Tanks For The Mammaries


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I giggled, "I thought I was the only one she did that to. With me she probably only had to use one lip!"

"I'm so embarrassed!" she said.

"I knew I was doing something wrong! How come you ladies didn't tell me I was supposed to be embarrassed! Holding out on me huh, laughing at me behind my back?" I accused.

"Lisa what De Anne's trying to tell you is, that we all love each other, and that giving pleasure to any one of us is giving it to us all! We all were very turned by your orgasm, right ladies," she assured her.

Everyone agreed. She still looked unsatisfied.

"Okay, I'll make the supreme sacrifice, Kellie I need your lips for, well a minimum of 30 seconds and as long after that as it pleases you. Sorry Millie but the pink dress gets christened," I surrendered.

Kellie took me with her mouth, and true to my prediction, within 30 seconds, I was orgasming uncontrollably. I got a glimpse of Lisa with an ecstatic grin on her face watching how hard I was orgasming, and hungrily licking my pussy juice off of her fingers.

I felt their fingers, stuck in my pussy and then, taken out to and licked clean. Finger after finger after finger all driving me crazy and all the while, somewhere a Chippette was moaning and screeching.

It was an amazing finger banging. With the size of my pussy, their fingers felt plenty large. I loved being finger fucked! Each finger, wet with saliva entering me and squirmed just long enough for me to cum, and then the next finger penetrated and started it all over again.

This time when I came to, Diane was with me, "I hear you have been busy! I came out to have lunch with you and they mobbed me! They hugged me, and kissed me, and the next thing I knew, someone was eating me out! I haven't orgasmed like that since my death! They told me it was to thank you and giggled, making me orgasm again. So what did you do?" she inquired.

"Diane, they were worried sick that since I was getting stronger, that they would soon be unemployed, and sans De Anne! They tried to hide it, but they were incredibly distraught! They felt if they had to leave me, that they would just die! Does that sound familiar?" I scolded her.

"Nobody said that they were going to loose their jobs!" Diane told me.

"Remember, they are nurses. Healthy people don't need nurses, do they?" I was working her head in the right direction.

"Oh shit! I didn't think of that! They must have been frantic!" she realized.

"Yup!" I agreed.

"So, you told them not to worry."


"They were so relieved, they finger banged you unconscious, and Lezed the shit out of me!" she worked out.


"Good work sweetheart!"


"And you thought you were worthless! You are the most valuable person in the facility!" she proclaimed.

"Well maybe next to you."

"Next to me, on top of me, inside me, anyplace you like sweetheart!" Diane offered.

"Do you have time for an extended cuddle?" I inquired.

"Roll over," she told me as she stripped off her clothes and crawled into bed with me. "Mmmm this is nice," I told her.

"Diane?" I asked.

"Yes, my darling?"

"Can we get budget for some remodeling?" I asked.

"What did you have in mind?

"Well, damn it's hard to say this without sounding conceited. Everybody loves De Anne. They all need to be with me. The logical arrangement is De Anne and Diane live in the commons, which can be closed off from the rest of the suites, each with it's own bathroom, living room bedroom and kitchenette. The commons will have a huge bed, a giant bed, big enough for everybody! A full size kitchen and huge bathroom with a bathtub big enough for everybody and a small double size one. Are you getting the picture?" I asked her.

"You are just brilliant darling!" she hugged me.

"Marriage is a push-me-pull-you. I help where I can!" I told her.

"In that case you are in charge of the remodel, make sure you put the rest of the family to work on the project with you! I am so excited to see what you all will come up with!"

"I even have ideas for the nursery! By the way, is there a wardrobe for Sophie? What do you have for her to wear?" I was on a roll.

"Pink night gowns like you were wearing, we haven't anything else yet," she told me, I had thought as much.

"Can I have some input?" I coaxed.

"It's all right with me, I guess, you're her mommy after all!" she stroked my hair.

"First the nighties are okay, but need to be about 10" longer, with a string through the bottom hem. Like those sleepers for babies, and lots of pink frilly baby clothes like, the ruffled pants baby girls wear. Um, is there a way to temporarily introduce, incontinence in her?" my mind was whizzing along.

"Sure, I can even put the medicine in a 'patch' that could be taped on the middle of her back where she can't reach it," she was starting to get into this.

"Perfect, we'll need diapers and rubber pants, a changing table, baby wipes, and can we get a bidet for every bathroom? The next item might sound kind of strange though. Can you get a remote controlled something that I can use to ah... sexually stimulate Sophie?"

"I can do better than that! I'll give you a remote tomorrow, you are going to love this!" she had a devilish grin on her face.

"Goodie," I squealed.

"I knew you were going to be a natural! Tomorrow you get your first tour of the guarded area!" she promised, "Then I'll 'brief' you on your new duties."

"Couldn't you just panty me. Panties feel so silky and make my pussy look so desirable! I don't want to wear briefs anymore."

"Careful smart ass, I'm puddling already with the description of that lovely twat of yours!" she warned.

"You mean this, tiny, smooth, soft, juicy, hot, and horny pussy right here between my alabaster, soft, incredibly smooth and silky thighs. The one working it's hot little self against the soaked sheets becoming ever hotter? That lovely twat?" I teased.

She slid her hand down to my panties and gently rubbed my Mons Veneris, moving down to my wet slit. "This twat right here is the one I was talking about, the one attached to the super desirable nymphomaniac squirming underneath my wiggly finger."

I licked my lips and then lightly bit my lower lip.

"That face turns me on so much!" she started tonguing my ear and pulled her hand up higher to slip it inside my panties. She was careful not to penetrate my slit. She just smeared my pussy juice all over my vulva and high up onto my mons veneris. She then placed her finger in her mouth and sucked my juice off her finger seductively, "Mmmm, ambrosia!"

I could feel my nipple clenched up tight, and my pussy juice oozing down my leg. She had me panting like a Mexican hairless! "Oh, baby fuck me, make me feel like a woman should!"

That got her, I hadn't noticed that she had been finger banging herself with her other hand, but it became obvious when she went ridged and screamed, "Oh God!"

I could feel her cum wetting my little feet, which gave me an idea! I took my toe, and worked it in between her labia and started working her clit with my toe. Her eyes widened and she said, "Ah... ah... AH... AHHHHHHHHH!" She orgasmed her pussy juices all over my foot. I drew my foot up far enough to touch, and squeegeed off some of her pussy juice onto my finger and imitating her, sucked it sexily off my finger and said, "Mmmm, ambrosia!"

She couldn't take it anymore and squirmed down, yanked my panties down and tongue fucked the living hell out of me.

She only made my eyes roll up into my head for ten minutes or so.

I was laying there dreamily in the after glow watching Diane towel off her magnificent body and start dressing, "It always turned me on no end to watch you slide all of those soft silky sexy girly things on your delicious body, and it still does!"

"I wish I could say the same thing, but your man body never really turned me on. What was in it, drove me wild though!" she admitted, and her eyes went down like she found something fascinating about her feet, "But the new you, ah...your ah... well... Oh shit, your tiny, blonde haired, big boobed bimbo, body just drives me wild! Just watching you wag your little butt when you walk makes me cream my panties! I even have the added benefit that what is inside is what was inside the only male I ever loved. I can't help loving the new you and your hot girly body even more! It sort of makes me feel ashamed that by taking so much from you, I have benefited so very much," she confessed.

"Diane, I forgive you, I forgave you days ago and told you. If I had to be changed, I feel so lucky you were the one in charge, just think if Sophie had been!" I told her.

"Well... actually she had been. There was an uprising while you floated in the tank. The official story to the higher ups is there was an accident, and somehow Sophie transformed. None of the men who were her superiors had the balls to challenge my story! On the other hand, possibly when my report showed the changes you underwent, they were making sure they kept their balls by not challenging me. Outside of your little group, most of the people here are scared shitless of me now. So I have one more thing to make me feel guilty about transforming you for, by making you my little blonde haired, big tittied bimbo, I'm queen bitch around here now," she admitted.

"I knew it, I knew it, if you're Queen bitch, I really am a Princess, I'm Princess bitch!" I clapped my little hands together to exaggerate my pretend girlish excitement.

"I don't know what I ever did to deserved you, but I'm damn glad I did, you always manage to make me feel so good, like I matter to the universe," she was shaking her head looking at me while she did up her bra.

"I have to get back to running this place, and other things," she told me, pulling on a silk skirt, "I hate to eat and run," I snorted when she said that, "I'd just love to stay for a eight course meal but duty calls! She turned off the privacy mode the room had been in and the door swung open, allowing my angels to enter, "Sorry for being so selfish girls, but there's plenty left!" With that, she swept out of the room.

I looked up into fourteen hungry looking eyes and felt like an hors d' Oeuvre. Some of the ladies were even licking their lips. I sighed and surrendered to the inevitable, "Well don't just stand there, someone help me out with this hot little snatch!"

I was surprised that they didn't just dive in. They actually went into a huddle! When they broke, each went a different way, two went out the door, two went into the bathroom, and four closed in on me. The four carefully, gently removed the few clothes I was still wearing. The bathroom ladies returned with a warm basin of soapy water and washcloths. They gave me a sponge bath head to toe, me cooing the whole time. When the others returned, four ladies floated me above the bed while two slid a big thick rubber like sheet under me. The anticipation had me dripping wet! Then they all stripped naked and joined me on the sheet, each with a bottle of baby oil they were liberally spreading all over themselves. As soon as they were slippery head to toe, they began to oil me up. The sensations on my skin were unbelievable! I almost came, just getting oiled up! When everybody was all oily, the ladies started kissing each other and rubbing their bodies together. The sight was driving me crazy, especially when it dawned on me that they had all shaved, so their pussies where as bare as mine! They rubbed titties together and stroked each other's love holes. Then when I was getting ready to finger myself they grabbed my hand to stop me and started rubbing their slick boobies all over me, my legs my tummy my breasts and my face. That did it I came like gangbusters! One of the ladies' mouths attached itself to my pussy and greedily lapped up my juices. They kept at it kissing each other and titty rubbing me, while they took turns lapping up my womanly excretions.

Every time I was able to move a hand, someone stuck a boob in it. Every time my shoulders shook, quivers of tit meat undulated away from me. The ladies would twiddle my oily nipples as I lie in a lovely pool of warm baby oil. It was truly strange, listening to the squirty sloppy noises emanating from my cunt, but it felt indescribably delicious.

I screeched, I screamed, I yelled, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh GOD!" I kept cumming, over, and over.

This time when I came around, I was as naked as a jaybird!

Millie announced, "Time to feed baby!"

I knew that I needed to start role playing, to start Sophie's long road back to adulthood, "Where's my darling little baby?"

Sally was pushing her into the room

"Come to mommy, baby Sophie, I have din-din all ready for you! Are you hungry precious? Mommy has missed you baby! Mommy just loves it when you suck so nice on her big, full, milky boobs! You just love to suck mommy's big boobs, and feel her thick sweet warm milk in you mouth, don't you baby Sophie?" She was next to me in the bed by then so I petted her head and brought my hand down to under her jaw, "Sophie just wants her cute little belly full of mama's sweet thick milk, doesn't Sophie?"

Her big, sad looking eyes, looked at me eagerly wanting feeding, as she nodded her head smiling sheepishly. Just think little Sophie, one day you will grow up and be able to feed your little girl with these big boobies," I told her as I hefted one of her enormous breasts and caressed the nipple, "Your little girl will take this big booby into her mouth like this, and suck and lick, just like this, only you will get the added thrill of feeling your very own milk spray out into your loving babies mouth, like you do to me."

"Here you are my precious, one of mommies milk laden boobies, just for you!" She grabbed it on both sides, and gently caressed, it as she placed it in her mouth and began working my nipple with her lips, and sucking my milk into her mouth, lovingly. "Does baby Sophie like mommies sweet milk?"

She said, "Mmmm," while nodding her head, still latched onto my breast sucking away happily.

After she had suckled awhile, I pulled my boob out of her mouth with a popping noise, and gave her the other one. She smiled at me over the top of my boob in total adoration, as she filled her tummy with my milk.

It felt so good that I fell asleep. I woke with a start, feeling her lick my cunt as if she couldn't get enough. She stopped put her lips around my clit and sucked. When she had a good vacuum she said, "Mummmmiieeee!" and popped off. I came all over her red haired head! That only encouraged her and she tongued me out again. Next, she went back to tongue fucking my ass while she fucked me with her little nose. I came so hard I was afraid I'd drown her!

I heard her coming too, and was pleased that she could cum, now that mama had.

I heard her say in her, higher than even mine, voice, "I wuv you mummy!" and she kissed my ass very lovingly, and then wrapped her arms around my butt and hugged it.

Shortly, Sally came in and pulled her sleeping little body away, and put her on the gurney. Even covered in my own cum, I got up to see where they took Sophie when she wasn't with me, I must have been pretty out of it, because I started tip toeing down the hallway naked. I saw Sally dropping her off at the guard station, then the guards saw me, and their jaws dropped open, their eyes bugged out, and I thought they would faint dead away. That's when it dawned on me, that I was in my birthday suit.

I considered my options, realized the damage was already done, so what the hell! I yelled after Sophie, "Night-night baby girl!" I blew her a kiss, and waved. One of the guards wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and ran the gurney over the other guard's foot, who hollered, lost his footing and fell on his face!

Poor guys, so I yelled, "You guards take good care of my baby girl now, and see that she's here in the morning safely. Bye, bye." I tiptoed away wiggling my little ass.

"Oh my god, did you see her? Ooh mama! She'd almost be worth loosing my balls over!" I heard one guard say to the other.

He was responded to with, "That's exactly what it would cost you man, that was Dr. Samuels' property. Rumor is Sophie tried messing with her and she what it got her! And Dr. Samuels liked her!"

"No Shit!" he replied, "I'd still have to think about it!"

That made me smile! Him finding me so hot, he'd risk Diane's wrath. Then who knows maybe he'd like it! He could be his own wet dream, like me.

Sally jogged to catch up with me (it was pretty easy for her I couldn't move very fast on my toes!)

"Do you feel a draft?" she asked.

"Why, are my lips open?" I spread my boobs so I might see my pussy as I bent over to look. I had to spread my legs and tilt my pelvis forward to see, "Oh damn you're right my lips are open! I'm so embarrassed!"

She rubbed my head, "Turd! We are going to have to do something to help you with your modesty though, I'll work on it and let you know."

Well virtually, everybody here has seen me naked, and most have seen places on me that even I haven't. It just slipped my mind that there were two, who hadn't, the guards. That's remedied now though, everyone's seen me naked now!"

"Yes but only two, who want to fuck you, haven't!" she made her point.

"That's not my fault, none of you invited them either!" I pulled her leg.

"Well Princess 'Cums-a-Lot' I think we can fit them in on your busy schedule tomorrow at 5:00 in the morning, should I contact them and 'make it firm'?" she offered.

"You contact them and it's my bet you'd get one rigid, and one limp and scared shitless!" I told her.

"I'm not taking that bet! I heard what they said too! You might get one hard but there would always be that frightening thought in the back of his mind, the picture of Diane, his cock in her teeth, torn loose from his body!" she offered as an example.

"Wow vivid imagery! I could almost see it myself. Of course you and I know that wouldn't happen!"

"Yah, he'd find himself breathing fluid, in the body of a tiny nymphomaniac!" she agreed.

"He's just lucky it would be Diane. Imagine if the old Sophie would have done it!"

She shuddered, apparently she knew Sophie, before she became my daughter.

"What do you think of my daughter? I really want to know!" I asked.

"I think she is really sweet! She dotes on her mommy, and would do anything for you. When she grows up I think she will be a fine lady!" she said gushing with pride.

"You do know she is the same Sophie, don't you." I wasn't sure she really knew.

"Oh yes, but the old Director Sophie, is gone for good! With you as her loving mother I predict she will be a lovely addition to our family!" she surmised ass we returned to my room.

"I have some plans that, all of us girls (damn that feels weird to say) need to work out some of the specifics. Is there a conference room where we can all meet? You don't think anyone will be too busy to attend, I know it is short notice?" I was ready to get business rolling.

"You are pulling my leg aren't you? You know that you are the only job we have, and other than having tremendous sex with you several times a day, most of us have been finding out why we don't stay home and watch soap operas. You want an all hands meeting in 15 minutes. I'll show you to the conference room. What kind of supplies do you want, laser pointer, large meeting size note pad to write in and capture the image into a PC, recorders, secretary, movie projector, overhead projector..."

"Stop, stop, just the big drawing pad, the one we can capture in a computer, and plain yellow pads with pencils for everybody to take notes, do able?" I tasked her, "Oh and since my nakedness destroys your ability to concentrate, I'll need a jogging suit or something."

"You start holding your breath, we will be back before you turn purple!" she promised.
