A Fantasy about Love Pt. 11


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She stared at it and then turned to me.

"I'd never have imagined that one day I would wear this ring as a sign of my commitment to another person. Now I am totally committed, to you and to Maureen. I'm so happy, James, I can´t tell you, my love. If I was yours before, now nothing can ever separate me from you."

She hesitated. ¨But beware, James. I love you, but I've my own mind. Whatever you decide I shall follow, but I've my own mind and there will be an occasional grumble, my love. Do you understand this? Do you let me do this? ¨

I nodded and smiled. ¨Jenny, I love you because you have that wonderful mind of you, that keeps me on my toes and I ask you: even loving me, never follow blindly what you believe I want. I want you to follow me because you believe that it's right, not because I say it. There'll be misunderstandings for sure, but remember our basic rule: Never lie and never go to sleep angry! ¨

She nodded, hugged me once more and then embraced Maureen. "Maureen, you're a very special person. Nobody could ever imagine the generosity you've shown to me. Remember that first weekend we went shopping and got high? And the Sunday after when you took me home and let me kiss James? And the night before your wedding when you offered me to James? I'll always remember 'Open your present gently'! And how I became his to enjoy? And how happy we have been ever since? Maureen, I've never been so happy in my life and I shall make certain that you'll never regret it."

She was glowing in her joy. "James, will you call me occasionally Mrs. de Winter? Just for the fun of it and that I do remember? And will I have a honeymoon? Soon, please? James, I've no present for you today but me, and you can take me whenever you want, anyhow and anywhere. Soon, please? And Maureen, since I'm a wife now, not any longer just a lover, would you please prepare breakfast so that I can satisfy my husband?"

Maureen glanced at me. "James, you have awakened a monster. You better take care of her, but remember: I'll have breakfast in one hour, whether you are there or not."

Jenny pulled me up and led me to the bedroom. There she stopped in front of me.

"Yesterday, you took my dress off. Today you can take everything off." She lifted her arms waiting for me and I drew the shirt upwards until I could throw it beside the bed.

"My love, you could always do with me whatever you wanted, but now ... well I don't know what more I can offer you. You made love in my mouth, my pussy and my ass ... what more can I give you? You have my love and my devotion, and wherever you will go, I shall be at your side. You have conquered my heart, my body, my soul, and I know that yours is mine!" she hesitated "and Maureen's of course..." and she hugged me with all her might. I laid her on the bed and lay beside her, taking her in my arms.

"Jenny, my love, making love is wonderful and I enjoyed it every time, but now? I just want to hold you, feel your heart beating with mine, smell your body essence and the perfume that embraces you, put my hand on your breast and feel your nipple slowly growing, and just be happy. We can always make love, and we will soon, but at this moment I just want to share my heart and soul with yours, forever together, never to be separated."

She smiled satisfied; she knew that I did not want her only to satisfy my desires (well, that too), but principally to share our life, she, Maureen and I.

After a while she shifted her body and had me cover her with mine. "James, I want to feel your weight on my body, holding me, not letting me escape."

The was a dangerous moment since the temptation to go further was great. She smiled and opened her legs a bit; I felt my shaft growing and looking for a friend. The odor of her arousal wafted up and acted as an aphrodisiac, inflaming my awakening desire. She pulled me towards her, guiding my penis so that its head was buried in her labia. That was enough for me to want more and with one long stroke, I drove deep into her hot, wet channel. The sensations of moisture and heat diving deep down into her were overwhelming and I reveled in those sensations.

"James, please make love to me. I'm your woman now, and I need this."

She emphasized her desires by thrusting her hips against mine. I did not need any other encouragement, pulling my shaft out all the way out and then shoving it in as far as it could go. The friction of the tight ring of her pussy was so pleasurable that I almost came immediately, but I fought off my orgasm and continued to thrust in and out with long, hard strokes. Jenny had a body made for loving, and I was now doing my utmost to pay homage to that body.

She wrapped her legs around my hips, matching each of my strokes with her own. Her buttocks were almost completely off the bed, her back arched upwards, as she pushed her pussy up to be filled by my shaft driving deep into her. With each of her thrusts, she muttered "Oh yes ... Please make me yours ... take me ... Yes, please...!" Soon that was not enough for her, and even though her eyes were closed, tears welled out of them and streaked her cheeks. She gasped and panted, the pleasure sensations mounting higher and higher. "Oh, God, James!" she softly wailed. The wails turned into a chant of "Oh, ... Oh God... , Oh... , James, my love ... NOW!" with thrust and counterthrust accented by her pleasure.

Suddenly her eyes opened wide and an expression of wonder spread across her face. I could feel her stomach muscles quiver and spasm, the sensations rippling across my penis deeply imbedded in her. She spread her legs even wider, then wrapping them up around my waist, seeking even deeper penetration. She reached out her arms and wrapped them around my neck pulling me tightly against her. Our eyes were locked as we stared deeply into each other's souls. She opened her mouth and pulled my mouth hard against it. She was moaning constantly and gasping and panting around her swirling tongue into my mouth.

She groaned "Oh, God, James!" As she did, her whole pelvis shuddered, and she pushed up against mine. She was locked into place, her pussy hard against my pubis, legs wrapped around my waist and locked, and arms holding me hard against her breasts. She exploded in an orgasm that wracked her whole body, and that caused her to shudder and spasm. This was too much for me and my penis expanded, swelling even more than it had been. I could feel the flow of my seeds as they erupted, spurting shot after shot of hot juices into the liquid, warm channel that surrounded it. I had taken her as she desired.

We both needed time to come back to earth, and when she opened her eyes, she kissed me softly and gently, less frantic and hungry, our tongues making soft love to the other. I was still deep inside her and the pressure of her pussy clasping my shaft and felt satisfied as the little aftershocks running through our bodies continued to bring us pleasure. Without breaking our connection, she gently turned us over until we were lying on our sides. She put one leg over my hip and pressed her groin up to mine, assuring that my penis remained firmly in place. She kissed me gently on the lips and said, "Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you, husband."

There was a strange little interlude -- the grey mist and the voice that had blessed us in central moments of our life, returned.

"Now the family is complete. You have my blessings and as long as you stay true to each other, you will be happy to the rest of your lives. You are one!"

The mist turned golden and surrounded us completely; it was like a warm hand caressed us all over.

"Remember that you have not only rights, but also obligations to each other. The love between you is strong and pure; make certain that it lasts always! I bless you, my children..."

One more deep and warm touch, and it vanished. Jenny liked at me: "James, I felt something strange but warm all around us, like someone had just blessed us. What was that?"

I explained that I had felt the same thing, and that somehow among Maureen's ancestors were witches. This witch had blessed Maureen and me before, and now she was included in the union. "Jenny, I did not expect this, but I'm very happy that you felt it also. You are now our wife!"

She hugged me, but before it could become emotional again, there was a knock on the door. "Five minutes!"

She laughed and slowly disengaged from me. "My love, is there anything you want that I can give you, anything at all? You have my heart, my soul, my body -- what else is there I could give you?"

"What you'll give is a life with you, a long life so that I can hold and cherish you; one day you'll give me children I will love, and you'll fight with me about silly things and argue about serious ones, and at the end of each day, we will turn to each other and say 'I love you'. That is what you'll give me."

She started to cry, but I kissed her tears away. "Darling, you heard what the Countess advised 'Five minutes', so we have to get up and present ourselves. Let's have a very brief shower with no fooling around and join her."

The record time we used in the bathroom showed our appreciation of Maureen's order. When we stepped into the kitchen, however, she glared at us. "I said one hour and gave you even five minutes more. Look at my pancakes! They are cold and wrinkled! Now I've to start again! Work, work, that is all you are causing me!"

Jenny walked over to her and hugged her. "Maureen, sister, darling, my love, I thank you for everything you've given me, not only this hour. I'll do everything you want from me -- well, almost everything, but at this moment all I want to sit beside James and have a glass of champagne. You know that you've spoiled me rotten! Making love in the morning! Drinking champagne! Having the company of the man and the woman I love most in this world, so, please don't wake me up!"

Maureen smiled. "I'll forgive you the 'almost everything', but tell me why you are naked?"

Jenny looked at me. "James was afraid of you and pushed me out of the bedroom before I could grab anything. If you want, I could go back?"

Maureen grinned "What is good for the goose is good for the ... other goose." and pulled off her shirt, too. "Tell me, how did you spend your hour? We are family now and don't hide anything from the other!"

Jenny blushed and looked at me, but I shook my head. "It's you she asked, so go ahead."

She took a deep breath. "First we huddled and kissed, then I pulled him over me so that I could feel his body on mine, then I opened my legs a bit and guided him into me, then he pushed deep into me, and then there was a voice blessing us and a grey mist surrounding us, telling us that we are a family now, one standing beside the other. Maureen darling, I don't understand it completely, but James explained that you have witches among your ancestors, and that the two of you have been blessed before. Now I was included and that makes me so happy ...... Do you want the whole story?"

Maureen nodded "I felt this also, and I'm as happy as you are. I knew that I always could trust you; now I know that we can trust each other blindly..... well, as long as we keep James under adult supervision!"

The she grinned "Later I'd be interested hearing it all the rest of the story. I can always learn..."

Jenny leaned her head on my shoulder while we were watching Maureen make a new batch of pancakes. As always, they were very tasty. I helped clean up and we retired to the sitting room. They wanted to play Scrabble with house rules: all women against all men. It was fun since whenever I had to think about a difficult combination, there was a lip to kiss, a breast to touch and a wandering hand exploring my southern region. It was not fair, and they knew it. Finally, I started to recite baseball statistics and won the game; now they told me that this was a coward's way out. The phone rang and I jumped to attend. It was Ellen asking us to come over to have lunch with them as Giovanna had left a roast beef that looked quite promising. They nodded, since Maureen thought apparently that she had worked enough for the day.

It took us some time to shower since they wanted to make certain that we appeared clean and healthy in Ellen's house. I wondered what the water company thought about this flat? The water consumption must have been way over average, but it was fun, and I could certify that each inch of their bodies was clean; they did the same examination and were satisfied also. I dressed fast in my slacks and a nice polo shirt, but they took much longer. I had to help them select the right g-string and make certain that it fitted nicely between her outer lips; then I had to choose the right bra and as soon as I decided on one, they took the other ... I had heard from other men that this a common practice among wives. They agreed, however, on my recommendation about the dresses, a green one for Maureen and a blue one for Jenny. Both were almost decent as they showed a lot of legs and the décolleté was restrained by buttons, but when I looked at them for a final inspection, they opened two of the buttons to show the lacy bras. We were ready.

When we arrived at Allan's house, he was waiting for us with a glass of sherry in his hands. Ellen was sitting in her familiar comfortable chair and smiled when she saw us. "Come here, children and give me a kiss. "I bent down, and her lips were cool, but welcoming, then she kissed Maureen and looking at Jenny, she stopped.

"Jenny, my dear, what happened today? You are absolutely glowing with joy! And you have a new ring! And what a beautiful ring! Tell me!"

She had seen everything in her life and was very perceptive. Maureen looked at me and I shrugged; there were no secrets among us. Allan had caught the moment.

"James, I want to show you something" and left the room. I tagged along and when I glanced back the two were sitting on the floor in front of Ellen's chair, with Jenny holding out her hand for Ellen to look at the ring. Maureen waved me away and I followed orders.

James gave me some feedback on the cricket incident (generally pleasurable) and on Bill's visit: outstanding.

"You can have my position any time you want it within the next 60 days; they'll need that time at least to get a new candidate. Jenny also; she just has to say the word and she gets another promotion to manager and a big salary increase. I assume you'll not take it since your other job seems to be more rewarding in every sense of the word, and Jenny will go with you wherever you go. As far as Jason Simpson is concerned: if you find the right words, you might have a pleasant surprise."

We finished our sherry and Ellen called us back. She looked at me with bewilderment in her eyes.

"James, you're either the bravest man on this earth -- after Allan, of course, or you're a momentous fool asking for trouble. Knowing you, Jenny, and Maureen, I give you a good chance to succeed, but be careful: we are human beings and misunderstandings do occur. Jenny told me what you said; to go to sleep every night with the problem resolved and a kiss. Remember this always, since you have two wonderful women doing everything you want and that is a great responsibility. I promise that if you misbehave, you have to deal with me!"

I shivered dramatically. "Never, Ellen, never. Anything but your ire!" She laughed and everyone joined, Allan even without really knowing what had happened. I was certain, however, what she would do at night: tell the story and go to sleep with a kiss.

The roast beef was delicious, and Allan and Maureen had finally agreed on a wine, a soft Hunter Valley cabernet. As always, I was watching Ellen and when I saw her leaning back and closing her eyes, I gathered my two and we said goodbye. Ellen reminded me once more. "You have found paradise with these two and don't let a snake enter it!"

I shook my head. "I know what I would lose."

At home we changed, and Maureen selected one of my favorite gowns: the one that left her beautiful breasts exposed to my view and touch. Jenny went back to the pullover she wore when she entered our life: the one that had more holes than threads. I opened a bottle of a decent chardonnay; by this time, I knew I could open any bottle of wine in our home and at worst, it would be decent.

We went through our plans for the following days; Jenny with Maureen, and I with Mr. Simpson. Then we discussed what to do for Eileen's birthday next week, and whether we would all go to Brisbane for the Business Person of the Year award. I called Eileen and told her what had happened the last two days and that I had received the Chairman's letters; I'd hand them over the next time we met. I also mentioned my meeting with Mr. Simpson, and she wished me luck.

"Remember if you can get the company for less than A$ 80 million you'll have a nice bonus!" I wondered "And if I could get it for A$ 50 million?"

There was a moment of silence and she said "I double the bonus. And you can have me wherever you want and as often as you want."

I laughed. "Promises, promises!" She laughed also. "James, you can have me wherever you want and as often as you want, even if you don't get the company!"

She wanted to talk to her daughter and then to Jenny, and only after an hour had passed, I asked whether we could go back to our conversation. Maureen grinned. "Wherever and as often?" I grinned back. "I wonder who will tire first?"

At the end, Jenny offered to prepare a light dinner; after all, she was a wife now.

"I expect you in one hour at the table and will serve whether you are there or not!" Maureen laughed, remembering the same words she had said in the morning. Jenny got up and Maureen came over to sit on my lap.

"Do you want to go to the bedroom or stay here?"

I hugged her. "I'm so comfortable now that I don't want to get up!"

She grinned. "Then let me become more comfortable." She lifted her body and parted her gown so that her pussy was bared. Then she pulled off my Bermudas and t-shirt and bending down, kissed my penis. George liked it and rapidly came to attention; with a smile she moved back, pointed him to her entrance and slowly sank down on him. I could see on her face the pleasure she had as I went deeper and deeper; when I finally hit her cervix, she purred with satisfaction.

"This is where George belongs and where he's always welcome; wherever and as often as he wants." She leaned her head on my shoulder and embraced me. "James, I'll do everything that our love never stops. Remember the blessing we received when we first made love? As long as we are true to each other, nothing will ever change. Remember that the blessing was repeated?"

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulling her close which caused all kind of pleasurable emotions to occur deep inside her. She closed her eyes and I felt her slowly massaging my shaft. We kissed and when she opened her eyes again, I saw tears appearing. I was worried; did I hurt her? She sensed this. "My love, not tears of pain, but tears of happiness!"

She started to move slowly pushing her hips upwards against mine and the friction of her hot and wet channel became overwhelming. Closing her eyes again, concentrating on her pleasure, she whispered "My love, this feels so nice ... Just what I wanted.... but don't come yet, I want you to stay in me for a long time!"

Her pussy was tight and making her happy was all I could think of. It was different from making love to Eileen; this was touching of souls, of happiness surrounding us. I loved her, but Maureen (and now also Jenny) would be the one who would always be in my heart, in my mind and in my soul.

She moved again and when I pushed up, she smiled. "Let's make love, darling, not have sex."

Holding her nude body, feeling the warmth of her skin and inhaling the musky odor of their arousal made me think about the way she had first given herself to me and I wanted to make love, tender love. I could feel her inner muscles contracting around my shaft, massaging it, asking it to participate. I knew exactly what she wanted, and I wanted the same thing; to fill her channel up with my seeds. She moved faster and I accompanied her. Pulling me even deeper, suddenly her body convulsed, pleasure overtaking her. She looked at me "Yes, James, now ... come with me..." and her contractions made me lose my control, thrusting deep into her, pulsing deep inside her. She hugged me with all her force and shuddered, whimpering "My love, I'm yours ... I love you so much ... Always..."
