Lacie Ch. 13


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"Well?" Claire asked expectantly.

"Whoo." Lacie gasped, then she smiled impishly. "Good kisser."

"That's not all he's good at." Claire wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, prompting both girls to look back at Master and giggle. "Well? Are you going to do anything about it?"

Biting her lip, Lacie blushed as she nodded at her friend.

"Well?! Details, girl! Details!!!" Claire grabbed Lacie's hands excitedly.

"Jeez, Claire, I don't know! I'm still half panicked at the... the thought of... well, him... and me... and..." Lacie swallowed audibly, smiling weakly at Claire.

"Being naked?"

"SHHH!!!" Lacie admonished Claire as the raven haired girl laughed. Lacie looked around, but no one appeared to have heard her.

"Oh, honey, that's hardly the worst part." Claire chuckled.

Lacie stilled as she whispered back.

"That's what I'm afraid of."

Claire blinked, realizing she had made a slip.

"I'm sorry honey, 'worst' was the wrong word to use. I just meant that, well, nervousness is just in your head honey. The first time hurts, but he'll be as careful as possible, I promise. You have a nice guy who likes you and who wants to be with you."

"But what if I'm not... good?"

Claire laughed outright, hugging Lacie close. For some reason, her laughter comforted Lacie, and Lacie smiled back at the purple clad girl.

"Honey, it won't matter. He'll enjoy himself, I guarantee it. There's no way he won't with a girl as cute, sexy and fun as you. Hell, I'm half tempted to take that dress off of you myself on our way back home."

Lacie grinned back.

"Yeah, but he has first dibs." she teased. Suddenly feeling daring, Lacie quickly leaned forward, pressing her lips to Claire's. After a moment, Lacie pulled back, her face reddening furiously. Claire didn't react at all, her eyes wide and unfocused, swaying gently in place as the stunned woman absorbed what Lacie had just done. Blinking furiously, Claire seemed to regain a few of her senses, peering at Lacie with a look of incredulous surprise on her face. Lacie licked her lips, still feeling the slight tingle Claire had left behind. Lacie could still taste her.

The look on Claire's face was so funny, Lacie wanted to tease her again. Reaching up with one hand, Lacie slipped her finger into her own mouth. Pulling the saliva wetted finger free, Lacie allowed her hand to drift across Claire's cheek, keeping her wet finger away from Claire's skin. Finally, as her hand slid under the point of Claire's chin, Lacie stroked her fingertip across the stunned girl's lips, wetting them with her saliva. Leaning in close, Lacie whispered into Claire's ear as Claire's lips instinctively kissed the very tip of Lacie's finger.

"I wouldn't mind if you called second dibs though..." Lacie breathed, giggling as Claire's eyes shot open in surprise. Twirling away, Lacie had to fight to keep from laughing at Claire's expression. So, to cover her mirth, Lacie wiggled her fingers in a teasing wave at the other girl. Still shell shocked, Claire instinctively, absently waved back, not comprehending what had just happened, still trying to wrap her head around Lacie's offer. Neither girl was totally sure if the offer had been simple, harmless flirting, or if was an honest invitation.

Both girl's eyes snapped back to Master as he appeared out of nowhere, wrapping an arm around each of them protectively.

"We need to go. Now."

Both girls arched their necks in surprise.

"What happened?" Claire was quick to react, turning for the doors.

"Bridget just called. Our electronic path in and out of the company's mainframe was under surveillance. They must have found how we got in last time and decided to not fix it, instead waiting for us to try and get back in again."

Both Claire and Lacie gasped.

"Don't worry, Bridget slowed their back-trace. She still got in and sent out our fake data package. She couldn't get everything done that she needed to and completely crash their trace program, so it won't be long till they find out who hacked them. I'd rather not be here when they do. Let's go."

They almost made it to the valets when Lacie realized she didn't have her purse. Gasping, Lacie turned in circles, half panicked.

"What? What's wrong?" Master asked, worry in his voice.

"My purse! I left it on the table after Claire gave it back! I have to go back and get it!"

"It's just a purse, Lacie, leave it."

"NO! Please! It has my choker in it! I was going to ask you to put it back on me tonight. I can't leave without it. I'll be two minutes. Go get the car. I'll be right back." Lacie called out over her shoulder, dashing back inside the hotel.

Flitting between well dressed partygoers, Lacie dashed as fast as she could in her heels to her table. Her silver purse sat on top of the satin white tablecloth, only about thirty feet away. A hand, decorated with red lacquered fingernails, reached out and snatched it off the tabletop only moments before Lacie reached it. Looking up, Lacie's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Clarissa standing there, holding her purse in one hand. Clarissa smirked at her, beckoning Lacie to follow her with one finger. Shoring up her courage, Lacie stomped up to her enemy, glaring at the redhead as she held out her hand.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Give it back."

"Oh, tsk, such disobedience from a mere slavegirl. I can see I'll need to teach you some manners." Clarissa giggled.

"You don't get to teach me anything. Give it back, now." Lacie snarled.

"Oh, dear. You seem to be misunderstanding the situation. You see, we detected your first breach of our security months ago. We knew who it was from minute one. We know what's going on. We also thought he'd bring back my little screamer. I saw her holding this and thought I would take the opportunity to get my property back." Lacie's eyes widened in fear as she understood what was going on, what Clarissa had meant with her earlier statements. Lacie backed away, but after only one step her back smacked into something rock hard. Glancing up, Lacie saw four massive, muscled men in suits standing behind her, all glaring down at Lacie. Suddenly, Lacie felt very much alone.

"Oh well. I may not get my screamer back, but I'll settle for you." the other woman's tinkling feminine voice echoed in Lacie's ears. Lacie turned back, unable to contain the look of horror that grew on her face. Lacie sucked in a breath to scream, but before she could let it out, she felt Clarissa press something small and hard into her belly. Fire blossomed from her stomach, and Lacie's muscles seized, almost tossing her to the ground as crackling electricity coursed through her body. Big hands caught Lacie as she fell. Lacie twitched weakly as she felt the sharp pinch of a needle in her shoulder. Darkness closed over Lacie, and the last thing she heard was the childlike delight of Clarissa's laughter.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Just wanting an update

Hey Dancingwizard, you have spoiled me by havinibg a chapter a day pop up for so long, so I go look every day for more. But have you submitted chapter 14 to literotica yet? I know it takes seceral days for the editors there to post it back here if you have. I just want to know if it's in to them so I won't check four times a day to see if it apprears here.

On that note, if not, that's OK. Take your time. This is shaping up to be one exciting story, and this chapter should be very exciting. I can't wait! Thanks for a lovely imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Please post again soon :)

Gah who cares about there being a couple of gaps. The beauty of this story is that it's set in a fictional world way in the future-- the author can chose their own rules to play by. Get over it. I for one am desperate for the next chapter. I come back here every day to try and find it, so please please please!!! post it soon :) This story is progressing incredibly, and I'm so glad I decided to read it. There are a few minor gaps, but for the most part, I'm a HUGE fan :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
more please!!!!

Please post more, really want to know how this finishes!!!

LiazabethLiazabethabout 11 years ago
I like your story

But there seem to be a lot of gaps, such is why do girls need to buy their freedom and if they could buy it why doesn't master simply set them free instead of keeping them as his slaves? They could still stay in his house and pretend but if he is so against slavery why doesn't he do that? Also Lacie wanting master to collar her in public is rather strange as well - what difference would that have made to a bunch of sadist it's not like they believe she has a choice in the matter.

I actually like the story and is reading it as soon as it's posted but this have been bugging me since masters intentions became clear. Please also don't stretch the whole Lacie captured thing, if master really cared for her he wouldn't have been very far behind her too protect her. It sounded like she ran off without either having replied to her panicked run for her collar. Hope you will address some of the things all of the comments asked. O, yes I also want masters name because seriously having to address him as master is a tad annoying.

PS first language not english so excuse any bad grammar

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
i knew the shoe was going to drop, but..

I do agree he seems a little careless. Also there seems to be a mole in his house.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I have to agree with the previous comment

Why is he allowed to be jealous that Lacie danced with someone else, when all of the women living in his house (I can't remember all their names, there are so many!) seem to be quite content about him having 'special moments' with individuals amongst them as and when.

I'm not saying I hate this story, I keep reading every chapter, but it is something that I feel increasingly uncomfortable with

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Although i love the story i do think the girls are just to easy going about being slaves. Master should be fighting to end slavery not just make it better.

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 11 years ago

I got to agree with UpHillAll. Master knew it would be dangerous to stay there but he let Lacie go back for her purse. He should've forced her to leave without it.

UpHillAllUpHillAllabout 11 years ago

So even though master knew the danger he let Lacie go by herself to get her purse ?

During the party didn't anyone call master with his real name so Lacie could hear it and the rest of us too? you should fix that I think, cause it ruins the story when things don't make sence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
It's sad

So the point of your story isn't to stop slavery all together, but just to make masters feel less guilty owning girls, and girls being grateful for that. I have NO problem with that, but the girls apear so pathetically grateful in your story the way they drool over master and him seeming unefected by that, it's not even sexy and that's the sad part .

No voting. Kathy

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