Learning the Rules Ch. 07


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"Be careful Alexandra. Be very careful Alexandra. Your mouth may be writing checks your ass can't cash, as they say." He looks at her with a glint of humor, threat, and promise all rolled into one expression.

Alexandra has part of the answer she has been looking for since she met Jamison. She realizes that this is it.

This is it. This is the look he gives me that makes me want to do whatever he asks. This is the look that fogs my thought process, that blurs my vision, and that makes me lose my breath. It's the one that puts my stomach into a somersault. This is the voice he uses to get what he wants. This is the sultry, sexy, deep commanding voice that gets results from me. The one that stops me from thinking twice about what I should do. That triggers something in my mind and my body to do his bidding. This is it. Finally, I have a piece of the puzzle.

"So does that mean I will not get my answers?" She asks and bats her eye lashes as if she has no clue why he looks and sounds the way he does right now.

"You'll get your answers Alexandra. You will get them and so much more. You will just have to wait a little while. Remind me to ask Mr. Napalotano if he has any fresh ginger before we leave. If you continue with this behavior, I can always show you how to use the ginger root." He smiles as her face goes red. "Now, eat your steak before it gets cold."

The rest of their dinner passes smoothly. They enjoy their conversation and their food. As Jamison gets the attention of the waiter, he asks Alexandra what she would like for dessert. She only ate half of her steak because she wanted to save room for something off the homemade dessert list.

"Cannoli." She says without hesitation.

"Tomas, the lady will have the Cannoli and I will have the Lemon Ricotta cheese cake. Thank you. Tomas, I would like two fresh cups of coffee also and please take your time. We are in no hurry."

"Yes Sir." He nods as he leaves the table.

"Alexandra, I've decided you were right after all." She is confused by his statement.

"Well, I'm glad to know you think I was right about something. Now, I'm just confused as to what." She looks at him, waiting for him to fill in the blanks.

"You were right about the panty issue. I should have never asked you to wear damp panties out. I will rectify my error right now. Give them to me." He holds out his hand for her to place them in.

"What? Jamison, they're dry now. They're fine." Alexandra's voice quivers.

I know he is not going to accept that answer. He is playing with me, toying with me, and punishing me for being mouthy with him earlier. I shouldn't be punished for playing. Although he did tell me when we first met a time would quickly come when he wouldn't tolerate it so well. It can't be now, it's too soon. God, will I ever learn not to push this man's buttons. He likes to tease; he just doesn't do so well when the tables are turned.

"Alexandra, I want you to give me your panties." He smiles at her.

"I bet you do, but I don't want to give them to you." She smiles back at him.

"Alexandra, I mean it. You have exactly thirty seconds to get your panties off and place them in my hand. Do you understand? Just to make it a little more clearly for you, I mean here and now. In fact, time starts now." He places his hand flat open on the table.

"Jamison, but.." She stops speaking as she hears him whisper to her.

"One, two, three, four, I suggest you hurry. Five, six, seven, you really don't want to waste any more time Alexandra. You have no idea what I plan to do if those panties aren't in my hand before I reach thirty. Eight, nine, ten," he continues to count aloud for her.

Alexandra closes her eyes as she pulls the skirt of her dress up and places her fingers under the elastic side bands. She is so nervous her hands are shaking and all she can hear in her head is, "eleven, twelve, thirteen." She wants to kill him she is so mad at him right now.

She finally gets her panties down to her feet and they get caught on one of her heels. "Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two."

"Shit! They're caught on my heel." She looks to Jamison for sympathy.

He smiles as he continues, "twenty-three, twenty-four."

"Bastard!" She bends and reaches under the table pulling them off her heel and quickly bringing her hand up with them in it.

Just before Jamison says "thirty," Alexandra slams her panties into Jamison hand. Part of them is lying on the table. Tomas is just about to place the dessert dishes in front of them as Alexandra slams her panties down.

"I'm sorry Miss. I didn't mean to get in the way of ...your panties." He smiles as he places the dessert dishes a little further away from them then he normally would have. Then he just quietly turns and walks away as if nothing unusual occurred.

Jamison bursts into laughter. Impressed by Tomas's response and completely amused by the look on Alexandra's face. He quite expects her to haul off and hit him at any moment. So much so, that he slides away from her a little.

"You better pull away." She looks at him fuming.

"Oh, behave. Everything is fine. Even Tomas took it well. That will teach you to not challenge me. I told you the other day I like to have my way. You really need to learn to expect these things. Maybe even to realize that you want them. Maybe even enjoy how they make you feel." He says as if tempting her to deny what they have been doing excites her.

"Alexandra, I want to ask you a few things and I want you to answer me honestly. Don't think about it, just answer honestly. If I think you are lying or if you start to think about your answer and rehearse it in your head before answering, I'm going to put you over my knee and spank you right here. Understood?"

"I hate you." She says as she bites her cheek.

"No you don't. Don't say that. I don't like it." He gives her an admonishing look.

He takes her panties and puts them in his jacket pocket and then takes hold of her hand. He looks into her face as he prepares to ask her questions.

"Yes I do, I mean it." She tries to pull her hand away.

"No you don't. Now, I don't want to hear that again. The next time you say that, even in jest, I'm going to bend your pretty ass over my knee and spank you till you're so red I can use you as a Christmas decoration. Now be honest, how do you feel right now? Don't think about it just tell me."

"I'm mad at you. I'm mad. Scared that not only the waiter saw what we were doing but that someone else could have seen me. Mostly I'm mad and angry at you though." She is still giving him the evil eye, but it's less intense than it was earlier.

"You don't feel nervous or edgy?" He asks, knowing she does.

"Yes some." Alexandra takes a deep breath and tries to remove her hand from his but he holds it tight.

"You don't feel even the least bit excited by what you just did?"

"Yes. Maybe a little." She can't lie, she knows she feels excited. She just doesn't want him to know.

"You don't feel fucking sexy and turned on right now?"

"You're out of control Jamison. I don't want to answer any more questions." She pulls on her hand again.

She tries to turn away from this look he is giving her as if he can read not only her mind, but her soul. He is so intense, it makes her nervous. He holds her chin and forces her to look at him.

"You make me that way Alexandra. I've never been out of control in my life. Yet, when I'm with you, I want to do things and I know I can't right now. So, yes, you make me a little out of control, but this isn't it. You will recognize it when I lose control. There will be no doubt in your mind when that happens. Now answer my question."

"Yes." Her voice is barely heard in her own head, let alone aloud. Alexandra feels her body respond to what he just said.

Oh no! Not now! Don't betray me now. No, you can't do this to me now. Don't give in to him. I hear what you're saying. I can feel all of the signs you are sending out to me that I want this man. This demanding, all consuming, egotistical, megalomaniac of a man, is the man I want? Are we sure? Should we think about it a little longer? Damn it! I know, I know, there is no reason to delay. I'm completely sure that I want this man, no matter what. If it doesn't work out in the end, at least I tried. There is no reason to wait. I've decided to tell him tonight.

"Yes what?" Jamison looks at her. Her facial expression has changed. She still looks angry, but she looks softer. He looks closely into her eyes. They're clear and her pupils are dilated. She looks much more focused. What is she thinking in that pretty mind of hers?

"Yes, I feel sexy and turned on. Are you happy now?" Her voice is strong.

She is no longer nervous or unsure. Now that she knows what she wants and what she is going to do. She will just have to take the bull by the horns. She laughs to herself. In this case it won't be the bull by the horns, but instead the Dom by the whip. Alexandra now knows how she feels and what she wants. She just has to inform Jamison of it. This should be good.

"Yes. I am happy now. I'm even happier knowing I can reach up your skirt and touch you any time I want." He smiles.



"Jamison. I want to be serious for a moment."

"I was being serious baby. I was being serious the whole time. Never doubt that."

"After we finish our dessert, I would like to tell you something. It's something important and I don't want you to interrupt me while I tell you. Will you promise me that?" She looks into his eyes as she tries to read him.

"I promise I won't interrupt you, but there is no reason to wait until after dessert. I think I just lost my appetite." He considers the fact that he may have pushed too hard. Maybe she wants out.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you now. I can wait."

"No. Here and now, just like I said earlier." He smiles at her but it's not his normal handsome teasing smile.

"I don't want to wait until Friday to give you my decision about us, about what I want. I can tell you right now. I know I don't have all the facts or all of the information you want me to have before I make my decision. I don't know that it would make a difference to me even if I did. I have to base my decision on what I think in my head and what I feel in my gut. I have to go by what I feel in my heart and in my soul."

Alexandra pauses as she looks at Jamison. This time she moves closer to him. She is the one that holds his chin. She leans in as she quietly continues to speak to him. Now she holds his gaze as she stares into his dark brown eyes. She is barely a few inches from his face. She is close enough that she can feel the air escape from him as he exhales.

"Jamison, I'm sorry but I don't need to have all of the homework done to know what I want. I already know. I want you. I want to be with you. I want to learn about you, with you. I want you and all that entails. Everything else, I can learn as we go. I can learn from you. I'll still read the books and do everything else we talked about. I just don't see any reason in waiting until Friday to start our relationship together. I know what I want and I want you. I hope you still want me."

There are tears in Alexandra's eyes as she waits for his response.

Oh God! He's not moving. He's not speaking. He's just staring at me. Oh God! He has changed his mind. He doesn't want to be with me. He doesn't want to teach me.

Jamison leans toward her closing off those last few inches between them and he kisses her. He brings his hand up to the back of her head and wraps his fist in her pony tail. He's been dying to do that all night. He pulls her hair causing her head to pull back from his kiss.

"I want that too, Alexandra. I can't tell you how much I want that. I want that and so much more."

"I'll tell you what else I want Jamison. I want you to kiss me. I want you to kiss so hard that I will never forget this moment. I want you to kiss me like you have never kissed another woman before. I want this kiss to be ours and only ours. Can you do that for me? If only this one time can you kiss me like that?" Her voice and eyes are full of meaning, full of promise, full of something undefined.

"I can Alexandra. I can and I will." He practically growls his words at her.

In that moment there is a change in the energy between them. It isn't just a physical energy exchange. It is also an emotional energy exchange. In that moment something passes between them, connecting them. If it carried light, they would see arches connecting them body, mind, and soul. They feel it. They just don't have a name for it or a clear understanding of it. They are just aware it is and that is enough for now.

Jamison grasps tightly on her pony tail and pulls her toward him. He pulls her so firmly her face comes hard into his. He holds her there as he kisses her hard, then even harder. His pent up want and need for her come out through that kiss. His lips are brutal. He is holding nothing back, his tongue enters her mouth and demands control, demands her response. He is hungry for her and this is how he shows her. This is how he communicates best. This is what he wanted since they met.

He quickly slows the kiss her words come rushing back to him. "I want you to kiss me like you have never kissed a woman before. I want this kiss to be ours and only ours." That's what she asked him for and he promised her he would do that for her. That's not what his first kiss did, that's not what she asked or he promised.

This kiss will be his promise kiss. He gentles his grip on her hair. He lets go of her pony tail and slowly strokes the back of her neck. He holds the base of her skull as he pulls her mouth back to his. This time much more carefully, more gently. He licks his lips before touching hers. They are warm and wet and they glide over her mouth. Slowly he traces the indention of her mouth. He doesn't force his tongue into her mouth this time. He isn't demanding.

This time he waits for Alexandra to respond to him. This time he waits until she invites him in by parting her lips to him. She does. Gently his tongue slides between them. Softly his tongue caresses hers. His breath enters her mouth as he sighs at the feelings that just ran through his body. Alexandra feels the change in him. She feels all of the tenderness and kindness he hides from others but she knows is there. He just cloaks it behind those black eyes and commanding statements.

Alexandra knows it is there, she also knows he needs more. He needs different. He needs to be in control. It is part of his nature. It is a large part of who he is and she will give it to him willingly. She will give it just as he asked of her earlier this afternoon. She remembers his exact words, "Alexandra the quote is 'ready, willing, and able.' I do hope you are willing Alexandra. You really have to be willing."

Willing, she thought, I will give him willing. Alexandra places her one hand on his cheek and the other behind his neck. She pulls his face down on hers as hard as she can and she deepens his kiss. She pushes her tongue against his until he returns her pressure. His breathing increases as he takes control of the kiss back from her. He realizes what she is saying to him. He understands what she is offering him. And he takes what she was giving him.

Jamison's kiss becomes feral, animalistic, and wild. He takes control of her mouth and her body as he pulls her up against him. He is savage in his demands on her mouth and his need to touch her becomes uncontrollable. He unleashes his need as his hand quickly slides up her dress and between her legs. Alexandra doesn't hesitate one second. She opens to him and his need. He plunges his fingers into her hard and fast. She moans but offers no resistance.

Alexandra is warm and wet. She is ready for him and she needs him. She needs this. She wants and needs him to take her, to take control. She moves her body slightly forward and angles her body toward him to give him better access to her. He pulls his fingers back and plunges them into her again and again until she moans into his mouth. A dozen times he repeats this until she pulls away from his mouth and buries her head into the curve of his neck.

"Jamison." She cries quietly against his warm neck. "I need you."

He pulls her closer to him with one arm as he continues to stroke inside of her. "Bite my shoulder Alexandra. When you need to come and cry out, just bite my shoulder. I can't stop now. I need this from you."

"Don't stop. Please don't stop. I need this from you." She cries into his neck.

Her head is swimming. He body pulsates with desire and need. She can feel the waves start to flood her system as she is pulled into them.

"I need to Jamison. I need to." She cries softly into his neck.

"Bite me Alexandra. Bite into me. Do it. Do it now. Alexandra." His voice is deep and ragged.

As Alexandra comes, she bites into his shoulder. Her body shudders as her orgasm washes through her. Jamison holds her close to him as she comes and he feels every twitch of her body. He doesn't even flinch from the pain of her bite. He takes it and converts his pain into pure pleasure. A pleasure only Alexandra gives him. A pleasure he has never felt before.

As Alexandra calms next to him, he removes his hand from between her legs. He reaches up and takes a clean dessert napkin from the table. He gently cleans and dries between her legs before shoving the small napkin into his jean pocket. A little memento of the night that he is sure Mr. Napolitano won't mind if he keeps.

"Alexandra, do you think you're ready to leave?" He is still holding her against his shoulder.

"Yes. I'm ready." She whispers as she takes a few deep breaths.

"Do you need anything?" He straightens the skirt of her dress for her and pushes back a few hairs that have fallen out of her pony tail.


"What do you need baby?" He looks a little concerned.

"I need a to-go box for my cannoli and that cheese cake." She gives him a wickedly sexy smile. "I have a feeling I'm going to need the sugar for later." She looks up at him with her brow raised in question and hope.

"Tomas, the check and one to-go box for the lady please." He laughs and pulls her closer as he leans down to kiss her mouth.

"Alexandra, you should know you're going to be coming home with me tonight." His voice is deep and his eyes are practically black as he nips the side of her neck.

"You're damn right I am, but that doesn't mean I'm sharing my desserts with you."

"Yes it does!" He growls.

"Ok, but just one. Which one do you really want, the cannoli or the cheese cake?" She looks at the dessert plate.

"Alexandra, that's not the dessert I'm talking about. Trust me I have my own dessert in mind and you will be sharing it with me. I may even have seconds." He looks into her eyes then leans in to whisper, "possibly thirds."



To be continued...

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vodiodo69vodiodo69about 1 year ago

Better and better! I’m enjoying myself immensely. I know I’m years behind its start, but it still does the trick! Keeps me wet and warm. I want more. Chrissy

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ugh, still in two minds over this

A lot of it is very sexy, erotic and right.

But...a lot of it isn’t, the heated conversation over the bites and bruises. So he can tell her he sees it as sexy and shows how much he desires her. In the heat of the moment all of that is true but afterwards it does look awful, she felt like she looked whorish and trashy that feeling isn’t so easy to dispel, that’s human nature.

Humiliating her at a business dinner is crossing too many boundaries, he either respects her as a person or he doesn’t.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
To "Anonymous--Enjoyable but ....

Thank you for stating so clearly some of my concerns. Except for the brief discussion of the hard limits on the alphabetically arranged BDSM activites list, there has been no discussion of her limits. He orders, she questions, and he threatens. That is his pattern, over and over again. One thing I don't understand about him (and most other story doms) is if he loves her wit, intelligence, and 'sauciness" so much, why is he attempting to beat it out of her? Alex said it well with her thought that he loves to tease but not being teased. I always feel the dom is training a robot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Hopefully the buffet will be serving all night.

Somehow I knew that Friday was too far off in the distance and even though they are leaving the restaurant, the best part of dinner has not yet been served. Looking forward to the next chapter.

xx Matt

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Enjoyable but needs editing....

I am enjoying following along with the story, but I hope as you continue to write you will think about working with editors or beta readers. I have a hard time picturing their conversations because they use each other's names so often that the end result feels rather forced. Sometimes they use the name twice in one sentence, or to begin/end multiple consecutive sentences.

I am also a little mixed up on the trajectory of their relationship. I understand that they felt an instant connection/attraction. That's cool, I get that. Then they do a lot of talking and he wants her to think about hard limits, etc. I get that. But now he's taken her out in public in what was originally presented as a business meeting, and done some very public naughty things. How would he know that these activities aren't hard limits for her? I don't see why he would go to the trouble of educating her (the 'homework') just to rush ahead with activities she might not consent to? To me, it makes him seem a little arbitrary and unpredictable. How will Alex know when she is is his architect and when she is his sub? How can she trust him to keep her safe if he introduces the idea of limits, but engages in activities that might not be within her limits?

I will definitely keep reading and applaud your efforts, just wanted to throw out some things to think about as you keep writing.

FA_JFFA_JFover 9 years ago

Damn. I really really really want to just love this. Your writing abilities are definitely strong and your grasp of building an actual relationship is strong. I just still find Alexandra and Jamison a bit overwrought. :-/. I wanna tell them to have a drink or two, a valium, or forget the kink and just fuck each other into exhaustion already.

Is the Ashley is in trouble thing settled now? While 'outing' someone is significant, it is not as if she sat around the salon gabbing about him to everyone getting a mani pedi. She was rightfully concerned about a very close friend who could have been hurt going into something she new nothing about. There is a lack of balance there. Would the domly doms not want her to protect this precious friend? And WTF about the guys' manipulations? That doesn't count because they are the domly doms? >:-[

Whining done. Strong writing and a strong story. Head and shoulders above the glut of noncon and torture porn masquerading as bdsm lately.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Love this series!

This is a fabulous series. I began reading it when it first showed up. I hope there are more stories coming. It would be a shame to stop here!

NthusiasticallyNthusiasticallyover 9 years ago
BDSM . . .

the way it's supposed to be! Too many wanna-be-doms don't understand that the relationship is all about building trust. Please continue LTR; this is the best series in the BDSM category.

Apple_of_EdenApple_of_Edenover 9 years agoAuthor
Thank you from Apple!

Thank you each for reading, enjoying, and commenting on my story. I enjoy the reader's feedback more than you know. I take the good and the bad to heart. Anonymous "Stunning", I'm glad you found it so!

"georgeblack": I'm happy you liked the character's play and interactions with each other and found them to be realistic and thrilling. I hope you continue to follow the story. There will be more of both.

Anonymous "Thrilling": Thank you Sexy! Glad you enjoyed the read.

"joyryds": Love your lit name. Yes...there will be more coming. I just started Chapter Eight. It was delayed while I completed Part 2 of my story, "My Man, My Marine and My Lover!..which FYI is a great story and can be found in the "Erotic Couples" section. I hope you give it a read.

Once again, thank you all for your support and comments! Love, Apple *

joyrydsjoyrydsover 9 years ago
I love this story, please continue.

Are any new chapters coming?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I love it, the atmosphere, the characters. Its so sexy, well done. Please don't stop x.

georgeblackgeorgeblackover 9 years ago
great series

This is a thrilling novella from an up-and-coming author. The interplay between the characters is both realistic and thrilling. A little long to read online so if you have the ability, print it out and enjoy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Stunning series

Very hot and sexy...

nzf3254pnzf3254pover 9 years ago
Well Done

Love the power exchange and how he subtly tames her

Apple_of_EdenApple_of_Edenover 9 years agoAuthor
Thank You! Love your Comments, Apple

Karli101: Glad you liked it and it made you smile. I consider that a success!

poeticlicense: My Philly friend, thanks for the feedback. Keep reading. I have to say, I'm not a big fan of crepe's, so no Beau Monde. How about margaritas at Nola's?

Anonymous(s): "Whew! and More soon!": I think that means you enjoyed it. Thank you. Anonymous "Great Story": Do your homework! Read Ch1 through Ch6, or your punishment will be no Chapter 8 for you!

Masterfuljim: Thank you "Secksy"! I love that and would use it in a story, but I would get a ton of text telling me I misspelled it! I have often read your comments on other author's sites. We appear to share some similar likes in reading materials. I consider your commenting on my story as an "honor" since I highly enjoy and respect the talents of the other author's and stories you have commented on in history. Thank You!

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