Pheromone Follies


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Amanda suggested that Katie talk to the guy and see if he would use the formula with her on their date, the see how she would respond to him, as well as his response to her. She agreed to try it.

Also, they asked the other subjects to use it on their boyfriends or girlfriends if they were in more than a one night stand relationship, or desired more than that. Of course, the proper male or female formula would have to be used to get accurate results.

Several agreed to try it this way and were excited to see what would happen. They had been careful to ensure that no one wore the formula in the weekly meetings, or around the other subjects. That might skew the results, and they didn't want to deal with an orgy at the meeting. But now was the time to see what would happen when two subjects were both wearing the formula. And boy, did things happen!

Tyler and John both got their girlfriends to try the female formula at the same time they used the male formula.

John: "We were so attracted to each other that it was impossible to keep our hands off each other. My sweetie and I had sex often and about anywhere we could."

Tyler: "My GF and I had a similar experience. Our feelings seemed so deep for each other when we were using the formula that there was no way we could not have sex. And it wasn't just sex, but we had deep feelings for each other like we never experienced before. I think we're in love."

John: "Yeah, me too. I can see now what you girls' dates must have been feeling when you used the formula. But we know our lovers were welcoming our advances."

Zack: "I talked Sandy into trying the female formula. I think she wanted to see if I would like her as much as she likes me. It worked. When she wore it, She was the only girl in the world at that time. She could have asked me anything and I would have done it. Of course, we had the best sex of our lives, even though she was a virgin until last week."

Dave: "I dated another girl and we had good sex. But I got my blonde Beemer friend to try the female formula with me and wow, did we have great sex. No, we made love to each other all night. I know what you guys are saying. I think there is something special happening when two people use this stuff together."

Manny: "I didn't have anyone I wanted to share the female formula with, but I sure had a good time using the Preparation-Y on myself. Everyone wants a piece of "The Man"."

Seth: "Yeah, me too. I just used it on myself and I'm really enjoying the fact that women find me more attractive now. I mean, they might have liked me before but I didn't know how to find that out. Now, they make no bones about it and let me know they are available for me. And, hey, I'm not about to turn down a good offer when I see it."

"That was very interesting. Now, how about the girls?" Kevin asked.

Grace and Ashley both got their boyfriends to use the male formula, Preparation-Y:

Grace: "I already like him a lot, but when he used Preparation-Y, I couldn't think about anything but attacking him and making love to him. It was like John said. We did it all the time, and everywhere we could, sometimes even in places where we shouldn't have."

Ashley: "Me too. We would have to take cold showers and leave each other to make it to our classes. In fact, we missed a couple because it was just too good to stop making out with each other. I love him more than ever now."

Veronica: " I didn't need Colin to use the Preparation-Y because I already like him a lot. But I got him to try it a couple of times and admitted that I had been using the formula. I had always been submissive to him before but when he used the Preparation-Y, I was the aggressor and attacked him, kissing and removing his clothes whether he was ready or not. He didn't seem to like me being in control instead of him, but accepted the mind-blowing sex I gave him. Hey, I am pretty hot you know. A guy would be stupid to turn me down and I knew he couldn't refuse when I was wearing the Preparation-X."

Desiree: "I didn't use the male Preparation-Y on guys I was with this week. God, I sound like such a slut saying it that way. Anyway, there's this one girl I like that I wanted to experiment with. She's kinda butch but really turns me on. Well, anyway, I was wondering if my Preparation-X turned her on to me like it did to the guys. It seems that it does attract her to me more. So, I tried the female Preparation-X on her, and it was ok, but not any real big difference in feelings on my part for her. Then I tried the male Preparation-Y on her and wow, what a difference. I was so hot for her that I practically raped her. Do you think her hormones are all fucked up or something? I do."

"Maybe she's got 47, XXY chromosomes instead of XX like normal females, or some other abnormality. But, whatever, that's beyond the scope of my study here. It is interesting though. Thanks for reporting that." Said Kevin.

Katie: Sweet little virgin Katie had gotten one special guy she trusted to agree to use the formula with her. "We went out to a movie, then out for a late dinner. We didn't use the formula until after the movie so as not to ruin it for us. But during dinner, we couldn't stop touching each other, and looking each other in the eyes, and kissing whenever no one was looking. A couple of male and females seated near us checked us out more than they should have and gave us lingering smiles. It must have been the formula affecting them, even though they were with someone else. I took him back to my empty dorm room and made out with him, taking his clothes off and touching him everywhere. I had never done that before. When he removed my clothes, I helped him. He made love to me right there on my bed and I don't regret it at all. I'm not sure why I waited so long to do that, because it was very good. Thanks to you guys for letting me do this study."

"Hey, congratulations! Good for you. We're so happy it was a good experience for you." The group all said, giving her hugs to show their support.

Kim: "I didn't share the male Preparation-Y with any guys, but I still had some great sex with the guys I dated. This is a nice thing you guys have created, Kevin."

Kevin replied, "You're welcome. I'm so happy that it seems to be working so well."

"Are you going to market and sell this stuff?" Asked Ashley.

"Oh, no, I don't think we are ready for that yet. A lot more research would have to be done, and there are the federal agencies to deal with too."

"Well, if you need some more money for research, I bet we could sell some of the test formula to some students. I know several people who would be very happy to get their hands on this stuff and wouldn't talk to the authorities about it." Desiree stated sincerely.

"We just might do that." Kevin laughed. "A researcher always needs more money. But for now, keep using it and reporting your results back to us. And any time you can get your dates to use the other gender's formula, please do, and document that too. There seems to be a real difference when two people use this together and I'd like to have more data about that. OK, get out there and happy dating."

Kevin and Amanda reviewed all the data and their notes and compiled their findings into the technical documents needed for the Masters review board. Kevin knew some data was still missing that would be required.

"Amanda, we still need to get some blood samples to measure the change in the levels of the important body chemicals that indicate real changes have been happening. I knew this would be needed if we were successful but there was no way I could test everyone every week. And I wanted to see if it worked first."

"I know what you mean. We could always take base level blood tests on ourselves, then take Preparation XY and draw the blood again at its peek influence. Then if the results indicate it, we could arrange to test all of our subjects." Amanda reasoned.

"Sounds like a good plan. Let's do it then. How about Friday night, when we can get the lab to ourselves? We'll take the base samples now."

Friday arrived and the pair met at the lab with all their equipment.

"Are you ready for this? The last time we took this it wasn't even Preparation XY, and we still had some strange feelings for each other." Kevin asked Amanda.

"Sure, I'm ready. I know it's not going to hurt me, and we are professional enough not to let things get out of hand. Lets do it, so to speak." She replied with some excitement.

She was a little apprehensive, remembering how he had reacted before, but it was for science, so she would do it for him. So they applied Preparation-Y to him and Preparation-X to her and waited. She had picked up some take-out Chinese for dinner and they sat at the table to eat it, chatting about various things: friends, school, their subjects, the formula, etc. They discussed how they could add some flavoring to each formula to attract the different sexes, like pumpkin pie and lavender that are men's favorite smells, and licorice and cucumber, which are women's favorites. That could spice up the attraction even more.

Kevin noticed how sensual Amanda's lips looked tonight as she was eating her food, her pretty blonde hair falling about her shoulders, the twinkle in her big green eyes when she laughed. The nice cleavage above her button-up blue satin blouse drew his eyes to her full breasts, which rose and fell in rhythm with her calm breathing. They were nice, full, firm breasts, he thought. Of course he had seen them in her clothes many times, but they had never looked this nice to him before.

She noticed Kevin's long black hair, nicely trimmed but wildly coifed in the style of the day. Kevin was Eurasian with a definite California air of handsomeness about him. She had wondered before why he didn't have a steady girlfriend. Too busy, she guessed. He really was a good-looking guy...

After finishing dinner, they tidied up together and turned on the tape and video recorders.

"You know, you look lovely tonight, Amanda. And you smell very good too," Said Kevin, surprised to hear the words coming from his own mouth. "Why did you dress up for this? I mean, with the pretty blouse and a skirt? You didn't have to do that for a lab meeting."

"Well, I thought I might go out later with some friends. It IS Friday night, you know, and I figured we wouldn't be here long." Amanda reasoned. "You have the recorder on, right, 'cause you should hear what you just said to me!"

"Yes, it's on." He laughed. "Come here and give me a hug. You have been so much help to me on this project and I want to thank you for being such a good friend and helper."

He hugged her close and tightly. She responded by putting her head into his upper chest and neck and hugging him back. She lingered a little too long probably, with her nose on his sweatshirt, taking in his unique manly odor mixed with the Preparation-Y he had applied to that same spot. It felt really good holding each other this way, and neither backed off for a while.

He took a long, deep breath, inhaling her essence into his brain. He felt a stirring in his loins as she moved almost imperceptibly closer to him.

As she moved her hands up and down his back, lower and closer to his butt with each down stroke, she blurted out, "I want to make love to you!"


"We're supposed to tell each other what we're feeling, right?


"Well, I feel like I want to make love to you, so I'm telling you, for science sake, you know?"

"Oh, I see, for science sake. I thought you really meant it there for a second. Well, for science sake, I'd like to make love to you too. It's a good thing we're friends or we might be heading for trouble here."

"What makes you think I didn't mean it? I do. I'd like to rip your sweatshirt off and smell your chest, to lower your jeans down to your ankles and feel your hot body against mine." She moaned, lowering her hands to pull his tight ass into her stomach.

"It's good that we're getting this on tape because I'm wanting to unbutton that pretty blouse and bury my face in your cleavage. You smell so very delicious tonight that I want to smell you closer."



"Yes, go ahead, for the interest of science, of course." She replied, thinking how nice it would be to have his head on her chest.

She stepped back to allow him room to take up her offer, which he did without delay. With trembling hands, he quickly removed the buttons from the holes of her satin blouse from top to bottom, pulled out the tails, and slid the garment back and down over her bare arms. She stood tall and proud with her shoulders back and her chest rising and falling in her matching satin bra with her increased breathing, awaiting his next move. Bending down, he pressed the side of his head into her upper chest, inhaling her intoxicating aroma, and hugged her close again.

"For my thesis."

Breathing harder now, she rubbed his tight ass again and ran her fingers up under his sweatshirt. Wanting to see and feel more of him, she hurriedly pulled it up over his head and tossed it aside. Fumbling with his belt, she managed to release it and unzip his pants. She pressed them down over his hips until she could grasp his buttocks again, and a joint effort made the pants fall to the floor where he stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

They kissed, for the first time ever. It was a soft, tender kiss that quickly turned into a passionate tongue-lashing when they squeezed each other close again. She felt his penis hardening in his boxers. He felt her soft skin and warm breasts pressing into his chest as they continued kissing and caressing each other. With one flick, he loosened her bra clasp. She tossed it aside in a second and resumed their embrace, feeling his muscular chest pressing into her full breasts.

"We shouldn't be doing this you know." He said.

"Yes, I know." She replied, grasping the waistband of his briefs and lowering them over his hips. "For science!"

She buried her head in his chest and stroked his firming cock with her hands. He replied by stroking her round breasts with both hands until her nipples rubbed back into his palms. Falling back onto the table, she looked him longingly in the eyes.

"Take me." She moaned. "Take me now. I want it now. Please?"

He leaned over her as she raised her short skirt up and pulled her blue hipster panties aside to show him her glistening pink target. She held his cock and stroked it as he moved closer. As she guided it into her awaiting pussy, he pressed forward in one long, steady stroke, until it was fully engulfed inside her. She trembled in a mini orgasm at the feel of his hard member filling her up so well. She hadn't had that many guys and was still very tight inside her pink sheath. He relished the feeling too, slowly removing most of his cock, then stroking it in again.

"OHHH," They moaned with each stroke, feeling an ecstasy neither had ever felt before.

He played with her breasts as they made love, and caressed her long white legs, which she wrapped around his waist to get more leverage. Holding his ass cheeks, she pulled him in harder and harder, wanting more and more of him. He fucked her harder in return, faster and faster until they were both moaning and sweating in passion.

"Oh, god, you're gonna make me come. Yes, harder. Rub my clit, please! Yes, like that." She implored him.

This triggered his explosion of hot sperm deep inside her, load after load filling her up and mixing with her juices as she came in pussy-clenching waves around his cock. He collapsed on top of her, each hugging the other tight. They lay that way for a long time until she moved to get up.

"Lie down on your back." She told him.

When he did, she stood and slowly removed her skirt, watching his eyes for a reaction. She then did a few turns in only her blue panties, giving him a little tease, and then slowly removed them too. His eyes never left her body. She saw his soft cock twitch and start to rise again. In response, she leaned over and took it in her hand, stroking new life into it, then placed her mouth over the head to help him get it up again. In no time, her talented mouth had him up and ready for her. She climbed up on the table and straddled his hips with her legs, hovering over his hard cock, and eased her ready pussy down over it until it popped inside her again. She sat down on it until it filled her up like before.

"Umm, this is so good, dear. Don't you think so?" She asked.

"Oh, yes. I don't know what to say. This is wonderful. This is the best sex I've ever had and I feel we've just started." He replied.

"I know what you mean. That was great but it seems like a prelude now doesn't it? I mean, I don't want to stop, you know?"

"Yes, don't stop or I'll kill you." He laughed in jest.

"I can see why our test subjects thought we should bottle this stuff and sell it to the campus kids. I mean, we can hear their words and write them down, but there is no way you can explain the way this stuff works. I'm glad we tried it for ourselves, aren't you?" She said, never losing her pumping hip rhythm.

"Oh, yeah, I'm very glad we tried it." He said, rubbing his hands up and down her chest and belly and hips. "I think we CAN sell it. This could be the biggest thing since liquor and condoms. Every college kid will want to try it. It's turned out even better than I expected. Let's work out that later. For now, fuck me you beautiful, sexy woman."

"I'm not stopping until you beg me to. And even then, I might not." Amanda smiled, bending down to give Kevin a full contact kiss. "I hope this stuff doesn't wear off too soon. Oh God! I just remembered the blood samples. We'll have to draw them soon. And if it's too late, we'll just have to apply Preparation-XY and start all over again."

And they made love until the wee hours of the morning, being sure to "document" all their findings on camera and tape for further review, including the blood tests, which they knew the results of already. The Dopamine, Norepinephrine, LH, and Oxytocin levels were all elevated as expected by their hands-on research. Kevin got his masters and Amanda got a lifelong friend and some great experiences.

I hope you enjoyed this story. Did you vote? I started this story in August, 2005 and found many intriguing facts about the subject. My research shows that human pheromones are a definite possible reality. Someone's working on similar research right now in a college or university near you. If you get the chance, please help them out in their research. :-) Thank you, MagicFingers

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Failed follies

Instant list,-of course, but not enough erotica

liz33ndliz33ndover 7 years ago

pretty cool story, not very erotic, but sexy in a rated R way.

flaw600flaw600over 10 years ago

This story has logic problems. If it made Ken fall in list with Meagan, then when he had sprayed Meagan, it should've made Meagan fall in list with him. That killed it for me. 3 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Losing Control?

Nice story... would be even better if we could read about each test subject. First time, lesbian, maybe a teaching assistant or professor...

One did he get his Masters without a control group? It could be psychosomatic... "I'm wearing this sexy aroma, women are attracted by it, I'm gonna score." And what about testing it on people not attractive to another person? Two heterosexual conservative males. An obese, disgusting man. A greyhound or gerbil?

Lots of posibilities! Hope to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Still Laughing.....

That was the funniest opener I've ever laid eyes to! If for nothing else, thank you for that. I then began reading and much to my pleasant surprise, the humor continued right to the end. Well done indeed! This tale alone, makes me want to read your other submissions. Thank you again for posting. Regards...

MagicFingersMagicFingersover 16 years agoAuthor
It was from

a line in an old porno comedy. The crazy doctor says, "A little Preparation-X on meal balls..." and the cock pops to life. (At least I spelled it right.)

Of course the X and Y refer to X and Y chromosomes, and male and female, so they fit perfectly. Thank you for reading my story and commenting!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
preperation x and y?

All I kept thinking about through the whole story was "Preperation H". I think you should have come up with a better name for them than that.

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