She said it's time to go, so go."

"Grayson!" Kiera was shocked by his behavior. She could feel fury rippling off him like waves of steam and knew the situation was about to get very bad.

She tried to take hold of Grayson's arm, but her own was grabbed back by a stranger. The man held her firmly and shook his head at her. His eyes shifted to another man who looked identical to him and nodded at Grayson. The second man walked up and starting talking to Grayson quietly. Grayson glared at him, but released the second drunk. By this point the first one was back on his feet with his fists raised. The twin not holding Kiera intercepted the man and herded both drunks to the entrance.

Moments later Adam appeared and said to Kiera, "I'm sorry, I was in the can. What the hell happened? Who is this?"

Kiera yanked her arm free and stormed towards Grayson. "What do you think you were doing? I had it under control and you practically started a brawl!"

"Under control?" he shouted back. "That bastard could have hit you just as easily as pushed you. You had no control."

Kiera seethed and dimly realized she was absorbing his anger as her own. She knew she needed to back away, but instead started poking him in the chest. "You're the one with no control, you're the one who assaulted the customers and you're the one whose interference wasn't wanted in the first place!"

"Uh, Kiki," a man's voice said, "you're scaring the remaining customers. Maybe you could take this somewhere else?"

Both Kiera and Gray glared at the newcomer. Kiera understood that Mason was trying to diffuse the tense situation, but at the moment she was too worked up to care.

"Mind your business, Mason," she warned.

"Sweets, that's exactly what I'm doing, minding our business. You're freaking out the norms and you're leaking your anger on everyone."

"It's not mine, it's his," she said defensively. Taking a deep breath she faced Grayson who was still glaring at Mason. "Come with me."

She again led Grayson to the private door, ignoring the looks cast their way by her friends. She heard Mason offer an apology for the excitement and a round on the house. At the door she noticed the twins were following them.

"Are these yours," she asked with an arched eyebrow.

Gray's jaw was clenched too hard to speak so he just nodded shortly and opened the door. He ordered his guards to stay put with a look then followed Kiera to one of the offices.

Kiera paced back and forth trying to get back in control. Finally she said, "You had no right to interfere…"

"That bastard pushed you, I was protecting you," Grayson interrupted.

"I don't need protection!" she exploded. "And I certainly don't need some big, bad werewolf causing a scene in my bar! I saw you kill someone with your bare hands last night, the safety of my patrons is my responsibility!"

"I wasn't going to kill anyone," Grayson fumed. "Last night was completely different and you know it."

"You're right, it was different! What you do on your territory is your business, but what you do here is mine! I will not lose this place because you have some misplaced need to champion weak little girls. I'm not weak and I'm not just a little girl!"

By the end of her rant Kiera was again toe to toe with Grayson and poking him in the chest. Later Grayson would muse over her consistent way of making a point, but at the moment he had to make one of his own.

Grabbing her around the waist Grayson leaned over her ear and growled, "It's not wise for little girls to antagonize big, bad werewolves, especially when no one is here to protect you from me."

Kiera's eyes flashed up at his and her lack of fear in his arms enflamed him. Without thought he captured his lips with hers in a bruising kiss. She may have opened her mouth to stop him, but he used the opportunity to slip his tongue in. Grayson tasted her sweet tongue as it twined around his and was lost She was hot and delicious. Her passion quickly rose to match his own and within moments they were grasping at each other crazily. He could feel her heart race and smell her desire as they kissed. He backed her up against a desk and pressed her down with his body. When he slipped his leg between hers and pushed upward he was rewarded with a throaty groan. Grayson released her mouth to graze his lips and teeth down her neck. Kiera whimpered and moaned as he explored the sensitive area with his mouth. She clutched at his hair and his shirt, pulling him into her tighter. Grayson growled as she expressed her growing desire and as he explored her curves beneath the tank top. Pulling the top and bra down in one movement, he laved then latched onto a pink nipple.

The pressure between her legs built as he sucked and Kiera knew she was close to going over the edge. She opened her eyes and saw Grayson's head bent down over her breasts. The sight was just as alluring as the sensations swirling within her body. She felt his pleasure as well as her own and was losing herself in the strength of feelings. Gray opened his eyes to meet hers and growled against her nipples.

"Your passion tastes like sin," he rumbled.

Kiera's eyes rolled back and she tugged him up to her mouth. They kissed for long moments as he tugged on her nipples and kept the pressure between her legs. Her breath got shorter and shorter as she neared the pinnacle of ecstasy. Too late she felt her mental walls falling as she was overwhelmed by pleasure.

"No," she said softly.

Thinking she was rethinking their passion Grayson renewed his seduction, "Yes, sweetheart, give me all you've got."

He kissed her hungrily even as she weakly tried to push him away. As he twined their tongues together he felt a strange tingle of warmth that grew rapidly. Suddenly it was like floodgates opened and he felt irritation and happiness and sadness all mixed up into one. He drew back from Kiera as his brain was assaulted with emotions. The feelings battered at him for long moments until they finally dissipated.

When he became aware of his surroundings he saw Kiera sitting upright with her hand over her mouth. She had tears in her eyes even as the passion simmered.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to, I can't help it."

Shakily Grayson sat in one of the chairs, "What the hell was that?"

"It's me. It's what I sense as an empath" She swallowed, "Sometimes it transfers to someone else when we're touching. If I feel…strongly about something I can't maintain my mental walls at the same time. I tried to warn you, I'm so sorry."

Grayson tried to make sense out of what she said. "So when you lose control you really lose control and whoever you're in contact with gets some of your power?"

"It's usually temporary, but can be powerful," she said while pulling her shirt back up.

Gray watched her straighten up the disarray he had caused and was tempted to risk it just to mess her up again. The feelings that attacked him were weird and uncomfortable, but he still remembered the pleasure from before. She had apologized twice already and he supposed he owed her one for pouncing on her, but he wasn't feeling apologetic. He wanted to possess her fully, but this new development could cause problems.

Grayson rubbed his face while thinking how best to proceed. He decided to be honest, "Listen, Kiera, I think this is weird for both of us, but I think there's something between us that needs to be explored."

"Grayson I think it's our best interests if we accept what happened as a momentary lapse and go our separate ways."


"What do you mean no?" Kiera raised an eyebrow.

Gray stood and cupped her cheek with his hand. "I mean no, I'm not willing to walk away. We'll go slowly, how about dinner tomorrow night?"

Kiera searched his piercing gray eyes for disgust over what happened, but couldn't see anything other than smoldering sensuality.

Still she said, "I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't."

Grayson's rebuttal was interrupted by the ringing of his cell. He was tempted to ignore, but saw it was from Alistair.

"Stay right there," he ordered then flipped open the phone. "This had better be important."

"The scouts are back and have information about the attacker. I would have waited until you returned, but I expected you back an hour ago," Alistair reported. His no-nonsense tone tipped Grayson to the seriousness of the state of affairs more than his words.

"Fine, we'll be there in twenty minutes," Gray closed the phone and faced Kiera who was still sitting on the desk.

"I have to go," he said, "but I'll be back later."

Standing up Kiera replied, "Don't. Just stay away. We're done here."

Striding over Grayson dipped his head to kiss her briefly.

"We're nowhere near done, sweetheart. I promise I'll be back."

Kiera watched Grayson leave then collapsed into a chair. She was more afraid of his promise than of his threats the night before. She wondered how her life had gotten so flipped around in twenty-four hours. And she wondered why she didn't wish harder to have it back the way it was.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
wonderful story !



Sweet,yet so hottt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

there are not many storys that make my heart race but this is one. excellent!

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
Agreeing with comment of Cannd.....................

Grayson is a different kind of Alpha. His uncertainty about the emotional aspect doesn't detract from his strength as an Alpha. I think it makes him more attractive across the board.

I whole heartedly agree with the comment of Cannd. He's a keeper.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Dry opinion

Sensual seduction.

canndcanndabout 13 years ago

I love Grey's character b/c you allow him to feel unsure and yet it doesn't take away from his alpha male personality. I really loved the way she fights her emotions too and how for a moment she wasn't using anger to cover up her emotions and allowed other emotions to overwhelm her so completely. It's interesting how this other part of her power works, her being able to pass her feelings along. Would be pretty cool if she allowed the walls to drop while making love. I look forward to them getting together again. I hope we learn more about how her ability started and how she learned to control it. What are the ablities of the other owners of the bar?

Dragonangel5555Dragonangel5555about 15 years ago
so good

wow this story is getting good I can't wait to see what happen next.

bagsybagsyover 15 years ago

you write well!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! PUHLEEZZZ UPDATE! You've got your readers on edge here! Its been driving me Crazy...I love where this story is going but why havent you updated yet???

kittiekimmeekittiekimmeeover 15 years ago
can't wait!!

I can't wait for more of this story, I read it right through!!

punkin1077punkin1077over 15 years ago
completely hooked on this...

i'm completely hooked on this is beyond awesome...its one of the best i've read on here so far...i can't wait for the rest of it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Completely Hooked!!!!!

can't wait for more...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
lost of character

it was ok derek should have came back into it tho cause it seem he had a strong feeling for her, he wouldnt let go of her hand soo i was waiting for him to come back...

pookertspookertsover 15 years ago
Oh my heavens!!!!!

This is an absolutely fantastic beginning of a series!!!!! I couldn't stop reading, the story and the characters are so intriguing. Thank you so much for sharing this story and i can't wait to read the next chapter....hope it's soon :) Chapter 4 would be a wonderful christmas present for me :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Where has this story been all my literotica life?

This series is HOT.. its that slow burn you anticipate when you eat an excellent hot sauce.. I love this story please continue I await on the edge of my seat wondering when the author will get a real world writing deal.

PLEASE pretty please with sugar on top write more fast as you can!!!

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