Too Good To Be True? Ch. 01

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Dante leaves without explanation Kris is frustrated & alone.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/26/2010
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Kris was looking in the mirror applying the finishing touches to her makeup. After brushing on a last coat of mascara she sighed, "Well, I guess this is as good as it will get." She looked at the clock then grabbed her keys and purse to head out door. She hoped she wouldn't get lost as she had just enough time to get to the restaurant on time to meet Dante. She really didn't want to be late.


Kristiana was a pretty girl but she didn't recognize it as others did. She had shoulder-length, thick dark brown hair, big hazel eyes and olive skin from her Italian heritage. It wasn't her face that was the source of her self-esteem issue but her body. Kris stood 5'11"; very tall for a woman, even taller than the average man. She hating standing out as she did and refused to consider dating anyone shorter than her. Kris also wasn't a skinny girl; she had curves and some weight to her. Though she stood tall and carried herself with confidence, her tough exterior hid the self-consciousness she had within.

Kris's last serious relationship, which had ended around a year ago, didn't help with how she viewed herself. She and Gerard had met though a mutual friend while he was in town on business. They had started as friends, just exchanging a few emails and instant messages since they lived far apart. Then came text messages, phone calls and video Skype sessions. Soon they were getting together whenever he came to town on business and she would occasionally take long weekends to visit him.

Gerard was drawn to Kris's intelligence, confidence and sense of humor. She could hold her own in any conversation or situation he put her in. He fell for her early in their relationship through the conversations they shared.

They were together for over 2 years but the relationship never reached the level the Kris expected or wanted. She loved Gerard, but she knew he could never fully return her feelings. Sure he cared for her, was affectionate towards her and enjoyed spending time with her but deep down she knew he would never truly love her. Kris always felt that Gerard was disappointed in her appearance, as she was the exact opposite of the fair skinned, skinny, petite, blondes he usually dated. Never once in their time together did he tell her she was beautiful. And though everyone else thought of her as his girlfriend, Gerard never called or introduced her as such; insisting that he hated those kind of "labels."

Kris finally forced herself to face the fact that the relationship would never evolve. So even though she loved Gerard with all her heart, she ended things. The breakup itself didn't hurt as much as when she found out how quickly Gerard had moved on with his new girlfriend. After only a few weeks, letting this new woman into his life and his heart in a way he never had with Kris.

Kris took off a few months of dating after the breakup but since she decided to get back in the game she had had nothing but a sting of bad dating experiences. Quite a few awkward first dates, fewer second dates, and not one guy made it to a third.

Kris was starting to give up on dating when she met Dante. He found her on an online dating site and they seemed to connect right away. They talked through email, text and the phone for 3 weeks before they met. They were both very nervous on their first date but things seemed to go very well. By the end he was comfortable enough to give her a kiss and ask her out again, Kris gladly accepted both. It was a little wait before their second date because of Kris's work schedule, but Dante called her everyday in between. They lived in different towns and since he had driven to her for the first date, she insisted on driving to him for the second.


When Kris arrived to the restaurant she noticed Dante was waiting for her leaning against the side of his truck. He looked good in dark jeans and white polo shirt against his tan skin and deep brown eyes. He was big guy, at least 6'8" tall with broad shoulders and ripped with muscle. His black hair was a little shaggy and wild and he had a neatly trimmed short beard. Kris still couldn't believe how this completely gorgeous man could be interested in her.

Kris hoped that he would like the dress she decided to wear. It was a low-cut, coral cotton dress that showed a hint of cleavage. The dress came to her knees and showed off her long tan legs and wedge sandals. He started walking towards her as she climbed out of her Jeep. Dante stopped a few feet in front of her once he got a full view of her. His eyes moved down and back up her body, stopping on her face, "Great dress," he said with a smile and wink.

"Thanks," she smiled. He closed the gap between them, leaning down to wrap her in a hug and planting a kiss on her cheek. She blushed as he ushered her into the restaurant and to the table he had requested earlier.

The table Dante had chosen was secluded so they would have privacy. The dinner conversation was completely comfortable and flowed without any awkward silence. Both of them smiled and laughed often through the meal and there was a lot of flirting back and forth. They talk about their interests, work, and families. Kris was a 27 year old, graphic designer at a marketing firm. She'd grown up in the upstate New York, gone away to college and then come back after graduation for a job offer. She had a small family, her parents were still in the area but they were not very close. Dante was 32 and grew up down south. He moved to New York about a year ago for business. He came from a large family that was very tight-knit and they owned several companies that had dealings in real estate. When the check came, Dante grabbed it and refused to split it as Kris suggested.

After dinner they headed to the movies. Kris and Dante paid much closer attention to each other than the film. Each time she tried to steal a glance of him, she noticed he was staring at her. It made her a little uncomfortable but also a little excited. Half way through the film their arms and legs were touching and by the end he had his arm around her shoulder and she was leaning into him. As he walked her through the parking lot they chatted about the movie and he moved to grab her hand.

When they reached Kris's car, she started fumbling for her keys as she told him what a great time she had that evening. Dante just smiled and leaned down, his lips searching for hers. He caught he off guard as he brushed his lips gently against hers and she could feel him smiling against her.

He grabbed her chin and tilted her head up, "Look up at me." She looked into his beautiful face and a shiver went down her spine. "When can I see you again, Kris?"

"Um... I have plans this weekend but I have the day off from work on Monday. If you wanted to come over to my place, I could make us dinner and we could watch a movie after?"

"You'd cook for me and I'd have you to myself? I like that idea." He gave her a cocky smirk and she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Well, don't get..." before she could finish he cut her off with another kiss. This one so much stronger than the first, his lips pressed firmly against hers, his body had her pressed back against the side of her Jeep. His tongue snaked out and licked across her lips, and he took her bottom lip between his to nibble and suck on it. Dante's hands moved down Kris's body to grab her hips and pull her into his body. She let out a little moan and he used the opportunity to push his tongue into her mouth. His tongue finding hers as they wrestled with each other. He was desperate to taste every inch of her mouth.

Dante's hand moved up the side of Kris's body to her chest. As his large hand cupped and massaged her full breast through her clothing, she leaned her body into his. Dante smiled and growled before returning to attack her lips. Kris was lost in ecstasy when her eyes shot open as she came back to reality.

"Dante" she whispered and pushed lightly against his chest. He didn't budge. "Dante, we need to stop," she said with a little more force. He pulled back slightly, a boyish look of disappointment across his face. Kris couldn't help but give a little laugh.

"I'm enjoying this as much as you are but we're in a parking lot and I have to work early in the morning."

Dante sighed, "I suppose you are right. I guess we'll just have to pick up where we left off on Monday." Before she could respond, he gave her another kiss. "Drive safe and I'll call you tomorrow."

"Goodnight." She turned to get into her car and drive home.

When Kris got home she decided to take a quick shower before bed. She stripped down and headed to the bathroom to turn on the water. As she waited for the temperature to get right, she looked in the mirror and sighed. I still don't understand what he sees in me, but I guess I should just feel lucky and not question it so much. If he ever gets me to bed, I hope the lights will be off.

Kris hopped into the shower and relaxed under the warm water. She picked up her body wash and started soaping up her body. Her hands rand over her stomach and up the curves of her hips, when they reached her breasts she slowed down and began to softly caress the full globes. Her fingers danced across her nipples, softly pinching one then the other. Her hands moved down her body to cup her mound. She began to stroke her wet slit. Kris found her clit with one hand and massaged her breast with the other. She started to rub faster and breathe heavier, racing towards completion. Kris imagined it was Dante touching her and as she came she yelled out his name.

As Kris lay in bed she ran her fingers across her lips remembering Dante's powerful kiss. She couldn't wait to see what he had in store for her on Monday.


"So, have you heard from Dante?"

"Not since he called to cancel our last date and that was over two weeks ago, " Kris said with a look of disappointment.

Janelle was hired as a designer at Kris's firm less than a year previous and the two had become fast friends. Janelle had been out of town on business for the past couple weeks so Kris decided to invite her friend over for some drinks. The girls sat out on the patio, enjoying the warm summer evening and cold beers, Kris filling Janelle in on all that she had missed at work and otherwise while she was gone.

"What happened, I thought things were going pretty well with you guys?"

Kris sighed, "So did I. The last date went great and we were planning on meeting up again. He was going to come to my place for dinner and a movie. That morning I got a text message asking for my address and confirming he'd be at my door at 6pm. I was out at the grocery store that afternoon when he called to cancel. He said there was an unexpected family matter that needed his attention. He sounded very sorry but said he would make it up to me and call me the next day. That was over 2 weeks ago and I haven't heard a word from him. I sent a text and left a voicemail, but got nothing."

"You don't know what's going on, maybe he has a really good excuse? Maybe he'll call you out of the blue with a really great apology?"

"There is no excuse for this total lack of communication. He could have at least sent a text or email. I knew he was too good to be true."

"Don't sweat it too much, K. You're amazing and I know things will work out for you."

"That's sweet of you, J. But it's not just him it's all of them... men I mean. Every guy I've met in the past 6 months has been then same. They're all immature, lying, selfish bastards. I'm so sick of it!!! I really thought Dante was different. I was so drawn to him; even though I didn't know him that well I thought we had a connection. It was more than I had felt with any of the other guys. But I was so wrong. He is just like the rest of them. Instead of talking to me like real men, they just run away and disappear like little boys. If this is what is out there, I want no part in dating anymore. I give up!!!"

"Don't say that. You will find a guy who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. And hopefully you'll be out of here soon with a whole new dating pool to pick from." Janelle giggled and Kris couldn't help but crack a smile. "Did you hear about school while I was gone?"

Kris's smile got wider, "Actually yes, I was accepted to the grad program in Savannah. I'm moving to Georgia at the end of the summer."

After the breakup with Gerard, Kris decided it was time for a change. She started seriously considering the possibility of going back to school and getting her master's degree. She started looking at schools all over the country and getting her portfolio and applications together. She even visited a few of the colleges that were on the East coast.

Janelle jumped up and gave Kris a big hug, almost knocking her out of her chair. "Oh my God, OH MY GOD! I knew they would accept you. I'm so happy for you, but so sad for me. You're leaving me here. But this is such an amazing opportunity for you. Are you excited? Nervous? Tell me everything."

Kris laughed, "I'm both excited and a little nervous. This is a big change but I'm ready for it and I really need to take this step if I want to advance in my career. I still have a lot of details to figure out as far as finances, housing and moving but I know that it will all work out. When I visited the school last year I fell in love with it. The whole city felt right. It was perfect, like I was meant to be there; like home."

"I hear Savannah is a great place to meet some sexy, southern gentlemen." Janelle winked. "And I hear they love women with curves down south. Can't keep their hands off of us."

"I'll be too busy with school and trying to work part-time to bother with dating, J. And I seriously doubt men down there are any more mature than the ones I've met up here."

"You never know, Kris. Just try to keep an open mind." Kris just sat and rolled her eyes.


A thousand miles away from upstate New York, Dante stood in his office looking out the window. He'd locked himself away and been pacing for the better part of the day. There was a knock at the door, but he didn't need to turn to know who it was.

"A penny for your thoughts, brother?"

"You know very well what I'm thinking about, Marco, " Dante growled.

"Well if she is to you what you say, then there should not be any problems. You can just claim her."

"It's not that simple and you know it. She is human. I don't know how to make her understand, how to explain and apologize. She may hate me. She may never accept the truth of the situation."

"How long until she arrives?"

"Three months. It's taking all my will power not to just go up there and just drag her back with me."

"Why don't you do just that? You can you know?"

Dante turned towards his brother and bared his teeth, "Don't be stupid, Marco. I will not force a mating. She must willingly accept me. And she will need time for me to explain things. Human rituals are so much different than ours. And I cannot leave the pack right now to spend the time with her that will be needed. I will just have to wait."

"And we will just have to endure your insufferable moods," Marco murmured as he turned to leave.

Dante hear his brother but he didn't care. He felt a piece of himself missing and he needed to figure out how he would get through the next months until that piece returned to him.

To be continued...


This is my first attempt at erotic literature and the first time I've actually written in many years. I hope you enjoy it. Your feedback and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I'll try not to take too much time to get the other chapters out.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Next Chapter....?..

Love story can't wait for next chapter!

ToyamochaToyamochaabout 12 years ago

Nice one but I think we've already read somting similar

canndcanndalmost 14 years ago

shifter--he is in savannah. It was saying 1000 miles away he was in his office. 1000 miles from NY where she is now. So yeah he's there and she is going there in 3 mos. for the school.

I just don't understand why he won't give her a call and say sorry. can't get away for now but I still care. Jeez.

can't wait for new chapter! hope it comes soon

shifter91shifter91almost 14 years ago

I'm really enjoying it so far - but I also can't wait to see why he left her if she's his mate and why he's talking about her arriving in NY when she said she's going to GA. Please update!!

canndcanndalmost 14 years ago

I think it is a great start. I look forward to your developing the plot. But why would he not call and say he had to go to be with family or something? Why would he just abandon her if she is his mate? I can't think of a good reason for no contact if he is worried about her hating him. So I hope you can give me a good one :)

Cedar_NeedleCedar_Needlealmost 14 years ago
I am impressed!

That was some excellent writing for someone who hasn't written in a few years! Fantasic first chapter! Too short! I seriously hope you are working on more.....please??

mokkelkemokkelkealmost 14 years ago

i like this, this has some very good potential to turn into a nice story :) keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

true fans will stay no matter what but we are allowed to hate for a bit if you leave us for a while and then use a short chapter and then leave again all in all amaing 1st chapter

luv_romanceluv_romancealmost 14 years ago

nice start. follow up with the next chapter fast. :)

reverendaholicreverendaholicalmost 14 years ago
Good start

Besides the few grammatical errors(which we all have) this chapter was a good set up for the ones to come. As far as hurry up and get them out, I say take your time. Everyone wants to read stories quick but don't rush chapters just to please. If they are really fans they willl hang in with you no matter how long it is between chapters.

Wolf_girl13Wolf_girl13almost 14 years ago
great start!

This was a great first chapter and I can't wait to hear more.

FlpantherFlpantheralmost 14 years ago

What kills a good story is to much time between chapters. You have made a great start...keep going!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Very good start, please don't keep us waiting for the next chapter.

IzkaPlm18IzkaPlm18almost 14 years ago

This look really good right now---based off the first chapter! :)

I can't wait for the next chapter, i'm really curious lol Sooo do not keep us waiting long for it! :)

keikei2keikei2almost 14 years ago

this looks like it will be a very good story.... cant wait for you to post more chapters soon!!!!

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