100 Minutes


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"Still smelling good?"

He drew in a long, smooth breath. "Better than ever." And dove right in.

Caught a little off guard at the hasty strike on her sensitive muff she would have pulled back if not for the determined grip her husband had on her hips. He worked her tender folds and dropped lower, visiting her perineum and anus before returning to her muff with urgency and resolve. She responded by getting a grip on his hair and thrusting herself at him, nearing her peak.

She seemed to momentarily struggle with the final climb but then reached it with ferocity, drenching her husband and the bed with her release. He kept on until she forced him from her, rolling her hips to the side and crossing her thighs as she worked to steady her breathing.

Spooning her from behind he was content to hold her close and feel her flesh on his. He didn't stir until she rolled onto her stomach and stretched out her legs and reached out with her right hand, pointing.

"The lubes in there. Should be plenty." She sounded half asleep.

"You're sure?"

She slowly nodded in response and Roy made his way around the bed to her nightstand. Opening the drawer he found familiar toys, lotions, and flashlights in case the lights went out. Pulling out the lube he was deep in thought as he made his way back to his side of the bed.

"Are you sure...anal...is what you want right now?" He was concerned for her.

She turned her blonde head to him, peering through the hair covering her face.

"We're not having anal sex."

"Oh, good..."

"You're going to fuck my ass." She was matter of fact and had clearly decided to see it through. "And we're only doing this once, so make it worth the effort."

"Okey dokey. Ass fucking it is." Roy gave a somewhat exasperated sounding sigh which drew a reproachful look from his wife. He smiled, leaned down to kiss her check, and told her he loved her. She smiled back, resting her head on her pillow, hands underneath almost holding the pillow in a loving hug.

Roy knelt beside his wife in the middle of their bed, easing a well lubricated finger up her bum as thoughtfully as he could. She offered no complaints but she did yelp a little when he first inserted the digit. He followed that up with more lube and another finger. She let him know he was taking it too carefully when she abruptly pushed her hips back at him. Message received as he picked up the pace a little while working his fingers in and out.

She didn't look up as she informed him she's as ready as she'll ever be.

She crossed her ankles and flexed her lower body as Roy straddled her thighs. She then moved her feet apart a little, giving Roy a little better access as he poured more lube over her anus and spread a little more over his cock. Hesitating just long enough to confirm his was positioned at her rear entry he then leaned in and felt the head of his cock push through.

She cried out into the pillow and reached back to grab his hip with her right hand, momentarily digging her nails in before quickly releasing him. Roy leaned in a little more and she once again shouted into the pillow. Just as he was preparing to fully embed himself in his wife's ass she caught him off guard and shoved her hips back, slapping against him.

"I sure hope that's all." She moaned.

Roy drew back and pushed forward, just a little more firmly with each thrust. She was tentatively pushing back but the biggest part of the force was coming from Roy as he drove into his wife's ass. The clap of their flesh coming together sounded like he was spanking her and raining down blows. She was shouting out and he was unyielding, first she grabbed the headboard rail with her right hand and then gripped it with her left, slamming it into the wall in time to the thrusts behind her.

She chanted, over and over, "oh fuck me fuck me fuck me, fuck my ass." Until, almost in shock, she burst out, "oh fuck, I'm cumming!"

Her roar, along with repeatedly slamming her hips back into his, was enough to set Roy off as well. He let out a roar of his own and collapsed on his wife's back, forgetting he had her skewered until she demanded he get off of her and for fucks sake get his dick out of her butt.

They both lay there panting heavily, slowly recovering. Still on her stomach, bottom slightly tilted up, she studied her husband's profile as he lay next to her.

"I had an orgasm. A really, really good one." She informed him, still catching her breath.

"I heard." He acknowledged, "You had a grip on me there at the end. I was a little concerned but then I started cumming too and got distracted."

"Did I pass out?" she was mildly concerned.

"Maybe, I think you got still there toward the end."

She rolled to her back; eyes closed, and told him to go clean up because they were almost done. He gave her a wary eye as he turned to her to speak, held his tongue, and then got up to clean himself off. After a quick trip to the shower to wash his worn penis he came back to the bed to find his still naked wife sitting on the floor and leaning back on the bed. She was on a sheet and had it spread under her.

"You still need to cum on my face." She gave him that smile again.

Roy walked up to his wife, put his softening cock in front of her face, reached out and placed the fingertips of his right hand on the back of her head, and urged her forward.

Ten minutes later Roy had his wifes head gripped in both palms and was ramming his cock down her throat with power. He would pull nearly all the way out, hear her gasping in a breath, and shove it back in. She was no longer gagging. Much.

Without warning he pulled out, gripped his cock in his right hand and a handful of her pretty blonde hair in the other to keep her in place and coated her face. When he was done he kept her in place as he used the head of his hard penis to smear his semen over her pretty face.

"I think you missed a spot." She was tired, but smiling.

Roy chuckled, "What? Am I marking my territory?" He had come on her face before and that's what she always accused him of.

"Yes, you are." She blinked up at him once, then twice. And then she had Roy's cock in her mouth again and her lips pressed firmly against his groin.

They finally got in the shower, scrubbing one another clean, late in the night. On the way to the shower Lillian paused and examined herself in their full length mirror, taking in the semen all over her face, her hair, breasts, between her legs, and when she turned, between the cheeks of her behind. She moved to Roy and he pulled her close.

"I can only smell you, I only taste you."

They slept late the following day and both rearranged work demands to stay close to home the coming week. Lillian's work as a freelance technical writer gave her much needed flexibility in her schedule and Roy had been working from home for years, keeping track of a small team of database admins who fortunately required very little tracking on his part.

The pair enjoyed a late breakfast with more pancakes, bacon, and OJ, and then napped together in front of the TV, waking up hungry in spite of the big breakfast. For lunch Roy put together his cheeseburger specials, with even more bacon, and sweet potato fries with Cajun seasoning. She gulped it down.

Rose started texting that evening and called the next day. Lillian took the call in private, taking a joint and a lighter with her. She just shrugged her shoulders and closed the door to the den. Roy was relieved to finally hear something other than distressed whispering after about 30 minutes, not long after that there were giggles and then outright laughter. After an hour she came out of the den, eyes a little puffy but since she was clearly stoned that seemed about right. She climbed back in his lap.

"Rose is telling everyone she cancelled the bet and threw him out. She thinks they believe her." Her voice was quiet again but getting closer to normal.

They talked on the phone for the next couple of days but Lillian still didn't want company.

They were back in front of the TV with her in his lap watching one of those cheesy romance dramas that had her sniffling on his shoulder. He just pulled her tighter. It was after the movie her phone rang again. It was Rose.

Lillian quietly greeted her friend and went silent. She tensed, and after a few minutes softly spoke. "I'm so sorry you and Oscar have to go through this. Please give Oscar and his family our condolences and let us know if you need anything...sure, we will...I love you sweetie, bye."

Roy watched his wife end the call, concern building.

"It's Earl," she turned to face her husband, "he's dead. The police found him last night in an alley. They think someone heard him bragging about winning that money and followed him out of some bar to rob him. He was shot several times and died before the ambulance got there."

The next couple of weeks went by quickly as Roy and Lil got back into their routine while Oscar and Rose dealt with Earl. He was cremated and Oscar and Rose took his mother with them to scatter the ashes. When they were younger the family would camp near a small waterfall in the mountains and a couple days before he moved out Earl confided to his brother how that was the only place he ever felt at peace. They poured his ashes into the stream and let them flow over the waterfall.

The weekend after Lillian was on the phone with Rose as she explained how they were going to do a full remodel of the basement guest room.

"We're going to take it out back and burn it. Those ugly rugs, that chest...the bed...bedding included. All of it, every last piece. Then we start over, real carpet, a door, matching bedroom furniture, maybe a nice reading chair and a lamp..."

"Can I help?" Lillian finally spoke up.

"Help how?"

"I want to help you burn it." Lillian was eager.

"Yes. You. Can. When can you come over? We're doing it this afternoon."

"We'll be there soon," Lillian was excited now, "And we've still got a little weed left." She giggled.

Fifty minutes later the four of them were standing in the basement guest room, complete with work shoes and gloves, taking in the task at hand. Nobody had been in the room since the bet was settled and it smelled musty and dank. The stained bedding remained where it lay from that night and Rose quickly moved to bundle it up and stuff it in a large trash bag. Lillian followed with a couple of small lamps as Rose started dragging the bag out back to the burn pit.

Oscar and Roy stood, fists on hips, looking over the broken down bed frame and mattress. "It wasn't in that great of a shape to begin with." Muttered Oscar as the men hefted the mattress and hauled it out back.

The group made quick work of breaking down the bed, pulling out drawers to make the chest and bed frame lighter, and getting it all in a pile. Oscar was generous with the charcoal starter fluid and reached for the matches in his pocket.

"I want a match." Spoke up Rose.

"So do I." chimed in Lillian.

Grinning, they all lit their matches and surrounded the pile, tossing in the matches all at once.

"I need another match." Lillian was pulling out one of the last leftovers from Dickies pile of blunts.

"I'm not sure we need to be smoking that and starting a large bonfire at the same time." Roy pointed out.

"This isn't for you," Lillian responded smugly, "This is for me and my Rosie." The girls giggled as they passed the joint back and forth, squealing as the bonfire crackled and popped while it burned down.

Finally Rose announced, "We need to toss in the pool table."

Both men snapped around at that comment, but Oscar spoke up, "The pool table? That's pretty expensive. And heavy. And not all of it will burn. How about we just sell it?"

"Or," Lillian leaned into Rose, putting an arm around her waist and her head on her shoulder, "We can rechristen the pool table."

Rose gave her a questioning look and then a grinning Lillian whispered in her ear.

Rose's eyes grew big and so did her grin. "I like that idea."

The women grabbed their husbands by the hand and insisted they follow, so they did.

Moments later the pairs were standing at opposite ends of the pool table, wives facing the table, grinning at one another across the green, confused husbands positioned just behind them.

Again, Oscar spoke up. "Now what?"

The women looked at one another and with little hesitancy reached for the snaps on their jeans and hastily pulled down the zippers. They then shimmied the jeans over their hips and had them about to their knees before they started giggling at one another. They forgot about the shoes. The husbands were tasked with kneeling down and pulling off the shoes and helping them out of their jeans, leaving them standing in their plain white cotton panties and tee shirts. But not for long as each woman tugged her underwear down and to the floor, joining the growing pile of clothes at their feet.

Roy looked across at Rose, naked from the waist down. Shorter than his wife, she was a little fuller figured with shoulder length, curly brunette hair. Her dark, close cropped bush was framed by pale thighs as she stood there, nervously nibbling at her lower lip. Lillian nudged her bare behind into his crotch and looked over her shoulder with an amused expression, eyebrows arched, as she caught him staring at her friend. He cleared his throat as he met Oscar's gaze, both mean shrugging, clearly not sure or comfortable with where this was heading.

"So, what's the plan?" It was Oscar again.

"We are going to rechristen this beautiful pool table." Rose looked back at her husband as she opened her legs and slowly came up on her toes, leaning over and resting her forearms on the felt.

Lillian imitated her friend, locking eyes with Rose as they positioned themselves across from one another on the pool table.

"I think they're confused." Lillian advised her friend, using her best stage whisper.

Rose matter of factly turned to her husband and announced, "You handsome boys are going to fuck your adorable wives on this pool table." She wiggled her behind at him and giggled at his startled expression.

"Oh. Sure. Why not?" he responded, determined to just get this over with as both men moved in position.

"Oh! Wait, wait." Lillian jumped up, pulling her top off and reaching back to release her bra snaps before pulling it off and dropping both garments onto her pile. Rose promptly followed her lead and was soon standing there just as naked as her friend.

By now both men had stopped pretending and openly examined the other's nude wife. Roy observed how Rose had fuller breasts with darker nipples firmly pointing forward. Her hips flared out from her waist and as she leaned over once again. Her breasts hung down and were mashed against the table top. Lillian was flat against the table as well.

"Okay boys, drop your pants and get to it." Lillian laughed at the husbands as they struggled to maintain composure while pulling down their jeans and getting behind the women.

They nodded at one another and each had a left hand on their partner's lower back as they positioned themselves at their damp entrance.

"On three?" Roy suggested, and Oscar nodded in agreement.

The women braced themselves as Roy counted, both men thrusting with authority on three, and then thrusting again until they had fully impaled their spouse. Hesitating just long enough to set their feet the men immediately started pounding into each woman.

The sounds of less than dainty and unladylike grunts, gasps, and groans filled the room.

"Unnhh, ohhh, mmmnnnuh, oh fuck, aagghh, mmmmun dammit, oohhhhh my", echoed around the basement.

The men had a strong grip on their partners hips as they pounded them through orgasms big and small for ten and then fifteen minutes, until Lillian looked across at her friend, obviously wracked in another orgasm, and told the men to stop holding back and to christen them.

Not taking the task at hand lightly both men shuffled for another foothold and launched a final assault. In short order they were crying out themselves and getting weak in the knees as they erupted one after the other, sending the women into another exhilarating release themselves.

The four were braced against the pool table in an effort to regroup as the men hovered over their wives, leaning against the table and holding themselves up.

"That was intense." Giggled Rose.

"And we're not done yet." Was Lillian's reply. "We still have the christening, the final chapter." It was her turn to giggle.

"Oh fuck, I almost forgot. Do we have to?" Rose was a little winded.

"Yes Ma'am.", was Lillian's solemn reply.

Roy was still firmly ensconced in his wife's warm, slick pussy and really enjoying the feel of it when she turned her head and asked him if he was ready to tackle the second half of the christening. He looked down at her puckered ass and started to speak and she just laughed and put her hand palm up, fingers waving, over her butt.

"Not there," she laughed, "you need to mark your territory again."

Rose turned to her husband and advised him, "Maybe later", and followed Lillian's lead by dropping to her knees in front of her husband.

"You boys need a little help?" Lillian asked as she opened her mouth for her husband. Taking him out long enough to let him know, "You need to finish on our faces mainly, but I'm not going to object if you get a little on me somewhere else."

Both men stood firmly in front of their wives, sneaking an occasional peek at what was going on at the other end of the pool table. The girls had them at full attention in a matter of minutes and then let them know it was time to finish the job.

With an unexpected lack of modesty both men vigorously stroked themselves to the encouraging murmurs their wives provided. And with an unexpected quickness both men launched plume after plume of semen across the ladies foreheads, cheeks, lips, and breasts. Laughing with joy when it was over both women jumped up to see what the other looked like coated in their husbands semen.

The men again made no attempt to hide how they were checking out each other's wife as they jiggled and swayed around the table picking up their things on the way to the stairs, making no attempt to cover their nakedness. As the wives grabbed each other's hand and started upstairs to clean up Roy pulled his pants back up and slowly moved around to the other end of the table next to where Oscar leaned against the table, both men watching the women ascend the stairs sans clothing.

"Well," said Roy, leaning against the table alongside Oscar, "I guess you get to keep the pool table."

"Looks that way." Oscar retorted. "Drink?"

"Oh hell yes." Roy replied, reaching for the glass Oscar offered.

About then the girls came back to the stairs, about half way down, still naked and still holding hands. The men just looked up, admiring their handy work and sipping their bourbon.

"We're hungry," they announced, "We want the Hawaiian special from that new pizza place." Giggling like school girls they turned and bounced back up the stairs, closing the door behind them.

Roy pulled out his phone, brought up the app for the new pizza place, and started the order, "So, what do you want on your pizza?"

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tralan69ertralan69er6 months ago

@jackheadalmost 2 years ago


Do YOU have an original plot or even a story to offer? No? I didn't think so!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Would have had more respect for Roy if he had done in Earle after explaining that Roy never agreed to bet.

Other than that, good story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

“You lost your nerve?” Earl asked Roy. “No I haven’t, but you’re not touching my wife This game ends now,” as he turns to his wife. “We’re not betting & you’re not chancing on being fucked by Earl. You bet & if I lose, I’m going home & not bringing you back afterwards.”

—. The entire thing of the bet up to the rechristening the pool table, along with her making Roy repeat what Earl did taxed the believability of it. If she hated it so much, I’d think she’d want to make passionate love to her husband. 3 stars.

—A bit hard to keep up with the players in the beginning. Bob

cruel_mirrorcruel_mirrorabout 1 year ago

For me, there were 4 parts of that story.

The part behind the curtains was disturbing enough as it should be. The subject was disturbing, inline with the category. I felt really bad when reading, as I expected.

The idea about the couple's recovery attempt was original but they were a bit too comfortable with that, especially since it was the next day of the event.

I guess it would be better if you found another way instead of the bet thing. I know it's hard to put a wife who has no consent to that setting but the bet wasn't realistic.

And, the pool table part, It was as if written by someone else. Ruined all the disturbing mood, transforming all those people to unrelated shallow characters. Bonfire was a good ending, so I consider the story was finished there.


As someone said in their comment, such stories get attacked by the same people, by bombing with 1s and their copy/paste comments in each story.

Don't let them get to you, 5 stars from me for the good parts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

“”25 grand against 100 minutes with your sweet Lil. Have you lost your nerve son?"

"No way, not going to happen." And that's how it should have ended.””

That’s exactly how it would have ended when I attacked him for saying that about my wife!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Odd at best. She hated Earl but made hubby do exactly the same things? Earl dies and now we're fucking on the same pool table? Just too bizarre with no real flow

RandomcarrotRandomcarrotover 1 year ago

I'm so confused by the story, it's technically very well written, but the main character has no agency or viewpoint even as the story is told from his point of view. He's just there, an automaton to be walked over or to be used by the actual characters with motivations and agency.

Most writers make the mistake of a story revolving almost exclusively around what the main character wants, feels and does, this seems to have gone completely the other way, he doesn't seem to exist except for facilitating the others in their journey.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

confusing? abit. some good writing ,but most of it not. the names, relationships ,not clear.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

No man bets his wife on anything. That's just a frat boy's fantasy.

jackheadjackheadover 2 years ago

Same old shit! I gave it 2 stars, would have been 4 if you would have given Roy a pair of balls and dumped Lillian! But what the hell, it's your story. There seems to be a huge lack of originality on the Loving Wives site. All the stories follows 10 or 12 plots:

Husband loses wife in bet (poker or pool), wife fucks stranger on girl's night out, wife fucks co-worker, wife fucks at Xmas Party, wife fucks at Bachelorett party, wife fucks on business trip, well you get the picture. I guess I just need to lower my expectations? Seems like there are a lot of wives getting fucked. Is it possible that this kind of shit is actually happening? Maybe that's why the divorce rate is so hi in the U.S.?

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