A Debt to Pay


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"I...you won't..." how did she tell him he was making a big mistake? She figured the kind of women Sergei Larov was accustomed o having his bed were far more experienced than she ever could be, what if she did all this and then he came to the conclusion that she simply wasn't good enough and then discarded her?

"I won't what?" he quirked a brow at her.

"Never mind. I...I'll do it, but I want to see my brother first."

"Once again Sunny, you make demands where you have no cards." He crooked his finger and signaled for her to approach him.

Sunny ached to say more, but she shut her mouth and did as he asked, what was the point of speaking when he didn't care what she had to say? As she approached him, his cold blue eyes trained on her form, her mind raced a mile a minute, thinking of the many things he could ask her to do in this office, her heart was beating rapidly in her chest even as she forced herself to maintain a calm exterior. This was for Stevie, she would go along with whatever this was and get her brother, then she would beat his ass to her heart's delight for making her put herself in this situation.

She stopped inches away from him, unsure of what to do next, in answer to a question she was sure he saw in her eyes, he widened his legs and said, "Between them."

She glanced at the space he was asking her to occupy, a space that would put her directly in his face and ...she looked away from his crotch area, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment that her eyes had even gone there.

"No need to act like a shy virgin Rivers, if you can beat a man within an inch of his life, you ought to be good with dicks." He teased with a smirk

Oh, if only...

Sunny took a couple of more steps until she found herself between his spread thighs and looking down at his face. He was gorgeous, she may have had many reservations about the man, but his looks were never in question the moment she laid eyes on him and it made this whole experience even more annoying. She wanted to feel disgusted by what she was about to do, but all she felt was anticipation as she thought of what it would feel like to actually kiss him, he had a perfect pair of lips, the bottom lip was fuller than the top, while she had kissed a couple of guys, it hadn't felt as good as she imagined it would. There was always a spark missing, would the same happen with Sergei?

"Stop staring, start kissing." He ordered her.

She blinked a couple of times, her gaze flew from his lips to his eyes in question, "I..."

"Shut up and kiss me." He cut her off rather rudely.

Sunny steeled her mind and lowered her lips toward his slowly, this couldn't be worse than her past kisses, could it? she paused when her lips were mere inches away from his, indecision plaguing her mind for some reason, it wasn't like she had a choice.

He growled his displeasure at her delay and simply reached for the back of her head and forced her lips down to meet his. Sunny's hands grabbed his thighs to steady herself as his mouth ravaged hers, she was ill-prepared for the shock that ran through her entire body at his kiss, fuck! That was the spark. Her lips followed his experienced ones, wanting to keep up with him, he grabbed her hair just as his tongue speared into her mouth. A soft moan left Sunny's lips, the bundle of nerves between her thighs throbbing at the feel of his tongue. This was more than just a spark, an inferno was started within her, a feeling she was highly unfamiliar with. So, this was what people meant when they said a person could orgasm from just a kiss. Every stroke of his tongue in her mouth heated her body, how did someone get so worked up from kissing a man she had no business with? a tiny part of her brain kept telling her to only feel repulsion, he was forcing her to be his mistress and holding her brother against his will, she shouldn't be getting aroused by this man, but her body was rebelling against her, telling her this was what she needed, who she needed

His arm wrapped around her and pulled her closer if that was even possible, he suddenly pulled her skirt up causing her to gasp, instinctively, she placed her hands on his shoulders to push him off, this was not happening and certainly not in his office, she hadn't even closed the door when she entered, what if someone walked in on them? She shoved hard at his shoulder, ending their kiss effectively, "Wait, the door..." she breathed.

"fuck it." he replied pulling her in once more


"I said fuck it." he growled at her, the look in his eyes shut her up. There was something beastly in them that warned her to shut her mouth, she didn't yet know what he was capable of and she didn't want to end up dead before she even got the chance to save Steve.

Rather than return to mauling her lips, he seemed to notice the fear in her eyes. Suddenly, he flipped her over so that she was sitting on his desk and he had his back to the door, effectively blocking her from the view of anyone who could barge in on them. Sunny wasn't sure she was totally comfortable still, but when his lips returned to hers, she forgot all about her reservations as the spark returned once again.

In this position, he had his legs wedged between hers to keep them spread, his lips left hers and trailed down her neck. Sunny kept her hands on the desk, touching him would mean she liked this, she didn't want to like this, she wanted to reject him. when she felt his hands slide between her legs, she jerked away. She didn't want him touching that intimate part of her, she was already hot and wet from a mere kiss, if he touched her, all of her resistance would turn to mush.

He stopped his ministrations on her neck when he felt her resistance. Sunny stiffened, shit! What had she done? He raised his gaze up to meet hers, her heart calmed a little noticing he didn't look as pissed as she expected.

His hand came around her waist, she swallowed audibly as she watched him with widened eyes. He suddenly pulled her into him, making her skirt rise higher up her thighs, she gasped at his sharp movement, her hands immediately shooting up to rest against his hard chest. Maybe she shouldn't have worn a skirt for such a meeting.

His hand found its way underneath her skirt once again, his gaze fixed solely on her. Sunny's breath quickened, her body strung up with anticipation for what she knew he would do next. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt his finger stroke her slit through the thin fabric of her panties, his mere touch sent a bolt through her that caused more of her juices to leak out of her. He stroked her again, making her force back a moan, she didn't want to give into this man even though he was making her feel things that were alien to her body.

There was something decadent about the way his gaze never left her face as his fingers worked her pussy, one digit pushed the fabric of her panties into the tight opening of her pussy, Sunny's breathing came out harder, her hold on his shirt tightening, she was fighting back her response with everything she had. she forced her gaze to remain on him even though her eyes were so close to dilating and closing from the pleasure that racked through her frame. He dipped her panties into her opening a couple of more times, perspiration escaped her skin from the effort she put into not responding to Sergei, but the man was persistent.

Slowly, he pushed aside her panties, she jerked at the feel of the light breeze that touched her pussy at the exposure. She could feel her resistance coming apart, even more as those determined blue eyes bore into her defiant brown ones.

He didn't go easy on her. Sunny gasped when she felt not one, but two fingers slide into her pussy, while her wetness aided their entrance easily, her tightness created a hindrance, but the feeling was no less overwhelming.

"That is one tight cunt you have Sunny." He smiled at her as he worked his fingers into her.

Sunny's body couldn't take it anymore, a tiny moan escaped her throat and she tossed her head back, welcoming the warm feeling that enveloped her at his ministrations. Her hips moved to meet his fingers as her grip on his shirt loosened to slide up his strong shoulders.

"That's it, you love my fingers in your pussy, don't you? Just imagine how good my cock will feel inside you."

Sunny couldn't think of anything to say, her thoughts were concentrated on how good he was making her feel. She let her head fall against his shoulders as she felt the knot in her stomach tighten. Her entire body was wound up tight, this had to be what it felt like before an orgasm hit you, right?

His fingers suddenly left her snatch, her gaze shot up to protest only to find him unbuckling his belt. Suddenly, the high he had put her on seemed to disappear, shit! He wasn't about to have sex with her on his desk.

"What? You think you can hit an orgasm before I do?" he asked as he reached into his pants and pulled out his thick cock.

Sunny shook her head, though she wasn't sure if that was in response to his question or a reaction to the sight of his rather large cock. She hadn't actually seen a penis in reality, but the average one wasn't that big, right? he would break her

He took his cock in his hand and jerked himself off as her gaze never left it, "Normally, I'd ask you to go down and suck me off, but I'm far too worked up for that."

He pushed her skirt up till it was bunched up around her waist, his hands came upon her ass, grabbing the pair rather lewdly, rather than feel disgusted, all Sunny could feel was an intense throbbing between her legs. Even as desire racked through her, it simply wasn't enough to distract her from that long and thick cock he possessed. If she was going to be deflowered, that cock was far too intimidating.

Her body stiffened as she felt him push aside her panties, she could speak, she had to tell him something to stop him from ramming his way into her, but what would that do? He didn't seem interested in what she had to say.

She steeled herself for his entrance and held her breath when she felt the bulb rub against her pussy lips, if this would hurt, she needed to get it over with as soon as possible. She wanted to look between them and see what was going on, but if she did that it would probably make her fear worse.

Rather than the hard and fast fucking she expected though, Sergei slipped into her slowly, working his rather large phallus into her, "Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were a..." his words trailed off when he felt the tiny obstruction inside her.

She stared at him, waiting for his reaction to this new development. Would he throw her out of his office and let her be? Maybe he would realize she simply wasn't good enough to be his mistress and accept her other option of paying him.

Relief passed through her when he slipped out of her opening, a small part of her did miss the fullness his cock offered and maybe she was just a bit disappointed that she wouldn't be popping her cherry today, but she thought it was better. Sergei wasn't the type of man she envisioned herself losing her virginity to, yes, he was drop dead gorgeous, but that was about it. He was a monster beneath that gorgeous face and she wanted someone who was less prone to violence

"As much as I would have loved to have some fun memories of this desk, getting it messed up simply won't do." He stated as he slipped himself back into his pants, this time she let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, don't get too excited darling, I've got bigger plans for you."

Sunny watched him turn around to his side of the desk, he picked up the telephone and dialed a number, "Nina, call Vladimir up, I've got a job for him." he spoke as his gaze fell on her.

Fear once again seized Sunny, what was going on now?


Steve Rivers had indirectly gotten him one valuable prize, now, he almost felt bad for beating the bastard to a pulp last night. Almost.

Sergei took off his jacket as he walked through his house looking for his little prize, he had gotten Vladimir to drop her off at his house two hours ago and help her get acclimated to the surroundings, after all, this would be her home for the next four weeks. His initial plan was to send her on her way to her house and call her up, but the woman had proven herself to be quite smart, he didn't need anyone springing up surprises on him, so his house was the best bet for her to stay.

He had spent the last two hours thinking of the many ways he would take her. finding that she was a virgin had been a pleasant surprise, it had been years since he last slept with a virgin and certainly never one as feisty as Sunny Rivers. It would be all the more pleasing to feel that tight sheath of hers wrapped around his cock when he broke her hymen. His office just didn't seem like the right setting for such.

He came across his housekeeper, Linda as he walked through the house, "Good evening sir." the older woman greeted with a large smile

"Good evening Linda, have you seen my new guest?"

"You mean that scared little thing Vladimir brought in here some hours ago? Mr. Lavrov, the child was terrified."

Sergei smiled at Linda, "She's a tough cookie Linda, don't let her act fool you." He wondered if Linda would have the same opinion of Sunny when she saw a picture of Lloyd after that 'scared little thing' got a hold of him.

Linda shook her head, "She just doesn't look like the usual skanks you bring around. She's upstairs in the third guest room." She replied.

"Thanks Linda."

He made his way up the stairs, his mind only briefly thinking of what she was doing in the room. The silence in the house told him she wasn't crying or screaming. He was sure she hadn't tried to run away, she actually gave a shit about that idiot she called a brother so she wouldn't do anything to endanger him.

He got to the bedroom door and put his ear to it once again encountering silence, he knocked at the door, "Sunny?"

There was no reply from her, he knocked again and called her name, still no answer. Sergei frowned, she had to be off her rockers if she thought she could play him for a fool, "I'm coming in." he announced as he opened the door.

She wasn't on the bed and the shower wasn't on. he stepped into the room, walking slowly until he was standing by the door handle. He stood there for a few seconds before he heard the tiny footsteps. He almost didn't see the vase coming, but his quick reflexes stopped the descent of the item before it hit his head.

Stupid bitch!

He snatched the vase from her hold and pushed her to the wall, jamming the door shut as he did. Her eyes widened in that adorable way he had seen countless times throughout the day when she was scared or apprehensive, "You must think I'm as stupid as that foolish brother of yours." He said as he approached her.

He saw the terror in her eyes as she shook her head, fuck! Even when she was scared, she looked hot. He was done playing nice with Sunny Rivers, he was going to get what he had been waiting all day for, "I think I've been playing nice for too long."

"Sergei, please." She said softly.

He moved swiftly before she could make a run for it and pressed his body against hers, putting her between his hard body and the wall, "I think that will sound better when I'm inside you." he suddenly lifted her off the ground and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"No." she protested.

Sergei ignored her, in one tug, he ripped her top in two, he pushed the cup of her bra freeing one full breast into his hand. He tugged at a nipple and she moaned softly, "No?" he asked as his free hand worked his pants off him and then his briefs, releasing his cock. She still had on her skirt, so it wasn't hard to reach the apex of her thighs, he found that she was already wet, "You are one kinky little minx, aren't you Sunny Rivers?" he asked as he pushed aside her panties and rubbed her crotch.

She wiggled in his arms, "Stop, please." She breathed, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"I'm going to fuck you till you can't walk, even less think of trying anything funny Miss Rivers. I should have fucked you silly on my desk, then you would have been too tired to try this silly stunt." With those words he brought her down his hard cock, breaking her hymen and causing them both to groan loudly. He had almost forgotten how good a tight cunt felt like, he lifted her higher a little and forced her back down, repeating the action until he was ramming into her hard. Her moans got louder with each thrust. Fuck! She felt awesome, he had missed this feeling, he buried his head between her full breasts as he fucked her against the wall, taking everything she had to offer and more.

"Sergei." She screamed out his name and he almost bust a nut at the sound of his name leaving her lips as she bucked against him.

Sergei held her up, his dick firmly inside her before he moved them both to the bed, he placed her back to it, making sure he didn't detach himself from her warmth, he hovered over her and resumed thrusting himself into her, he pulled her soft body to meet his hungry cock as he watched her arch her back and moan so loud he knew the entire house could hear their rutting. It made him feel a sense of pride, so much for her stubbornness.

"I...oh, fuck! Sergei, please..." She whimpered as he hit a particular spot inside her, that triggered her orgasm as she began bucking wildly on the bed and her pussy contracted against his cock.

Sergei buried himself deep inside her as his orgasm also hit him hard, he felt himself release his seed into her welcoming cunt, flooding her virgin pussy until his cum spilled out of her before he crashed on her. shit! That was the best sex he had gotten in years, and to think he would have this pussy for the next month thanks to Steve's irresponsible actions.

Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all. He smiled to himself at the thought, he was going to enjoy getting to know Sunny Rivers in the coming weeks.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I wanted to give the story the benefit of the doubt, cause confrontation is one of my top 10 favourite stories on here but this is basically the first two chapters of “Seven Days.” Literally the arrangement, mobsters, crazy high debt, trying to work off the debt, her hitting him with a vase, not letting her cum etc. With that being said, if you chose to continue, please take the story left field. Please do something completely different. Seven Days is arguably one of the top 5 stories in this category. Please be different.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

we all watch the same romcom premise 1000 times. i’m sure we’ll all be fine reading a new take on a plot point that is heavily reoccurring on this site and like 6 million times on wattpad. Soular story is amazing but we’ve all read it 15,000 times. Something new will be fine. Keep going and make it yours!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great so far

This was good but this is VERY similar to 7 days. i do hope that u continue this but find a way to make it more unique.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Have to agree about this story being heavily inspired by other stories

The names of both of the characters is Sunny/Sunshine. The male is a Russian mobster and Sunny's relative (in this case father) owes a lot of money to said mobster. Again, like anonymous if I hadn't read (in my case) the Beast by Onimosity on Valent Chamber story I would love this story, but it's really uncomfortable reading something that's so similar to Onimosity's story. I will continue to read because it's well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I’m liking the story, but it is close to Seven Days, even down to the attack, was kind of hoping that part wouldn’t be so similar. Keep going, but put an interesting spin on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Keep Going!

I'm a huge fan of your other stories. (I really wish you'd add more to the "Poseidon" story btw). As far as this story goes, I like the concept. I disagree with the person who said it seems like soular's story as there are plenty stories on this site about crime bosses who force women to give them sex for whatever reason. I don't it should be a long story: they can get it on for however long and she can get her brother back. I don't think they should be a happily ever after though because that doesn't seem plausible since Lavrov is a real person lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The Greatest Form of Flattery

I would be hooked like everyone else, but this seems heavily "inspired" by the Seven Days series by soular.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Please add more chapters as quickly as you can. This is fantastic. All your stories are good, still waiting on there were story but so happy that you started this. I hope she gets pregnant! This is just brilliant!

MyaHunterMyaHunterover 5 years ago
My Type of story

Thoroughly enjoyed it

VegasloverVegasloverover 5 years ago

Okay so NO WAY should this be a one shot!! I need sooo much more! There is so much more to tell and discover. How is she going to feel after considering she was a virgin? Does she get pregnant? Do she stay for the whole month? Color me intrigued!! Oh and what a wonderful welcome back story!! Great job, as usual!!

ConsuellaBeautifulBookwormSpencerConsuellaBeautifulBookwormSpencerover 5 years ago

NEED MORE!!!!!! Not too long though. But good story like your others.

LitLover469LitLover469over 5 years ago
Please continue!

I know you said this is a one-shot, but please, please, please continue!!!

I saw your name and clicked right away!

Missed your stories. This does not disappoint! I am here for the ride. 5! More please. I bet she is pregnant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is awesome!!! I need more!!! Please continue this into several chapters!!!

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