G's Submission Ch. 12


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"This doesn't mean you'll be going topless. It only means your top won't make it difficult for me to locate and pinch your teats. They'll either be too tight, or too sheer. Got it?"

I slowly nodded. Well, I'd asked for it. My stomach seemed to be doing loop-de-loops.

A little lower down, however, a very warm fire was burning.

She snapped her fingers at me. "Good."

I obediently placed my left tit between her fingers. She led me out of the parking lot to the waiting car outside.

I followed her, bare ass naked, going forth taut, erect pink nub first. I shook my head, then stopped. Why would I think about this? Bimbo's shouldn't have to think. I felt a release at the thought. I let the finger pinching my nipple take over.

My body relaxed. The warm feeling in my lower gut spread upwards. I slowed down to increase the distance between me and Jane. My left breast became a longer cone. Jane had to pinch harder. It seemed better now. It felt just right.


I got up and looked back. The gate was far away. I had managed to slip past security without being a seen, which was a relief considering what I was wearing. Jane was driving, and John was in shotgun. They both had IDs, and the car had a sticker to show it was registered with the Uni. The security had no reason to stop us. Besides, the men at the gate knew both Jane and John by sight, as the gate we took led us straight to the "Spot", and not a lot of people other than prof. D's students entered through this path. Unluckily, that meant the guys knew me too, so I had to hide.

Which brings me to what I was wearing. When Jane said "not topless", what she actually meant was, nearly topless.

I was wearing a top which failed in it's one job. Covering my bust. It stopped short of completely covering my areolae. I mean, to call it a crop top would be a defamation of crop tops. It had sleeves and everything. It was white, like my skin, but it stopped a tiny bit short. That tiny bit was no consolation. I could not, try as I might, persuade it to travel even an inch lower. I could stretch it across, and it would cover me with a millimeter to spare, but if I relented slightly the top was more than happy to spring back up. It seemed most comfortable hanging off my nipples, a tiny pink sector peeking permanently under the bottom hem, along with, of course, the rest of my breasts.

I was petrified when I realized that this was what I would be wearing for the class. The top was so bad that I actually didn't worry about the skirt. The skirt was an equally tiny affair, but I was already used to the standard five inches. Sure, it meant I was actually displaying the vee of the start of my pubic area, telling people I met I shaved down below, and mooning everyone behind me when standing still, but I had done this yesterday, and not a lot of people saw me. Only two people saw me, to be precise - Greg and Alicia. And by now, I suspect they have seen a lot more of me on the forum. So I shouldn't really care, I told myself.

Except that wasn't true. The last dare from my now replaced rule would make sure of that. On top of that, I would have to now have to obey five dares per day given by, terrifyingly, anybody. As long as any instructions directed at me prefixed with the words "G will", I have to obey them. For five times at least.

As usual, I was early. Halfheartedly, I noticed that the L shape of the desks on the dais had been rearranged and went about rebuilding my fortress. I feared that someone approaching me today would get a full shot of my assets. Modesty would be near impossible in my current state of undress.

Jane and John sat themselves in the first row, and chuckled at my efforts while getting an eyeful, I was sure. Why was John even here? He didn't even take this course.

As if on cue, he kissed Jane on the lips, and after a murmured goodbye to her, winked at me and left.

I waited, well concealed for the kids to trickle in, my anticipation heightening. I was almost losing it by the time the class was filling itself. All the people of the forum immediately distinguished themselves by trying to peer into my fort without getting up onto the podium. They knew my rules. They knew what I'd be wearing. And in a few minutes, they'll be daring me to do stuff.

I was terrified. By the time class started, the whole room started to spin in rhythm with the thumping of my heart. I felt like I was about to pass out.

I looked at Jane. She had been browsing something on her phone, with a sly grin and occasional mute giggles for the past twenty minutes. She did not look up and catch my eye.

I grew despondent.

And then, suddenly, the light from the screen of her phone died, and she slid it under the desk. And looked at me, grinned, and winked.

I relaxed. "I stopped fighting the inner slut" was how I'd describe the next 5 minutes, in my best smutty-kung-foo-speak.

My brain relinquished control to the fire burning in my bare lower belly. I was a bimbo once again. The airhead whore teaching assistant was not late for class.

For a full ten minutes, nothing extraordinary happened. The emotion and common sense which had kept me in a heightened state of hysteria for the past few moments had retreated to a vague corner of my mind. This same bundle of neurons was faintly surprised that my phone wasn't bombarded with dares yet. It also reasoned that nothing seemed wrong with the class. I could only count 4 people who weren't in the forum. One boy whom I suspected was gay, and three girls, of which two would definitely raise hell if they knew what was happening.

But four was a minority. I didn't care right then. The whole class had helped themselves to sheets of paper by now and settled into the heads down, test completion mode. I slowly got up.

I sighed. As good as any time. I got down the dais, as silently as possible. A few heads raised. A few grins widened. A few jaws dropped. A few girls silently snickered.

The still-fighting sensible part of my soul scanned the classroom for the four people who weren't in the forum. They were all blissfully unaware. The sane voice in my head was silenced.

I slowly walked down the aisle closest to left side of the room. I don't know whether it was by chance or by design, but the only person who was part of the ignorant four in that aisle was Emma.

She was a dreamy little thing, usually lost in her own world. Frail and small, with huge glasses and pale skin, I had often found myself staring at her freckles in the past. I suddenly realised how pretty I thought she was.

My mind was grinding painfully now, revolving around thoughts of Emma, as I walked to the end of the aisle, looking at her blonde head buried in the paper, mouth licking the pen. I ignored the snickers from either side of me. I was in a zone. I knew people were looking at my nipple, perkily showing itself under my top. I knew people were trying to catch a glimpse of my naked pubic area, as I walked slowly. I walked past the leering bunch steadily. My heart was beginning to pound weakly. I was getting excited. Good excited.

I shuddered at the incredulous look a girl was giving me. I knew she was in the forum, but she still couldn't believe what I was doing.

I walked on. My mind was zoning out all the stares and looks. It was focused on one of two things only now. Emma and my rules. By the time I had reached the end and turned around, I had formed a plan. A crazy plan, but a plan nonetheless, that would make sure I pleased Jane.

I fully realized my situation. I had snapped back to reality.

I looked up. Half the heads were turned around, staring at me. The other half would do the same, and the first half would reluctantly turn back to do the test. It was as if a whole class was being furtive.

I laughed weakly and inwardly.

The only head that wasn't turning was Emma's. The people around her, and those around the three others, seemed to be extra careful, trying not to be seen trying to stare at me. Their extra efforts into keeping my secret thrilled me.

My phone vibrated. It was a message from Jane.

I quickly read it. It was my first dare. And it brought my heart to my throat. "Make sure you have at least five markers inside you when you're on the next walk."

I read and re-read it. This was crazy. Before I could calm myself, my phone vibrated again. "I'm filtering all the dares and selecting the five best. To maximize fun. You can thank me later."

I slowly walked back, keeping away from Emma. I looked for all the markers I could find under the desk and near the whiteboard. I could only find three. What the dare wanted me to do was crass, unhygienic and thoroughly erotic. I finally found two more empty markers in the bin.

I sat down in the chair and wasted no time. I put the five markers on the table and took one. I poked it in. It went in easily. I shivered. It went in too easily.

What was I doing?

My hands were shivering as I looked at the sea of faces. They knew what I was doing. I closed my eyes in humiliation as my fingers closed in over another marker.


I froze.

The first marker had slipped out of me. I sat there nonplussed as every face in the room looked at the source of the sound. Every eye followed the now glistening marker roll to the edge of the dais and stop. My heard thudded and my face turned red as I saw blooming understanding in all the faces in the class.

No points for guessing the number of disinterested people at the end.

I quickly looked at a non-existent paper on my table top, ignoring the looks expecting me to retrieve the pen. I stayed with my eyes fixed at the wood on the table, as though I was reading something and had not noticed the marker fall. Finally the four people who mattered lost interest and one by one, went back to the test. Again, my brain had stretched a 5 second event into an episode.

I gingerly went back to the dare. Silently, I inserted three markers in me. I felt quite full. The markers, while individually thin, when clumped together seemed to dig right into my belly. I was afraid I might get cramped.

I groaned, mentally kicking myself.

The humiliation was suffusing every pore in my body.

I steeled myself and prodded the fourth one inside, looking pale. My pussy muscles tried to clench, grasping at them. There was no room!

I took a huge breath as one of the markers reached new depths inside me. The silent gasp immediately forced all the four markers out of my slippery entrance. They were only arrested my quick hand blocking their way out.

I took another deep breath and forced all the four in again, this time together.

They expanded my vagina even more, increasing the cramping feeling. I trudged on.

The only marker I could see was the one at the edge of the dais. I gritted my teeth and stood up.

Each of my actions was slow, measured and full of tension. I was a raging bundle of nerves. And this was only the first dare.

I kept standing for a full minute, thighs clamped together. I finally decided that enough was enough and slowly tiptoed to the edge of the stage.

Still safe.

I started the bend, thighs glued together. I felt oddly lady-like as I reached for the wet marker. The gawking faces with open mouths were mere distractions. My fingers closed over the slippery customer.

I stood up again and retreated back to the safety of my desk, the precious prize clutched in my hand.

I turned around and waited for a couple of moments. I crouched and spread my legs slightly, steeling myself for four plops. Nothing came.I clenched my pussy. The four markers were fully inside me. I felt relieved and hugely embarrassed at the same time. Most of all, I was violently aroused.

What have I been reduced to?

I parted my labia with the fifth marker. I slowly screwed it in to join its friends, and nearly came in the process.

I rested my arm on the table and put my head on it. Bent and catching my breath, I had forced all the five markers in me. I rammed it home for good measure.



Three times.

The third time, I hit something. Possibly my cervix. The feedback reached my throat!

I quickly allayed the fears. I reassured myself.

I straightened up. I got down.

I started the long walk. I don't suppose I looked very different on the outside, apart from my baby steps. But the stares I got were less guarded now. Everyone was now looking directly at the hem of my skirt. I suppose they were expecting something to fall out. How did they know? It was like they had a hive mind.

I reached the end of the room. I rested my back on the wall and caught my breath as if I had finished a long sprint. My five inhabitants, my chief sources of discomfort, were safe inside me.

My phone vibrated. "Well done!"

I nearly gave up, right then, as the realization hit me. This was just the fucking first dare.

I wanted to just stop and stay behind the desk. I glared vacantly at the incredulous faces. They were watching a drama play out in front of them. A highly erotic, clandestine drama. And I was the star. They couldn't believe their luck.

I checked myself. The fact that all I could see of Emma's head was its back calmed me. Why?

I can never tell. Some girls are special.

I forced myself to read on. "Dare number 2. Strip off your skirt. You need not move. Just strip off."

I should have expected it. I did expect it. But I still had a mini-heart attack.

I didn't move for a full minute. I was just clutching the phone and standing.

And then, slowly, deliberately, as if out of my mind, I pulled the skirt down my legs. I winced as I bent. While my hips and waist were flexible, the markers were not.

I gingerly stepped out of the skirt and straightened up, clutching it in my left fist as I checked my vibrating phone with my right. The whole world felt surreal. I was bottomless in my class at Uni.

Why is everyone's worst nightmare my erotic dream?

"Wow. Just... Wow. I didn't think you'd do it. Just wow. Hang on!" The text read.

Jane was furiously typing. The class was no longer silent. A slow murmur gradually increased in intensity. I was shaking in place.

"Are you sure you want to continue?" Was the next text.

"Yes." I replied. Very very quickly.

The murmur died down as quickly as it started. "Wow G. Wow. OK. Number 3. Here you go. Squat and eject. Come on. Lay eggs."

The text sounded crazy to me, oddly. I mean, I was bottomless with five marker pens struggling for space inside my vagina, and all I could think of was the Jane's sense of humor. I was freaking out. I was dreading the end of this.

I nevertheless squatted and gingerly spread my thighs. I heard gasps. I closed my eyes and squeezed. Sweat dripped down my forehead. What was I doing?

I was squatting at the end of the aisle in the classroom, spreading my thighs and exposing my pussy to everyone who cared to turn back and look.

It felt like ages. I was afraid I might have to use my hand to pull them out. But somehow, I felt Jane wouldn't like that. I squeezed and strained.

After what felt like a full minute, I was rewarded by a small squirt. Had I come? I shuddered.

Then a very muted plop. Followed by 4 more.

I felt empty. My head was pounding.

Dead silence. I looked down. There were the five markers, in a gooey pool.

I looked up slowly. My heart stopped. The entire aisle was looking. There were people from the adjacent rows standing over, craning their necks. The whole class was looking. But I had eyes for only one shocked face.

Emma. Her eyes were wide. Her small pretty mouth was open. How could she so suddenly matter so much?

Something snapped inside me. All my plans to survive the day while retaining any decency had just vanished. I started to tear up.

I got up shivering. I started running towards my desk, slipped on my own secretions, grabbed thin air, fell on my knees. I changed my mind.

I pulled myself to my feet again, and ran, out of the class this time, with my skirt clutched in my fist. I made straight for the Spot. I ran without looking back, my mind filled with the images incredulous faces.

I didn't hear the explosion of noise behind me in the class. I just ran.

I didn't care for the consequences of displeasing Jane. I just ran.

My heart was laden with the wide-eyed expression that I saw on Emma's face. I just ran.

I just ran.


Okay, once again, thanks all for the encouragement, particularly, a certain Eve. This is when I need to start deciding stuff. This chapter started entry into weird fantasies territory. A lot of people might not enjoy it. Should I continue? Or not?

If I am to continue this story, should I tone it down a bit? Or go even more over the top? Suggestions and criticisms, please.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great job

I really enjoy your story please continue and I would enjoy it more over the top. This is fantasy so go with it get kinky and let the freak flag fly

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Good Story

Liked the overall theme of the story except when a guy or guys were introduced into it. Keep these stories/chapters as a lesbian theme. G should have been made to go down on Jane more often and even had April get involved without Jane's knowledge. Say, having April observe the submissive side of G and then force G to strip, crawl to her and eat her pussy and ass. Plus, even having a teacher have G lick her pussy keeping with the submissive theme. Emma sounds like a good subject to take over for Jane. Letting G dress more conservative but having G not ware panties and bra. Have G kissing/licking Emma's feet, legs, etc. G is the perfect submissive and will do what Emma wants just to please her and get rid of Jane. Maybe, Emma could get Jane to become a submissive slut to both herself and G. That would be a nice change of pace.

Keep writing

meldollmeldollabout 9 years ago

I only just found this story - it is absolutely incredible. That last chapter made me cum without even touching myself at all!

I love how far it is going, it is obviously fantasy and in a fantasy world it can keep on getting more and more outlandish. How I wish I could be G and get away with it all! Maybe somehow have the class desperate for the secret not to get out and help her with when she gets caught? I'm a bit of a nipple pain fetishist as well, that clicking action to be led around by her tits is incredible imagination. Maybe part of her outfits in future could be clamps with chains?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
My view

In the first chapters it felt real. You have all those details that remind me of my experiences. They create a strong feeling of the story being real.

The later chapters lose this feeling. Perhaps it is only me, but that is how I feel.

So I would suggest you to keep it real-like.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great Story

Would love to see this continue, I'm excited to see the fallout / consequences from this chapter put into a realistic context before the escalation is built up again. Some excellent erotic touches throughout this story. I hope it continues!

artty67artty67about 9 years ago
Love this story

Keep up the good work, really love the detail you put in to this story.

Thanks Arthur

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Hi, keep going in the same phase. Make her submit more in the class rather than the house. Involve more people in the domination of G. Make her rules tougher and make use of more toys. Include piercing or some other modifications to her body.

Lastly make sure that the chapters are longer. Eagerly awaiting for next chapter.

ssubramaniam122ssubramaniam122about 9 years agoAuthor
Hang on for the next chapter people

It is going to be long one, with more rules, deeper submission. I will submit it in the coming week, probably!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
How MAny Times I have to Request For Update?????????????

I am damn irritated now..... When u will post next update?????

Can we do some Private Chat??

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Best story ever!

Have Jane text her immediately to meet and punish her for running away and add new rules. One of them is walk the streets and sell her body for Jane. Another one is to service some homeless and smelly dudes and put that online. Keep it lesbian, this Jane character is brilliant! When will you post again??

koala011860091koala011860091over 9 years ago
Keeps going strong

I really like this story - her experiences are so intense. Being led around the parking lot by her pussy was awesome. I like how she decides to wallow in her situation.

As to where to go next - my view is you can't please everyone, so you might as well please yourself. I'm sure either story direction will work, so go with what will make you want to write more and faster.

Waiting for the next chapter...

PaperdartPaperdartover 9 years ago

One of the best current series on this site. Enjoying G's quandary. I agree with one of the anonymous comments about the rule about making each order more humiliating not featuring in this chapter which was a shame but I am looking forward to the next instalment. My vote is not to go too over the top as I think that there is plenty that you could inflict on G without getting too weird. I am always keen to see G being the victim of her own passions with Jane just providing the excuse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
From Your Fan

hiii I am your Big Big Big Fan & Its always pleasurable to give comment for your Superb writing...

Please May I know when next part is going to come??

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
tone it down a bit

I really liked the story and I am hoping the next chapter comes out very soon. I personally will enjoy it even more if you slow things down a bit. Keep it more subtle and erotic. Make her skirts even more ridiculous without being illegal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Very Good Update, Worth to Wait

Another Best update.... Keep it up... Keep it Lesbian... just dont take too much time to next update... ;-) cant wait... :-)

& dont let everyone know her secret right now, it will be too early... make her drink your pee...

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