Mermaid's Lure Ch. 04


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She heard them advanced into the room and looked up, pleading with her eyes to release her. Gilroy ignored it. He circled her, rubbing his stubble with a finger while he considered the woman. He took in the woman's flawless porcelain skin and remarkable face. Most importantly, he saw her bountiful breasts, small waist and her bubbly ass. He reached out and pinched the flesh, found her soft to touch. The woman squealed.

"Beautiful, isnt't she? Perfect for the prince," Emil gushed.

Gilroy got it instantly. No wonder Emil was excited. The prince was turning twenty-one soon and he would soon be married. However, before the wedding, the king wanted the prince to have his first sex slave so he could practice his sexual prowess before going to his wife. In their country, men weren't considered an adult until they turned twenty-one and had their first sexual experience. Of course, no one followed that rule strictly. Most men were sexually active when they were able to produce semen. The prince had bedded many maids and ladies of the court, but none of them counted, not really. The sex slave would be the first. It was tradition. It was a rite of passage.

He couldn't deny the beginnings of exhilaration pumping through his veins at this find. He had been searching for a suitable candidate for two years but could never find anyone he thought suitable. Beauty wasn't the only quality, for there were plenty of beautiful women in the palace and in the court. He wanted one who would rouse a man's desire to dominate, to possess, to fuck.

This woman appeared to be exactly what he was looking for. However, he had to made sure.

"If she's to be the prince's sex slave, she'll have to be a virgin," Gilroy said.

Captain Gerald was quick to answer. "She is. You can check if you like."

"Oh? She's been on your ship and she's untouched?" He was surprised.

The captain chuckled. "It was difficult but we managed. The promise of gold coins helped. We didn't take her pussy or ass. Her hymen still remains." Another chuckle. "We did fuck her mouth a lot though. She's become a pretty good cocksucker. And we made sure we kept her aroused. She'd fuck a horse now if you tell her it's the only cock she gets."

Emil laughed at the captain's joke. Gilroy smiled, appreciating the extra effort the captain and his crew went.

"And her papers?" Gilroy went on.

Emil stepped forward. "Well, that's the thing. You'll have to forge her papers. The captain found her in the ocean. She had nothing on her, literally. And she doesn't speak our language so we can't find where she's from."

"That's a problem," Gilroy remarked.

"And that's why we need your help," Emil said, licking his lips before settling into an appeasing smile.

The lack of papers wasn't a problem for Gilroy. Sure, all those who had sold themselves into slavery would be required to have proper documentation of where they come from, a detailed list of family history to ensure there were no inherited diseases, so their masters or mistresses would get their money worth out of them. Slaves were also required to complete a physical check to ensure they were at the peak of their health, and the requirements for sex slaves were even more stringent. Any body mark or scar would render them unsuitable. Virgins usually gather a higher price but wasn't common. Lastly, the papers also included a documentation on the list of owners each slave had, just in case there were any problems with them after a transference of property. Slaves without documentations were sold to less proper establishments such as specialized whorehouses where their clients could do anything with the whores so long as they paid enough coins.

All these would present a slight problem for the other slave owners but not for Gilroy. His responsibilities as the official palace slaver ensured that his paperwork would always be perfect, not that anyone would check. Even if they did, it was easy enough to settle. He kept a few prettier slaves on hand simply for these occasions. A tight pussy and a hot mouth around one's cock made it easy to overlook any problems.

"She doesn't understand us?" Gilroy frowned in contemplation.

"Well. I've taught her a few words that should be very helpful for her. She's also been learning her manners. She can beg very beautifully," Captain Gerald offered.

"Good then. If she passes the medical check-up, I'll bring her back with me," Gilroy decided. Like he said, it was simply a good chance to pass up.

"I've sent word to the Doctor Isen. He'll be here shortly," Emil informed.

Doctor Isen creeped Gilroy out. He was renowned for his medical knowledge, but Gilroy knew how the good doctor had attained the knowledge. Doctor Isen used slaves liberally in his experiments, testing poisons on them and dissecting them when they were dead. However, he was respected in the kingdom and a healthy profile from him was necessary for palace slaves. Gilroy didn't want to be accused of purchasing defective slaves for the palace.

Adeline struggled when two huge men came forward to undo the chains which held her down. She had been feeling quite ill since the captain brought her off the ship. Her body felt heavy and slow, like the cumbersome bulk of a whale. She had learned to put one foot in front of another, her legs gaining strength as she grew adapted to the loss of weightlessness when one was in the water. Not that she had much time to practice, since she was hauled and dragged from one place to another. She barely had a chance to revere in the busyness at the dock than she was pushed into a vehicle pulled by a four-legged animal -- a donkey, the merman had described to her once -- and driven to this building. The captain showed her to a man, who peered at her closely. Then came a flurry of activities. The man signaled to two men who brought her to a room where they stripped her of her shirt and proceeded to bind her with steel chains.

And now they were releasing her. Were they going to let her go? Adeline had had quite enough of being held against her will by males who thought they could use her body for their sexual gratification, manipulating her responses to their enjoyment.

She hissed when the guards set her down on a strange equipment, the metal cold against her bare ass. Her arms were restrained once more, tied up over her head and her legs bound separately to two footrests which would force her to keep her legs spread at all times. Her eyes began to water again. She had to keep her lips closed so she wouldn't cry. She felt ashamed of how she was being put on display in front of these strange men, all of whom appeared to have a fascination for her body. They were staring at the private place between her legs, and she couldn't stop them. She was helpless against their wills.

Yet, a trickle of wetness flowed from her pussy down to her perineum to her ass. The men chattered excitedly, pointing it out. She blushed, tried to squeeze her legs together, couldn't, and got wetter. The obese man came forward, his hand reaching out. He was going to touch her, wasn't he? She shut her eyes, waiting, waiting for him to touch her.

It never came. The sudden appearance of a man at the doorway distracted them. Adeline opened her eyes when she heard the men talking, saw the newcomer. Her fingers curled up into fists when she saw him. The newcomer was short, shorter than her. He walked hunched, as though he had spent most of his time stooped over something. He was also very thin, his skin a wrinkled cover for his wiry frame. He had a long nose and cold dead eyes. Like the eyes of a shark, Adeline thought. His hair was black, but she sensed he was older than his appearance. He was carrying a large black leather satchel. This man instinctively made her frighten. She had no idea why he was here, but she knew she wanted him gone.

"You interrupted me in the middle of my experiment, Emil," Doctor Isen told the proprietor of the slave auction house. His tone was bland. It wasn't a complaint. It was an observation.

Emil didn't shake hands with the doctor, for the doctor didn't like wasting time in civilities. It was just as well, because the notion of touching the doctor's hands was unnerving to him. Emil had known what the doctor did with those hands, even supplied him some of the more unruly slaves. He never once questioned where the slaves went or what happened to them. He decided it was more felicitous that he knew nothing about it.

"You'll be well compensated, doctor," Emil said hurriedly. "We have a slave for you to examine. It's for the prince."

Doctor Isen looked at the woman. He had noticed her when he entered the room. He considered his observational skills excellent. The woman was very beautiful, but he wasn't one to appreciate such physical beauty. No, he preferences lay in other areas. Such as discovering just how wide a woman's pussy could stretch before it tore, and how much further until she died. He had discovered the most effective way of impregnating a woman without copulation and just how much milk their breasts could produce daily. In men, he had made discoveries which would made significant impact on human science.

"I have enough money, Emil," Doctor Isen said. It wasn't true, of course. But he had other means to get money from. Emil had other things he wanted. He needed more warm bodies for his current experiment. He had a feeling he was close to something important.

Emil pursed his lips. "I can give you three slaves for your inconvenience. No more."

The doctor smiled. That was what he wanted. He looked over at Gilroy.

"You will be paid at your usual rate," Gilroy stated in annoyance. The doctor wouldn't be getting a single extra coin from him.

Doctor Isen shrugged. He might be arrogant but even he knew not to go against Gilroy, for the latter was in the king's favor.

"Very well." He rubbed his hands together as he walked over to the bound woman. "Let's begin."

When the cold hands touched her face, Adeline shivered. He held her head still with one hand on her forehead, surprisingly strong for a man of small stature. His other hand tugged at her eyelids, checked her eyes and nose. He murmured things and nodded, moving on to her mouth. He did a visual examination of all her teeth, put one of his skeletal fingers into her mouth and pushed in deep until she gagged, then waggled it around. Her protests were garbled. Her body tensed. Her stomach retched. She wasn't able to bite down because he made sure she couldn't clamp her jaw shut. When he finally removed his digit, he was tsking in approval. She couldn't tell what exactly he was pleased with but the other men nodded as well. Then the man turned around, opened his satchel and took out a silvery long stick-like equipment. She was helpless as the man stuck it into her mouth, her saliva easing the way. With just a little effort, the stick was able to go further than his digit had been. Adeline choked, her throat clamping around the invader, trying to expel it. It felt worse than being forced to suck on all the crewmates' cocks for days. When the man looked down on her, she had a feeling he could perform all kinds of agonies on her without a pang.

Gilroy cleared his throat, watching the doctor torment the girl. "Doctor Isen, let me remind you this girl is a candidate for the prince's first slave? It'd be good if she is healthy and whole by the end of the examination."

Doctor Isen didn't admit he got carried away. He took his time removing the prod from the girl's mouth, saliva coating the length. "Very well." In his mind, he recalled how he had stuck long prods into the mouths of women for hours on end, watching them take on increasingly long rods in their oral orifices before they suffered internal bleeding. They were always crying, he thought, with their red wet eyes and mouths which still hungrily devoured the hard rods into their bellies. If he was careful, he could insert rods the length of his entire forearm into a woman before they died from internal punctures.

He checked her hair and scalp next, moving his fingers through her blond tresses, enjoying its silky softness. It had been a long time since he had touched something so luxurious. Most of the slaves were broken by the time they were sent to him, and their hair were dried and tangled, like hay. He made sure there was no protrusions on her skull. Was it odd that its roundness excited him?

"Her head is in good condition," Doctor Isen said after he peered into her ears. It was just too bad. He wondered if he could have her if the prince got tired of her. The way her eyes followed his every movement, her emotions and thoughts so expressive in them, intrigued him. He wondered what it would take for the eyes to show him all the emotions a human could feel and how many she could feel at any one time.

Next, he took a close look at her body for any deformities. He had come across humans with an extra finger or toe occasionally. Others usually labelled them as witches and saw it as a sign they were consorting with the devil. Doctor Isen didn't believe in that religious nonsense. It was primitive and backwards. Instead, he rescued them from the stakes, or torture, and brought them back with him. They would figure out he hadn't saved them out of kindness but instead would dissect them for study. He wanted to see if there were other deformities present inside them. Most of them times he was disappointed but once or twice, he made discoveries.

This woman, however, appeared to have none of the defects a human could have. Her skin was smooth to touch that he ran his hands over her stomach twice. He weighed her breasts in his hands thoughtfully, ignoring the distressed look on the girl's face.

"Something wrong with them?" The sea captain asked worriedly when he didn't move.

"No." He just like holding them. "They're a tad on the small side. I've created a compressor which would pull on these until they grow several times their size. Perhaps the prince would like to use it on her."

Emil was intrigued with the idea of growing breasts. Buyers might be more willing to pay more if they were purchasing slaves with bigger breasts. "How big can you make them?"

Doctor Isen grinned. "Big as a cow's udders. There'll be an extraordinary amount of sag, of course, but they do look amazing."

"Does it take long to achieve that size?" Emil went on.

"Not that long. A few days and you'll start to see the difference." He squeezed the well-formed breasts in his hands, flicked his thumbs over both red nipples. They hardened instantly. Interesting. "For example, it'll take roughly a month of continuous application on these breasts to make them grow triple their size. If the slave is lactating, her owner can milk her the same way one does a cow."

Emil's eyes lit up. "That'd be most interesting." He could practically hear the clinking of hard coins now. He wouldn't do it to all the women, of course. He'd choose a few of the nubile young ones, maybe a few virgins too.

"Does the same theory work on men too?" Gilroy asked.

Emil's frown at the question instantly smoothed when he realized the implications. All men wanted bigger cocks. When the buyers came to look for a merchandise, they often considered the size of the males' cocks. He glanced at Gilroy. There were rumors... that the queen preferred large cocks in her sex slaves. The princesses were coming of age soon, and they might need their own slaves after their virgin night.

Doctor Isen took a while to answer. He had taken out a pair of pinchers from his satchel and was using it to pull the girl's nipples as far as they could go. The test accomplished nothing, really. He just liked to see the humiliation and pain on their faces. When anyone asked, he always made up something vague like skin elasticity.

"It doesn't work as well on males, I'm sorry to say. It would solve plenty of problems otherwise," he said as he put away his pinchers. Too bad this woman couldn't be marked. It'd be nice to see her hopping from pain as he poured hot candle wax on her body. He wrapped his hands around her breasts again, digging his fingers into her flesh. All while she was bound and helpless to everything he did. "You know, Gilroy, gold rings would look nice on these."

Gilroy shook his head. "That's for the prince to decide." He wasn't hopeful though. The prince hadn't pierced any of his other women yet. But he wasn't beyond extending an olive branch to Doctor Isen though. "If the prince decides to pierce her, I'll recommend you." The palace had someone to perform all the piercing, but the doctor appeared enamored of this girl. He wasn't surprised at all.

"Good." Doctor Isen abandoned her breasts and moved between her legs. The sight of wet slick flesh and copious amount of juices surprised even him. "Dear me! Did she produce all these?"

"I'd say that's evidence she likes what you're doing." Emil was grinning ear to ear. He had seen a few really slutty slaves who could get aroused despite being abused but none of them were as beautiful as the one they were looking at right now. He was confident the prince would enjoy her.

"We deliberately kept her on edge for the last week so she'll be ready for the prince," the captain supplied. He was immensely satisfied that it had work out so well.

"Well. Well. For the last week, you say? She'll be very sensitive then." Doctor Isen dragged a finger through her molten core and saw her opening pulse like a hungry mouth. He found her clitoris, a swollen red nub at the top of her sex and touched it gently. The girl squealed instantly, her legs shifting restlessly in her bonds. Her face was turning red now, arousal rising rapidly in her. "She is sensitive. I can't touch her further without risking her an orgasm," the doctor remarked. "You'll need to watch her carefully, Gilroy. It'll be more pleasant for the prince if she waits for his leave to come."

Gilroy agreed. That was what was on his mind. "I'll definitely do that."

Because of her responsivity, he couldn't play with her much at all. He had wanted to apply claw clamps on her labia and pull them apart so they could see clearly at her most private area. He also had a rough bristled brush to tease her flesh and clit, as well as a small Wartenburg wheel he'd like to press the sharp pricks across her pussy. He slid a finger into her pussy gently, knowing that she would most likely be a virgin. As it was, he felt the hymen, as well as the way her muscles rippled around him. So eager to swallow a cock.

Doctor Isen sawed his finger in and out of her pussy, getting it wet and slick, and then pushing it forcefully into her asshole. The girl began struggling once more as he exerted pressure on it, the tight wrinkled opening slowly gave way to his finger, until the tip was in. Judging by her reactions, it was the first time anyone had ever touched her here. The ass lacked the wetness of the pussy which would allow a cock to slide in and out easily. However, it more than made it up with its tightness.

He would have love to stick his prod inside her, see how far it would be able to go into both holes. He had plenty of objects he could use to open her up, stretch her open. Would she still produce as much wetness then?

Doctor Isen removed his finger from her ass and straightened, feeling rather disappointed. He hadn't done half of what he'd like to do. Perhaps he should choose a prettier woman from Emil's stable this round.

"She's the specimen of perfect health, Gilroy. The prince would be happy with her."

The men relaxed, breaking out in smiles.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good very nice.

kallyreyskallyreysover 2 years agoAuthor

Dear Anonymous,

I've no current plans for that. He just might be the only exception in all the characters which, ironically, would all return in later chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Are we gonna see that merman coming after Adeline?

competitivespringcompetitivespringover 2 years ago

I'm so envious of Adeline!! Thank you for another wonderful chapter! I'm really looking forward to seeing Adeline with the prince! 5/5

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