Mature Man & Maiden Maureen Ch. 09


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I almost overstepped the boundaries by saying that I hoped we could continue having a threesome. At the last second, I thought better of saying that because I didn't want to ruin what I had with Maureen. I didn't want Maureen to feel that she wasn't good enough for me or not enough for me. I didn't want her to think that I needed Colleen in my life, too.

I figured what happened last night was a fluke, a sexual miracle, and a once in a lifetime kind of thing. Admittedly, Maureen and I were a little drunk and Colleen was feeling a little beat up, literally, and figuratively. We all came together at the right time, and in the right place. As if I had won the lottery with last night's sexual fireworks, lightning never strikes twice. Right? Or does it?

I couldn't help but stare at Colleen. The apron she wore couldn't conceal her enormous boobs and they peeked out the sides every time she moved. Seeing the sides of her big tits peeking out, while watching her nipples play peek-a-boo was starting to give me an erection. Every time she moved, I could see part of her areola and nipple. Her nipples were so big and erect that I just wanted to finger them while sucking them.

'How hot is that,' I thought? 'She's so frigging sexy.'

Seeing her wearing that apron made me want to call pizza delivery and have her answer the front door dressed only in that apron. I had an erection just thinking about the look on the guy's face, when Colleen opened the front door nearly topless. I imagined the guy's look on his face, if both Colleen and Maureen opened the front door while only wearing their aprons.

'Now, that's hot,' I thought. 'She looked hot wearing just an apron, they both did.'

# # #

"Did you girls have a good time?" I winked. "Did I satisfy your every sexual urge? Did I make you want more?"

They looked at one another while giggling.

"We had a wonderful time with you, Mark. You're a generous lover. Yes, Mark, we want more," said Maureen laughing. "If you're up to it, we want to have threesome sex again."

Colleen laughed, too.

"A wild man is more like it," said Colleen making Maureen laugh with her. "Where did you get the energy?"

Maureen looked at me with love.

"Yet, I hope that you know that it's more than sex."

Maureen suddenly became serious.

"The reason why I'm so attracted to you is because you're not like the young fools my age, who only want to be with a woman to get laid or to get a blowjob. None of the guys my age are ready to commit, but you are."

Colleen nodded her head as if she understood her friend's meaning.

"Yeah, it's totally different with you," chimed in Colleen. "You're a real man, a manly man, and a man's man. You're mature, funny, wise, and stable. And, ala Archie Bunker, you don't wear white socks like my father does," she said with a laugh.

# # #

Maureen looked at me with seriousness again.

"Well," interrupted Maureen looking at Colleen and then back at me. "I wanted to know...and you don't have to answer right now, you can think about it. No pressure and no rush."

She paused while a hesitant and serious look came over her face as if she was rethinking what she was about to ask me.

"Maureen, please, you can ask me anything. I love you," I said.

Shit. I couldn't believe that I had just said that. I just told Maureen that I love her again. That was the second time that I said that. It just came out. I was just as surprised in verbalizing that as was she.

'Oh, my God. Now what,' I thought?

Even though she said that she loved me, what if she doesn't love me? What if she only said that because I said that. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me? How could I be so stupid? I just ruined our beautiful relationship. Now, she'll think me a stalker.

A startled look flashed across Maureen's face for an instant and then she blushed. She suddenly looked so sweet and vulnerable that I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her. I knew now that I really did love her. I was glad that I had said what I had said, even if I did blurt it out instead of saying it at a romantic time, when we were alone.

There was no taking that back. It's out there now. Besides, I don't want to take it back. I love her. I really do. I love Maureen and I want her to know that I love her.

She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips again. This time, it was a tender kiss, a kiss without tongues, but a meaningful kiss. Then, she hugged me and whispered in my ear.

"I love you, too. I love you, Mark."

# # #

I held her for what seemed like an hour, but it was only a minute. Holding Maureen is my favorite thing to do. My fountain of youth, I could hold her forever. Holding her made me feel younger.

"So, speak your mind, ask me whatever it is that you want to ask me," I asked as we broke off our hug?

She looked at me and smiled, before looking at Colleen and taking her hand again, as if I was the preacher and they were a lesbian couple getting married.

"Can Colleen live with us?"

# # #

I was feeling warm savoring the thought that I just told Maureen that I loved her and that she just told me that she loved me, too. Nothing could be wrong now. I know I told her to speak her mind, but I never expected her to ask me, if Colleen could live with us.

After living alone, when my previous girlfriend left, I had adjusted to being alone and was just getting accustomed to having Maureen in my life. I was comfortable having her live in my house with her dog. Now, she asked if her bi-sexual girlfriend could move in with us, too.

'Oh, boy,' I thought.

No doubt, because I made her feel so comfortable about asking me anything and telling me everything, she just blurted out the question without thinking about it. Otherwise, she would have waited, until the right moment, when her mouth was around my cock and we were alone. I was just as surprised seeing Maureen having sex with Colleen, as I was when she asked me if Colleen can live with us. No, actually, I was still even more surprised, when Maureen stripped Colleen naked in front of me. Now, that was as shocking as it was sexually exciting.

I mean, it was something that she should have asked me privately. That was something that we needed to talk about. That was something that I needed to think about. Now, that I think about it, it really could be wonderful to have Colleen here. What am I nuts? What is to think about?

'Of course, she can live with us but only if she sleeps with us in the same bed while naked,' I thought.

Any guy would jump at the chance of having not only one, gorgeous woman, but two, gorgeous women living with them and sleeping naked in the same bed. Yet, I was concerned. I was afraid of that infamous, sexual triangle. I didn't want unforeseen complications developing that may ruin my relationship with Maureen, the love of my life.

# # #

Both of their faces dropped when I looked from Maureen to Colleen and back again to Maureen. I think they thought that I'd have jumped at the chance to continue our sexual orgy of a threesome relationship but, in the back of my mind, I was fearful of losing Maureen to her best friend. More concerned about maintaining my love relationship with Maureen than having sex with Colleen, I love Maureen and I didn't want to lose her.

Even though I looked forward to having a steady diet of threesome sex, I thought this was too early in our relationship to involve a third person. I was just getting to know Maureen and now Colleen's personality would change everything. Only, having Colleen here was a good way for me to know Maureen better.

Maybe a 25-year-old, testosterone, filled guy would have jumped at living with Maureen and Colleen, but I was fearful and cautious. I didn't want Colleen to serve as a wedge or a love interest between Maureen and me. I wanted Maureen all to myself and watching Colleen pleasure Maureen gave me a pang of jealousy because there was no way that I could compete with a woman loving another woman.

There was just no way that I could sexually satisfy Maureen in the way that Colleen could sexually satisfy her. Then again, there was no way that Colleen could sexually satisfy Maureen, a heterosexual woman, in the way that I, a horny man, could sexually satisfy her. Maureen loved my big, hard cock and Colleen didn't have a stiff prick to stick in her pussy.

# # #

"You put me on the spot," I said to Maureen taking her hands in mine. "I want what we have to work, our relationship, you, and I. I want us to be a couple."

Then, I looked at Colleen.

"Colleen, I more than like you. What happened between us last night was magical and had brought me closer to you than I could ever imagine as a friend and as a lover. Yet, I don't want what we experienced last night, as a threesome, interfering in the relationship that I have with Maureen. I love Maureen."

I looked at Maureen.

"I love you, Maureen."

Maureen leaned to me and kissed me.

"Mark, I love you, too, and I understand, only, we thought that..."

Maureen tried to explain and I interrupted her.

# # #

"Wait. Hold on. I didn't say no. I just want to set some ground rules, so that we all understand."

Colleen and Maureen held hands. They knew now by my tone and by my mannerisms that I'd allow Colleen to live with us.

"It's apparent to me that you're important to Maureen," I said making eye contact with Colleen. "And you, obviously, make Maureen happy providing her with things that I'm unable to give her."

They kissed, hugged one another, and then giggled like little college coeds excited at the thoughts of having a party.

"Yes, you can live with us and I'd love to further explore the sexuality of having a threesome again. Only, I want you, Colleen, to understand that, although I totally enjoyed last night and although I like you and would love to experience having sex with you again and again, I love Maureen. The relationship that I have with Maureen is more than the relationship that I want with you," I said.

Colleen nodded her head to let me know that she understood.

"Mark, speaking for Maureen, we completely understand. I'd never do anything to come between you and Maureen. I'll never undermine your relationship, or lessen the love that you have for her."

She looked at Maureen and then looked back to me.

"It's just sex."

Again, they laughed like college girls.

# # #

If only I was 25-years-old, maybe I would understand their carefree attitude about it just being sex, but where I'm at in my life, it's harder to separate sex from my feelings of love. Suddenly, they made me feel old. Difficult to detach my emotions of love from sex, it was more than just sex to me.

To be honest, I was beginning to fall for Colleen, too. I wondered if I could love two women at the same time. Clearly, I could see this becoming a dream arrangement or a triangular nightmare.

"Oh, my God!"

Maureen and Colleen hugged one another while bouncing up and down on the bed.

"We can all live together," said Maureen. "We can all live together."

Colleen laughed.

"This will just be like our college days," said Colleen.

'Oh, God, what did I agree to,' I thought?

"God help me," I said with a laugh while anointing myself.

I looked at the women and they laughed.

"God help me," I said again while blessing myself again.

# # #

"Don't worry, Mark," said Colleen. "We'll take care of you like you're a king."

Maureen laughed, too.

"You'll not only will have a hot meal every night, but you will always have hot sex from one or the other or both of us," said Maureen laughing.

Colleen stood up from the bed.

"C'mon, breakfast is getting cold," said Colleen.

Maureen laughed.

"Here's your apron," said Maureen tying it around my neck as I stood. "This will cover your man tool."

The both roared laughing when the apron was too short and didn't cover my erect, naked cock.

"Oops. We need a longer apron. I guess we need to tie this at your waist instead of around your neck," said Maureen laughing.

We gorged ourselves on pancakes and bacon. When we finished the last of the coffee, it was early afternoon.

# # #

"I need to shower," said Maureen.

Maureen looked at Colleen.

"Me too," echoed Colleen.

I looked from Maureen to look at Colleen.

"You know, the shower in the master bedroom is big enough to fit the three of us. I have shower heads on both sides of the shower wall with a rain shower head in the middle. I've never showered with anyone before, but have always wanted to do that," I said.

Colleen laughed.

"You haven't," asked Colleen. "Well, you are in for a treat."

With that, we all headed upstairs, removed our aprons, got in the shower, and turned on the water. Immediately, Maureen and I started fooling around touching one another and kissing. The pulsating water felt good and I felt like I was standing beneath a waterfall.

Maureen surprised me when she kneeled down in front of me on the shower floor and sucked my cock to an erection. Then, she stood against the wall and inserted my cock in her already moist pussy. We fucked like that for a few minutes, before I felt Colleen licking my ass. Colleen was on her knees behind me licking my ass. She was tossing my salad while I was fucking Maureen.

'Oh, my God! What a woman? What an incredible sexual woman,' I thought about Colleen sticking her tongue deep in my ass.

I've only had that done once before, but never when I was fucking another woman. The feeling of her tongue and finger up my ass, as I fucked Maureen was unbelievable and I shot my load within a couple of minutes. Maureen was obviously still horny but Colleen took care of that by going down on her right there in the shower. Almost immediately, she had an orgasm.

Maureen reciprocated going down on her knees and licking Colleen's pussy. Now, if this was a preview of what I could expect living with two, hot and horny women, then I'm thrilled that I agreed to this living arrangement. The three of us sharing a bed together while and participating in threesome sex is every man's dream. The fact that I'd be having sex with two women half my age was an unbelievable bonus.

Only, in hindsight, knowing what I know now and didn't know then, had I known what would happen with this threesome, sexual arrangement, had I given it more thought with my head, instead of my penis, I may have said no.

To be continued...

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