
Stories by addictedtonylon

Melissa recruits her husband to meet her dietary needs.

3.57 26.9k 19 13 36

Kim's romantic reunion replete with techy tribulations.

4 11.2k 3 3

A middle ages tale of depravity, debauchery and destiny.

3.88 26k 6 12

Chloe's new ring entices her to act on her naughty desires.

4.16 23.2k 5 1 12

A divorcee exposes her fantasy with bondage, literally.

by addictedtonylon
BDSM 08/18/2013
4.14 27.2k 3 1 6
56.4k 11 2 20

A drug rep details a new med with unexpected consequences.

4.14 27.2k 3 3 6

A divorcee seduces her young banker into a new job.

4.11 46.1k 12 1 19

CEO finds junior executives--the hard way.

3.8 54k 3 9 8

Reminisences of erotic adventures in flight.

4.14 31.3k 5 4 5

A sorority reforms a campus nuisance.

3.68 27.7k 7 2 12

College male caught in sexual conspiracy.

4.45 29.3k 11 1 13