A Different Kind of Sex Toy Ch. 03

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The Berman girls start acting on their new fetishes.
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Part 3 of the 52 part series

Updated 12/19/2023
Created 07/07/2023
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3. The Girls Make Plans

Sunday Morning

Jenny stretched luxuriously as her alarm went off at seven o'clock. She felt surprisingly well-rested despite a series of bizarre dreams that kept waking her. The memory of them was fading fast: in one she had been chasing something, crawling around on the floor, but every time she tried to grab it she ended up batting it away. Very strange. But today was a new day, and she was hoping to finish sorting through the contents of the master bedroom by this evening. But before getting back to that, she needed to make her weekly trip for groceries.

Slinking out of bed, Jenny took the time for another good stretch, placing her arms on the bed and arching her back while she made a curious sound of satisfaction, before finally heading into the master bathroom for her morning necessities. Both the girls were still asleep an hour later as Jenny was grabbing her keys and heading out, so she left them a note on the kitchen counter beside a few items for them to breakfast on.

Arriving at the shopping center, which was one of those with a bunch of strip malls surrounding a few big box stores that had become so common in suburbia, Jenny found her attention drawn to a pet store boutique with cute paintings of cats and dogs in the windows. She wasn't sure why she was so fascinated but decided to walk up and look in the windows at least. She would have gone in except that the store didn't open until nine. Huffing in slight irritation, she headed to the grocery store, telling herself, "Well, maybe I'll swing back by before I head home."


Madelyn lay in bed listening to her mother wake up and move around and finally leave. She had never really gotten back to sleep after using the remote in the wee hours, just dozing between renewed bouts of masturbation that gradually went from frenzied to forceful and finally to sensual. She kept using the remote, getting a thrill just from seeing it display the words whenever it detected her sister or mother. She had turned her sister into a budding camwhore or something, and her mother into a submissive sex kitten, and it was the hottest thing Madelyn had ever experienced.

Maddie had also inadvertently discovered a few additional features of the remote. Holding the red button when no target was selected would display the power level. It had been at 3% after she transformed her mother around three in the morning, but by the time Jenny was up and moving around it was at 15%. So one or more of Madelyn's guesses about its power were wrong, apparently, as it now seemed to be going up at roughly 3% per hour, but irregularly within that span.

Madelyn also found that holding down the green button after acquiring a target would make the remote display what it had done to them, which confirmed her suspicion that she had been given a mind control fetish. That discovery had caused another frenzied rubbing of her pussy, culminating in another massive squirt. Furthermore, the remote displayed some codes following the trait synopsis, which included SWT for both Madelyn and Allison and SUB for their mother. She guessed that those stood for "switch" and "submissive," given that the remote seemed to be sex-oriented.

The device also displayed the letters "F" and "M" followed by numbers, which she guessed might refer to sexual orientation as her own results were F40/M75, which seemed about right if it was on a 100-point scale. Her mother, surprisingly, was at F50/M50. Jenny had never dated any women, as far as Madelyn knew, or otherwise exhibited any interest of a sexual or romantic nature for them. Perhaps it was a result of her failed marriage? Or maybe a contributing factor? Even more perplexing were Allison's numbers. The first time Madelyn scanned her it said F20/M80, but it later said F30/M75, then F40/M70, and by the time their mother was leaving the house it was at F50/M65. Was the remote ramping up her attraction to women for some reason? "If so, it's really hot," thought Maddie as she thrummed her clit at the idea of changing her sister in such a way.

Finally deciding to get up since her mother was gone and she needed to leave anyway, Madelyn literally peeled herself out of bed, scrunching her nose at the increasingly stale smell of sex permeating the room. She dressed rapidly then stripped the sheets from the bed again and flipped the mattress, just to be on the safe side, hiding the comforter in the closet for the time being. Heading downstairs, she put all the sheets into a plastic garbage bag with plans to wash them at her apartment before grabbing a banana her mother left out for her and a yogurt from the fridge.

Hesitating for a moment, Madelyn went into the dining room and looked again at the short letter written by her grandfather. Surely that wasn't the only account he left that mentioned the device? Had he never used it again after whatever happened to his sister? Why did he keep it, if not to use it? Wondering if there were more answers to be found, plus not wanting her mother to know about the remote just yet, Madelyn took the letter and the sheaf of papers it was in, grabbed her things and the soiled sheets, and left the house.


Allison lay in bed listening to her mother and sister wake up and move around the house and finally leave. She had awoken from a series of very satisfying naps several times during the night, and each awakening had heralded another session of very enjoyable masturbation. She had now subscribed to two more girls aside from her lookalike: a bubbly blonde who was clearly angling for bimbo stans and an athletic brunette who was marketing herself to the fitness crowd. Allie had been pleased to discover that her lookalike was based only about 100 miles away, and she had selected both of the other two with proximity in mind as well. At some point in the night, she had decided she wanted to be a cam girl, too.

Allison wanted to do a little more research before creating her own channel, though, and she figured she might need to wait until the end of summer to avoid questions from her mom. Allie was planning ahead, though, and the chance to do collabs with other streamers was a good way to grow her own followers and have fun doing it. As a first step, other than jilling herself as she conducted 'market research,' Allison had started an account with a service for posting nude pictures that earned her a microfee each time one of her pictures was liked. At the moment she had spent more liking other girl's pictures than she had earned, but she considered it a work in progress.

Stretching as she finally rolled out of her sticky sheets, Allison decided to strip the coverings and flip the mattress, just to be on the safe side. Without bothering to get dressed she headed down to the laundry room to start washing away the evidence of her self-love before having a leisurely nude breakfast, catching up with her less explicit socials.


Jenny had just finished loading up her car with the groceries and other goods when she found her attention once again drawn to the pet store. It had slipped her mind while shopping, but her earlier desire to check out the boutique suddenly flared up again. "Well, I'll just pop in for a minute or two; it's not a long drive home, the groceries will be fine for a few minutes." Locking her car, she walked back to the pet store, whose signed proclaimed it to be 'FUR-IENDS,' and walked inside.

It was not a huge store but it seemed to have a wide selection, and a perky young Asian woman greeted her enthusiastically when she walked in. "Welcome to Fur-iends, let me know if you need any assistance!" she chirped merrily. Smiling at her warmly, Jenny began browsing the aisles. A corner of the store was devoted to a couple of playpens where a few cats and dogs were milling around, with signs indicating that they were from the local animal shelter and looking for fur-ever homes. Jenny had not had a pet since she was growing up, figuring that raising two girls mostly by herself involved more than enough caregiving on its own. Still, there's no denying they were cute.

Walking down another aisle, Jenny found herself staring transfixed at a display of collars and leashes. She wasn't sure just why she found them so fascinating. She reached out and gently touched a few, surprised at just how many colors and materials and sizes there were. Having not owned a pet as an adult, she wasn't really aware of just how much certain pet owners were willing to spend on pet fashions. Jenny selected a red leather collar clearly meant for a large dog and brought it to her nose, inhaling deeply. "This would go great with my dark hair," she thought to herself, then blushed and jerked the collar away from her face. "Where in the hell did that come from?" she wondered.

Yet the thought, now formed, would not leave her mind. Still blushing, she looked over the display more carefully, mentally matching up the collars that would go well with outfits she owned. Impulsively, she grabbed half a dozen of the ones she liked most and a few long leashes as well. Then she grabbed several more, too small for her to wear, and headed up to the counter. The young lady, whose nametag displayed "HOSHI" with a smiley face inside the "O," smiled at her, asking, "Did you find everything you needed?"

"Not everything," Jenny responded, "I wanted to adopt one of the cats and I need some help finding all the supplies I'll need."

The girl's smile brightened even more and she exclaimed, "That's wonderful! Have you got one picked out already? No? Well, if you want to head over to the pen and find your new friend, I can go grab whatever else you need! What do you need? Or what do you already have?"

"Um, well, nothing," said Jenny. "I, er, well, I haven't had a cat for years, but with my youngest headed off to college in the fall..." she improvised.

The girl's smile didn't waver, but it did seem to get a little warmer and more sympathetic, somehow. "Of course! Well, I'll get you set up with some food and litter and some toys and so forth while you go and meet the kitties, okay?"

As Hoshi headed off to the shelves Jenny wandered over the cat playpen, surprised at herself for thinking this would be a subtle way to camouflage her purchases. But she felt obligated to follow through, now, and while her excuses weren't exactly planned out that didn't mean there wasn't some truth to them. She looked at the half dozen or so cats: most were lounging around but two smaller ones were waging a mock battle over a stuffed mouse.

Jenny wasn't sure how one went about picking a cat. Looking around, she noticed that there were papers displayed on the wall of the playpen, each with a dossier-style look to them, containing information about the cats. Scanning them, she looked more closely at the dossier for a cream-colored feline with a darker face that reminded her of a Siamese cat. It displayed the name "Bubbles" and some supposedly biographical details, but what caught Jenny's eye was the breed: Birman. Blinking, she couldn't help but laugh a little. It must be fate, or kismet, or something like that.

When Hoshi returned to the counter with a variety of items in a shopping cart, Jenny was already filling out the adoption paperwork provided by another employee, who had brought Bubbles over to the counter in a complimentary carrier. Bubbles, for her part, seemed cautiously optimistic about the proceedings. Jenny looked over the items Hoshi had selected, seeing that she had brought her options with a range of price points, which struck her as very considerate. Feeling somewhat expansive, she selected mostly the more expensive options for Hoshi to ring up, who seemed extra happy about that, although the girl appeared to have a pretty buoyant baseline so it was hard to be sure.

When she got around to scanning the collars, Hoshi looked up and said, "Some of these are much too large for your new fur-iend, would you like me to put them back on the shelf for you?"

Jenny blushed scarlet and stammered, "Uh, no! No thank you! I mean, they're for a different pet! A friend's pet!" Cheeks blazing, Jenny stood there with her breath held, shifting from foot to foot. Hoshi blinked a few times in response, then blushed faintly herself. Without another word on the subject she finished going through the items and read off the total. She busied herself saying good-bye to Bubbles while a still-blushing Jenny ran her credit card and signed for the purchase.

Making eye contact again, Hoshi handed Jenny the cat carrier and said, "Thank you for shopping at Fur-iends, and we hope you and Bubbles are very happy together! Come back soon!" The last part was accompanied by another faint blush and a strangely wavering smile. Jenny gave her best attempt at a smile back and wheeled her purchases out to the car, wondering just what in the hell had gotten into her today.

Sunday Afternoon

Madelyn was having one of her worst days at work since she had started. She had very nearly been late, but she desperately needed a shower before she left her apartment and had wound up masturbating again during it. Plus, she was just too distracted to really focus and kept mixing up orders and forgetting to check on tables, even forgetting to card people a few times, which she knew could cost her the job if it happened too much. On every break she found herself sitting in the restroom, diddling herself as she pointed the remote in various directions and locking on to targets, even though the power level was evidently still too low.

The remoted had climbed up to 39% by the time the end of her shift drew near. There was a lingering voice of guilt and shame urging her to put the device away before she changed someone else, but the voice of her fixation was currently stronger. The big question in her mind was who she should use it on, since she was still on 'cooldown' until sometime Monday afternoon. Her mother and sister were likewise unavailable for the time being, and her roommate was out of town, so it looked like her two best choices were either her boss Tina, whom she worked with regularly, or else her best friend from work, Leila, who went to the same college and could be easily monitored.

Madelyn sat on the toilet in the staff restroom, fingering herself as quietly as possible, obsessively checking the power on the remote every few seconds. She was pretty sure that when it ticked back up to 40% she'd be able to get a fix for her mind control fetish. She was startled by a knock on the door and an annoyed reminder that other people needed to use the facilities, too. Checking the remote one last time she saw the long-awaited 40% icon, which caused her to whine with anticipation and quickly rub herself to a small orgasm, which only seemed to make her hornier. Washing up and trying to make herself presentable, she left to finish her shift and zero in on a preferred target.

Half an hour later, it looked like Madelyn's choice was made for her, as Tina was in her office interviewing a prospective hire. It seemed too risky to try to lock on to a target in a closed room knowing that at least two people were inside. "Well, there would be other days and other chances," she told herself. Finally done with work for the day, Madelyn headed back to the staff area where there were lockers for people's belongings or changes of clothes if they felt the need. Leila was at the locker next to Madelyn's, looking at her with some concern.

"Are you feeling okay?" her friend asked. "You seem flushed, and you've been distracted all night and in and out of the bathroom." Leila placed a hand on Madelyn's forehead for a moment, then said, "Yeah, you definitely feel like you might have a fever. Are you off tomorrow? You should probably call in if you're not. Let me know if you need me to cover for you, I'm off but an extra shift couldn't hurt! Well, not me anyway, you might be a different story right now!"

Leila was always like this; customers sometimes jokingly complained that it was difficult to get her to stop talking long enough to place their orders, but few seemed really upset about it as she had a very pretty, dark-complexioned, and expressive face with deep brown eyes. Her bust was also fairly prominent, and she usually bounced and shifted her weight a lot as she spoke, which tended to make agreeable things happen inside her blouse. Madelyn found herself briefly mesmerized by her friend's tits as the girl shrugged into a lightweight jacket to cover her work shirt.

Shaking her head, Madelyn responded, "No, I'm off tomorrow, too, and I feel okay, I just overslept and was rushed and everything kind of snowballed from there." Grabbing her purse as Leila expounded on her plans for tomorrow, to which Madelyn was not really listening, she surreptitiously pointed the remote at her friend from inside her bag, trying to make it look like she was checking her phone. Once she was locked on she hesitated, thumb hovering over the red button, but her hand seemed to have a mind of its own and mashed down.

Madelyn gasped quietly and then held her breath as the screen started its accustomed scrolling. After several moments that seemed to last hours it finally settled on 'DEHUMANIZE.' Then the screen displayed two words in sequence, one green and one red: 'BEHAVIOR,' followed by 'BODY.' Madelyn was confused and very worried. The word 'dehumanize' did not sound good at all! Looking up at Leila, Madelyn finally found the resolve to resist the remote for once, and vowed firmly not to press either button. Returning her attention to her friend's soliloquy Madelyn absently agreed at they should try to meet up at the gym tomorrow morning.

As Leila turned to leave, Madelyn's attention was brought back to the remote still in her hand, which was now blinking red. Looking more closely she saw that it was displaying 'BODY' as if a choice had been made. In shock and horror, Madelyn guessed that the remote automatically picked an option if there was no user input. She fearfully pressed the blinking red button to read the synopsis of whatever it was going to do to her friend. First it displayed the word 'BUNNY' followed by:

The target will gain physical features related to the animal, creature, or other being indicated above. These features will seem entirely natural and proper to the target and most of the general public, who will respond to the target as they normally would, except in the case of allergies or other pre-existing aversions to the indicated animal, creature, or being. The user of the remote is exempt from the blanket acceptance modification.

"What. The. Fuck?" said Madelyn slowly as she read the words. Surely this couldn't be real. Mind control and fetishes were one thing, but actual physical changes had to be outside the realm of possibility, right? Looking up at her friend's back as she exited the staff door, however, Madelyn could see Leila's ears rapidly elongating and growing sable fur, while a bulge in the back of her skirt suggested that a tail, presumably fluffy, was forcing its way into the world.

Affected Targets:

Madelyn Berman: Mind Control fetish

Allison Berman: Amateur Sex Worker

Jennifer Berman: Kitty Petplay fetish

Leila Behzadi: Bunny Girl (Stage 1)

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