Rob's Fortune


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"She told me she needed some space. I haven't talked to her in three weeks."

"Why on Earth would she do something like that?"

"I believe that she is having second thoughts about getting married. Just a feeling that I have, but she didn't start with this need for 'space' until we started to make actual plans for the wedding."

It was Gail's turn to shrug and she said, "I can relate to that. I had a massive case of the jitters when my wedding approached. More than once I wanted to run for the hills. Hang in there Rob; it will work out."

I slept in Saturday morning and didn't roll out of bed until almost nine. I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the sports section of the daily paper when the phone rang. I grabbed the cordless off of the counter and answered.


"Good morning Rob."

"Good morning Ellen. Nice to hear your voice."

"You could have heard it sooner if you had called."

"The phone works both ways Ellen as you have found out this morning."

"That's an odd thing to say."

"Is it? I assumed that you didn't want to talk to me so why should I have called?"

"That's ridiculous Rob. Why wouldn't I want to talk to you?"

"I can only point to the fact that you haven't called in two weeks, you made no attempt to talk with me when you moved out – I had to call you to find out where you were – and then there was that day in the cafeteria when you went out of your way to avoid me and went and sat down on the other side of the room. To me all of that said that you didn't want to talk to me. Ergo, I didn't bother to call."

"Is that why you have been using the agency instead of calling me?"

"Part of it."

I told you that nothing had changed except our living arrangements. I fully expect to be your partner when you need one. There is no need to call the agency."

"I know Ellen, but once you were gone and given the reason for your being gone I decided that a clean break would be the best for me."

"It doesn't have to be that way Rob."

"I think for my well being that it does. I'm sorry Ellen."

"I need to clear something up here Rob. That day in the cafeteria was not a snub or me not wanting to talk to you. Paul is part of a group of five of us who are working on an assigned class project for our Business Strategies class and we were in the cafeteria to have coffee and talk about our part of the project. Paul picked the table we sat at, not me. And to be honest here Rob I was not all that sure that you wanted to talk to me. You did seem to be in a hurry to find me a place to stay so you could get me away from you."

"Oh come on Ellen; you know why I did it. I explained it to you before we even went looking for an apartment."

"Yes you did Rob and it didn't make any more sense to me then than it does now. All I said was that I didn't want to get married right away and that I wanted some time to live a normal life without men being a major ingredient in it. I never said that I didn't care for you and I never said that you would be out of my life totally. I told you what I wanted to do and why. Remember what you told me about how you felt after Cheri? You didn't want anything to do with women. That's how I feel about my career as an escort. I want to get myself away from men for a while. That's all. For a while, not forever."

"I can see that Ellen, but that doesn't make it any easier for me. It isn't your fault Ellen, it is all on me. I'm the one who let himself fall for you. It was me who decided to use escorts rather than date and maybe find another woman who would pull me in and then end up sticking it to me. I was the one who picked you out of all the others on the agency's presentation video. I did this to myself Ellen. You take care Ellen. Have a great life. Bye."

I hung up the phone and in seconds I was feeling sorry for myself again. By noon I was pissed at myself for letting it get to me when I had the ways and means to do something about it.


What was the sense in having a lot of money if you didn't use it? Four phone calls is all that it took. One to Tasha to see if she was available for a week. One to Bill Perkins to tell him he was in charge of the company for a week. One to a charter outfit at the airport and one to the hotel in Cabo San Lucas. At six that evening Tasha and I were sipping champagne at twenty thousand feet on the Lear jet that was taking us to spend Thanksgiving week on the beach and in the sun.

The days were filled with scuba diving, sailing, sail gliding and lying on the beach soaking up the sun. The nights were spent with Tasha doing everything she could think of to thank me for her paid vacation. I can honestly say that I didn't think of Ellen once until the Lear's gear went down on our landing approach when we returned home. And then it only happened then because it was then that Tasha asked:

"What did you do where Ellen was concerned?"

"I followed your advice sweetie. I set her free."

She patted the back of my hand and didn't say another word. When I walked her to her door she gave me a deep kiss and as she opened her door I said:

"If you ever decide to settle down with just one man keep me in mind okay?"

"You will be number one on the list Rob, I promise."


The next couple of weeks flew by and the only event I attended I went to by myself. I had pretty much decided that as long as Tasha was available I could do without women in my life. That is not to say that there weren't women who wanted to be in my life, but I just didn't want the hassle any more. Why go to all the time and trouble to build a relationship only to see it go sour.

The third week in December we had the company Christmas party. I rented one of the ballrooms at the Hilton, arranged for a live band and set up the catering. Some of the girls in the office asked me if they could decorate the room and I gave them a credit card and told them to have at it.

They had streamers and bows all over the place and over in the corner was a Christmas tree with presents under it. Mona, my secretary, had arranged a 'secret Santa' gift exchange with a ten dollar limit and I drew Carol's name. I bought her a CD by her favorite singer and even though it cost more than ten bucks I didn't think anyone would care.

We had dinner and then I gave a short speech and thanked everyone for helping to make it a great year for the company and then surprised everyone by handing out bonus checks that no had expected. Then Mona took over the handing out of the gifts under the tree and when she called my name I went over and she handed me a small box. When I got back to my seat I opened it. On a bed of cotton was a key card with a sticky note on it that simply said "Room 412." I quickly looked up and around the room, but no one was paying any attention to me. I pocketed the card and wondered who (or what) was waiting in room 412, but it would have to wait since I couldn't leave my own party.

The band started to set up and I got the next surprise. All of the women in the room got up and came over to my table and formed a line. Mona was at the head of the line and she asked me to stand up. Just a little confused I did as she asked and she stepped up and kissed me. "Merry Christmas boss" she said as she moved out of the way and let Sherri from Accounting move in front of me and kiss me. She also wished me a Merry Christmas before stepping aside and letting Allison move in front of me.

Allison was one of the girls who had asked me to let them do the decorating. She laughed at the look on my face and pointed up. I looked and saw that I was standing under a large clump of mistletoe. Mona and Sherri were married, but Allison was single and when she kissed me she slipped me a little tongue. When she broke the kiss and stepped away she licked her lips, smiled at me and said "Yum!" As she moved away I wondered if I was going to find her in room 412.

That idea faded as the rest of the women took their turn. Almost all of the single women gave me some tongue when they kissed me and surprisingly so did three of the married ones. The last one in line was Betty who was one of my Soils Engineers. She was married, but had come to the party without her husband. By the time she reached me the band had started playing, people were on the dance floor and no one was paying any attention when Betty kissed me. She didn't just slip me a little tongue – she shoved it down my throat and while doing that she slid her right hand down my body and rubbed my hard cock a couple of times (hey, you would have one too after seventeen women worked on you) and as she stepped away she gave me a wicked little smile and said:

"Later baby."

I immediately thought of room 412 as she walked away and then Mona grabbed me and pulled me out onto the dance floor.

After Mona I had to dance with all of the other ladies and all of the women who had given me tongue under the mistletoe made it a point to rub their legs against my cock (which they kept constantly hard by their actions).

Betty was the most brazen. She kept her leg in constant contact with my erection throughout the entire number I danced with her. Just as the music ended she leaned into me and licked my ear and whispered:

"Want to move back under the mistletoe?"

I did. Oh yes indeed I did, but I asked, "What about your husband?"

"He's not here and you are."

I wanted her by then. God knows I wanted her, but not only was she married, she was an employee and I couldn't do it. I would not do to Betty's husband what Marcy had done to me and even if I had been louse enough to do Betty I knew that having sex with an employee was a major no-no and could lead to tons and tons of trouble. Then I thought "What if she is who you are going to find in 412?"

"Not a good idea" I said to her. "After that first time under the mistletoe and then this dance more time under that clump of weeds would have me would have me wanting to do things that I shouldn't."

"If you are worried about Tom don't. He won't care as long as I tell him all about it when I get home."

"That's only half of it Betty. Go to work for Loomis and Bainbridge or some other company and then have Tom call me and tell me it is okay and I'll be on you like a duck on a June bug, but I won't hang horns on a husband or have an intimate affair with an employee no matter how tempting she may be."

She shrugged, stuck her tongue out at me and said, "Party pooper. You are no fun at all and you will never know what you missed because I like working for you and I have no intention of changing jobs."

All I could do was laugh and walk her back to her table.


Another hour and the party started winding down and then it was time for me to make a decision. Was I going up to room 412 or not? Did I want to chance finding Betty there waiting? I wouldn't want to have to refuse her twice in one night, but I would and for the reasons already given. But it was almost certain that that whoever was in that room was an employee and I would have to turn them down also. Better to not even go. Yeah, right! No way I could not go and see what 412 held. And maybe my thinking was all wrong. Maybe there wasn't a woman there. Maybe it was a bunch of people who wanted to keep the party going. Whatever, curiosity insisted that I go up to the room. As I left the ballroom I saw Mona on her cell phone and she waved goodbye.

When I got to room 412 I put my ear to the door to see if I could hear the sounds of people partying, but either there was no party or the door was too thick for sound to go through. I took a deep breath, slid the key card into the slot, opened the door and entered the room.

I found the last thing in the world that would have expected.

On the bed in front of me wearing nothing but a large red bow and using a vibrator on herself was Ellen.

She tossed the vibrator aside and said, "You need to hurry Bobby. I've been using it to keep me warm and wet for you and the batteries are almost dead."

"What are you doi...."

"Not now Bobby" she said as she slid off the bed and went down on her knees in front of me and took hold of my zipper. "Talk later, but right now you have an extremely hot and horny woman to take care of."

By then she had my cock out of my pants and in her mouth and my desire to ask questions went out the window.

It was an exhausting evening. We made love – hard, fast and frenzied since it had been a while for us – and then we went into a sixty-nine until Ellen had me hard enough to suit her and then we made love a second time. After, lying there with Ellen in my arms, I asked here what she was doing there.

"I woke up Bobby. I woke up and realized that you might not be there when I got done being on my own for a while. I had to ask myself if having the freedom I wanted for a little while just to be me would be worth losing you and the answer was a loud "hell no." So here I am. If you are happy to see me make sure that you thank Mona for helping me setting it up."

"How do you know Mona?"

"Have you forgotten that I am an employee? I had to fill out forms for insurance and the like and Mona was the one who handled those things. Also, I had to go into the office every two weeks to pick up my paycheck. Mona is a pretty sharp cookie. She figured out right away what my job description was and believe it or not she was happy for you. She took a liking to me and we get together for lunch at least once a week. I've even gotten together with her and some of the other girls from the office for drinks after work. I've become friends with a lot of them. They all helped me tonight. They were supposed to get you all hot and bothered so that by the time you got up here you would be so mad with lust that you would tear off your clothes and ravish me."

"You have been lying here and playing with yourself all night waiting for the party to end?"

"Of course not silly. Mona called me to let me know you were on the way up so I could get ready for you."

"I guess I really do owe Mona. Would an invite to the wedding be enough?"

"I don't know. Is there going to be a wedding?"

"You have doubts?"

"Well yeah. We are missing something here."


"Aren't you supposed to propose so I can give my answer?"

I rolled out of bed onto my knees on the floor and took her right hand in mine. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"I don't know. That's an important decision for a girl to make and I need some time to think about it. I'll give you an answer in the morning, but right now you need to get back up here and help me work on my bad case of the hornies."

Mona did come to the wedding. She was Ellen's Maid of Honor.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Very good story Bob, this is my third/forth? read. Perhaps your best, 5 stars (I'd double it if I could)

somewhere east of Omaha

xMulexMule3 months ago


Resounding "Yup!"

WargamerWargamer4 months ago

Top story, more romance than anything else. I thoroughly enjoyed it

Scores 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A lot different than Cinderella meets Breakfast at Tiffany's. Being beautiful,smart and ambitious as well as faithful was the winning spousal lotto.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Although not bright enough to realize the truth about himself, Rob was a life long whoremonger. The attraction, when he clearly had other choices available to him, is difficult to understand and almost certainly pathologic.

NitpicNitpic8 months ago

Query,when he used escorts it was for functions every few weeks,yet when Ellen moved in it was twice a week,how come?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Could have used a nice epilogue for all the characters.

Cracker270Cracker2709 months ago

I felt like I was living amongst the characters, a part of the story. Superb story. Thank you

kalash777kalash7779 months ago

I really enjoyed the story. In my opinion, the weakest point in the whole story was the MC's relationship with Marcy. It seemed over the top to me: she was a total cheating slut even before they got married and still the MC not only accepted her plan of free relationship but he even decided to marry her(???). Did he really believe that she would change and really become a faithful wife? I don't find this believable. Also, I find it a bit unsettling that the MC would marry a prostitute (and please, don't tell me that she was just an escort: she did provide sexual services for money under the table, thus, she was a prostitute). However, this fact might be offset by the MC's using the services of a prostitute. Well, if that's how they want it, then, who am I to criticize?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It was a very entertaining story that I enjoyed. But the devil on my shoulder said that if you're playing Secret Santa ( fun game) EVERYBODY would have taken notice of the key in the box and I don't see him taking the chance (as the boss) of going up to the room just to satisfy his curiosity. And even at the end Ellen was hedging her bets saying she needed some time to think about the decision. If he went in, that's when he would have walked out. I know you never write followups to your stories but it would be fun to see him NOT go to the room and end up with Tasha in a new ending to this story.

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