Tanks For The Mammaries


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"Mmmm she tastes soooo gooood!" I kept hearing.

After I recovered, they bathed me again.

Finally, I was dressed and brought breakfast.

Afterwards I asked to talk with Diane, privately.

"What is it, my love?" she asked sweetly.

"You might want to turn the monitors off for this conversation," I told her.

She pulled a remote control from a pocket in her lab coat, pressing a button.

"Okay give, what's with the pussy juice and undying devotion?" I insisted.

"You are addictive! Quite literally, once a lady has tasted your pussy, she has to have more. She has no choice. We made you more addictive than heroine is. They will do anything to be with you, for the rest of their days. After more than a week without you, their hair will fall out, they won't eat, drink, or think of anything but you! They don't have it as bad as Sophie does though, she's been screaming at the top of her lungs for you so much she can't even whisper! Speaking of which, would it be all right to bring her by? She only has about 24 hours left without some of your milk," she told me.

"You mean poor Lisa had to quit her job, and life, just to be with me," I was stunned.

"Yes," she admitted, "But I'm even more addicted than they are. I was addicted to you before I had to change you, so I made sure you would never be without someone who loves you. Ladies who will protect you with every ounce of their strength!"

I looked down at my cunt and said, "I better be careful where I point this thing!"

"Speaking of which, I NEED you to point that thing at me!" She put her mouth tightly over my pussy and licked, I came but she got it all and licked me clean. "There now we don't need to give you another bath! Will that be all for now, we can talk more later if you want, I have the remote at all times."

"I'm sated for now," I said dreamily.

"Ta, Ta!" and she was gone.

In came Sophie, a look of pure rapture on her face as she saw me. She kept trying to say my name and all that came out was a noise like a seal bark!

My ladies placed me where she could suckle. She looked so angelic working my boob while I orgasmed.

When she had gotten all she could, she started begging to clean my butt with her tongue, so I let her, knowing that she was addicted to my cum, just like the others. She fell asleep with her tongue in my rectum, her little hands clutching my hips. If I tried to move she grabbed tighter and made muffled noises in my butt, causing me to orgasm again, It was a vicious cycle so I just relaxed and left that strong muscle stay where it was for over an hour, when Sophie was taken away. It was so cute to see her put her thumb in her mouth and suck it as they wheeled her off. Something strange though I could swear her breasts had grown since last she tongue fucked me!

My ladies dressed me and we all went for a walk. They showed me around the other girls' rooms, and I oohed and ahhed at them, it seems that everyone had moved in permanently!

When we got to the end of one hall there was an armed guard in front of the door with a Mack-10. The signs read 'authorized personnel only' 'Platinum clearance beyond this point' and 'Unauthorized entrants will be shot'. It sounded extraordinarily serious, so we turned around and explored elsewhere.

At lunchtime, Diane joined me and I mentioned the door.

"Oh, you have access, none of the others do, and they would have been shot. You probably want to stay clear until I have toured you through though.

"No problem there, those guards would have been pretty big to me when I was a man, now they're enormous, and seriously armed!" I admitted.

"Don't worry husband, they would kiss your feet if I let them!" Diane told me.

"You mean I don't even have to let people lick my juices to have them fawn all over me?" I asked.

"Well... basically, yes," she said, "you are spewing pheromones, male and female, at an unbelievable rate, people will just sort of gravitate to you! I, of course am immune," she snuggled me closer.

"I'm just a love machine, and I don't work for nobody but you!" I sang (off key).

"You work for everybody, including me!" she kissed me deeply.

"So why do I have access to the inner sanctum?"

"There are patients in there, we need you to work your charms on, but that cums later!" they informed me.

"I saw Sophie sucking her thumb in her sleep, she was kind of cute. She does keep insisting on tonguing my butt though. I hate to admit it, but I'm beginning to like it. She is looking better now that she has suckled. When I first saw her she looked half dead," I brought her up on current events as we snuggled.

"She was half dead. In another twelve hours, we would have had to milk you and force- feed her to keep her alive. I can't feel sorry for her, at least not yet. Not after what she did, and tried to do to you. She has the body like yours and the sensitivity to stimulation you do, but prevented from an orgasm without your pheromones. She does not produce them as you do, so no one has to like her or feel sorry for her. The only one I know of that does feel sorry for her, is you sweetheart. I knew you would too, so I didn't do some of the more drastic things originally planed for her. The sucking of the thumb was on purpose. She has the emotional age of a one year old. She still remembers who she is, and all other knowledge, she just can't understand why she would try to hurt you, and especially she would never hurt her mama. That's you. She bonded to your image and pheromones. It is tied very deeply with the primeval, 'love of mother' in her. So even though she has hated her real mother for many years, she has for you, a deeper love than she knew existed. If we are successful in removing her addiction to your breast milk, she will never stop loving you. When she emotionally matures, she will always have the infant, 'love of mother' that will never mature. She should start calling you mummy, soon and forever more."

"So, now I've even made you a mother! Is it all right though? Just think if she's a good and dutiful daughter, everyone might forgive her sooner," she logically proposed.

"What a sales job, you didn't have to reach so much, it's all right. If this is a way that you can eventually get your Sophie back, I'll do my best," I proclaimed

"You always could see right through me! I should know better. I couldn't bear to exterminate her. This way maybe the love of a good mother will heal her. She can truly be the person we all took her for," she explained, "But you knew that didn't you!"

"What, a tiny blonde haired, big boobed bimbo, figure all those complicated things out, gosh it would make my hair bleed to think that hard!" I sarcastically said in my tiny 'Chippette' voice.

"If the nurses came in and saw your hair bleeding, I wouldn't live to make the door!" Diane exclaimed.

They couldn't hurt you, none of you can hurt the others, and do you know why?" I lead her on.

She shook her head puzzled.

"All of you know if you hurt each other, I would be heart broken. Do you think any of them could stand to see me heart broken?" I asked.

"Oh my god. I see what you mean. So none of us will do anything negative to each other, ever, for it would only hurt ourselves! Wow! I've created a paradox haven't I?" she realized.

"What, you're asking a tiny, blonde haired, big boobed, bimbo about a three syllable word? Are you nuts?" I asked trying very hard to keep a straight face.

"You be nice or, 'duh I'm going to hug you and squeeze you and call you George! Duh that's what I'll do, yup, yup, yup'," doing her best impression of a big dumb abominable snowman off an old Bugs Bunny cartoon.

I laughed at her and she smiled.

She admitted, "When you are happy my heart just soars darling!"

"I'll try and stay happy then, even though this hot, dripping wet pussy, is just screaming for release," I baited her.

"Oh my, we can't have that!" she pressed the button on the remote. The one marked 'emergency' and every nurse, and Lisa too bolted into the room, looking apprehensive and determined to give aid and comfort, "Ladies, I have been informed that there is a, and I quote, 'hot dripping wet pussy that is just screaming for release' in this room, and it's not mine!"

I tried to hide under the pillows but somehow they found me. They all took turns tonguing my cunt and sucking my boobs, and kissing, and licking, and stroking me everywhere. They spread my little legs so wide, I was sure they had torn me in half, and were sucking out my sex organs. I had a tongue a foot long up my slit, at least it felt like it was! I kept spasming and cumming. I could feel tongues competing for my juices, at least any that got past whoever was eating me at the time, it was like a whole mess of wet strong squirmy worms were wriggling all over my nether regions, which only made me cum that much harder.

I woke up all cleaned, perfumed, and dressed in pink ruffles from head to toe! Someone had even gotten me a pair of soft pink high heels to match! "I don't remember us buying this on our trip," I remarked.

"You didn't," Millie said, "I had it custom made and sent here while you were out, to surprise you. Do you like it?"

"Oh thank you Millie, it's the most beautiful pink outfit anyone has ever given me!" of course it was the only pink outfit, anyone had ever given to me. I wasn't crazy about the 'pinkness' but I was softening to it. It's hard to undo years of male conditioning that quickly. I didn't let all this on to Millie though. This must have set her back quite a bit of money. I know how much my clothing costs!

She was rubbing my tummy just like before and I still loved it just as much, not that I could hide that fact from Millie, since I was all but purring!

"You look just beautiful in it too. Once we had you dressed we almost had to call one of the guards to have him help keep us from ravishing you before you could see yourself in it!" she declared.

"I feel so warm and cozy here, but I should get up and model it for everyone," I told her as I swung my slim little legs off the side of the bed, rolled over onto my tummy and slid the rest of the way to the floor, "Are you going to come with me?"

"You have but to ask my princess," she teased as she placed the little tiara on my head.

"Well let's not keep my subjects waiting, it is to be a full tour of my kingdom today then?" I inquired haughtily.

"Yes, my Princess, we will visit all of the peoples homes and get acquainted," she informed me of the itinerary.

Therefore, I put on my sluttiest walk and undulated out of my room to knock on the door next to it. This should be Sally's room, so I knocked.

I was right. Sally opened the door, "Yes?"

"Hello, I'm the house call-girl/Princess. I am learning the ropes, could I trouble you for a cup of orally administered saliva?" I teased her.

The words had barely left my lips and her warm mouth pressed against mine.

"Mmmm, I could get to like being a Princess!" I told her.

"I think you are just darling, my Princess," she told me as she tweaked my nose.

I tweaked her nose back and told her, "I love you too, my Sally!"

I swear it looked like her knee went weak. I thought she was going to swoon!

"I must beg my leave, I have more subjects to visit, and much more saliva to drink," as I undulated out the door. Behind me, I saw Sally fanning herself to cool herself.

Knocking on the next door, Sue greeted me.

"Come in," she called.

"It's your door to door Princess, I'm here to collect my tribute. That will be one cup of saliva," I announced.

"These taxes are too great a burden! Well if I must pay, I must," she sighed and came over to me, placed me on her bed and kissed the shit out of me. "On second thought I consider it an honor to contribute to the well being of the nation," and kissed me again.

I composed my self and sighed, "Oh well, a Princesses job is never done!" I perambulated on to the next room and knocked.

By this time, I was beginning to draw and audience.

"Who is it," sounded from inside.

"It is your loving Princess come to collect a warm cup of spit," I answered.

The door flew open, and I was abruptly, pulled inside by Kellie. I didn't have a chance to say another word, she was careful not to make me orgasm, but my panties were soaked! When she had had enough, and I could breath I said, "It's always gratifying to encounter such an enthusiastic subject!"

She laughed and kissed me again briefly.

"My 'grayman' is waiting with my next appointment, I mustn't keep her waiting!" I told her and received a friendly pat on my bottom.

At the next door my knock was answered with, "Wha... Who... Is someone at the door?"

"It's the Avon Princess, would you like to sample my wares?" I offered.

I thought the door had exploded it opened so fast!

"Don't just stand there in the cold, mum! Come in and warm Y'self by my fire!" was Molly's reply.

I thought the leaches had sucked on to me! Not! They could learn something from Molly!

"I missed you terribly when you were in Las Vegas!" and kissed me again.

"I missed you too, it makes me happy to be back!" I admitted.

"Well, you visit me any time, and sleep over too, if you want!" she offered.

Now there's an idea, but I refrained from saying anything.

"Tempting, I'll discuss it with the Senate. For now I must share myself with the people!" I blew her a kiss.

By now, the word had gotten out, and everyone was expecting me. I raised my hand to knock and the door creaked open, "Come into my parlor, make yourself at home," she patted her lap indicating where she wanted me.

"Mmmm your accommodations are exquisite," I told Cindy as I squirmed my little butt around as if I was getting comfortable, but I was trying to get her motor running, "Now how about that cup of saliva I have demanded from everyone else?"

"Oh all right, stick out your tongue!" she told me.

This sounds different.

She wrapped her lips around my tongue and started acting as if she was giving my tongue a blowjob, even tickling the end of it with her tongue! I was gushing into my panties! She barely stopped in time. I was so close I shuddered all over as my senses returned.

"I think the Royal coffers are full!" I proclaimed. Millie met me at the door and we continued walking around the halls. You should have seen the looks on the guards when they saw me dressed in pink, wearing a tiara. I thought they would drown in their own saliva! So of course as we were walking away, I laid 'the walk' on big time to finish them off, I was surprised when I heard a thud behind us. When I turned around, I saw one of the guards had fallen over trying to get a better look! I smiled and snickered at him and he got a dopey looking grin on his face. Judging by the bulge in his pants, he was going to have to beat, the one eyed, purple-headed, monster into submission!

Millie whispered, "You are just plain too hot girl! I'm sure happy you are home!"

I stopped and hugged her leg, "I love you Millie."

"You know sweetheart, I never thought I'd say this to another woman, but I love you more than I've ever loved anyone before in my whole life!" she confessed.

"Thank you Millie, I feel the same way about all my angels! I need you all! Do you think they made my heart too big when I they transformed me? I don't think I could live without any of you!" I squeezed her leg harder.

"Oh baby, it warms my heart to hear you say that! I'm still afraid of what I'll do when my services are no longer needed," a tear was rolling down her pretty face.

"Don't you worry Millie, Diane tells me you, and all my angels have permanent positions. You never have to leave if you don't want to!" I told her.

She dropped onto one knee, "Are you serious, all of us? Nevertheless, you are doing so well, I was sure you would not need us for more than another week! Is there something wrong with you they haven't told us? Please tell me!"

"Uh, you know I'm a tiny, nymphomaniac, blonde haired bimbo, with giant boobs, right," I asked her.

"Crudely put but, yes," she admitted.

"In that case, you know everything! Apparently I will always need special ministrations, though it appears the staff will have to become a family, what do you think? Do you think everyone will stay? I sure hope so, it would break my heart in two if anyone left us, I love everyone of our group so much, I think I would just die!" I set the groundwork to keep us all together. Of course, I knew that it would be they that died if they left, and I couldn't let that happen, I really do care for them all!

"Sweetheart, no one will leave you! We have all talked about how we feel about you. In fact, when we began to think you were well enough to do without us soon, we all consoled each other. I think that's why Molly sounded so surprised when she heard your voice. She was probably on her bed crying when you knocked," she surmised.

"Let's stop on our way back and see if we can make her feel better, okay?" I bargained.

"You are so sweet and considerate, that's why I love you so much!" Millie falsely assumed.

I wouldn't let Millie knock. I quietly opened the door and snuck in to find Molly with her head buried in her pillow. I looked at Millie and put my finger to my full pouty lips. I ever so quietly climbed on the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

Her puffy eyes told me the whole story. When she had me sit on her lap, I couldn't see her face, to tell she had been crying. Sneaky!

"I didn't hear..." she stammered.

"Why are you crying? Tell me the truth!" I told her.

"I... I... hic I... hic you... you... hic," she stammered.

"It's all right sweetie, all of my angels are permanent, if they want to be. I hear I'm a lot of work so Diane says everyone is full time, and provided room, and board, if they so desire. Does that make you feel any better honey?" I offered.

"You... you... hic you... hic," was all she could manage but she smiled and kissed me. I waved Millie in too and she joined the group hug.

I heard, "Heeeyyyyy! What about the rest of us?" it was Sally.

"Are you crying into your pillow too? You better come in and join us then!" I teased her.

"Is she crying again?" Sally put both of her little fingers in her mouth and ripped off an ear- piercing whistle. "Huddle!" she bellowed.

Everyone came running.

"She really has it bad! Oh! De Anne is here! Um, Ah... can we help?" Cindy asked.

"I think she'll be all right now. I am worried about the rest of you though. Has this been going on a lot?" I inquired.

"We kind of take turns, getting depressed over..." she couldn't finish.

"Is that all? I can fix that! Tell them Millie, I know Cindy still has the hiccups and needs me! Don't you honey?" I said smiling at her.

Millie filled everyone in. There was one, who still thought of herself as an outsider though, so I handled that.

"You are an official angel now too Lisa! So, don't go thinking that it might not mean you too! Everybody its hug Lisa time!" I declared.

"I am so proud of you all! When one of you is sad, that makes me sad, but if one is sad and every body supports her and cheers her up, that makes me so proud to be one of you, well you have no idea. I love every one of you so much I would just die, with out any one of you!" that should solidify things. The paradox was in place, now let's hope it serves to inspire everyone.

I looked over to see that Lisa received the proper welcome, and saw that Kellie had her by the lips, and Lisa had lifted her left foot at the knee. Oh yes she was being welcomed! I could see her slacks moisten in the crotch! That Kellie was just amazing!

Uh oh, Lisa screeched and orgasmed. Good thing the ladies caught her and then Kellie just kept kissing her! She came two more times before Kellie was finished.

"Oh... pant, pant, my... pant, pant, GOD!" no one has ever made me cum just from kissing me, ever!" Lisa's exclaimed.
