Harry Styles - Instant Attraction Ch. 14


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Charley's eyes snapped open indignantly and her hazel eyes flashed with mirth. "Oh really? Is that what all the groupies do, huh?"

Harry nodded sagely and started kissing her neck and collarbone again, enjoying how she tilted her chin up so he could have better access. He was slightly disappointed that they'd been too rushed for him to take her bra and t-shirt off, but he made do.

"You are my first and only groupie, so I get to make the rules up," he grinned into her neck as he pressed a light kiss against the hickey he'd given her earlier.

"Fine," Charley said dreamily as she enjoyed the attention he was giving her. Suddenly there was a bashing against his door, and they both jumped.

"Styles! They want you out for a sound check in ten," a muffled voice came from the hallway.

Charley and Harry stared at each other before dissolving into giggles, pulling apart and getting dressed again after quickly cleaning up.

"Say it again," Harry said suddenly, as he pulled Charley close into his arms. She looked up at him, her beautiful eyes wide.

"Say what?" she asked coyly, with a grin.

"You know very well," Harry grinned, jostling her in his arms, and tightening his grip on her. He was desperate to hear her say it now they weren't horizontal. She went quiet in his arms and she threaded her fingers into his hair as she looked deep into his eyes with a soft, sweet look.

"I love you, Harry Edward Styles," she said, the last bit muffled as he started kissing her the second the words came out of her mouth, and she giggled.

When he pulled back again, Charley turned a little sombre as she stared at him. "I'm sorry I hurt you. That I ran from you. I - I was wrong. I should have given you a chance. Us a chance. I won't run from you ever again," she promised.

Harry stared at her in wonder, truly wondering if this really was a dream. He wanted to pinch himself. Charley was saying everything he'd ever wanted her to say.

"Charley, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. I promise I won't give you a reason to run from me," he said as he rubbed up and down her back gently. He bent to kiss her again, then ruffled her hair as he unlocked the door. "And keep your hair down, you look sexy as hell. Like we've just had sex."

He laughed as her mouth dropped open indignantly and ran back to the couch to find the hair tie so she could pull it back into a pony tail. He pouted as she pursed her lips at him while she fixed it.

"I'm only going to pull it out again later," he said cheekily, enjoying the blush it raised on her cheeks as he held his hand out to her. She rolled her eyes. "I've missed that too," he chuckled as he took her hand and tugged her so she tumbled back into his chest.

"Very cave man of you," she muttered where she'd fallen against him. Harry grinned, feeling on cloud nine. Somehow, everything had turned the right way back around again, in what seemed like a very short space of time.

"You bet," he said. "Come on, I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again."

Charley rolled her eyes as he pulled her after him towards the stage. There was a small smattering of fans who had paid to be VIPs who got to watch the sound check, and when Charley tried to pull back so she could stay side of stage, Harry gripped her hand even tighter and determinedly pulled her along with him.

Blushing, Charley heard the fans start to squeal when Harry came out, waving to them with his free hand and grinning widely. They turned their eyes on where his other hand was fixed holding hers and suddenly one of them yelled, "Charley?"

Charley smiled nervously and gave a small wave as Harry continued to pull her right to the centre of stage with him. He let her hand go briefly as he adjusted the mic stand, but immediately slung an arm around her shoulders as he stood and chatted with the fans while he waited for the sound technicians and the band to do their thing.

When it was time for him to sing one of his songs for the sound check, he held Charley's hand and sang it directly to her, and she was unable to stop from smiling widely back at him, blushing madly. She heard the sounds of cameras clicking and ruefully realised this was going to be huge news all over Twitter in about twenty seconds flat.

"So do you guys know Charley?" Harry asked the fans suddenly when sound check was complete and he was kneeling on the edge of the stage, signing autographs to the lucky few.

"Yes! We thought you guys had broken up, though," piped up one young teen girl. She was staring at Harry avidly, drinking him in. Charley knew the feeling. Harry in real life was a hundred thousand times more potent than Harry in videos or photos.

Harry ignored the last bit. "Well you'll be seeing a lot more of her now she's joining me on tour," he grinned slyly and winked at Charley. Her mouth fell open. She hadn't exactly agreed to that yet.

"She is? We're so happy for you Harry," squealed another girl.

"Does she sing, too?" asked another. Harry looked at Charley, eyebrow raised with a mischievous look.

"We can always find out," he teased, making everyone laugh as he finished signing the last of the autographs and taking photos with the fans. To Charley's surprise, a couple of the girls asked if they could have a photo with her, too, and she shyly acquiesced, posing with her arm around them and smiling after sending a desperate look at Harry, who was no help at all. Finally, he gripped her hand and pulled her back with him.

"I'll see you guys out here soon, thanks for coming, I really hope you enjoy the show," he said as he tucked Charley into his side and sauntered off the stage.

"I can't believe you did that," Charley murmured to him, careful to keep her voice down until they were completely out of view. Harry stopped in his tracks and grinned.

"What?" He started to run his hands up and down her arms, distracting her.

"Told them I was coming on tour with you," she said, desperately trying to stay focused as his mouth started to hover lower again.

"But you are, aren't you?" he said lowly as his mouth connected with hers again, the kiss deep yet gentle and sweet. Charley started to drown. So did Harry.

"Oi! So you've made up. What do I get for making this happen?" Niall's voice boomed out from behind them as he flung an arm around each of them, breaking them apart. He grinned expectantly as he looked from one to the other.

Harry laughed as Niall started to steer the two of them back towards the dressing room, keeping himself between them. "Thanks, Nialler," Harry rolled his eyes and looked across at Charley who was grinning, too. "You did good."

"What? That's it? I was thinking of something a bit more equal to the effort," Niall said, his eyes twinkling as he looked at Harry. "Something involving a few days on a golf course."

Harry groaned. "Niall, you know I suck at golf," he said and Niall looked wickedly at Charley.

"I know. That's why I like playing with you. Makes me feel great about meself," he waggled his eyebrows and Charley laughed at Harry's pained expression.

Charley pricked up. "I can play a bit of golf," she said suddenly, much to the shock of the two men.

"What?" they both said in unison, Harry looking astonished and Niall starting to smile in disbelief.

"Sure. Dad taught me, I used to go with him all the time when I was younger. I haven't played in a while, so I'll be rusty..." she trailed off with a shrug of one shoulder.

"Harry. I'll fight you for her," Niall breathed, and Charley giggled. Harry rolled his eyes and shrugged out from under Niall's arm, taking Charley's hand and walking with her back to his dressing room.

"Not a chance, Horan," Harry said, chuckling as he looked down at the woman next to him. "Not a chance."



Charley rushed gleefully into Harry's arms.

"Baby, that was the best! You were amazing," she gushed as he pulled her off her feet and spun her around. He'd just performed his last ever show of Harry Styles: Live on Tour. The last year had been a whirlwind, with Charley joining him on as much of the tour as she could, bringing her work with her and making a success of it.

Harry had left the stage and immediately bee-lined for Charley, not wanting to celebrate with anyone but her. The massive stadium of nearly 34,000-strong fans had been an absolute adrenalin rush. He whipped her up off her feet, startling her and causing the team around them to laugh, completely used to the two of them by now.

Charley laughed up at him, gripping him tightly around his neck as he determinedly walked her back to his dressing room. The second they were inside and the door locked, he put her down and started ripping his sweaty clothes off. His eyes were gleaming as Charley pulled her own t-shirt off, revealing the white lace concoction he'd bought for her in Paris. She was grinning at him as he rushed to pull his pants off, starting to back away as she unclipped her bra and pulled her hair loose and shook it around his shoulders.

She still had the ability to make his mouth run dry, even after a year. Harry stumbled as he hopped to pull his socks off and was finally left in his black boxer briefs. He started stalking towards Charley, who was starting to giggle as she shimmied out of her panties, leaving her completely naked. Harry's breath caught in his throat as he took her in, and made a mad leap over the couch towards her. Charley shrieked and he laughed breathlessly as he pulled her against him, capturing her mouth and kissing her deeply. She stopped struggling at once and pressed her breasts into his bare chest, making him lose his mind.

"I love you so much, baby," she murmured into his mouth, making his heart twist. No matter how often she said it, he'd never get sick of hearing it. "I'm so proud of you, you did good."

Harry groaned and pivoted, then picked her up and sat her on the back of the couch he'd just leaped over. He came to stand between her legs and started kissing her again, feeling her hands pulling his briefs down over his hips and taking hold of him. Harry moaned into her mouth as she caressed his hard length and then pressed him between her legs. She was already wet, he knew, she always was for him, and without a thought, he thrust hard inside her.

Charley's head fell back and Harry took advantage, his mouth coming down to lick and kiss down her neck as he thrust hard over and over, feeling her legs wrap tightly around him.

"I love you," he groaned through the onslaught of pleasure, the familiar tightening at his spine beginning already. But he felt her pulse quickening too as he slammed into her harder and harder. He wasn't usually this rough, but the adrenalin rushing through him, and the fact it was the last show was causing Harry to lose control more than usual with her.

"Harry!" Charley whined and clutched at him as her orgasm hit her.

"Yes baby, come for me," Harry panted as he continued to thrust hard, feeling himself about to let go, too. He watched her face as it reflected euphoria, the familiar wave of lust and triumph that he'd given her so much pleasure pushing him over the edge and he cried out as he came hard inside her.

Both of them panting and slick with sweat now, Harry gently pulled back and helped her down, both their legs wobbling. Charley leaned against his chest, eyes closed, a smile plastered across her face as she felt her heartbeat slow.

"Charley," Harry murmured into her hair as he pressed kisses into it.

"Mm?" she hummed against him, feeling tired and dreamy.

"Marry me," he said. Charley stilled completely, the tiredness falling away as she snapped to complete clarity. What had he just said?

Harry pulled back, smiling down at her, looking at her. "Marry me," he repeated, running his hands up and down her back. "We're good together, amazing. I don't want to be with anyone else for the rest of my life but you."

Charley stared at him. Marry Harry? She choked back a laugh as the silly rhyme got stuck in her head. Harry frowned.

"Sorry, sorry!" she said, giggling, unable to stop thinking it. Marry Harry. Marry Harry. Marry Harry. "I was just thinking marry Harry, and-" she stopped suddenly, a snort of laughter bursting from her.

Harry rolled his eyes. Okay, he hadn't been expecting this, though at least she wasn't running screaming. "Marry Harry. Ha ha," he said, giving her a look. "So what about it? Want to be Charley Styles?"

That stopped her laughing. Charley stared at him again, looking into his beautiful, warm green eyes, the eyes she'd been falling into for the last year. Charley Styles? That had a nice ring to it, Charley suddenly felt bathed in warmth, her stomach flipping. A smile crept across her face. Harry's mouth turned up in response. He waited, and when she nodded shyly, he picked her up and swung her around, then kissed her hard.

"Come here," he said excitedly, letting go of her and running naked over to a set of drawers and rustling around. From it, he pulled out a small, maroon velvet box. Charley put her hands to her mouth and tears sprung to her eyes. He wasn't kidding.

He turned and came to her, getting down on one knee. Charley giggled at the sight of a completely starkers Harry Styles, on one knee before her, equally starkers.

"Charley Pearce, you've made me happier than I could have ever dreamed possible. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, wake up next to you, have babies with you, tell awful jokes to and sing my songs for the first time to," he said, looking up at her hopefully. The tears spilled over now onto her cheeks and Charley clasped her hands in front of her, not knowing what else to do with them.

"If you want to do the same thing, please marry me," Harry finished with a whisper, his own eyes shining up into hers as he opened the little velvet box to reveal a stunning vintage ring. A large, oval ruby was surrounded by a stunning setting of small diamonds, the gold band thick and engraved with hand-carved designs. Charley choked back a sob, nodding, staring at the beautiful ring, then back into his eyes.

"Yes," she choked out, flinging her arms around him as she dove on top of him.

Harry laughed, trying to balance the two of them, but unable to, so they both fell backwards onto the carpet. Charley was trying to kiss every inch of his face and Harry was chuckling as he tried to return them.

"Charley! Let me get the ring on you," Harry protested laughingly and grabbed her left hand and pushed the ring onto it. Charley stared down as it slipped perfectly over her knuckle to nestle safely at the base of her ring finger. She looked back up at Harry in awe.

"It's beautiful," she said wonderingly. "Where did you find it?"

"It was my grandmother's," he said, smiling at her affectionately as she examined the ring. "Mum offered it to me and I knew you had to have it the second I laid eyes on it."

Charley looked up at him suddenly. "Your mum knows you were going to propose? How long ago was that?"

Harry suddenly cleared his throat and looked shiftily away. Charley tried to suppress a smile, he was so cute when he was being bashful.

"Come on, I want to know. I'll just ask your mum," she countered as she leaned on his chest, looking down at him. He rolled his eyes and reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Fine. So feisty all the time," Harry smiled. "About a month after you came back into my life."

Charley's jaw dropped. "You've been carrying this around, with the intention of proposing to me, for the last ten months?!"

Harry chuckled. "Maybe. Mum told me to wait until the tour was over, to see how it all went, but I always knew. It's why the second the show was over I dragged you in here. I couldn't wait any longer - and if we can make it through a year of touring together and be as strong as we are, then..." He trailed off with a shrug and a smile.

Charley stared down at him, reading the sincerity in his gaze, feeling suddenly choked up and overwhelmed that he had had that much faith in her, even back then, that she would stay.

"Harry..." she trailed off, unable to finish her sentence, her throat closing over and tears spilled again.

"Shh, shhh," he murmured, pulling her head down so he could kiss her, his hands running over her body to soothe her. "You've made me so happy, baby."

Charley started to laugh quietly through her tears and his kisses. "No, Harry, you've made me happy. I'm probably the happiest woman in the entire world right now," she admitted as she smoothed a hand over his damp locks. "I'm engaged to Harry Styles!" She grinned and they laughed together at their little inside joke.

"Come on, let's get dressed and tell everyone the good news," he said, getting up and helping her to her feet. Charley stared at the huge ring on her left hand. It was heavy. This was really happening.

Harry threw her clothes at her and she protested. "Watch the ring, Styles," she laughed, pretending to protect it from him. "I'm already quite attached to it."

Harry laughed as he pulled his jeans back on and buckled his belt. His eyes sparkled merrily at her, fixing on the ring. "It looks good on you," he said softly. He felt the heavy weight of triumph once again as he looked at her wearing his ring. Now everyone would know that she was his. Forever. A twist of male pride snakes through him.

Taking her hand a few minutes later, Harry grasped the dressing room door and made to pull it open. He looked at her. "Ready?"

She beamed back at him. "I've never been more ready."





A/N: I hope you liked the story, please vote if you did :) If you ask for it, I would be happy to write some sequels, I thought maybe involving Niall and a love interest, or to tell Caroline and Zayn's story? Let me know in the comments what you think! - Kristin xx

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Incredibly Written!! I want to read MORE about Charley and Harry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I absolutely loved this whole series and would love an updated one with Harry & Charley and the new album involved please please please

sweeter_sensationssweeter_sensationsabout 5 years agoAuthor
Niall it is then!

OK! You guys got it! I've got an idea in my head already, so will start to flesh it out and begin posting chapters in the next two weeks! I'm also on Wattpad, so feel free to follow me there as I usually write there first then post here after I've posted there. Love you guys for following me!! xx Kristin

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Yesss! Niall 🤤

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Yes yes yes! A niall story!!!

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