Most Readers Do Not Vote or Comment

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The unwritten responsibilities of writers and readers.
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Dear Reader,

After having written 150 stories and 47 poems on this site since January, I have made some observations, some of which I have shared in my story, Hits vs. Voting and Public Comments.

Those of you who vote and leave comments will either take pride in the fact that you are not who this story is directed at or will rise up in your self-righteous indignation and leave a comment or send me an e-mail telling me that you vote and make a comment to every story that you read, thank you very much. Well, what I have to say to that is...thank you very much. Unfortunately, most of those who this story is written for will never read this, so what is the purpose of writing it? I wrote it for myself, to get it off my chest. Ah, I almost feel better and, probably, will feel much better after I finish writing this.

Just as Literotica states what the writer's responsibility is before they can submit their work, Literotica should have a paragraph that states what the responsibility of the reader is before they can read a story. In a perfect world, you must vote and comment on every, 50%, 10%, 1% of the stories that you read. Presently, based on my scorecard, the percentage of votes to my stories versus hits are ½ of 1 percent with the comments being a fraction of that. We cannot even get people out to vote for who is to be elected president of this great country. How can we expect people to vote for a story on a porn board? Impossible. Or is is? I don't know, you tell me.

Yet, I know that Literotica would never require a reader to be responsible to do anything. This is a free site. Literotica encourages readers hoping that they will buy some of the products and services that they advertise on the site. The last thing that they want to do is to make requirements and restrictions that would discourage readers from participating on this free site. Yes, I understand the premise.

I wrote this story as an attempt to understand why people open a story, read it, and then leave it without casting a vote or making a comment. Human nature mystifies me. Yet, often times, I do not understand myself; how am I to understand anyone else? Now, why did I just do that? I don't know, I just did. I need to go back and apologize.

"Sorry, Lady, for grabbing your left breast. I meant to grab the right one. There, now I feel better."

I take considerable time thinking about a story and creating it in my mind before I actually sit at the computer to write and edit the thing. I think that I am a good writer, better than some and not as good as others. Certainly, I am not the best writer, if I were the best writer; without doubt, I would not be wasting my time writing here for free. I'd be writing for the movie industry or the television industry or writing novels.

I would love to write a story and see the characters come to life in the creation of the movie of it. I would love to work with a staff of writers creating a situation comedy. That would be fun. Sitting around, drinking coffee, thinking up funny scenarios and putting them to paper. Wow! Now, that is a dream job. I picture myself as being a modern day Dick Van Dyke when he played Rob Petri and was married to Mary Tyler Moore when she played Laura Petri. He worked as a situation comedy writer for Carl Reiner who played Alan Brady. Ah, back then, being married to Mary Tyler Moore, life was good. I would love to write novels like Stephen King or J. K. Rawling and watch them be made into movies.

I am a terrible speller. Without spell check, readers would think that I was Ozarkfictionwriter instead of Bostonfictionwriter. Moreover, I am a worse editor than I am a speller. It takes me longer to edit my story than it does to write it. My talent is in the creation and invention of the storyline and the plot. I am the Billy Joel or Elton John of writers. I can write good lyrics (or is it I can write lyrics well?) but I am a terrible singer.

I only write when I am inspired. Never do I sit at a blank screen and wonder what story I will write today. To me, doing that is a big waste of time. If you want me to write a story, find another writer. I don't write well under pressure or deadlines. I guess, writing the way that I write now for Literotica, writing whatever and whenever I want, may be the best (writing) time of my life.

When I write I already have the story nearly written in my head and by the time that I am ready to sit and actually write it, it pours out of me like vomit. I cannot type fast enough to capture all of my thoughts and many times I forget what it was I wanted to write. Yes, I know, my bashing audience will write a comment that reads it is not like vomit, it is vomit. Thank you for that and thank you for leaving a comment.

Nonetheless, this story is not about bashing and bashers. This story is about you, the reader. We writers write for you, the reader, and if you don't cast your vote and leave your comment, we wonder why we should continue writing for you when there are no signs of life returning in the form of a vote and/or comment from the other side, from the reader. Your votes and your comments are the only form of payment that we receive.

Surely, we writers write because we love to write and because we must write. Writing is our passion and our outlet. Writing is what we do to express our thoughts and ideas and then to have this forum to share our writings with the world is, well, unbelievable. Yet, then, you post your story and, much like it is when sending out a resume and never hearing back, you wonder what happened? Truly, I'd rather be rejected than be ignored. I'd rather be bashed than to hear nothing. I'd rather read why someone did not like my story than to read someone write that my story was...good. Good? Why was it good? Hey, at least the bashers will tell you not only why your story sucked but also why you suck and why you should commit suicide. Okay, that's going a bit overboard, but you get my point.

There are so few places for writers to write to get noticed. That is why I am here. I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm here to get noticed. I'm hoping someone in power and who has influence is reading my stories thinking that he or she likes my writing enough to hire me. Yes, to actually employ me and pay me money to write. Boy that would be great to finally quit my job as an accountant and trade the dismal science of crunching numbers and counting someone else's money for the job as a writer and writing my own words for money is a dream. Oprah, Jerry Springer, Steven Spielberg, and Jerry Seinfeld, if you are reading Literotica, I'm here! Hire me! Please!

If I had their money and success, I would not be wasting my time reading Literotica. Not that there is anything wrong with reading Literotica but, seriously, would you look for an employee at the homeless shelter when the above mentioned celebrities have a pool of thousands of people to chose from to pick their brains and give them a job?

My passion is writing. There is no doubt about that. Anyone who can write the volume of stories and poems, good or bad, that I have written in such a short time is passionate about writing. And yes, I would continue to write even if there was not the ability for the reader to vote and/or to comment. After all, it is about the story...stupid. It is just a story...stupid. For those who think that I am insulting them by writing, stupid, I am directing that insult at myself. I am stupid to think that I will derive any reward or success from writing here other than to write here. This is where it begins and ends, I'm afraid. Only, it is so sad to think that this is what it is and this is all that it is.

"Is that all there is?" Peggy Lee wrote a song about that. How prophetic she was writing that. How often can you make use of that expression? It is applicable in so many situations. Only, I sincerely hope that when I am on my deathbed that I do not think, "Is that all there is?" Certainly, I would rather be thinking, "Okay, I'm ready to die. I've had enough."

To me, there is no greater high than when I have an idea and an inspiration for a story and I sit and write it. There, it is my story, I created it, and I posted it for you to read. You ask any writer on the board and they will tell you the same thing. I'd rather be writing than drinking 21-year-old, single malt scotch, than watching Red Sox win the World Series again at Fenway Park, and than having sex with a beautiful, naked woman who is half my age and who swallows. Okay, one out of three, not drinking, still proves that I am passionate about writing.

"What do you think? I really did it this time, I think. I love this story. I laughed. I cried. I poured out my heart and soul, invented characters, gave them dialogue, and made them real for a time if only in my mind and hopefully coming to life in your mind after you read my story. Well? So, what did you think? Did you like it? Hello? Where'd you go? Wait! Come back! Shane! Shane! Shane! Come back! You didn't leave a comment. Matter of fact, you didn't even vote. You just opened damn the story and left. Did you even read it? WTF!"

Then, I submit my story and see that thousands of readers have opened my story. Did they open it to read it or did they open it to see what it is about or did they open it by accident? Judging by the difference between the number of votes and the number of comment versus the number of hits, I assume that thousands of readers opened it by accident.

I watch the people in the supermarket who hit every demonstration cart eating the samples, hoping to get multiple samples. I don't know maybe samples are the way they get their free lunch. To me, it reminds me too much of a handout at a homeless shelter. I'd be more willing to take a free sample if I could leave a tip. I am my own man. I don't want anything for nothing. That's how my mother raised me and that's how I am. I work for everything. You will never see me with my hand out. I'll be first in line to give someone a helping hand up and to give them a few dollars to help them through a tough time, but I'm no beggar. Call it false pride; I'd rather call it a sense of self. I believe in my ability to take care of me.

Yet, here I am writing this story with my hand out asking for your vote and for your comment. We writers are powerless without you, the reader. Yet, if the reader does not leave his stamp of approval or distain for what we, the writer, have written, we write for nothing but ourselves and sometimes that can be an empty feeling and a lonely existence.

More than once, I have written stories that I thought were going to be well received to watch them flop. More than once, I have written a story that I was not proud of surprised to watch the vote and hit meter spin higher than any of my other stories. Why? Dunno. No one left a comment. No one took the time to tell me that they liked it and why they liked it or that they did not like it and why they did not like it. It is discouraging, to say the least.

Would a singer get all dressed up and stand on stage and sing for an empty auditorium? Not very likely. Why should we writers continue to write for you, the reader, and be ignored? Do you believe that these stories are not written by people who have wants, needs, and feelings? There are real people pouring out their emotions for you, dear reader.

Just as it is our personal responsibility as the writer to write the best story that we can with as few spelling and grammatical mistakes as humanly possible, it is your personal responsibility as the reader when reading our stories to thank us by giving us your vote and comment. It is only fair, don't you think? Ah, you believe that nothing in life is fair. Still, that does not give you justification to take and not give back. Please, take a minute and give us your thoughts. Okay, I understand that you are not a writer and may feel bad that you cannot be as literate as the writer who you just read, it does not matter. The sincerity of feeling behind the comment is what matters the most.

Sure, there is no reason why you should vote or comment for a story after you have read it. It is not required that you vote or make a comment. No one is watching you if you don't vote or comment. You are, after all, sitting there in your underwear in the privacy of your home masturbating, no doubt, over an erotic story that you do not want anyone to know that you enjoyed. That is what the anonymous voter is there for, so you can cast your vote and make your comment in complete anonymity. Trust me, you wife or husband will never know it was you who read that story, cast that vote, and made that comment. Go ahead, no problem, I'll wait until you clean the cum off the keyboard or the spit off the screen before you comment on my story.

I'm not having a good day, as you can tell from this piece. This is a negative piece of writing. I prefer writing things that are positive, funny, and have happy endings. I mean, life is sad enough, so why not write funny stuff. Further, life never has a happy ending (did you ever see someone happy to die?), so why not write happy endings.

"Is that all there is?" I hope not because I'm a greedy writer. I want more. I want your vote and I want your opinion.




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The author would appreciate your feedback.
HopelessDreamsHopelessDreamsover 2 years ago

I think it's important to also consider the advantages for the authors of posting their stories for free. You can focus more on writing the ideas that you like the most, and write only during the times when you're in the mood to write. Your audience's preferences are secondary to your own. Then when some readers are disappointed or neutral about the story, they don't lose any money that they might have spent if it was a paid story. You may also be able to achieve much greater readership when readers don't have to pay to read your story (at least relative to self-publishing, as publishing houses may do extra advertising for you and many readers just prefer to read regular books). If you're very proud of your story, you'd want it to be read by as many people as possible, and would be motivated to write and share it even without pay, and even if it would never lead to a paid writing job.

bottovarnisbottovarnisalmost 3 years ago

I am now a fan. Actually, to be truthful, I only comment and vote on stories I like, but I do 100% of the time (like now). I don't see why readers would not provide input. It might even spark some new ideas. I may even submit a story or two at some point. In any case, I will make a point of reading some of your work. Much luck!

jaybird8100jaybird8100about 10 years ago
Makes you think about how the writer feels and is a human too!

Stories written on Literotica are not created by robots or computers, they have real, living, breathing and thinking writers behind them, These people burn the midnight oil for our pleasures and enjoyment of erotic literature, notice I say literature! Thank You to all who take the time to write and those who are brave enough to rate or comment on the stories, this is a wonderful outlet for both the writer and reader! I for one enjoy the multiple sections and freedom to pick and choose my certain desire at the time. Well done Freddie!

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXover 10 years ago

I always rate (vote?); it's in my own interest, as I'm marking the story 'as read.' If I rate it a full five, or perhaps a four, I may even read it again at some point.

Good writers will always attract comments, whether they're complimentary or angry. Lesser writers get ignored. If it's a story that I like, I usually leave a comment, but sometimes I don't have the words in my vocabulary to do so

Before selecting a story to read, I check out how many comments it has. I don't mind if the commenter's are rude to the writer, a good author will always attract angry detractors. This is a positive incitement for me to read their story

I only wish that there was a league table on here that let us know which stories have the most comments

disclosedDesiresdisclosedDesiresalmost 12 years ago

So, as a writer, I commiserate.

As a Literotica reader for quite some time, I will say that I was completely clueless about voting before I started writing. It's a free site where people submit stories for fun, for no gain theoretically, so it never entered my head that I would be harming anyone with my apathy. It certainly never occurred to me that people were using this as a venue to showcase their literary aspirations, hoping to be discovered. Also, as one commenter pointed out, sometimes you need to read a paragraph or two (the first date if you will) to see if it floats your boat. Lastly, I was usually in heat and just looking to get off before passing out for the night :)

Hope these insights help. It doesn't change the Lit reward system though...

styar1styar1over 13 years ago
try to comment

hi styar1 here, i read a lot of stories here, an a great deal of the time when you try to write , you get a reply from you guy,s that we cannot send to this person. i think you keep the stories on to long.

thank you


CuriosityCanKillCuriosityCanKillalmost 14 years ago
The internet...

The internet has made everyone a critic even more so than when "Everyone's a critic" was first uttered. Some say that's a good thing. It's a triump for democracy and whatnot, but some would disagree.

I guess the point I would like to make is that Literotica, and erotica in general, are what you make it. Some submit their writing here to hear feedback to better themselves (like myself), others only submit to entertain (like myself in a way as well). Literotica should not force members to share their opinions because no two members read or write for the same reasons.

They also shouldn't set a quota on how much one comments/ rates. That would require everyone who reads to have an account. I for one read hundreds of stories before getting up the nerve to create an account and submit my own.

Comments are always going to be the most polarized opinions: either those in love or those that despise. In the end, Literotica is no exception.

69junkie69junkieover 14 years ago
Most Readers Do Not Vote or Comment - Shame on me?

Dear Freddie (if this is your name while it appears in most of your writings; otherwise: Whatever you prefer to be called - unknown for the public ... Anyway, Freddie fits perfectly with your writing style :-),

uuh, that was a long foreplay (sic!).

Shame on me? Sure, very sure.

Continuing the foreplay: Although I would judge 80 % of your stories (and your style of writing) very good AND interesting, too; the rest of them as fair and undoubtely worth the reading, I have to apologize that mostly the reader's part - appreciating the artist for his/her effort - comes too short or even, depending on the actual circumstances, escapes out of my mind (and both my brains). I totally accept that this behaviour is unfair and to blame - I understand your frustration.

You surely are right to recall that item to the/all readers's mind(s)!

I'll try to improve for the future :-)

Once more - thank you for enlighting my days (and some happy nights), keep your obsession in writing and - especially - the others alive,

with best regards


davion2308davion2308almost 16 years ago
Getting response

The greatest part of posting on here is hearing about how you are affecting other people's lives or that they're encouraged to try something new they just read about. Getting votes isn't too important to me. I want to hear what EVERYONE thought. From now on, I will leave comments for all the stories I read.

MichaelphyteMichaelphytealmost 16 years ago
I do it my way !

I do not pretend to know how others think and act; but since I read (most of) this story and it made me ponder, I decided to take the time to answer.

I'm a "hunt and pecker" typist, poor speller, but insatiable reader; I would rather 1 read 2 praise 3 critic.

I start reading many more stories then I finish; if I don't like the story enough to finish it I usually just return to my search list and check the next story.


If I finish a story feeling WOW! (5) or Great! (4) I want to encourage more stories like them, so I vote and then check the other reader comments. I comment only if it isn't a "ditto".



(Be nice to us, we seem to be a a dying breed :)

my lit classes were decades ago, I do not feel qualified to explain how your story didn't work for me nor how to improve it (except typos, spelling,...etc.)

Hope this helps you and any body else who reads this !

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