Goo'd Girls Pt. 03


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Amelia nodded, her jaw a little slack, her eyes wide.

And, in that moment of submission, both physically and mentally, Sonja pressed her cock forwards.

Of course, it wasn't a cock at all - it was simply a more rigid formation of slime that resembled a cock, the way that the rest of her resembled, right now, a green translucent human male in his early twenties. Even so, as the head pressed past Amelia's lips, the naturally slick not-flesh sliding into her without complaint, it must have felt an awful lot like a cock to Amelia.

It was a solid eight inches, thick and strong, and pressed into the baker without much issue, as Sonja watched her face turn; those eyes, dilated and unfocused, went from fearful and unsure to rolling back, the pleasure earning its place in her mind.

With slime-arms, Sonja pulled up the baker's knees, lifting her off the table with an inhuman strength, until her ankles were over Sonja's shoulders; the bend of her waist gave her sordid access to the innocent woman's depths. And, with slow, deep thrusts, she took advantage.

But, still, she held back.

'You need to ask for more,' Sonja said again. 'Ask me to fuck you. To make you cum.'

Sonja released the baker's hands, and half expected her to reach for another weapon to stab her with. Instead, however, her hands looped around Sonja's neck, pulling herself even more into a bend, showing off some impressive flexibility in the meantime.

Sonja, taking her weight, soaked the baker's entire backside in her slime, the illusion of legs lost to a shapeless stem of green holding them up. Slime soaked around Amelia's body, locking her legs against her chest as she was held in place, Sonja's cock making those long, slow delves into her, reaching untold depths of her gorgeous sex.

'Please,' the baker asked. 'Please - fuck me? Please?'

'Why?' Sonja asked, speeding up a little. Amelia began to whimper, the pleasure as deep and impactful as Sonja's thrusts.

'Because it feels so good - FUCK - oh god yessss...'

'Are you scared?' Sonja asked, soaking the baker's tits in slime, that reaction buzzing against her nipples and making more lightning flutter through her.

'No,' Amelia breathed, her eyes rolling as Sonja sank her cock into the submissive baker. 'Not... not anymore... please, please fuck me?'

Sonja smiled, and got to work.

In a way, her body sort of... took over. Many of the things she was able to do betrayed her 'learned' self - of two arms, two legs, a head. While she'd been slowly breaking these rules for a while, 'seeing' with places of herself that had no illusion of eyes, or fusing legs into each other, it all paled in comparison.

Her human facade melted away, that false body becoming nothing but sludge as the baker was completely overcome. Sonja slid over every inch of her, investigating her body all at once; and, without the pretense of a 'body', Sonja was able to give Amelia the attention she deserved. Tongues lathered her body, kissing her clit and the nape of her neck and the hard, pink nubs of her nipples; hands gripped her tits, palming them indulgently, as more cupped the soft of her butt, kneading her as Sonja lifted her up off the floor, while more gripped her wrists, as another grip - soft and unobtrusive - closed around her neck, squeezing only slightly. Amelia's legs, once over Sonja's shoulders, were nearly pressed into her own shoulders as Sonja took her weight, pulling her towards the floor.

And, the entire time, that pounding cock never stopped. Eight thick inches reamed her sopping sex. All the while, her mouth given a channel of air t o keep her from drowning, Amelia moaned, and pleaded, and came.

'Hahh! H-oh fuuuuck - yes - yes - YESSS! GAHHhahhhh!'

That throbbing of muscles involuntarily clenching through the pleasure started small, before rocketing around Amelia's body; Sonja felt her cum, both from the breathless howingling that filled the bakery's backroom, and from the way she shook within her gelatinous form. Amelia shuddered, and writhed, and screamed, and came.

Sonja didn't bother to stop. No - instead, she simply felt each part of her suffering lover, and felt the opportunity to... experiment.

So, as Amelia struggled to recover from a breathtaking orgasm, that unflinching fucking unending, Sonja pressed a thumb-sized tendril into the baker's backdoor. Sonja, relatively new to this, waited for some reaction, like the girl in the toilets - instead, Amelia seemed only to pick up the pace.

'YES!' she called, her desperation making her voice thin. 'Yes - god - please!'

Sonja obliged, pressing deeper, and following the blueprint she'd started on Amelia's poor pussy - which was still happily accepting the fuck of a lifetime. Sonja pressed in about as deep as eight inches, before pulling out again, slowly - against the rhythm of the cock plowing the baker's sex, making her whines and moans twist in the air.

She made her tendril slightly thicker, before doing the same. In slowly, out slowly, then increase the size.

Before long, Amelia was taking two decent-sized invasions, and another orgasm simply told Sonja that it was time to go further.

After all, Amelia had asked for it.

So, Sonja made both of her 'cocks' a little longer, and a little thicker, between thrusts.

'Oooohhhh,' Amelia moaned, noticing the change as she was ravaged inhumanly, her body under constant assault. All those tongues and buzzing fingers and gripping palms kept their attentions, keeping her entire being in a state of reception of pleasure.

When the baker came a third time, Sonja decided it was time to stop playing games. Up, into her guts she went, slithering up like warm tar - thick and lubricated. Amelia's body didn't stand a chance as Sonja made her way deeper and deep, while still unrelentingly fucking her poor pussy, all of those little erogynous zones on fire from Sonja's inhuma abilities. Amelia's eyes rolled back as she felt the thick, monstrous thing climbing up into her, deeper and deeper and deeper, consuming anything in its path, completely claiming her as its plaything.

And, as she came, shaking and moaning and brain shorting-out, it would be hard for her to argue with that. In fact, as the sun began to set, and the baker felt the thick slime rise up through her body, glowing with warmth through her, she would be happy to stay here forever. To be kept, to be fucked, and to cum, and to be fed on forever.

This is what the slime meant, Sonja thought. I can feel inside her head - I can control what's in her head. She wants this. She's a volunteer.

Tendrils found their way up, through Amelia's throat as the baker gagged and moaned, the sounds wet and sloppy and choked. After a slight maneuver, Sonja was able to clear the airway, as green slime slid out from Amelia's lips, joining with the rest of the slime that was consuming her.

* * *

The sun dipped behind the mountain outside, and the small window that allowed in some trails of light fell dark over the course of the next few hours.

Through it all, Amelia never stopped moaning. Sonja's form had grown, somewhat substantially, so that Amelia was adrift in a thick puddle of slime that now took up almost the entire floorspace of the kitchen, soaking around the bottoms of the worktop, and halfway up the legs of the prep table.

The orgasms bled together, as Sonja drank up her pleasure, like wringing a sponge that never dried. There was just more, and more, and more.

It was addictive, and Sonja knew it. The addiction was dangerous, too - strong enough for her to lose herself to it. But even knowing wasn't enough to stop her. The baker was just too tasty.

The only reason anything changed was as a new urge came to her mind. One that was... unnerving, in some ways. In other ways, it felt no less natural than anything else that was happening.

So, with another tired, exhausted moan from her captive fuck-slave, Sonja began to move.

'Uuuaaaaghhhh,' Amelia was moaning, far too loud for Sonja's plan, and so, as she approached the back door, a lump of slime with a human floating around inside, Sonja changed tactics.

She tightened her form, the way she would to pull everything in to become 'Sonja' again, but this took more effort - there was more of her to contain now. But, with the additional strength of draining this sex-addled woman for hours on end, it was doable.

So, Sonja pulled in, becoming a dense, but still liquid, coating across Amelia's skin. A significant amount of Sonja had to hide... inside, pouring deeper, filling the internal space. Amelia moaned, the sensation of unbelievable fullness turning to bliss inside her orgasm-laden brain, as her stomach swelled. Her guts, and womb, were piled in by Sonja, heavy and thick and warm, all too much feeling like she had been stuffed full of cum by some unstoppable force of sex. Which, in a way, was an apt description.

The rest of Sonja, held outside, coated Amelia in a layer of clar, green slime that covered all of her, from toes to clit to tits to forehead. Over her, Sonja shifted how she looked, mimicking a dressed version of Amelia as close as she could.

Within her, the baker was weak and tired, and still feeling the impossible pleasure of her whole body being contained in a living bodysuit of tongues and nibbling teeth and buzzing fingertips stroking her most sensitive places; she moaned through the gap in Sonja's faux-mouth as her holes were stretched and filled, cumming once more as the shape took form in that back kitchen. Sonja moved, using Amelia as her own skeleton, bending the woman's legs but taking the weight herself. It was an... unusual sensation, and one that took a little getting used to.

Then, Sonja went to the backdoor, and closed the gap over Amelia's mouth, sealing those moans away, before heading out into the dark.

The cold air was brisk, and the chill rushed through her as Sonja headed out into the quiet village; it was past sun-down, which, in a town attacked by monsters many nights, meant that there weren't too many people outside able to get a close look. Therefore, the disguise of a seemingly-now-pregnant baker, dressed and hurrying with her head down, was enough.

Sonja wore the slowly-choking woman down the cobbled pathways, lit by nothing but the moon, the sensation of having a struggling body - both writhing in fucked-stupid pleasur and in the fact that she was quickly losing oxygen - wiggling inside her making the whole thing rather... uncomfortable. But, turning a corner, Sonja could see the field down the way, and the trees beyond that.

Her urge had told her to bring Amelia to the slime in the woods, and she had every intention of doing so. The only issue was that there was a girl.

Walking towards the trees, up ahead.

And Sonja recognised her.

It was the girl she'd fucked to orgasm in the school toilets not a few hours ago, schoolgirl uniform and all. She was walking slowly, and within less than a minute Sonja had all but caught up to her. While her mouth was, right now, simply stifling the swallowed moans of a slowly-drowning Amelia, Sonja didn't actually need to use her mouth to speak, and so called out to her.

'You okay?' she said, masking her accent and copying Amelia's voice as close as she could get without much preparation.

The girl spun, looking at Sonja with glassy, unfocused eyes. Despite the cold, she seemed in a daze, and her eyes fell over Sonja, turning into a furrow.

Then, realisation. No - recognition.

'You,' she whispered, a smile appearing on her lips.

Sonja's stomach - if she still had one - dropped, as the schoolgirl seemed to recognise her somehow. In a moment of panic, and seeing that the treeline wasn't far ahead, Sonja made a dash for it.

She used Amelia's body to run, the slime stronger than any human form, moving faster than she should be able to, and she slammed into the girl. In an instant, the disguise was lost, and Sonja reverted to a mass of green slime that expanded in size, a ball around Amelia that quickly absorbed the schoolgirl in.

Sonja thought of nothing else than carrying both of her prisoners back behind the treeline before anything else could happen - she was all too aware that her friends, the true Witches, could be watching. They could be hunting her, right now.

She wasn't sure if this body could fight them off, especially in the moonlight. All she could hope is that she wouldn't be the only slime to fight them - the rest of her, here in the forest, would have to help.

No, she thought. All I can hope is that they don't already know what I am. She hadn't been back to the school since the end of class, being too busy feasting off Amelia's pleasure.

Speaking of.

Once Sonja had the two behind the treeline, both Amelia and the schoolgirl floating within her shifting mass of a body, easily a few meters across and as thick as a cart, she released them. Her body opened up, and she slid them out like they were on a slide, her shape creating a bowl-like area for them to slip into. The schoolgirl, still dazed and unsure, was confused as she sat up, soaked through with a layer of slime that was already starting to make her clothing look a little thin, her shirt sticking to the shapes underneath.

The baker gasped, sucking in air, her body still swollen with stuffed guts, her body happily twisting in pleasure as she came down from an onslaught of near-constant orgasmic bliss, her lust and bliss feeding the creature around them.

Whether it was pheromones, or that low-level psychic ability again, something came to Sonja's attention - the schoolgirl was on fire with lust. She wanted to be fucked. No, she had come here to be fucked.

There was a beat of quiet, before Sonja moved again, as she couldn't quite believe her luck.

So, she dove in.

Tendrils wrapped around the schoolgirl, sliding over her young, supple body, between her and her clothes, making her shudder in the cold as the warm slime found her most sensitive spots.

Within Amelia, the buried-deep slime began to roil, as she lay in the grass, writhing in pleasure as she was fucked from within. Green oozed from her as her pussy was toyed with, holes stretched and body claimed, her eyes rolling back as Sonja pulled her up into the trees by thick tentacles, like she was caught in a web as her her clit was obsessively pleasured, her cunt full and her body filled.

The schoolgirl, Sonja kept in the grass, spread-eagle as she happily allowed her clothing to be eaten away.

'Ask me,' Sonja said, standing over her, a slime-version of herself coming up out of a pillar of ooze. 'Beg.'

'Please,' the girl moaned as slime eeked between her pussy lips, slipping along her nipples and around her waist, taking hold of her. 'Please?'

'Please what?'

The girl swallowed, that sliver of shame that Sonja so enjoyed showing it's face.

When did I start to enjoy people's shame? she wondered.

'P... please... make me feel good?'

'Say it,' Sonja said, looming over the girl as slime slipped around her neck, cupping her small tits, and sliding up her thighs beneath her shredded skirt. 'Beg me to fuck you.'

'Fuck me,' she said, mirroring Sonja's words quickly. 'Please - god please, I need it. Please?'

Sonja smiled, holding out a hand to cup the poor girl's cheek. 'As you wish,' she purred, as slime slid into her sweet, tight sex. The girl whimpered, eyes going wide as Sonja put a tongue to her clit, buzzing from the inside as she stretched the girl out with each thrust.

'Oh God,' the girl whined, her eyes rolling.

Sonja smiled as a tendril worked it's way into her open mouth, like a lover's tongue, playing with her mouth, asserting dominance over her as she was fucked on the grass.

Both of her volunteers shimmered in the moonlight, beneath the shifting shadows of the canopy, and Sonja looked upon her successes for a moment. Amelia, being reamed out again by two engorged cocks, that filled tose stretched holes, mimicking the fucking of a lifetime. Her eyes were glazed over, her mouth full of slime to keep her from moaning loud enough to wake the dead. Now, though, her nose was free to breathe.

After all, Sonja had no intention to kill. What a waste that would be.

As she looked upon her conquests, something felt... wrong. The schoolgirl - she was looking at something.

Then, the shadows shifted as the moonlight turned, and Sonja knew what was about to happen.

She dove, moving forwards as a column of moonlight crashed into the underbrush behind her.


Sonja looked up and saw the Witch of Moon hovering in the air, her face full of anger and cold thought.

Kat, Sonja thought, realising her and her friend were no longer on the same team.

But Katarina wouldn't be stupid enough to come alone.

Sonja span, just in time to spot Maya, hiding in the speckles of darkness hidden in the trees, her starlight magic enabling her to hide in plain sight. She felt Maya's stars like daggers, slicing into the tendrils around the wrung-up Amelia, trying to simply cut her down.

Maya was never the brightest.

Sonja slammed a column of slime into her, sending her flying. After all, she realised - these Witches had never fought a creature that knew them as well as they knew it. She knew how they fight. What they would do next.


Another pillar of white slammed down, surprising Sonja, and making her rethink the idea that she knew what was coming. Especially since, as the light hit the underbrush, the ground gave way.

They fell, tumbling into blackness.

After a moment, Sonja threw an arm out, stretching and smacking into the rock wall, letting her catch herself. Tendrils, previously being used to fuck the school girl, did the same, catching her in a cocoon against the rock; from within Amelia, Sonja summoned moe to do the same to her, too.

She saved them.

That was something.

Looking up, Sonja saw as Katarina and Maya hovered over the gap in the earth, too scared to go any lower. Which made sense.

This, after all, was the Dark Realms. The black beneath the ground that bled evil into the forest. This was where the monsters lived.

Looking down, as Maya sent a sprinkle of starlight down, Sonja watched the cavern become illuminated, and saw beneath her another forty feet of nothing. And, then, shimmering green. The rocky base of this cavern was covered in her - in the rest of the slime that had attacked Katarina. That had attacked her, only yesterday.

And, there, at the bottom, was a body.

Only by Maya's light could Sonja tell who it was, and fear burned through her.

There, in a pile of green, face-up, eyes rolled back and cold moonlight shining on her face, her cunt speared and her mind empty, was Sonja's body.

As always, a huge thank-you to:



Peer Henze

Sindre Bjørnhjell

Simon Haynes






Your support can never be overstated, and will never go under appreciated 🧡

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tentaclesforalltentaclesforallover 1 year ago

Ooooh, nice twist there at the end!

I need to go shopping, but I can't put this story down... One more page...

Danni_IridescentDanni_Iridescentover 2 years agoAuthor

You know what? Valid.

avictachalleavictachalleover 2 years ago

Leave me to my make-believe land without any plot twists where Sonja settles down without needing to attack people and her friends accept her for who she is and everything is fine for all these precious cinnamon buns ahhhhh


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oho what a twist! Love it

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