23 & WTF Pt. 03


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Then after a pause he put his arm around me. "I'm only going to say this once and after that it'll be up to you and Rion." He does his doctor pause for effect.

"Don't tell the others." That shocks me but I let him continue. "I think Anna and Katie are too much into their churches to let it go. Ben, God love him, just can not keep a secret. Then there's Wendy she's a tossup, I mean we've only known her for less than 4 months. The kids as well unless you think they can handle it." He's making good sense so far.

"Lucy and I can keep a secret, and we will I promise you." Turning to look me in the eye. "Now more than ever Cat, you and Rion are family. We'll always protect your happiness however we can." With a kiss on my forehead, he slides open the patio door and steps through. "Watch out rug rats big brother coming through."

* * * * *


Sitting outside with Lucy I'm almost as calm as I've been in days. Her being ok with all of this really does help. "So, what else happened after I left dinner?"

"Oh, well nothing much other than David called me on my attitude towards your 'ex step sister wife' Sara."

This should be good. "Pray tell, why were you giving Sara attitude? You'd never even meet before today. No, wait let me guess, Cat." Looking chastised again she nods her head.

"Yeah, yeah David already pointed it out and I already apologized. Though I think he was really just trying to score points with your ex." She grumbled.

"Yup I kind of caught on to that when I introduced them. First me now my brother. What can I say, she has good taste."? That earned me a slug in the arm as I laughed. "Hey why so bent out of shape? I'm the only one she's ever done anything to, and I forgave her years ago."

She just kind of clams up a bit, crossing her arms with a scrunched-up expression. "Don't take this the wrong way or anything. Especially considering what you and Cat are dealing with. The thing is it kind of pisses me off that she was your wife and now she's making eyes David."

I start to respond letting her know I'm cool with it. Hey they're both adults, but she quickly explains. "It's not because I think she's disrespecting you either." Then she gets quiet and looks down.

"Come on Lucy if tonight has proven anything it's that we can tell each other anything." Biting her bottom lip, she looks at me sideways.

"I'm jealous alright! Believe me with everything that's going on I know how fucked up that sounds, and no it doesn't mean I want to hook up with either of you. Still doesn't change that fact that you and David are possibly the best representations of your gender that I've ever come across and fuck me if you're not both my brothers." I was stunned at what I was hearing.

"That's why I was so hopeful about you being my donor. That is until I found out you were my brother. So, here's Sara who's already had her shot with you and pissed it away. Now she's got a shot at David too."

She takes a shaky breath. "I just want to know when is it going to be my turn is all?" Looking me right in the eyes. "When do I get to find someone?" She hangs her head a little after telling me all of this. Probably expecting me to be weird about it.

"I get it Lucy." She looks up at that. "It's kind of how I was right before I met Karen." Up 'til this point I haven't really talked about Karen much. "I went a few years after Sara wondering if I'd ever find anyone. Then out of nowhere there was Karen. Turns out she found me and when I lost her, I thought I'd never have that again. Then like a miracle Cat and I found each other. All I can say is don't count yourself out. You never know what's coming up around the next corner." Putting my arm around her, she leans into me and puts her head on my shoulder.

That's when we hear the sliding door open. "Watch out rug rats big brother coming through." Turning to see David I freeze. Cat's right behind him. She's looking at me now. That's good right? Then I hear David talking.

"Ok little sister I think it's time for us to leave." He holds out his hand to help Lucy up.

"Yeah, I need to depose you on your intentions towards his stepsister." Bam! That threw him off. Even Cat had to say something.

"His what? Towards who? First Bella and Jacob now David and ... (sighs) Sara? What the fuck is going on around here?" Cat is staring at David. David's glaring at Lucy. Lucy's grinning at David. While I'm just sitting there trying desperately not to laugh. Which of course makes them all look at me. That's when I lose it. After all the tension of the past few days I'm sure they think I've finally cracked.

"Ok, well now that we broke Rion I guess we should call it a night." Lucy says walking to Cat. Taking her into a hug, "Cat, sweetie remember we're here for you. All you have to do is call." With a kiss on the cheek and goodnights from her and David their gone.

* * * * *


As Lucy and David make their goodbyes, I can see Rion start to get apprehensive again. Probably because he's alone with me and afraid I'll reject him some more.

"Well, I'm going to head on to bed myself I guess, goodnight Cat." He turns to walk towards the shed. He's about half way there when I kick myself into action.

"Rion wait we need to talk." Walking out into the night to talk to him.

Turning that gaze on me that's loving, sad and scared all at the same time. "Ok Cat, whatever you want, let's talk." Damn him! Why does he have to be so deferential? Why can't he just tell me what he wants me to do.

"Why do you do that?" I ask him. "Why are you being so passive? You haven't given up on us, have you?"

"No! I'll never give up. I'm just not going to fight with you Cat. I'm not going to be a source of conflict. I love you. I do want my wife back, but only on her terms not my insistence. I know you're my sister. Hell, because we were born on the same day that damn near makes you my twin, I think. Kind of figures in my mind a little too, but first and foremost you're my wife. You're the one I chose to spend the rest of my life with." He steps closer.

"I chose! So as much as I want to fight for that I refuse to force you into anything you can't except. All I can do is lay my heart before you and hope that you choose me too."

I'm taken back by what he just said. "Then come back inside, we have to get back to normal. The kids are kind of starting to think we've already decided we're splitting up." He walks over to me and reaches to take my hand. I force myself to stay still.

"See, you're clenching your muscles so tight you're shaking, and that's just from me holding your hand." He says it as a tear falls. Then taking a step back. "Every time you react that way to my touch it kills me. Because I know I'm causing you pain, and I'm just not worth you continually feeling like this." Like a switch being flipped I couldn't take it anymore.

With a speed I didn't expect, I had stepped into him nose to nose. In his face teeth bared fiercely roaring as loud as I can.

"LIAR! Don't you dare tell me you're not worth every tear I've shed! You are the best, kindest and most wonderful man I've ever known!" I bellowed in his face eyes stinging with tears ready to fall. "I! Love! You! You stupid bastard so don't you EVER say you're not worth my love!" Then just as suddenly I collapse into his arms. No more flinching away. Just weeping like a baby. Letting all of whatever it was that was keeping me from him fall away.

Cradling me in his arms stroking my hair as I wept. "Shhh, baby I'll never say it again. I'm just so terrified of hurting you, of losing you." Hearing that I punch him repeatedly in the chest with my left hand. Then I hold the same fist right in front of his nose.

"Do you see this ring? We made each other a promise, remember? I'm not going anywhere you big dummy." He smiles down at me. Looking happier than I've seen him in days.

"I see that now. It's just I thought you couldn't stand for me to even touch you." At the mention of that I gripped him in the tightest embrace I could. Ashamed of how I reacted to him.

"Please, please forgive me! Hurting you was the last thing I ever wanted to do. I was just so messed up trying to make sense of it all. I still am when it comes to what we do moving forward. The one thing I do know is I love you Orion Xavier Simms. I love you and I am not letting you leave me!" Pulling back, I look at him.

"Not over something we couldn't even control. We didn't grow up together. This wasn't some attraction we gave into while learning about our own sexuality. No! We did everything right! We were friends first. We dated and fell in love! Made sure we knew about each other's wants, needs and dreams!"

He looked back at me with an expression of pure joy. "That's right, and you better believe I love you too Catherine Collette Simms. I promise if you'll let me, I'll show you how much every day for as long as I live. As for telling the others or whatever else you want, I'll abide by whatever you want to do."

Then I kiss him, desperately. Like a woman who needs this kiss to live. As the kiss goes on, I'm overjoyed that I still have that passion for him. For my husband, and as our tongues finish their duel we come up for air.

"Then I want my husband to come to bed with me. I'll not sleep another night without him." So, we untangled from our embrace and turn to go inside. As we do I notice the blinds move in one of the windows. Patty's window to be precise. Good maybe it'll help her sleep better knowing she just watched her parents make out.

Once in our room we stripped each other naked. That way we could drink in the site of one another. Climbing into bed together so we could lay skin to skin, we kissed and whispered endearments until falling asleep.

* * * * *

Moaning? Why am I moaning? "Ooooohhhh God!" Wow do I love my husband. "Rion!" Oh, right. He can't answer right now. He has a mouth full of clit! Damnit, now I know why men like to wake up to blowjobs! "YES! AAAAAHHHHH!" I'm cumming hard I squirt! Spraying him and everything else under these sheets. Combing down from my orgasm I start laughing. "I love you hunny, but I really wasn't planning on doing laundry today."

Throwing the sheet off of him he just grins up at me. My juices dripping from his face. "That's alright baby, I'll take care of it." With a pause he puts his fist under his chin in an exaggerated thinking pose. "Ya know since the sheets are already messed up, it's not like we'd be any worse off by messing them up again." That's when I see that he's hard as a rock and ready to go.

"You know I think you're right. Now stop wasting time. Get up here and kiss me." Hmmm, kiss me he does, from my freshly eaten pussy up to my sensitive breasts and erect nipples. Then with a practiced wiggle of his hips he begins to slip inside of me. Once again, I marvel at how well we fit together. It's like we really were made for one another.

Buried all the way inside me now he starts to pump. Hands planted on either side of me. His face hovering above mine. I can still see and smell my cum on him and it makes the whole experience primal. I pull his face down, licking my cum off of his cheek. I kiss him so we can share in my flavor. Digging my nails into the back of his shoulders. He just growls for me.

Breaking the kiss to take a breath. "Cum for me baby, cum for me!" Clamping his mouth back onto mine he growls again into the kiss, holding his thrust as far inside me as he can as he cums for me. Feeling his warmth spreading into me filling me up sets me off again. I can feel my orgasm pulsing and squeezing him as I'm squirting again. This time though as we both come back down to earth we just settle into each other. Snuggling together all sticky and sweaty. Lightly kissing until we both look in each other's eyes and say, "shower!"

After showering together, we both dry off and get dressed. I start to go to the kitchen while he, true to his word, strips the bed to wash the sheets. That has me entering the kitchen by myself to find three very expectant faces looking at me. They follow me from the cabinets to the fridge to the coffee pot. After dragging out the silence I take my first sip of coffee while looking right at them. Seems between Patty's reconnaissance and my own vocal wake up they know something has changed.

That's when Rion answers their questions by coming up from behind, slipping an arm around me and kissing my neck slow and sweet. Breaking the kiss, he just looks at the kids and says, "Who wants pancakes?"

The smiles that they give back are more than I could've asked for.

With a chorus of "I do" Rion got to cooking.

As I watch him making his family breakfast, I realize something. I'm not sure what the future holds at this point, but I do know one thing that's certain. I will have my husband next to me now and always. Because to me that's all he is. All he'll ever be...

Well that and my little brother, and yes, I've checked the birth certificates before. I have him beat by over 2 hours!


* * * * *

Also I'm probably thinking this will be the conclusion at least to the story of Rion and Cat. Unless I get a good idea to keep them going. My wife thinks I could continue with a couple of the other characters and do some 'spin off' stories. Lucy is definitely one I'd like to work with since she's a divorce attorney. Good LW story character. Might even create some new characters altogether. But like I said in the first part, this particular story has been in my head for a few years now and finally had to come out. Guess it depends how it's ultimately received if I continue or not.

I hope you've enjoyed reading the ramblings of a novice. I know I've certainly enjoyed writing them down for you to read.

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Darkshooter213Darkshooter2136 months ago

This was of the best incest stories I have ever read 9n this site. 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ easy. Please keep this series going. As an idea, if you could write about the kids finding out that that Rian is actually the biological father of Jacob. The revelation of RI being his father while and trying to navigate through young love could be a fascinating story. And for those who think in not possible, it is genetically possible for w while man to produce a black child. It's rare, but it does happen.

ToughSailorToughSailor7 months ago

Whew! You can't know how glad I am that you were finally able to pull all the disparaging parts together for a heartfelt conclusion. Now, need a final segment to see how all the other players can hook up. Keep writing. We (I) need need more of the same . . . .

buster1305buster13057 months ago

Grat story well told and well developed. Keep writing.

davp6255davp62558 months ago

I laughed and I cryed all through this, what a great tale. loved it. Pity is that this site wont allow me to give more than 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Could of had a conclusion. With David and Lucy meeting Buddy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why have you stopped writing. You are very talented. You have to continue. Your readers demand it. Please. Ok a few wrong words but that's not bad. Accept not except. Who cares. Great story.

unclemerv77unclemerv77over 1 year ago

All three very good, great ending

Axel7Axel7over 1 year ago

It's been a while, and there are no spin-off's still, but I would put a suggestion/request, I know you have been pushing the Sara x David thing, but man Lucy and David getting together will be so much fun, she already thinks David and rion are her ideal type of men, this would lead to so much fun and drama, would love to see this happen omds

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story was perfect, but one I thing I find hilarious/ is the MC getting cheated on by his best friend/wife, then she becomes his stepsister but he's okay with it, if Sara hadn't cheated on him with a black person, he definitely would've raised the kid as his own and no way he would've figured it out that the kid wasn't his, and to top it off his stepdaughter/niece is dating the child of Sara and the person who she cheated on him with, will Bella get revenge for her dad by cucking Jacob with Asian dude? They were also close as children same as rion and Sara would make the perfect sequel, it would be hilarious as well

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

really enjoyed it.

ocaladouglasocaladouglasalmost 2 years ago

wow that was one hell of a story loved it from beginning to the end great job with this one

Rustyy_nutRustyy_nutover 2 years ago

Oh come on Bella,Cat,Lucy(Rions donations),and mouse all pregnant at the same time. Of course Cat's is a total surprise.

Bra46Bra46over 2 years ago

Jack: You are a talented writer. I throughly enjoyed this series. I will gladly read anything you wrote. I gave all three stories, 5!

MutationsMutationsover 2 years ago

Forgot how good this was. Hope you keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story. I enjoyed it very much.

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23 & WTF Pt. 02 Previous Part
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