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hypnofilm's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Husband and friend exhibit wife through hypnosis.

by ArtyGee
Mind Control 09/01/2014
4.4 104.5k 87 12 135

Ryan discovers that no good deed goes unrewarded...

4.48 176.7k 253 9 311

Patrick helps out when Melinda is having touble sleeping.

4.49 99.9k 50 10 71

Will this unbelievable drug actual work on a frigid wife?

4.41 433.3k 96 6 119

Beautiful girls shouldn't underestimate college geniuses.

by ChaseQ
Mind Control 08/31/2005
4.43 174.6k 32 11 37

Elizabeth's been emailing herself photos, apparently.

4.3 29.8k 15 3 24