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ScarlettsPlayroom's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

The show begins in this angel's nightmare.

4.3 41k 4 4 7

Abducted as she leaves work late.

4.23 279.7k 169 14 282

Jen and Amber are bound to be broken on the Gemini machine.

by Doctor_Tease
BDSM 12/08/2010
H 4.6 244.1k 128 14 160

Fun with rope.

H 4.53 176k 79 8 103

Captured, she is forced to total anal-oral surrender.

4.45 109.7k 24 35

He wants information she doesn't have.

4.48 87k 70 8 85

She didn't expect what her new husband had planned for her.

4.49 1.36M 1.4k 75 2.1k

My night at a BDSM club.

by Kathy Gray
BDSM 03/19/2013
4.27 101.7k 22 15 30