Willing Cuckold at the Coast


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"I will have sand in my butt for weeks after this, you naughty, naughty boy!" Lilly giggled. "Oh-oh-oh! That cock is so much sweeter than at home!"

"And you're also thinking of old Joe fingering you in the water, you wanton!"

At this Shelmith's eyes grew as large as saucers. "Is that what they were doing?" She craned her neck to look into her husband's eyes to gauge how much he knew. She whispered, "Your cock is growing bigger and fatter. Because you saw Lilly with another man? You're naughtier than I thought!" She did not sound as if she thought it was such a bad thing.

By this time Wilson had overcome his wife's shorts and underwear. His voice was a hoarse whisper. "From the wetness of your cunny, you are even naughtier. You must confess to the parish minister when we get back!"

"Let the hardness come into the wetness. It's the only natural thing." She pulled him on top of her, guiding his cock head right to her entrance. They were both so fired up that his slid smoothly into his wife's very receptive cunt. She let out a loud whisper, so that he stopped to listen if the others had heard them. The only sound their ears caught was the loud slap-slap of rapid fucking.

Shelmith felt her husband's cock swell inside her channel as he gave her several strokes. That was all she needed before she exploded in a mighty orgasm beside the ocean. The yell was out of her mouth before she had time to stop it. And now she could not fetch it back.

Meanwhile, Hosea was firing his cannon deep into his wife's ripe cunt, causing her to topple over the precipice immediately after him. As their groins danced with each other in the throes of their joint orgasms, they heard a blood-curdling yell nearby. They had thought they were alone! Then they heard a female voice trying to whisper, "Ahhh-ah! That was heavenly darling!"

It was answered by a breathless whisper, "What new thing have you applied inside here?"

Hosea and his wife stood up off the sand, and with the waves beating themselves upon the beach behind them they forgot their clothes as they peered over the nearest rock for the source of the voices. Meanwhile the others were coming down off their orgasm.

"Who's there?" Hosea's voice, from the recent excitement, was shaky.

Came Wilson's more powerful voice, also tempered by his recent exertions, "And I ask, who are you? How dare you interrupt my private time with my wife?" From just the two words he had recognized Hosea's voice.

All four now realized who the others were. When Wilson had gotten up off his wife, she did not close her legs up as fast as she might have. So her well-fucked cunt smiled obscenely at her two friends in the dim light. In response Hosea's cock began to come up again in those seconds.

"How did you discover this before me? I thought I was being very original," asked Wilson.

Hosea merely chuckled since Lilly had discovered that his cock had taken notice of Shelmith's exposed, well fucked cunt. She was sitting on a nearby rock leaving her legs wide open, while she stroked her husband's awakening cock. Wilson could not tear his eyes from the junction of her thighs and his cock too began to come back to life.

The wives were stroking their husbands' cocks knowing full well it was the sight of the other naked woman which was firing him up, coupled with the shared knowledge that they had just fucked within a few feet each other. Hosea's secret enjoyment of his wife with Joe was now out in the open; he assumed the others had heard his earlier discussion with Lilly.

So each woman heard her man moan from the ministrations of her hand, as he imagined the other woman behind the rocks. Lilly slid off the rock without letting go of Hosea's manhood, onto the sand. She opened her legs even wider to let him enter her again. The other couple, still standing, could see all this, which made Shelmith hotter than she had been. She threw her leg around Wilson opening herself up to his raging cock, and was left standing on one leg like a flamingo on Lake Nakuru. She was so wet that he slid in effortlessly.

"Aaah!" she moaned feeling him filling her up more than she could remember him doing. Maybe it was because they could turn their heads, towards the others while hearing their sounds of coupling. It was too exciting for any of them to last very long. Again Shelmith was the first to utter a high-pitched yell as she arrived at her terminus; Hosea exploded into his wife's cunt with a yell Lilly had never heard him utter, dragging her over the ledge as well.

"I will pour the Indian Ocean and all its rivers into you, my wanton woman!" Instead of the laugh this should have drawn from Wilson, a cough erupted from his bowels, through his cock and the products poured upwards into Shelmith who was experiencing aftershocks of her orgasm.

"Won't you guys wake up the whole camp? How scandalized they would be that we have done this in public?" Lilly was covered by a shadow of her customary modesty.

"Did you hear yourselves before you point fingers?" This loud comment from Wilson, instead of being read as self-justification, caused all the others to laugh softly.

Shelmith told the gathering she had never imagined that public sex, even though the "public" were known to her, could be such fun.

Slowly they each gathered up their scanty garments and pulled them back on as they climbed the slight slope and towards their rooms.

"That was great fun!" Uncharacteristically, it was Wilson who voiced their joint verdict.

At the breakfast buffet the following morning Joe got in line behind Lilly. "Did you drive him crazy last night?"

"You have no idea how mind-blowing it all was!" She considered telling him of the night beach scene but held back.

Shelmith joined them, and immediately knew what they were referring to, giving her reason to smile naughtily. Joe caught her eye.

"It was all your fault yesterday afternoon," she said mock-accusingly, revealing that she had seen him fingering Lilly. "Wilson nearly killed me last night. I could not get enough either."

They each served themselves the cereal and juice and headed to the tables. Much as Lilly wanted to sit with Joe there was no table with two spaces next to each other, so she had to choose another.

"I still have not had enough. I want you to try and satisfy me before we go back home!" And she swung her skirt provocatively at him as she headed to another table.

Joe felt self-satisfied that the mild-mannered woman could speak thus to him. It meant that what he had started on the train journey was working. He expected that she would be coming to him for a good round fuck now and then.

That day was slated for an outing to Fort Jesus, built by the Portuguese at the end of the sixteenth century. After that, they would spend the bulk of the afternoon at the renovated Mama Ngina Waterfront. They hoped that they would be lucky enough to see a ship coming into harbor, or else leaving. Being upcountry people the thirty-odd people in the group all looked forward to seeing something as large as a ship was said to be. That such a large metallic object could float on water seemed incredible to them.

After the beach scenes of the day before, Lilly and Shelmith were itching to share their thoughts with someone. Thus they arranged to sit with each other on the Rosa that took them from the hotel to Fort Jesus.

"I think I have been affected by this Mombasa climate. I can't seem to have enough of Wilson," confessed Shelmith to her friend, in a low voice.

"Its not just you. Hosea has given me nearly half a mile of cock since we came and I still want more," said Lilly, with a furtive look.

"Just talking about it gets me going. Thank God one sweats so much that the wetness between my thighs seems to be normal." Then Shelmith dropped her voice even lower. "My feelings for that old guy Joe seem about to explode too. I fear it will bring me trouble with my husband. I hope he does not notice, National Intelligence Services though he might be!" She looked into her friend's eyes before adding, "Joe did things to you, I thought."

"Ngai, on the train down there was a time I wanted to grab him and kiss him into oblivion. Then Hosea would look at me with an inscrutable smile. I did not know whether he suspected my feelings were running riot."

"I noticed something in the way the two of you talked. Then during the beach games there might have been something. Don't worry, it was not clear to anybody then. It only came out as you told Hosea on the beach later. I was so surprised when it also excited Wilson to hear that Joe fingered you in the water. Back in our room he fucked me nearly senseless. But he did not refer to it."

"Just look at Joe now. If only I could go up to him and throw my arms around him!"

"He makes you want to comfort him, nurture him, even though he does not look like the usual 'wounded soldier' type."

At Fort Jesus as the group wandered from room to room and exhibit to exhibit, Hosea noticed that Wilson's wife and his kept grazing around Joe as if in turns. He noticed that Wilson had also taken note, but doubted that he guessed his wife felt for the older guy what he knew his wife did. He found a thankfulness for Joe's engineering this trip, and also for lighting fires underneath his and Lilly's marriage. He was sure they would be better together from this experience.

At Mama Ngina Waterfront Park, one of the photographers that hounded tourists noticed the group. "Take a picture with the ship in the background," he spun his sales pitch.

"What ship?"

"Did you hear the loud noise coming from there?"

"No. Where?"

He pointed in the direction of the harbor beyond where the ferries crossed from mainland to island. "That was the ship's horn. It is leaving port."

Shelmith yelled out to the group who were scattered absorbed in the various activities on offer. "Guys, a ship is coming! Come and see!"

Presently a small white boat with an orange roof crossed the path of the ferries and headed out to the ocean. Dwarfing it like an elephant would an ant, the ship followed, seeming like it could smash the little thing into the water.

"That is the pilots' boat, escorting the ship out of harbour. The ship's captain is on it, while the Kenyan pilot is in control of the ship," said the photographer. "Out in the ocean the captain will climb a rope ladder back into his ship to receive control from the Kenyan, who will then climb down the rope ladder into the boat. It will come back after bidding the ship a safe voyage."

The group stood looking at the scene before them, awed. By comparing the size of buildings, cars and trees across the water with the ship they could see that it was a very large object. "How does such a huge thing stay afloat on water? It is like several buildings put together!"

The photographer could only shrug. "I hear it is called marine engineering. Haya, face this way so I can take some photos for you to show people of bara!" The camera clicked away.


Wilson was playing a game of scrabble with three others just before sundown. Members of the group were scattered all over. They would come together for supper in just over an hour.

Meanwhile Shelmith was lying face up, legs wide open for Joe, who was pumping away at her cunt. "Fuck me, Ibrahim! Fuck that cunt from bara!" They were in his room, in the singles' wing, pretending that he was a Swahili man of the coast and she a visiting teacher from the highlands (bara).

"Open up that cunt for me. I will fill it up with sweet foreign juice!" he growled. This brought her to the boil. She let forth a scream that Joe feared could be heard all the way to Reception. "That will teach you to tease me the way you did all day!"

Gradually they came down from their high. They uncoiled their limbs from each other and lay panting. In a while, Shelmith said, "I must rush to our room before Wilson gets there from his Scrabble game to freshen up for supper."

He held her tenderly. "That will not be the last time to taste this cock, even after we return."

She kissed him. "I cant wait to have you again." And she fled back to 'married quarters'.

At supper Lilly noticed Shelmith looking in Joe's direction repeatedly. I hope Wilson does not pick up on her behavior, she thought, willing her friend to control herself. There was no telling what he would do. Then she looked around hoping nobody would notice her look of hunger, longing for the time she would visit Joe's room. They had planned that they would slip away, skipping the dessert.

About an hour later Lilly slipped back into her and Hosea's room. He was in bed, leaning on the headboard, reading. He looked up at her entrance. "Tell me all about it."

She threw herself alongside him, arms around his neck. "I can barely believe that I am saying this to my church deacon husband."

"Yeah, this Mombasa climate seems to have made us all sex-mad!" he said looking at her tenderly.

She told him how she and Joe had slipped away hoping nobody had noticed their separate exits. In his room he had stripped her so efficiently that she had to wonder. Dragging her into the shower after stripping himself, he had washed her from head to foot lingering lovingly at her breasts and between her legs. He inserted two fingers into her very wet and slippery cunt. She told her husband that she was surprised to feel how wet she had become. She noticed that her husband's cock had began to wake from it slumber as she related her story. Then she went on to tell how Joe had spun her and bent her over. Soon she felt his cock nudging her entrance, making a wet sloshing sound. He entered her slowly until she felt his balls against her buttocks. She heard her husband let out a soft deep sound in his throat as she said this.

Then she continued to tell her husband how Joe fucked her so fast that she really had to hold to the washbasin very tightly. He had not lasted long before he groaned loudly, almost like a wild animal. She had felt him fire his come into her depths, which released her own orgasm. It shook her whole body from head to foot. Then he pulled her to a standing position, his cock still buried deep in her. He gave a few strokes, which felt heavenly to her. Abruptly he pulled out of her, turning the shower to full jets. He rinsed her tenderly parting her legs slightly to get at her cunt. While doing this he kissed her softly almost as if they were parting after their first date. Then he toweled the two of the before walking her back to the bedroom. Here he kissed her, at the same time fondling her tits. This drove them up the ladder of desire again.

She took hold of his cock, stroking him with tender love. As her fingers passed over the nut dividing his cockhead from the shaft he twitched. "There, Lilly!" She went back and forth enjoying the feeling of that ridge, but feeling his cock seeming to stretch more each time. He threw his head back in sheer enjoyment. Expecting that he was going to shoot his load onto her stomach, instead he grabbed her and lifted her onto the bed. She told her husband she had no idea how Joe positioned himself between her legs so fast. She felt his very rigid cock parting her lips and sinking all the way in. Nothing could prevent her legs wrapping themselves about him as he started fucking her with a sort of urgency.

"Its like he knew how eagerly I was waiting here!" said Hosea unexpectedly.

Lilly began to stroke her husband's very stiff organ just the way she had done Joe's a short while earlier. Placing a ring with her fingers around his nut she stroked from head to shaft and back again.

Then she continued her story. "Joe's cock filled me almost to bursting point. He drove me all the way to the edge of eternity. I felt as if I were no longer on this earth. I broke into the most powerful orgasm I can remember. I screamed shrilly as my cunt muscles spasmed around his cock so tightly I thought I would snap it off. My hand was on his lower back holding him tight to my body. I suddenly felt his back stiffen like a board and he came all over my insides. We clung to each other as the waves of pleasure washed over us. Slowly they receded leaving us breathless. I felt my eyelids growing heavy with slumber, and only pulled myself from that embrace and Joe's only with great difficulty. And now I want you inside me, Deacon Hosea!"

He needed no second bidding. He turned her onto her stomach, lifted her hips up leaving her ass high up. Between her ass cheeks he could see the older man's come glistening on his wife's cunt lips. With a wild cry he drove his steel-hard rod into his wife. No more than about seven strokes later, he was emptying his balls into her, both of them howling like wolves at the moon.

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26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

Really bad cuck shit.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 2 years ago

Some boy hates Christians.

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

Once OdorEater approves, you know that whatever the closeted little limp dick cum eater gives you a gold star for, is the exact opposite of its reality.

Prince020402Prince020402about 2 years ago

The second page was very good. Even though English is obviously your second language your storytelling was excellent.

That being said, almost the entire first page was filled with completely unnecessary detail that probably had most readers abandoning ship before they got to the "good" part. Who cares about the configuration of the train cars, the colored lines of the stations and how fast trains go? What did the episode of an irrelevant character having her suntan lotion confiscated in the security check lend to the story? It was extremely boring and probably cost you many a reader as it almost did me.

"They boarded the train and arrived 5 hours later," would have sufficed. "Durung the ride, while sitting near Joe, Lily became aroused......" if you wanted to bring some sexual tension.

This either could have been a much shorter story or you could have spent that time with details and antics of what took place at the resort.

OdiouserOdiouserabout 2 years ago

Very informative for anyone wanting to know more about African tourism. Virtually perfect word execution, the only exception being that the alternate to semen was spelled with an o and e rather than just the u. Keep 'em coming.

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