Those Days of...Ch. 31-35


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'You must have found that a bit of a shock to the system.' I said. 'I mean, having someone as non-sexual as you said jean was, especially after having had a woman with Margaret's appetite.'

'Not really, well not at first, I'd never been the sort of person that expects to hop into a woman's bed as soon as I meet her.'

'But you've no objection to popping your cock into her pussy if it's lying there waiting for it.' Barbara said with a laugh.

Mike grinned back at her. 'I suppose that's true. But then the way we met was a bit different.' Then turned back to me again and continued. 'But as you can imagine Roger, after a while, when there was no change in her attitude things did start to get a bit tense.'

'I hope you don't find us - I mean, Barbara - too unimaginative Mike. That is, after the unusual things you experienced with Margaret.' Helen said quietly.

'Don't you worry about that Mum, I'm looking forward to Mike giving me the benefit of some of those experiences.' Barbara answered as she snuggled closer to him. 'Somehow I think boredom will be the least of his concerns.'

Mike chuckled, then looked up and across at Helen. 'Barbara's already given me a fair idea of a few things she wants us to try - and as she said, boredom seems the least likely outcome. But you can be sure we won't be trying anything too extreme either - I'll be very careful with your daughter - if that's what was worrying you Helen.'

Somehow I doubted that was Helen's main concern. The note of envy I'd heard in her voice led me to think that it wouldn't take much for her to step into Margaret's, or even Barbara's shoes, if only for a while. I'd seen and felt her reactions to Mike's stories - just imagining the scenarios had got her as wound-up as I'd ever seen her get, it was difficult to imagine just what would happen if she actually experienced one of them herself.

And those thoughts started off a whole series of ideas.

When we had finished the tea we packed everything into Mike's car, he made sure the remains of the fire were properly out, covering the hot ashes with sand then turned on his head-lights so Helen and I could more easily find our way back to where my car was and then, letting him lead the way, we headed for home.

At first neither of us spoke, each deep in their own thoughts but after a while Helen broke the silence.

'I'm glad I thought of following them, it was better than staying home and watching TV wasn't it.'

'It certainly was darling - a brilliant idea.' I agreed, reaching across and giving her knee a squeeze. 'When Mike was telling us about his experiences with Margaret I couldn't help thinking what surprising things go on in the most ordinary person's mind. I mean if you think of the sort of woman she was - a very ordinary, happily married mother, a virgin when she married, never had any other men - yet underneath that veneer was a completely different person. Amazing isn't it!'

'I was thinking exactly the same thing - but I was looking at myself too, thinking how like her I was. I mean meeting you was rather the same as Margaret meeting Mike - he unlocked or triggered something inside her, just as you did with me.'

'But you have to admit the things she got up to were a bit strong, even by our standards.'

'I'm not sure of that - I mean it's not every mother that wants her man to sleep with her daughter, or to make love to her herself.'


'And just because we haven't done some things, it doesn't mean we haven't had thoughts about them.'

'Have you?'


'Had thoughts about some of those kinds of things.'

'Sometimes, not often. You saw how much I enjoyed it, the day we met Mike, down by the river.'

'That was mild by comparison with what they got up to. Would you like something stronger sometime.'

'I might.'

We were silent again for a while. I wasn't completely surprised by what Helen had said, perhaps just by the fact that she had said it so soon, I had expected her to take longer in sorting out her thoughts. Then I started to think about how I might go about giving her what she fancied. Unlike Mike I neither knew anything about, nor had ready access to ropes and things and although we had shared some intimate experiences, for some reason I didn't fancy the idea of openly seeking his help.

After only a few minutes my thoughts were interrupted.

'How about you Roger, do you find the idea exciting too?'

Did I? I recalled how strongly I'd got aroused by just listening to Mike's story - how I had imagined myself in his place, with Margaret/Helen lying there helpless as I worked her up to fever pitch, then used whatever part of her I fancied to relieve my own need.

'Yes darling, I think it could be.' I answered in as controlled a voice as I could manage.

'Which part?'

'How do you mean, which part?'

'Well there were several different things he told us about - I wondered which appealed most strongly.'

'Everything!' I said with a chuckle and was pleased to hear her laugh too.

'O.K. - everything it is. But wasn't there anything that particularly appealed?'

'Several things actually darling, we'll give them all a go in time. But how about you?'

'I agree, I liked the sound of everything - the way Margaret always liked seeing Mike walk around with his erection showing, I liked that idea a lot. You know how much I enjoy seeing you like that. But the final thing, getting him off while he was tied-up in the doorway, I found that really exciting.'

'So it's me you want tied-up, not yourself.'

'I didn't say that - I said I found that particularly exciting, the idea of having it done to me is exciting too.'

'O.K., so we take turns.'

'It would be a bit difficult to do it at the same time, wouldn't it.' she responded with a laugh.

'And even if we managed it somehow, it wouldn't be very satisfying.' I added, imagining the pair of us bound and rolling around on the floor, getting nowhere.

'Unless we had someone there to do it for us.' she said thoughtfully.

'You mean Mike?'

'Maybe Mike and Barbara.' she answered.

I began to see where her thoughts were taking her. A foursome! That immediately conjured up images in my head, of Barbara - and how her beautiful body would look spread-eagled in a door-way - or tied down on the bed, a rope tight beneath those gorgeous breasts. And as I played with those images I felt a familiar surge down between my legs.

'What are you thinking?' she asked quietly, leaning across and resting her hand on my thigh.

'I was wondering what my reaction would be to having them there with us.' I answered, which was at least partially truthful.


'I'm not sure.'

'What's bothering you?'

I knew very well what was bothering me - the look I'd seen in Helen's eye and the tone I'd heard in her voice when Mike was around - it was called jealousy. I was jealous of his youthful vigour, his muscular body and of Helen's understandable reaction to them. Knowing my own reaction to Barbara made it more complex - I couldn't stop the way I felt each time I saw her and couldn't blame Helen for feeling similar things when Mike was around. But that just made it more complicated - not easier to accept.

'It's hard to explain.'

'It's Mike, isn't it?'

'In a way, yes.'

'Do you think I fancy him?'

'I suppose so.'

'Like you fancy Barbara?'

'That's a bit unfair.'

'Maybe, maybe not. But do you think I feel about Mike the way you feel about Barbara?'


'O.K. - for a moment let's assume I do. Now, you get the hots for Barbara just about every time you see her. Don't try to say you don't because I see the look in your eye every time. Now, does that mean that if Mike, or somebody like him hadn't come along you would have gone off with her.'

'No, of course not.'

'Why not?'

'It's different, what you and I have. I mean, well, I love you.'

'Oh Roger!' she exclaimed happily, throwing her arms around me and very nearly making me lose control of the car. I braked hard and we stopped. 'You've never actually said that before. Do you mean it?'

'Of course I mean it - it's obvious isn't it?'

'It maybe obvious but that doesn't mean it's true.'

'Well it is.'

She stopped the rest of what I was going to say with her kiss, hard and passionate. But although I would have happily continued on longer, knowing that Mike and Barbara would be worried that we might have got into difficulties, I broke free and said we'd better leave the rest until we got home.

She snuggled closer, her hand resting down between my legs, her fingers idly wandering over the swelling that steadily grew beneath them - then continued what she had been saying before.

'So, because you love me - I like the sound of that.' she added happily. 'Because you love me, whatever feelings Barbara arouses - and whatever you do about those feelings - the way you feel about me doesn't change. Barbara's a sort of extra, it's not one or the other. Is that fair?'


'So, why can't I feel that way about Mike?'

'That's a bit different.'

'In what way?'

'Well, as I said, I love you.'

'And I love you. There, now I've said it too.'

I was tempted to stop the car again and go for a repeat of what we'd done a few minutes before - but just then I saw the tail-lights of Mike's car, he'd stopped when he realised we were no longer following but when I flashed my head-lights I saw him start-up again - so satisfied myself with a squeeze of Helen's thigh.

'So what you're saying is that we can each feel secure about the other, no matter what happens between us and them.'

'Basically, yes. Just as you are understandably attracted to Barbara's body - but wouldn't necessarily want to share your entire life with her, so, in the same way I fancy Mike. I don't see why we shouldn't enjoy them every now and then - if they want to of course.'

'You make it sound so simple.'

'Well isn't it?'

'I suppose so.'

'Just imagine the fun we could have, the four of us. You taking care of Barbara, while Mike does the same for me - or both of us, I mean Barbara and I, taking care of each of you in turn. You liked that, a lot, I know you did - and I bet Mike would too.'

What she said triggered those images again, of Barbara tied-up beneath me - and new ones too, of having both Helen and Barbara exciting me as they had before. And as the thoughts roused me I felt Helen's fingers fumbling with my zip, then slipping inside to feel the growing length of my cock.

'Stop for a minute Roger.

It would be easier if you didn't have underpants on.' she said as I braked to a halt. 'Just lift yourself up a bit and ease them down for me. Adding with a chuckle. 'Let's give our friend here a bit of fresh air.

O.K. - off we go again.' she said once she'd got my still hardening cock out. 'Just keep your eye on the road.'

That was easier said than done, although she was only caressing me lightly, not trying to actually get me off, the sensations that flowed up from my steadily hardening cock were so exquisite that I had to really concentrate on my driving.

'Aah, that's how I like it!' she sighed happily once she was sure that she'd got me fully erect. 'I love the feel of it, so hard and hot. It's a pity there isn't more light, I'll just have to wait until we get to where there are street-lights, to see it properly. Never mind, it feels really great.'

'From this side too darling.' I answered, silently wondering how I'd cope with the situation once we joined the heavily trafficked roads.

But although it lost some of its condition a couple of times and we were sprung once, while waiting for a set of traffic lights to change, when a young woman passenger in the car that pulled up alongside us got a very clear view of what was going on - and gave Helen a big grin and a thumb's-up sign - there were no problems, except the accompanying and steadily growing ache in my balls.

When we were about ten minutes' drive away from the flat she slowed and finally stopped her tantalising caressing. 'I'd better let him get back to normal hadn't I? You might have difficulty getting your trousers done up again if I don't. But you'd better get used to me doing that, it was lovely and apart from anything else, it's made me very warm and wet.'

'That's nice to know darling - I mean that only one of us now has to put up with the nagging ache.' I answered light-heartedly as I felt my cock quickly begin to reduce in size.

She immediately understood what I was referring to and I could hear the genuine concern in her voice. 'Oh of course! I'm sorry Roger, I hadn't thought of that.'

'Hey, don't worry about it! It's not much - and it was well worth it, I liked what you did - a lot. So whenever you feel like it, go ahead. I'll quite happily put up with a bit of an ache for a while.'

'Not for too long, I promise you. I don't think any of us will feel much like staying up late - all the fresh air and activity have made me really quite tired. I think early bed and a slow cuddle are called for - don't you?'

'Sounds great! Do you think Mike will stay over?'

'That's a thought. Would you mind?'

'No, of course not. He has as much right to be there as I have, if Barbara wants him to stay and you've no objection, its fine with me.'

'If he does - I mean from time to time - it will give us a chance of seeing whether he would be interested in what we were talking about before.'

'You mean the foursome?'

'Yes. You are still interested aren't you?'

'Yes, now I know how you and I stand with each other I feel much better about it. I'm still not sure how I'll react when I see him touching you - but I'll give it a try, at least once anyway. But if I have problems with it, you won't mind if I get second thoughts about it, will you?'

'Of course not. I understand - and it's lovely to know you care so much.' she said warmly as she gave my leg an affectionate squeeze.

It took us the best part of an hour to unpack the cars, wash-up and put away the assorted paraphernalia and, as I'd anticipated, Mike stayed on to help. Sometime during the activity Barbara must have had a quiet word with Helen because just as we were putting the last things away she whispered to me that, as we had thought, Mike was going to stay over. When all was finally done, as none of us felt much like having a proper meal the girls put together some cheese and biscuits and things for us to nibble on while I poured us all a drink and then we sat around the kitchen table chatting about the day we'd shared.

I allowed a reasonable time before I got up and said I for one was going to have a quick shower and hit the sack, explaining 'We oldies don't have the staying power of the younger generation.'

Barbara caught my eye and with raised eye-brows a glint in her eye and a wicked grin, clearly indicated that at least as far as she was concerned, there was no doubt about my staying-power.

'I'll follow you darling, we'll let the youngsters fend for themselves.' Helen called after me.

So a short while later we were snuggled up in bed together - and an even shorter time after that, our bodies were locked together as we made love, slowly lovingly and in time, to each one's total satisfaction.

As we later lay quietly in each other's arms we were vaguely aware of the sounds the other two made, as they also showered - but unlike Helen and I they apparently shared theirs, at least the giggles and Barbara's occasional shriek seemed to indicate they did. And in spite of having Helen's soft warmth beside me, imagining her in the shower triggered a flash of memory, a memory from that afternoon, when I had thought I was alone on the beach.

I'd heard her voice and without even thinking, I turned to see her coming down the beach towards me - and like me, she was naked. As always, my gaze had immediately dropped to her breasts, swaying from side to side as she walked towards me, a light sheen of perspiration covered their incredible curves and ran in a thin rivulet down between them - where I had climaxed so powerfully that one time. Dragging my eyes up as she came closer I found that hers were smiling at me, then saw them drop, to stare wide-eyed at my cock as it jerked higher still in reaction to the thoughts that the mere sight of her generated.

Helen had already dozed off and she mumbled in her sleep and snuggled closer in reaction to my arms tightening their hold of her. She'd been right of course, when she'd said - 'You are understandably attracted to Barbara's body - but wouldn't necessarily want to share your entire life with her.'

I doubted I'd ever be entirely free of the desire that seemed to automatically well up inside me every time I saw or even thought about Barbara. So maybe Helen's idea of an occasional foursome would give me - and with Mike, perhaps Helen too - the best of both worlds, a loving, secure relationship with each other and, from time to time the sheer, lustful excitement that the younger bodies could provide. Perhaps it could be as simple as Helen had made it sound. Time would tell!

Chapter 34

Talks with Julia

The following morning was fairly chaotic, being a normal working day, each of us with our own time-tables, each trying to shower and grab a bite to eat before we left. Mike made things a bit easier for us, leaving early, so he could shower and change at his place and go on to work from there but with two women fighting for their time in the bath-room I made do with a fast scrub and shave, leaving them to solve their own problems.

During the day I made a point of ringing Julia, she and I had to sort out our affairs once and for all, regardless of what had or had not happened between she and Barbara. Her voice sounded politely distant when I told her I was ringing to arrange a time for us to get together to discuss things.

'You mean a divorce?'

'Probably. I don't see much point in not doing it, do you?'

'No, I agree.'

'O.K., there are things we'll need to sort out, rather than let the legal boys make a fortune out of our squabbling about things.'

'I agree with that too Roger.'

'Good. Where and when then?'

'You may as well come round to the house, that's the sensible place to fix things. Do you mind?'

'No of course not. I've lots of very fond memories associated with the house. Why should I mind?'

'I don't know, I just thought you might find it uncomfortable being there.'

'Far from it Julia. Which evening would be best for you?'

We arranged to meet the next Wednesday and when I told Helen that evening she was both happy and nervous about the arrangement. Somewhere at the back of her mind I think she still thought that perhaps Julia would make one last effort to get me back - or that at least she and I might end up in bed together, for old time's sake, so to speak.

I assured her as best I could that it was to be a very business-like meeting, discussing what to do with the house and our other joint financial arrangements, nothing more.

In spite of my confident tone I too had some sneaking concerns about just how co-operative Julia might actually turn out to be but, to my pleasant surprise the meeting went very much better than I had hoped.

Julia was as elegant as ever, a striking, still very attractive woman and especially as I hadn't seen her for a few weeks, I could see how a younger woman would be both impressed and flattered by her attentions. We went straight through into the lounge-room and while she took her usual chair, I sat on the settee - the one on which Helen and I had made love that very first day.

I'd made us both drinks and, to Julia's irritation, lit a cigarette.

'So, you are obviously well Julia, if I may say so, you're looking very good indeed.'

'Thank you. But then there's no reason why I shouldn't be.' she answered in a very off-hand manner.
