All Comments on 'Too Good To Be True? Ch. 01'

by miss_kris

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keikei2keikei2about 14 years ago

this looks like it will be a very good story.... cant wait for you to post more chapters soon!!!!

IzkaPlm18IzkaPlm18about 14 years ago

This look really good right now---based off the first chapter! :)

I can't wait for the next chapter, i'm really curious lol Sooo do not keep us waiting long for it! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Very good start, please don't keep us waiting for the next chapter.

FlpantherFlpantherabout 14 years ago

What kills a good story is to much time between chapters. You have made a great start...keep going!!

Wolf_girl13Wolf_girl13about 14 years ago
great start!

This was a great first chapter and I can't wait to hear more.

reverendaholicreverendaholicabout 14 years ago
Good start

Besides the few grammatical errors(which we all have) this chapter was a good set up for the ones to come. As far as hurry up and get them out, I say take your time. Everyone wants to read stories quick but don't rush chapters just to please. If they are really fans they willl hang in with you no matter how long it is between chapters.

luv_romanceluv_romanceabout 14 years ago

nice start. follow up with the next chapter fast. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

true fans will stay no matter what but we are allowed to hate for a bit if you leave us for a while and then use a short chapter and then leave again all in all amaing 1st chapter

mokkelkemokkelkeabout 14 years ago

i like this, this has some very good potential to turn into a nice story :) keep it up

Cedar_NeedleCedar_Needleabout 14 years ago
I am impressed!

That was some excellent writing for someone who hasn't written in a few years! Fantasic first chapter! Too short! I seriously hope you are working on more.....please??

canndcanndabout 14 years ago

I think it is a great start. I look forward to your developing the plot. But why would he not call and say he had to go to be with family or something? Why would he just abandon her if she is his mate? I can't think of a good reason for no contact if he is worried about her hating him. So I hope you can give me a good one :)

shifter91shifter91about 14 years ago

I'm really enjoying it so far - but I also can't wait to see why he left her if she's his mate and why he's talking about her arriving in NY when she said she's going to GA. Please update!!

canndcanndabout 14 years ago

shifter--he is in savannah. It was saying 1000 miles away he was in his office. 1000 miles from NY where she is now. So yeah he's there and she is going there in 3 mos. for the school.

I just don't understand why he won't give her a call and say sorry. can't get away for now but I still care. Jeez.

can't wait for new chapter! hope it comes soon

ToyamochaToyamochaover 12 years ago

Nice one but I think we've already read somting similar

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Next Chapter....?..

Love story can't wait for next chapter!

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