A College Professor's Discovery Ch. 03


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Again Jason groaned, and again Sherrie experienced the pleasant vibrations on her asshole.

"So I wanted you to see this first-hand, and I wanted you to experience the pleasure of what Jason is doing to you right now during this practice session," Miss Victoria said, smiling at Sherrie as she slid her fist up and down Jason's hard dick while she fucked him in the ass.

Sherrie was so thankful she had found Miss Victoria!

"Jason, put your tongue inside the lady."

Sherrie caught her breath immediately, not having dared to think that this surprise experience could possibly advance to the sheer naughtiness of what Miss Victoria had just directed Jason to do.

Then, as he pressed insistently with the tip of his tongue, Sherrie allowed it to happen.

For all the time she had been focused on opening a man up, on accustoming herself to the sensations of feeling his surrender, to becoming practiced in how to penetrate his asshole, first with her fingers and then with her strapon, she had never considered the bliss of his tongue invading her own private opening.

But now she did.

Sherrie relaxed completely and invited Jason's tongue inside as deeply as he could get it.

"Oh-h-h, mmmmm, ahh-h-h," was all Sherrie could manage as Jason worked his tongue deeper.

The thought of what he was doing to her, the sensations as he did it — the combination was intoxicating, and Sherrie savored every second of his invasion.

Miss Victoria released Jason's cock, replaced that hand on his thigh, and pulled herself tightly against him, burying her strapon as deeply as it would go into his ass.

Then she simply squirmed slowly and specifically in a manner that Sherrie instantly realized was Miss Victoria's own personal turn-on. Her tutor closed her eyes and began a series of short breaths, getting closer and closer to an orgasm. As Jason continued creating delicious sensations in her anus, Sherrie knew that whatever Miss Victoria was doing was going to create one hell of an orgasm.

When it hit, her tutor shuddered violently, leaning back as she continued gripping Jason's thighs. He groaned and moaned repeatedly, obviously aware that Miss Victoria was coming, and the intensified vibrations of his excited vocalizations against her asshole almost made Sherrie come, too.

Jason pushed upwards on Sherrie's bottom, slipping his tongue from her asshole, and groaned as his cock twitched and bobbed.

"That's it!" he gritted out. "If I don't come in the next few minutes, you women will have killed me."

Sherrie scrambled down from the tabletop, and Miss Victoria eased backwards to withdraw the shaft of her strapon from Jason's lubricated anus.

"This poor man deserves the most intense orgasm of his life," Miss Victoria said softly, urging Jason to a sitting position on the edge of the table. Sherrie walked to the video camera and switched it on, stepping behind it briefly to verify that her original framing of her kitchen table had not changed. The set-up had not been altered, and Sherrie was satisfied to see that the camera would record every nuance of her action as fucked Jason in the ass.

She would watch this video with professional and personal interest, knowing that she might pick up one more tiny tip about improving her performance.

But Sherrie would also be turned on incredibly at seeing what she was about to experience first-hand as the woman in the video who was pumping her strapon into the muscular, buffed, handsome man who had spread himself open for her.

Miss Victoria now had Jason positioned, legs spread, chest on the tabletop, back arched and ass up high and inviting. It was a position that meant Sherrie had been wise to make the planters available — she would need to stand on them in order to be in a good position to fuck this tall, sexy man who had just given her the surprise experience of slipping his tongue inside her most private opening.

"He is very, very anxious," Miss Victoria said, stepping back and out of frame, wanting her pupil to capture with the video camera only the essence of this final strapon practice session. "I am sure that your practice and your expertise will bring both of you to intense orgasms."

Sherrie was incredibly anxious herself. She retrieved the bottle of lube from the corner of the table, popped the top and poured the viscous liquid over the end of her strapon, allowing it to roll down the shaft, clinging to the toy as it corkscrewed its way toward the base. Closing the lid, Sherrie immediately fisted the fake purple cock and smeared the lube up and down.

Satisfied that she had sufficiently lubed the toy ("too much is almost enough," she remembered), she stepped up on the planter boxes, adjusted things slightly to be in the perfect position, and placed the tip of her strapon at the entrance to Jason's exposed opening.

She was desperately horny, hot beyond measure at what had happened this evening, and then driven over the top by Jason's tongue lapping at her asshole.

Sherrie drove her strapon into him in one stroke.

Jason's head snapped up from the tabletop. "Unnnngh!" he grunted, a sound that only turned Sherrie on more. She began pumping into him, knowing that it would be only moments before the act of fucking him in his asshole would make her come.

But she needed practice.

She fought to deny herself, working to grip harder on his hips, hoping the distraction would delay her orgasm.

It bought her a little more time, and she relaxed a bit, grooving into a rhythm as she stroked in and out of his asshole, enjoying the movements of her hips, looking down to see the shaft of her toy disappear inside him and then slide back out, almost completely out, before the motion of her hips pushed it back in.

The visual was mesmerizing and insanely sexy.

Jason's moans added to the naughtiness and the excitement.

Then he started talking to her.

"Oh, god, you are fucking me so good!"

His words were an aural elixir of eroticism to Sherrie.

I'm fucking him good, I'm doing this thing right, and I'm loving every insane second of it! she thought, listening for more sexy words from Jason's mouth.

"Damn! You're hitting that spot, that certain spot . . ."

Jason dropped his face to the tabletop and grunted through an animalistic rumble that Sherrie knew was pushing her dangerously close to climax.

"Oh, shit!" he yelled, head jerking up as Sherrie held onto his hips in a tight grasp and continued stroking into him, undulating movements now accelerating as she worked herself into a zone of sexual man-fucking excitement.

"You're gonna make me come, you're gonna make me- "

He bucked his hips backwards, driving Sherrie's strapon deep inside, and at the same time he flung his arms backward, his hands grasping the side of Sherrie's hips in order to pull her tightly against his ass.

That did it. Sherrie squirmed against him in complete abandon, triggering off the most intense orgasm of her life.

She fell across his back, almost losing her footing on the planter boxes in the process.

Jason's cock, so tortuously teased all night and yet denied release, now jetted a long stream of thick, ropey come underneath the table, pumping repeatedly until he was completely spent and groaning beneath Sherrie.

Miss Victoria was tugging on her nipples as she leaned against the countertop watching this insanely erotic act. She allowed herself a final mini-orgasm, knowing that she, too, would be exhausted as this tutoring session finally ended.

* * *

It took a while to recover and then tend to the most pressing of the clean-up duties. In his blindfolded condition, Jason was able to wipe himself down with the towel Miss Victoria had brought, and as Sherrie checked the video playback on the camera's small screen (Good grief! How fantastically erotic and arousing, Sherrie thought as she watched herself screw Jason with practiced and mesmerizing strokes), Miss Victoria took the towel from him and thoughtfully wiped up his spent ejaculate, even though it meant she had to squat down and almost crawl under Sherrie's kitchen table.

It was yet one more thoughtful act from her mentor, and Sherrie realized how much she was going to Miss Victoria after this final practice session.

Her tutor's shared wisdom about strapon man-fucking, but also the personal conversations they'd had about the emotional aspects of the act and the beauty and rightness of doing it with a man who loved you and wanted to give you pleasure, had been tremendously important and enlightening for Sherrie.

They chatted in the kitchen, out of range of Jason's earshot. In his exhausted condition, he was already nearly dozing on the sofa after getting dressed, and Sherrie knew their whispered conversation over a glass of wine thoughtfully poured by Miss Victoria was not something that Jason would ever hear.

"You were really very, very good at doing him," Miss Victoria said. "I'm sure you saw on the video how well you did, but I knew instantly from the first thrust of your hips as I watched that you have reached whatever level of proficiency you need to impress your tribal judges."

Sherrie set her glass down after a sip of the delicious wine. "It's thanks only to you, Miss Victoria."

Looking at her tutor earnestly, Sherrie continued:

"I don't know what I would have done if I had not found your ad. You knew the first time we talked, the first time you saw how clumsy I was with Andrew, that I was a rank amateur."

Miss Victoria smiled. "You were not much practiced with men in general," she said softly.

"True," Sherrie answered, "and I thank you for realizing that and then coaching me through not just the physical part of doing what I had to learn but also the mental aspects, the philosophy of enjoying sex, enjoying men, being more confident in my sexuality and ability to attract a guy's attention."

Miss Victoria said nothing, smiling into her glass of wine as it sat before her.

"Really," Sherrie continued, "I have been so focused on work, so unsure of myself with men, so anxious to have a relationship but so worried that I'd never be able to find the kind of guy I want. Now, after this crazy crash-course to learn what I must do well in order to finish my research for the book, I realize about a million side benefits that I've accumulated in the process."

Her tutor finally spoke, reaching a hand across the table to place it on the back of Sherrie's wrist.

"That's wonderful to hear, Dr. Mathison. I'm glad to have helped in any ways that I might have managed. But know this: Your engagement of my services has created a series of sessions unlike any others I have orchestrated. I have come to take a personal interest in your success, not just with taking a man who willingly offers up his private opening for your strapon, but with men in general and even with your career, thinking that I may have played perhaps a small role in helping advance it."

Sherrie nodded her head in agreement.

"But seeing your metamorphosis, seeing you take such pleasure in learning how glorious it can be to experience unbridled joy in playing sexually with a man, well . . . it has rekindled for me that desire to find my own partner who will love me and play with me occasionally as we have played with Jason tonight."

Sherrie was surprised to hear her tutor talking like this.

"Yes, I do take physical pleasure in playing with the men who pay me to do so, but it's nothing like the satisfaction of loving a man who is also your mate and who occasionally enjoys surrendering to your strapon. Maybe, after my relationship with the man who introduced me to these delights ended, I have avoided much active seeking to find another connection, taking substitute satisfaction where I could find it with men who would pay me to be their 'sensuous domme.'"

Sherrie listened attentively, tracking Miss Victoria's motions with her gaze, following her tutor's pause and glance down to her glass of wine before continuing.

"So thank you, Dr. Mathison, for renewing my faith that I'll find some man who'll become a lover and a mate and who will also enjoy a good strapon session."

Miss Victoria paused at her words, smiling, and raised her glass in a toast.

"Here's to both of us finding such a man, and here's to your absolute success as you demonstrate how very good you've become with your strapon when you return to the tribe!"

* * *

Sherrie drifted off to sleep in her hotel room after the orgasm triggered by her masturbation to the memory of her final tutoring session, of the excitement of feeling Jason's tongue on her anus, of the intense satisfaction when she climaxed as she fucked him and he moaned in animalistic release as he spurted through his own climax. It was a deep sleep that ended the next morning with a pounding on her hotel door.

"Miss Sherrie! Miss Sherrie!"

It was Catchy.

"We need to leave in two hours. Are you up?"

"Yes," she answered groggily, throwing back the sheet. "Yes, Catchy. Thank you for making sure I'm awake."

After a quick shower and a delicious breakfast in the hotel's modest restaurant, Sherrie returned to her room to pack her final items into the last bag, the others already lined up by the door. Catchy would take all but two of the bags back with him for storage until she left the tribe — they contained emergency supplies, extra precautions such as back-up hard drives and a second laptop along with research materials, including some anthropology books that Sherrie just could not make herself leave behind.

She would take only two bags with her to the tribe. They would easily contain everything she would need, including her laptop, extra charged batteries and the hand-cranked/solar powered battery charger that would ensure her use of her laptop for the month she was with the tribe.

But before stowing her laptop into the last bag, she flicked it on and sat down slowly on the bed, her mind drifting to her final conversation with Miss Victoria. When the laptop had booted up, she launched the video of her session with Jason, and checked one final time that, yes, her technique was good enough to win the confidence of the tribe's women.

Smiling to herself as she closed out of the video program and shut down the laptop, Sherrie thought of her tutor's final toast to her success.

I hope your best wishes that we both find the men of our dreams will give us good luck! Sherrie thought as she shouldered her bag and opened the door to call Catchy for help loading the car.

* * *

The morning after her performance as the tribal women watched, Sherrie awoke to an excited commotion outside the simple hut that had been her quarters on each visit to the tribe. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she drew back the material hanging from the rope across the opening that was her door and saw several of the tribe's young men jostling for position in some kind of line that was forming.

"Miss Sherrie! Miss Sherrie!" came the excited cries from the men as each of them jumped or waved or yelled or all three to catch her attention.

Not understanding what was occurring, Sherrie noticed one of the elderly women hurrying to her hut. She pushed past the men and drew Sherrie back inside, winded from her dash to Sherrie's door.

"You must choose wisely," were the first words from the woman's mouth.

Sherrie's look of confusion let the woman know that more explanation was needed.

"You must choose wisely. Each man has his strengths and his weaknesses, but any of them would be an excellent husband."


Apparently that simple grunt was understood in all languages.

"They all want you as their wife!"

Sherrie raised her hand. "Wait. Wait a minute."

The woman was one of Sherrie's early confidants who had helped her become accepted as a welcome visitor to the tribe.

"What are you saying, Terna? Wife?"

"Yes, yes," Terna continued excitedly. "All the women spread the word quickly that your special instrument, that the way you used it, was truly spectacular."

Sherrie eased back on the mat where she had been sleeping, finally piecing together what was going on.

Terna confirmed it.

"You took Weriska so well and with such expertise that every available man in the village wants you to be his wife!"

Sherrie had her answer about whether strapon play was reserved only for the ceremony or whether it was part of what happened as a matter of course between husband and wife.

"And Weriska has told all the men that he deserves to be at the front of the line outside your door," Terna said, smiling broadly at Sherrie. "He says that since he was your first tribal male, and that since you made him spurt more and harder than he ever has in his whole life, that he deserves to have the first opportunity to convince you to marry him."

Sherrie slumped her head between her knees as she sat on the mat, the full realization of what was happening finally coming to bear on her consciousness.

Terna squatted down in order to look into Sherrie's face.

"You were truly marvelous doing it to him, Miss Sherrie. It was amazing. All of us women want to see your instrument. We know we can carve and sand and seal a similar shape."

Sherrie raised her head to look into Terna's eyes.

"And then we will be able to do our men as well as you!"

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playtime999playtime999over 5 years ago

Such a great build up and a terrific twist to go with the hot sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Too long

I like long, well written stories and this is both but I'm sorry to say the detail of the story are great but something is swamping the intimacy and eroticism (for me.) I found myself glossing over and even skipping sections. At the most sexy parts I felt uneffected. I liked other stories of yours better and I 'll try more of your series because you are a very good writer.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Your story with the literary equivalent to valium.

Oddly calming, oddly flaccid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Wonderful story

but I had hoped for a closer description of the ceremony.

Maybe later?

Thanks anyway, I enjoyed it a lot!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Incredible set of stories

I absolutely loved it. My wife and I are not there yet but slowly the idea is creeping its way into her mind as we have already experienced some anal play.

Excellent reading material. Please continue entertaining us with your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Sweet surrender

Excited excellence. To find a woman of that caliber should be every mans quest!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Perfect! Only wishing α little that she could get together with Andrew but otherwise it was incredible! ....wishing I had someone to practice on as well ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Absolutely brilliant..

and I can tell that you were eager to finish: you omitted a couple of words on the last page!! But that was truly the best of Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
we luv it!

my wife and I love your writing. We get distracted trying to get through this story. keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Not only worth the wait, but I am officially desparate to have that done to me by my wife. Now how to break the news to her. Wow. Fantastic writing as well. I am sure this could be compiled into a best selling book. Damn. YOU ROCK!!

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