A Chef Nurse Patient and Pâtissier


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"Babe, you can do it." She said firmly, after hearing the self doubt in Dillon's, quivering yet excited voice. "You've got it, I know you're gonna blow them away."

"I hope so." He sighed ruefully. "Wish I shared your optimism."

"Just telling you the truth. You have to believe in yourself. You are an incredible person. You turned that run down old food van into something special. You are gonna kick their arse babe."

"We'll see I guess." He sucked in a breath before saying. "Sorry about my shitty comment last night."

"No, it was fair. I never meant to do this Dillon. I know it's fucked up, and I can't explain it. You have to believe I love you more than ever, and I miss you like crazy. I wish I was there with you."

"Don't bullshit me, Jade. You had your chance. If that's how you felt, you'd be here, we'd be sharing this together."

"I know, and I fucked up. I'm just trying to do the right thing. Mark, needs me as well, and I might not love him, but I had to stay and try and help."

"Yeah well, you had a choice to make, and I hope it works out for you."

"Dillon, I still plan to be with you. I know you can't accept that, and I know I've taken a huge risk. You'll have gorgeous women all over you. Just keep a place in your heart for me."

"I'll always love you Jade, that doesn't mean I'll let you back into my world."

He disconnected, and on a whim phoned Cass. "How's the van going, burned it down yet?"

"Hey, Dillon. No you smart arse. It's been busy as hell. Everybody asks about you, and they all made me wish you well. I can't thank you enough for doing this for me."

"Nah, it's cool as."

"When do you want me to start sending you money?"

"Forget about the money for the moment. I'll give yah, three months. After that we'll talk about it."

"Shit, are you sure? I don't mind, Dillon. I can send you some now."

"Like hell. You'll need some money in reserve, just in case. You always need a contingency."

"Love you bro. I can never repay you for this. You know that... Right?"

"Cass, there's nothing to repay. Have fun, enjoy it. Oh, by the way. Did you try doing breakfast?"

"Did I... Holy shit, it was amazing. I'm doing it every day from now on."

"No trouble, being there by yourself?"

"Nah, I just make sure all the doors are locked. I might see if I can get a guy to come in and help though."

The morning was an eye opener for Dillon. Okay, he'd watched countless episodes about cooking programs. Seen huge kitchens full of yelling and screaming.

This kitchen was big, incredibly well appointed. The team was six people, and they looked as nervous as him. Leon left Dillon, to talk to the team in private. He wanted him to stamp his authority on the place. He would support him, but needed him to take charge.

With Leon gone, he gathered the team together. "I don't know what Leon, has told you about me, but let me explain."

He sucked in a deep breath. "I've never worked in a kitchen like this. I'm not trained, I'm self taught. I'm not going to be yelling and screaming, and what's more. I don't wanna hear yelling or raised voices. If somebody's yelling. We're in the shit. I want us to all work together, as a team. But for that to work. I need your support."

Looking around the sea of shocked faces he added. "It's you guys who're gonna have to teach me."

There was lots of laughter, a couple of biting comments, but he saw what he'd hoped to see. Enthusiasm.

He dragged out his notebook, and went over what was going to be his menu going forward. There were gasps of shock, total amazement. Lots of gossipy furtive comments.

"This is it team. We either make this work, or to put it bluntly. I'm fucked." They all chuckled and giggled, before he asked. "Are you guys gonna stand beside me, build this up... Can we do this, be a team?"

Phillipe, the big guy, who was the second chef, and who'd been keeping the place running said loudly over everybody. "Yes Chef. We can do it."

There were some cheers of encouragement. He called them in for a group hug. "Okay, well tomorrow, we start properly. Right now, I have to go and sell this to, Leon."

That wasn't as hard as he thought. "Dillon, this is exactly why I wanted you here. This menu is awesome. Give me a couple of days to get them printed up properly. If you could help out in the kitchen until then. It would be a great help, and it would give you a chance to work your way into the team."

It all sounded great, and Dillon walked out of the meeting feeling completely empowered. He decided to get his uniform on and get straight to work.


Jade and Mark were in the sound booth with the engineers listening to the play backs of the most recently recorded tracks.

"Fucking sweet bro. Jeez, these are fucking awesome." Smiley one of the engineers said proudly.

"They are indeed." Jarrod the label boss said. "How long before we have the whole album mastered?"

"Two weeks." Smiley replied. "That is if we can keep going as we are."

"We'll be here every day." Jade stated. "I can't believe how fabulous they sound. It's surreal."

"Hell yeah." Mark added. "They sound just like I imagined them in my head."

Jarrod turned to Jade. "You have done an amazing job of managing Mark's, social media. The photos you have been sharing from the booth. They have created some real interest. Once we have the albums ready for release, we will organise a release party, invite as many people as we can. Then it will be a short tour. Maybe just the major centre's. Probably mean being on the road for three weeks or so. You both up for that?"

Mark glanced at Jade and answered for them both. "Fuck yeah dude, we can't wait."

Jarrod stared forthrightly at Jade and asked again. She smiled, feeling the unasked question. "Yes, I will be there as well."

"Good, we can put you in charge of the social stuff in an official capacity. Pay you some cash."

Jade swallowed a lump in her throat that just didn't want to go down. She didn't want to go on tour. She wanted to fly away and be with Dillon. Before he forgot all about her.

"Are you calling yourself, Mark's, boyfriend? How are we selling that?" Jarrod asked.

"She is my girlfriend. We live together." Mark stated proudly. "I want everybody to know."

Jade grimaced, and it didn't go unnoticed by Jarrod. "She's mine, and I'm hers." Mark added.

On the drive home, and at the dinner table. Mark, was on a high. He talked non stop about the recording, and the tour. How he and Jade, were going to have this incredible adventure.

His parents were elated, but Olivia had reservations, the smallest doubts. She looked at Jade' s face, and didn't see the same levels of enthusiasm. That made her nervous. Jade for her part kept it bright, and happy, but there was just that small part of her that wasn't screaming "Yay!"

It was when Mark said. "I want the world to know. Jade, is my girlfriend."

Jade replied quickly. "Mark, let's just keep that to ourselves for the moment. I'm still a married woman. There are members of my family that don't know, that Dillon, and I have split."

He looked crestfallen. "But I want to tell the world."

"Give me time, Mark. Wait until I've talked to my friends and family okay."

Olivia jumped in, seeing the anguish on her face. "Jade's, right sweetheart. There's no rush. You know, and that's what's important."

"Yes, don't rush the girl." His father, Peter said. "Don't scare her away."

Jade smiled at him, her face full of thanks. "What we need to focus on is finishing the album, and getting the media releases out there. Nobody wants to hear about me."

"I suppose, but you're coming on tour aren't you?" He almost pleaded.

She reached for his hand, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I sure am. It's gonna be choice."

That night, their lovemaking was full of excitement, but tinged with a hint of desperation. Mark felt the weight of Dillon crushing him. He had that feeling of self contempt. He couldn't even make love to her properly. He relied on her to fuck him. He wanted to be on top, to fuck her the way he used to with his past girlfriends. Now he was forced into an almost submissive role, while Jade led.

It wasn't that it wasn't incredible, it was just he wanted to be in charge.

That thought, never filtered through to Jade. She enjoyed their lovemaking. In many ways, it was the best. She controlled the pace, she found ways to make sure she came. Grinding down on him, rubbing her clit in little circles on the base of his cock, it was amazing. She had no complaints sexually.


Dillon couldn't believe how easily he integrated into the team in the kitchen. They were a good bunch, and Phillipe schooled him, on how they worked. Who specialised in what.

His other find was Lyla, the Patissier: the dessert chef. Not only was she helpful, but she was very attractive. Tall and svelte, with lustrous red hair. She was a fox, and she seemed to take great pleasure in taking Dillon, under her wing, and showing him the ropes.

It came out during the little get together they had after cleaning up the kitchen, and preparing for the next day. It was a ritual, drinks before going home.

Lyla got more than a little tiddly, and told Dillon all about Kevin. The previous chef. Apparently he was a real arsehole, and they all hated him. Lyla especially, because he tried to trick her into sex, by slipping something in her drink.

From that day forward, Lyla hated him. When Leon told them Kevin was getting the sack. They held a huge party. It was partially why they were so eager to help Dillon settle in.

Friday night came pretty quickly, and it was the eve, of the restaurant running the new menus. The hotel ran a powerful ad campaign leading up to Saturday. They ran radio ads, their social media pages were awash with the new menus.

The big day, found Dillon stressed to the max. Lyla calmed him down with a few drinks.

The hotel evening crowd drifted in. Dillon worried that the menu wouldn't appeal to patrons who usually enjoyed the à la carte food on offer.

It didn't take long though, and the orders started rolling in. The kitchen went from quiet to under pressure, as they worked on the new dishes. Dillon helped, ensuring each dish was as he wanted. They all had to look spectacular, and taste even better.

It wasn't just the orders rolling in. It was compliments to the chef.

That night, they had a party to end all parties. The night had been a raging success. Dillon's, shoulders hurt from all the pats on the back.

Lyla who sat with him as they enjoyed the after work drinks, leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"We could go up to your room, and have a quiet drink together."

"Wow, you don't muck about." Dillon chuckled.

"When I see something I like, I go after it. I like you."

"Lyla, I'm married."

"I don't mind. If she isn't here with you, then that's her problem. I'm not forcing you. All I'm doing is letting you know I'm interested."

"I'm not looking for a relationship." Dillon said.

"Neither am I. Like I said dude. I like you."

He was drunk enough, to reply. "Yeah okay, lets go."

They were hardly in the door, and Lyla started ripping his clothes off. Their bodies melded together in a searing lustful kiss.

Her naked flesh soon filled his hands, as he caressed her from head to toe. Her gorgeous boobs filling his mauling hands. Her nipples, pressing into his sucking mouth.

Her slippery swollen pussy inviting his fingers, just as they did his raging latex covered cock.

They fucked furiously. The passion and desire overriding all their senses.

It was fast, and brutal, full of gasping panting breaths. Lyla's body wrapped him like an emergency blanket. Her nakedness, sticking to his skin. The wet slapping of flesh on wanton flesh filled the air.

A large wet spot appearing in the middle of the bed. It was over to soon, Dillon cumming so hard, he thought his balls had collapsed.

The second time, at some ungodly early morning, was tender, and languid. Lovemaking more than fucking.

Afterwards, as they lay together. Lyla asked. "So where's your wife?"

"Back in Wellington. She works as a carer for the disabled. She had to stay behind to help one of her patients."

"When is she coming down?"

"Not sure, her patient is going through a tough patch, so the time frame is unconfirmed."

"Ah well. Her loss, do you think she'd be angry if she knew I was here with you?"

"I'm not sure, but yeah probably."

"Is it a problem for you?"

"No, I'm probably not as guilty as I should be. I like you, Lyla. Thanks for coming up last night."

"No worries dude. I enjoyed it. You and your wife are having some problems, aren't you?"

"How the fuck..."

"Dude, you're like an open book. Your face is full of sadness, and when some of the others asked about your wife. I saw how distraught you were. She's not coming down, aye?"

"Probably not. Yeah. We're having some issues. The bitch was banging her patient. When I found out I told her not to bother coming down. I think our marriage is fucked."

"Bugger, are you divorcing?"

"Nah, not yet. I don't know. This'll make me sound pretty lame, but I still love her."

"You'd take her back?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I dunno. I was angry as fuck when I found out. Not so bad now."

"Her loss, my gain. I'm going to try to fuck all your sadness away. I don't usually do this, jump into bed with guys, but there's something about you. I don't know what it is, but I like it."


"Oh my god, Mark... It sounds incredible, honestly. People are going to love it." They were driving home from the studio, the sounds of the finished album pumping out through the vans stereo. The volume was up full, and Jade bounced happily in her seat as she sang along. Her hands waving, feeling the thumping beat...

"It wouldn't have happened without you, Jade. You're the reason it exists at all."

"Nah, you would have got there eventually."

"No, it's more than that, you sent those clips you recorded into the radio station. You pushed hard. You were the driving force behind it."

"Stop it." She giggled. "You're making me blush."

"Good, I like those red cheeks."

Changing themes, Jade said. "The party is going to be pretty huge as well. Playing the Power Station, I mean, your first gig, and it's going to be there."

"Yeah, I know, fucking sweet aye."

"The guys in the band seem pretty stoked... I know Jarrod, was impressed, with the finished product. He said the lead track is going to start getting air time on mainstream radio. He also said that he's pushing for you to get some TV spots."

"Fuck, it's happening. I can't believe it. Jade, I love you so much, I can't imagine life without you."

Jade felt a tingle, run up her spine. It wasn't excitement it was guilt. She did love Mark felt a bond with him so tight. Lately though, the emptiness of not having Dillon in her life, eroded her happiness. She missed him more, time wasn't helping. It felt like every tick of the clock. The yawning chasm of her life widened.

She hadn't even phoned him for days. The guilt and shame made everything so awkward. The sound of his voice was enough to set of her waterworks.

She hated that they couldn't even talk without that pain pushing them apart. It wasn't Dillon, he wasn't nasty, but the hurt slipped out in comments.

She wanted to just go, but Mark... He still needed her. Having gone this far and all the damage she had provoked. She felt the need to see it through. Her hopes were all on the tour. Her hopes were all about once Mark, was surrounded by people, and fans, he would feel valued, and appreciated. She hoped it would build up his confidence and self esteem to a level where she could escape.

As she ran the word through her mind... Escape... It felt right, like she needed that. She did love Mark, and the thought of being without him hurt, but it was a pain she could get over. Not like the strangling suffocating loss that corroded her every thought. She needed Dillon... Desperately.

That night, she wriggled out of Marks, clutching arms. He was listening to the album, playing it for his parents. "Mark, honey. I'm going for a walk."

"Wait, I could go with?"

"No, you stay and let your parents listen. I simply need some air."

Two houses down, she pulled out her phone. "Hey Dillon."

She could hear the craziness in the background. "Jade, how are yah?"

"You sound busy." She said apologetically.

"It's all good. But, yeah it's a bit chaotic tonight. We have a full house for the third night in a row."

"Yeah, I saw you on TV the other night. Fancy having the Prime Minister there. That must have been dope."

"It was insane."

"So, how's it going down there. Have you settled in?"

"Yeah, it's pretty sweet actually. My team is awesome, the apartment is stunning."

"Wow, you sound like you're doing okay."

"Could be worse. I see you moved out of the cottage. They sent me a notification."

Flames of guilt rushed through her face, she felt the blush of guilt. "Yeah..."

"You living with Mark, I take it?"

"Dillon, I..." The words she wanted to say refused to fall.

"Nah, it's cool. Guess you made your choice."

"No!" She yelled hoarsely. "I miss you, I want to be with you."

"If that's the case, then why are you living with him?"

"Christ, I had to stay somewhere. I didn't wanna go back home to Mum and Dads. He was in a crazy dark space. I knew he would do something stupid if I left."

The silence dragged out, the gloom enveloped both of them. All Jade, could hear was the pandemonium going on behind Dillon. It didn't help when she heard a sexy female voice, obviously whispering in his ear. "Come on lover. We need you."

"Jade, I've got to go."

"Yeah, I can hear. Maybe you could call me later when you finish up?" God, why did she sound so desperate, so needy?

"It would be late, Jade. Are you sure you want me waking Mark, that late?"

"Call me, please."

"Yeah, all right."

Jade walked back in, and the mood was high. They were all having a drink celebrating. Olivia, saw the sad look, in her eyes, and rushed over to grab her hand saying. "Come on, I'll get you a drink."

In the kitchen, away from Mark she asked. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I've been talking to Dillon. Bloody hell, I miss him so much."

"What did he say?" Olivia asked in a very hushed tone.

"We talked, he sounds happy."

"Does he miss you?"

"I don't know Olivia." Jade, replied in a rueful sigh. "It's still awkward, we didn't really get down into it. He knows I'm living with, Mark. He didn't sound overly impressed with that."

"No, I suppose not. You can hardly blame him."

"No, I don't, I understand. I hope he can get passed it. There was something else, a woman, she called him lover."

"Oh dear, perhaps it was just a joke?"

"No, she was whispering in his ear. It didn't sound like a gag."


"Why did you say that, Lyla?"

"Oh come on, I'm not ashamed."

"No, but it was a private conversation."

"Oh, the missus, huh." She shrugged casually, adding. "Sorry, I didn't realise you were keeping secrets."

"I'm not, but, I haven't told her yet."

It was late in the evening. It had been a really successful night. The restaurant was sold out, and all of the feedback had been complimentary. It prompted Leon, to bring a bottle of champagne, and another of bourbon.

"Thanks for tonight guys. Well done."

There were a few cheers, and they sat back basking in satisfied elation. Dillon excused himself, checking his phone, he saw it was eleven. He walked outside, and dialled. He thought it was going to ring out, but at the last minute, Jade picked up breathlessly.

"Sorry, sounds like I interrupted something."

"Jade gasped. "What?"

"You're panting, catch you at it did I?"

"No you bloody didn't. I was almost asleep, and had the ring tone turned down. I rushed to get outside so I didn't wake Mark."
